243 research outputs found

    Methane-Carbon Dioxide: Conversions to Syngas and Hydrocarbons

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    This monograph describes the new innovation that has recently been developed for the CH4-CO2 conversions process. Optimization of CO2 reforming of methane to synthesis gas with the help of experimental design, empirical modeling and ANN modeling are developed for CORM in presence of oxygen. An overview on dynamic equilibrium analysis has shown that an increase of sweep factors induced more significant enhancement hydrogen permeation than permselective area. The NiO/CeO2 catalyst showed potential as catalyst for the CORM. The application of a hybrid catalytic DBD plasma reactor has the potential for the co-generation of C2+ hydrocarbons and synthesis gases from methane and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide as co-feed has important effects on the carbon suppression. It can be concluded that three factors, i.e. CH4/CO2 feed ratio, total feed flow rate, and discharge voltage, in the DBD plasma reactor system have significant effects on the reactor performance. The hybrid catalytic DBD plasma reactor is more suitable for CO2 OCM process than the conventional catalytic reactor over CaO-MnO/CeO2 catalyst. Further innovation and improvement of current research on CH4 and CO2 are required to increase conversion and selectivity and to commercialize the process

    Effect of barley malt, chickpea and peanut on quality of Barley based beverage

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    The present investigation had been done to optimize the effect of barley malt on production of barley based beverage. Malting of barley was carried out by steeping the cleaned and bold grains in tap water at 16°C for 2-3 days. The steeped grains were also germinated at 16°C for 2-3 days and the grains showing optimum growth were sorted out and kilning was done at 60°C for 1 day. Different levels of malted grain (i.e. 0, 1, 2, and 4 %) in barley extract were optimized. It was found that addition of 4 g malt to the extract was found to be effective in decreasing the viscosity and avoiding the formation of gruel like structure. There was non significant sensory change found on addition of roasted malt grain. Amylase activity of malt significantly increased on increasing time and no reducing sugars resulted at 90°C. Nutritive value of malted beverage was improved over control. Total soluble solids (TSS), viscosity, protein, fat, reducing sugar and total sugar of malted beverage was significantly increased as compared to control. Malted beverage was more organoleptically acceptable than control. Final beverage was made with 4 g malt, 25 g bengal gram and 15 g peanut per extract from 100 g barley with addition of sugar to 17°brix and homogenizing for proper mixing was autoclaved. Thus, malting could be an appropriate food-based strategy

    Microglia in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: A comparative species review

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    Microglia are the primary immune cells of the central nervous system that help nourish and support neurons, clear debris, and respond to foreign stimuli. Greatly impacted by their environment, microglia go through rapid changes in cell shape, gene expression, and functional behavior during states of infection, trauma, and neurodegeneration. Aging also has a profound effect on microglia, leading to chronic inflammation and an increase in the brain’s susceptibility to neurodegenerative processes that occur in Alzheimer’s disease. Despite the scientific community’s growing knowledge in the field of neuroinflammation, the overall success rate of drug treatment for age-related and neurodegenerative diseases remains incredibly low. Potential reasons for the lack of translation from animal models to the clinic include the use of a single species model, an assumption of similarity in humans, and ignoring contradictory data or information from other species. To aid in the selection of validated and predictive animal models and to bridge the translational gap, this review evaluates similarities and differences among species in microglial activation and density, morphology and phenotype, cytokine expression, phagocytosis, and production of oxidative species in aging and Alzheimer’s disease

    The alignment of galaxy spin with the shear field in observations

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    Tidal torque theory suggests that galaxies gain angular momentum in the linear stage of structure formation. Such a theory predicts alignments between the spin of haloes and tidal shear field. However, non-linear evolution and angular momentum acquisition may alter this prediction significantly. In this paper, we use a reconstruction of the cosmic shear field from observed peculiar velocities combined with spin axes extracted from galaxies within 115Mpc115\, \mathrm{Mpc} (8000kms1\sim8000 \, {\mathrm {km}}{\mathrm s}^{-1}) from 2MRS catalog, to test whether or not galaxies appear aligned with principal axes of shear field. Although linear reconstructions of the tidal field have looked at similar issues, this is the first such study to examine galaxy alignments with velocity-shear field. Ellipticals in the 2MRS sample, show a statistically significant alignment with two of the principal axes of the shear field. In general, elliptical galaxies have their short axis aligned with the axis of greatest compression and perpendicular to the axis of slowest compression. Spiral galaxies show no signal. Such an alignment is significantly strengthened when considering only those galaxies that are used in velocity field reconstruction. When examining such a subsample, a weak alignment with the axis of greatest compression emerges for spiral galaxies as well. This result indicates that although velocity field reconstructions still rely on fairly noisy and sparse data, the underlying alignment with shear field is strong enough to be visible even when small numbers of galaxies are considered - especially if those galaxies are used as constraints in the reconstruction.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted in MNRA

