13 research outputs found

    Developing a scale to assess Islamic values application in quality management: a study among Malaysian organisations / Amal Hayati Ishak

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    Quality management has long been established at the advent of Industrial Revolution. Since then, the widespread of quality management across the globe has been owed to the Western and Japanese quality gurus. Despite overwhelming influence of both cultures, contemporary scholars have consistently discussed Islamic perspectives of quality management since the 1990s. Their discussion is enlightened with primary sources of Islam, reflecting a plethora of Islamic values embedded in quality management practice. In parallel, a Malaysian national-level standard, the MS 1900 or the Shariah-based Quality Management System has been established, aiming towards internalization of Islamic values. The standard initiates the 'Organisational Values' clause which requires organisations to apply, monitor and measure values application. Although MS 1900 emphasizes on Islamic values measurement, existing scales used by organisations are self-developed and unstandardized. Yet, their validity information is ambiguous. Though the MRPI (Muslim Religiosity Personality Inventory) and IWE (Islamic Work Ethics) scale measure Islamic values, they apply for individual-level measurement and not focused on quality management. Moreover, literature-based scales are built on Western theoretical framework without due reference to Islamic substance. They are also being validated in the Western ambience. Such scales do not match the MS 1900 aspirations. Thus, the main aim in this study is to develop and validate a measurement scale to assess Islamic values application in quality management, named the Islamic Quality Management Scale (IQMS). Following a systematic scale development process, the study proposed eight Islamic value dimensions grounded on relevant Quranic verses and Prophetic traditions. The argument on IQMS content validity was resolved via nonstatistical expert review, followed by statistical Fuzzy Delphi analysis. Later, the reliability of IQMS was confirmed via Rasch Measurement Model. The results showed consistent reliability for both pilot test and actual test, indicated by Rasch analysis of item polarity, item fitness, unidimensionality, scale calibration, item dependency, item reliability and separation as well as person reliability and separation. Based on the analyses, eleven problematic items were removed. The removal was found substantially efficient as it improves the scale's reliability. Thus, the main contribution of this study is the validated IQMS; consists of eight dimensions and 49 items. Additionally, resulted from Rasch analysis on item difficulty and person ability, the study also proposed a set of basic value practices which could inspire organisations planning for MS 1900 certification. The study also proposed another set of advanced practices which could improve value application among MS 1900 certified organisations. The basic and advanced practices were the value added in this study since the MS 1900 is silent on that matter. The IQMS is significant as it contributes to three relevant parties; the policy makers for value application index, the certification body for external auditing purposes and organisations for internal auditing purposes. However, the study was confined to scale development and did not involve any hypotheses testing

    The Roles of Muhtasib in Islamic Medieval Urban Management

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    The medieval Islamic cities were described to be systematically managed by the institution of hisba, henceforward, inspiring modern Muslims to revive the Islamic paradigm of urban management. Nevertheless, not much is being discussed on the role of muhtasib as an urban regulator. Furthermore, it has been wrongly understood only as a market inspector. Thus, employing the content analysis approach, this article examines the roles of muhtasib in urban management, based on selected manuals of muhtasib, written during the medieval times. Interestingly, the findings indicate a series of Islamic principles on urban management that match modern urban management, albeit the difference of time. Keywords: Hisba; Urban Management; Medieval Islam; Islamic Civilization eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v6iSI5.294

    Islamic Environmental Philanthropy: Lesson From Kitab al-Jidar and Kitab al-I’lan bi Ahkam al-Bunyan

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    Environmental philanthropy entails devoting time and resources to addressing environmental issues through non-governmental conservation organisations or community involvement. The purpose of this research is to delve into the lessons of Islamic environmental philanthropy outlined in Kitab Al-Jidar and Kitab Al-I'lan Bi Ahkam Al-Bunyan. This paper adds to the body of knowledge by focusing on environmental philanthropy in the traditional Islamic built environment, which has received little attention in the literature. To achieve the research objective, qualitative research methods were used, while content analysis was used for analysis. According to the findings of this study, the environmental philanthropy implemented in Kitab Al-Jidar and Kitab Al-I'lan is concerned with both environmental and social sustainability. It is hoped that this paper will provide new ideas and guidelines for future environmental conservation

    Produk makanan halal : amalan kepenggunaan masyarakat Islam di Shah Alam / Zakiah Samori, Amal Hayati Ishak and Nurul Himmah Kassan

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    Kepentingan aspek halal dalam setiap keperluan sehahan pengguna Islam umumnya dan juga produk makanan khusunya mendapat perhatian kerajaan Malaysia. Isu makanan adalah satu perkara yang penting dalam Islam dan mesti dititikberatkan oleh setiap individu Muslim kerana la melibatkan perkembangan jasmani dan rohani. Kajian ini melihat amalan kepenggunaan Masyarakat Islam di Shah Alam terhadap produk makanan halal. Populasi kajian terdiri daripada masyarakat Islam sekitar Shah Alam. Kajian ini dilengkapi dengan kaedah perpustakaan dan berbentuk tinjauan dengan pengedaran borang soal selidik sebagai medium utama untuk mendapatkan data. Seramai 641 responden telah terlibat dalam menjayakan kajian. Dapatan kajian mendapati sebahagian besar responden sedar dan prihatin mengenai kepentingan produk makanan halal dengan mengambil langkah tertentu seperti meneliti logo halal yang diiktiraf JAKIM sebelum membuat pembelian. Manakala tahap kefahaman responden terhadap produk halal pula berada pada tahap sederhana kerana mereka belum lagi menguasai terma-terma saintifik yang berkaitan dengan kod-kod kandungan yang diharamkan dalam sesuatu produk. Hasil kajian ini dapat memberi informasi kepada masyarakat Islam supaya mengambil berat tentang sumber makanan halal. Dapatan hasil penyelidikan ini akan dijadikan panduan asas kepada UiTM dan JAKIM bagi mengenai pasti tahap keprihatinan masyarakat Islam terhadap makanan halal dan logo halal serta mengenai pasti kaedah yang sesuai bagi memantapkan lagi kesedaran mereka terhadap produk makanan halal contohnya pangkalan data produk halal

