3 research outputs found

    Systematization of functional features of intellectual and innovative determinants of the intensification of the regional economic development

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    Within the article, economic essence, scientific approaches and modern interpretations of intellectual and innovative development of economic systems are considered. The conditions and measures of the activation of intellectual-innovative determinants of the intensification of the development of regional economic systems are determined. Distribution of resources in the region between individual territories is implemented according to investment strategies of intellectual and innovative development. Considering functional features and factors of influence of intellectual and innovative determinants, the author identifies the guidelines for their implementation in the intensification of development processes in the regions. This allowed to formulate directions for ensuring the effectiveness of intellectual and innovative determinants, which include intensifying cooperation and strengthening export positions, creating competitive advantages of an innovative nature, increasing and adapting competencies and digital skills in the population, balanced territorial development through the cognitive resource allocation

    A model of the security influence of state regulatory levers and world globalization on the energy saving process of enterprises in the conditions of digitalization

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    На підставі результатів дослідження напрямів економії сукупної енергії розроблена і запропонована схема організації енергетичного менеджменту. Доведено, що в умовах ринку головним завданням у сфері народного господарства є виробництво максимальної кількості продукції при мінімальних витратах ресурсів, тобто товаровиробник повинен бути зацікавлений (за допомогою фінансових важелів) у виробництві енергетично ефективної продукції та вимагати у виробників засоби виробництва, енергозберігаючі матеріали, машини, устаткування технології. Представлена загальна структура зовнішніх чинників процесу енергозбереження у вигляді законодавчого забезпечення підприємців відносно економії енергії; податковою, грошово - кредитною та амортизаційною політикою, регулюванням умов інвестування тощо, що підтверджено шляхом експертної оцінки.Таким чином, обґрунтовано, що при виборі заходу енергозбереження визначальним чинником є розмір капітальних вкладень на його здійснення, що свідчить про недостатнє фінансування. У багатьох випадках, відсутність кваліфікованих кадрів на підприємствах в умовах діджиталізації призводить не тільки до ігнорування, але і перешкоді проведення даних заходів, відсутності елементарних уявлень про ефективність і кориснисть, що потребує подальших досліжень.On the basis of the results of the study of directions for total energy saving, an energy management organization scheme was developed and proposed. It has been proven that under market conditions, the main task in the field of the national economy is the production of the maximum amount of products with the minimum consumption of resources, that is, the producer must be interested (with the help of financial leverage) in the production of energyefficient products and demand from the producers of the means of production energysaving materials, machines, equipment, technologies. The general structure of external factors of the energy saving process is presented in the form of legislative support for entrepreneurs regarding energy saving; tax, monetary and depreciation policy, regulation of investment conditions, etc., which is confirmed by expert assessment.Thus, it is substantiated that when choosing an energy saving measure, the size of capital investments for its implementation is a determining factor, which indicates insufficient funding. In many cases, the lack of qualified personnel in enterprises in the conditions of digitalization leads not only to ignoring, but also to the obstacle of carrying out these activities, the lack of elementary ideas about efficiency and usefulness, which requires further research

    Information subsystem of agri-food enterprise management in the context of digitalization: the problem of digital maturity

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    In modern conditions of market economy development, the role of the agri-food sector in ensuring national security is growth. After all, enterprises in the agri-food sector provide a significant share of exports and affect the level of food security of the country. Despite the significant number of competitive advantages, national agri-food enterprises face considerable challenges, especially with increasing competition in both domestic and foreign markets. Therefore, agricultural enterprises are constantly forced to look for ways to ensure a high level of competitiveness and sustainable development. The sustainable development of these enterprises currently depends on the speed of business processes digitalization, as the introduction of digital technologies allows achieving productivity growth and ensuring competitiveness. One of the necessary stages of digitalization is to determine the level of digital maturity of the enterprise, which makes it possible to increase the speed and efficiency of digitalization of business processes of agri-food enterprises. The purpose of the research is to develop tools to determine the level of digital maturity of agri-food enterprises in Ukraine. In order to assess the digital maturity of the information subsystem of agri-food enterprises management in the context of digitalization, we have proposed model consists of the four components assessment: strategic, technological, analytical, and competence (STAC model). The assessment results of four components allowed to distribute digital maturity at the following levels: zero, initialization, conscious, controlled, and optimization. This model for assessing the digital maturity of the information subsystem of agri-food enterprises management in the context of digitalization is developed using the following methods: sequential approximation (Kohonen Network), observation, mathematical modeling, questionnaires, and statistical generalization. Reporting documents of 77 enterprises of the agricultural sector of Ukraine located in Luhansk, Cherkasy, Donetsk, Kyiv, Poltava, Sumy, Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, Zhytomyr, Kirovohrad, Zakarpattia oblasts and the city of Kyiv served as an information base. The results of approbation of the STAC model for assessing the digital maturity of the information subsystem of management of agri-food enterprises in the context of digitalization made it possible to determine the digital maturity of 77 agricultural enterprises. The research shows a disbalance in the development of individual components and some differences in digital maturity among these enterprises. The analysis of the discrete components of digital maturity reveals the reserves of their development. So, gaining the balance between the discrete components can accelerate the process of digitalization. Also, according to digital maturity indicators, the agri-food enterprises were clustered into three clusters. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that 2.6% of the enterprises belong to the cluster with a controlled level of digital maturity, 46.8% of the enterprises belong to the cluster with the initial level of digital maturity. The cluster with a conscious level of digital maturity is the largest in number and includes 50.6% of the agri-food enterprises. Therefore, a significant number of enterprises should pay attention to the formation of digitalization strategy, the development of enterprise information infrastructure, and the creation of staff training system. The influence of individual components of the model on the level of digital maturity may be the subject of further research. The method tested by the authors made it possible to assess the level of digital maturity and the readiness of 77 agricultural enterprises to implement innovative types of information technologies. The use of the Kohonen network made it possible to distribute these enterprises into clusters and visually show the level of digital maturity of enterprises. The model proposed by the authors is suitable for practical use by agricultural enterprises in order to diagnose digital maturity and on this basis to develop proposals to improve information security in the context of digitalization