    Late-time acceleration in Higher Dimensional Cosmology

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    We investigate late time acceleration of the universe in higher dimensional cosmology. The content in the universe is assumed to exert pressure which is different in the normal and extra dimensions. Cosmologically viable solutions are found to exist for simple forms of the equation of state. The parameters of the model are fixed by comparing the predictions with supernovae data. While observations stipulate that the matter exerts almost vanishing pressure in the normal dimensions, we assume that, in the extra dimensions, the equation of state is of the form Pρ1γP \propto \, \rho^{1 - \gamma}. For appropriate choice of parameters, a late time acceleration in the universe occurs with q0q_0 and ztrz_{tr} being approximately -0.46 and 0.76 respectively.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    To compare intrapartum cardiotocographic (CTG) recording with conventional intermittent fetal heart auscultation during labor

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    Standard evaluation of fetal well-being during labor includes the periodic assessment of the fetal heart rate (FHR), its pattern and response to intrapartum stimuli and events. Effective methods of evaluation and meaningful interpretation of FHR data range from non-invasive techniques like Intermittent Auscultation, continuous electronic fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring to invasive techniques of fetal blood gas analysis and fetal ECG


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    Undang-Undang Kepailitan kurang memberikan perlindungan hukum kepada pihak debitur yang mengalami keadaan tidak mampu membayar utangnya yang telah jatuh tempo kepada para krediturnya (Pasal 6 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Kepailitan) serta pemberlakuan jangka waktu penetapan pailit dari Pengadilan Niaga yang relatif singkat yaitu 30 hari sejak tanggal diajukannya permohonan pemyataan pailit didaftarkan (Pasal 6 ayat (4) Undang-Undang Kepailitan). Menurut ketentuan pasal 1 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Kepailitan, maka agar seorang debitur dapat dimohonkan pailit cukuplah apabila debitur tersebut tidak membayar utang kepada satu kreditur saja asalkan debitur yang bersangkutan memiliki dua atau lebih kreditur. Tidak lagi disyaratkan bahwa keuangan debitur harns telah dalam keadaan berhenti membayar utang-utangnya, atau dengan kata lain keadaan keuangan debitur telah insolven. Dengan rumusan pasal 1 ayat (1) tersebut, maka perusahaan yang masih solven pun dapat saja dipailitkan. Dengan ketentuan tersebut ditambah dengan tidak disyaratkannya jumlah minimum piutang dari kreditur yang dapat mengajukan permohonan pemyataan pailit, yaitu sebagai akibat ketentuan bahwa putusan permohonan pemyataan pailit tidak diharuskan memperoleh persetujuan dati para kreditur mayotitas, maka tidak mustahil apabila debitur dimohonkan pernyataan pailit oleh seorang pembantu rumah tangganya atau oleh seorang pegawainya karena upah pembantu rumah tangganya atau gaji pegawai tersebut tidak: dibayar sekalipun pada hakikatnya keadaan perusahaan tersebut masih solven

    Intravenous verses oral iron supplementation for anaemia of pregnancy in the arid region of Western India: a retrospective cohort study

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    Background: India has a high prevalence of anemia in pregnant females, resulting greater risk of blood transfusion and its associated complications during the peripartum period. Administration of intravenous iron sucrose may reduce such a risk. Due to a greater prevalence in western arid region of India, this study was planned to compare efficacy and safety of intravenous iron sucrose and oral ferrous ascorbate in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia of pregnancy in a community health center of rural Jodhpur.Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted in Community Health Center of Jodhpur to review the heamoglobin values of pregnant females in 28 to 37 weeks of gestation, treated with either intravenous iron sucrose or oral iron ascorbate. Cohorts were matched based on parity and age, and the hemoglobin values after 2, 4 and 6 weeks of start of therapy were compared using independent t-test.  Results: Of the 152 pregnant females’ records included in the study, 82 were provided intravenous therapy and 70 were given oral iron therapy. Both the modes of administration showed marked increase in heamoglobin values, with statistically more significant rise through parenteral route at each point of measurement. Overall change in mean heamoglobin was 2.43 g/dl through iv route and 0.61 g/dl through oral route (p<0.001). Adverse events following therapy were reported by 9 females from intravenous group and 31 women from oral group.Conclusions: The study provided evidence that parenterally administered iron sucrose elevated hemoglobin and restored iron stores better than oral ferrous ascorbate with lesser adverse reactions