    Meat and meat-based products: challenges and opportunities in halal food security

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    The demand for halal meat and meat-based products among the Muslim population in Malaysia has been increasing as meat is an essential food. Meanwhile, the non-Muslims are also becoming aware of the quality of halal meat, hence the access towards halal meat and meat-based products are increasing as well. However, the local production of halal meat is insufficient to cater the demand and this leads to the dependency on imported meat to ensure that halal meat is made available and accessible to the society in Malaysia. This paper discusses the challenges and opportunities of halal meat and meat-based products for the sustainability of the halal food security in Malaysia. Document searching technique based on the available literature was used to fulfil the objectives of the study. The study found that the complex halal meat chain with several government agencies concerning halal matters lead to the inefficient treatment of maintaining the halal integrity. For this reason, focusing on the viable opportunities to increase the local meat production is significant in ensuring that the supply of meat is sufficient and halalan tayyibban

    Islamic Social Principles for a Friendly and Pleasant Environment: A lesson from Kitab Al-Jidar

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    Low social ties among society occurred due to the lack of social interaction and civic engagement. The purpose of this paper is to explore the manifestation of Islamic social principles in Kitab Al-Jidar. This qualitative method accomplished the content analysis process. This study found that five (5) social principles in Kitab Al-Jidar has potential to maintain healthy social relations. It is hoped that this paper would infuse awareness among modern society to play their role as a community member in creating a friendly and pleasant environment based on Islamic social principles. Keywords: traditional Islamic ; built environment ; Islamic principles ; social environment eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v6iSI5.292

    Tadlis in Islamic transactions / Mohamed Azam Mohamed Adil … [et al.]

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    The discussion on tadlis has been quite complicated since Muslim jurists are in dispute over its meaning. Some tend to interchange it with taghrir and ghabn. While others suggest that the doctrine of tadlis and misrepresentation are so closely interrelated. This article suggests that the doctrine of tadlis is so akin to taghrir and ghabn which mean fraud. It also suggests that the effect of fraud in Islamic transactions is that the defrauded party may rescind the contract by exercising the option of fraud (khiyar al-tadlis)

    The Good Old Days of Hisbah in Preserving Food Hygiene and Safety

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    Many writings compliment the golden age of Islam, particularly the hisbah institution, as an effective and responsive mechanism to enjoin good and forbid evil. During those times, the real purpose of hisbah served various aspects. This article explores the mechanisms in preserving food hygiene and safety as applied by hisbah. Employing content analysis of relevant manuals, this article concludes on lessons to be learned from the good old days of hisbah. Among the significant findings is the detailed practices to maintain food hygiene and safety taken by the officials more than 700 years ago, reflecting the civilized nation beyond time. Keywords: food hygiene and safety; hisbah; muhtasib eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v6iSI5.294

    Rasch model scale calibration analysis for Islamic value

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    Rasch model is a robust technique for questionnaire validation. It offers a variety of analyses on the instrument’s validity and reliability, as well as analysis on the rating scale design of a measurement scale.Thus, employing Rasch scale calibration analysis, the primary purpose of this article is to empirically analyze the rating scale categories applied in a scale to assess the application of Islamic values in quality management.In the literature, a plethora of Islamic values applied in the context of quality management have been conceptually elaborated in the literature.However, empirical data on that matter is scarce.Yet, an appropriate instrument could not be located.This article briefly explains the scale development process and initially proposes 60 items and eight dimensions. Applying the Rasch model, this article specifically analyses the appropriateness and effectiveness of the rating scale categories based on several indicators pointed by Rasch model.For that purpose, data from 59 responses was analyzed using Winstep.Based on the results, the initial five point Likert-scale is suggested to be modified

    Transformasi pusat membeli belah menurut perspektif Islam

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    Pusat membeli belah merupakan lokasi peruncitan yang semakin popular masa kini. Setiap negara umumnya mempunyai beberapa buah pusat membeli belah utama yang menjadi mercu tanda kepesatan serta daya penarik aktiviti peruncitan negara masing-masing. Namun begitu, sehingga kini perbincangan khusus tentang konsep dan model pusat membeli belah bercirikan Islam masih belum kedapatan dan memberi justifikasi kepada perlunya penelitian mendalam tentangnya. Makalah ini mengemukakan perbincangan konseptual tentang dimensi sebuah pusat membeli belah yang menepati syariat Islam. Penelitian ini melibatkan rujukan sumber nas Al-Quran dan pemerhatian kes ke atas sebuah pusat beli belah di Republik Iran iaitu Imam Square. Makalah ini merumuskan dimensi pusat membeli belah Islam terbahagi kepada tiga buah teras utama iaitu dimensi fizikal, bukan-fizikal dan ahlinya. Pusat membeli belah Islam perlu sejajar dengan syariat dalam ketiga-tiga dimensi. Pusat beli belah Islam sangat menekankan adab serta pemuliharaan keharmonian hubungan berpanjangan antara manusia dengan Pencipta dan sesama manusia