45 research outputs found


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    Behavioral finance is a recent line of research that is attracting the attention of the investor.Behavioral finance has an important role in decision-making process of investors. Thepurpose of this study is to examine whether there are any differences in the decision ofinvestors in terms of demographic variables, such as marital status, gender, education level,and then it will be examined how the different criterias on financial behavioral factorsinclude: herding, heuristics, and behavioral factors are associated with the financialmarkets. This research is descriptive quantitative. The sample in this study consists of 120stock investors in Medan. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, anddocumentation studies. This research applies statistical technique of discriminant analysis,using the three groups of variables: marital status, sex, and educational level. The results ofthis study showed significant differences with an alpha of 5% on financial behavioralfactors in the decision of investors in terms of marital status groups. Meanwhile, there wasno difference in the decision of investors if in terms of other demographic variables, whichconsist of sex and level of education.Keuangan perilaku cabang keilmuan yang menarik perhatian investor. Perilaku keuanganmemiliki peran penting dalam proses pengambilan keputusan investor. Tujuan daripenelitian ini adalah untuk menguji apakah ada perbedaan dalam keputusan investor dalamhal variabel demografis, seperti status perkawinan, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, dankemudian akan meneliti bagaimana kriteria yang berbeda pada faktor perilaku keuanganmeliputi: herding, heuristik, dan faktor perilaku yang terkait dengan pasar keuangan.Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 120 investor saham di Medan. Data dikumpulkanmelalui kuesioner, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknikstatistik analisis diskriminan, dengan menggunakan tiga kelompok variabel: statusperkawinan, jenis kelamin, dan tingkat pendidikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkanperbedaan yang signifikan dengan alpha 5% pada faktor-faktor perilaku keuangan dalamkeputusan investor dalam hal kelompok status perkawinan. Sementara itu, tidak adaperbedaan dalam keputusan investor pada variabel demografis lainnya, yang terdiri darijenis kelamin dan tingkat pendidikan

    Strategy of Achievement Target Marketing of Services Licensed Operator Products PT Telkom Regional I

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    PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk (PT Telkom) as the National Flag Carrier of telecommunications in Indonesia which has a Full Network Service Provider license serving almost all digital services for all licensed operators in Indonesia. One of the operators served by PT Telkom is Telkomsel. Telkomsel is the largest operator in Indonesia. In providing its best services to Telkomsel, Telkom Indonesia has a number of SoW (Scope of Work) that is used to share services provided to operators who are customers of licensed operator products, namely modernization: sites built using optical fiber but previously were on air using Telkom radios and rollout: sites built using fiber optics in areas where there is no service at all. In Sumatra, Telkom Regional I is tasked with serving Telkomsel in 3 areas, namely Telkomsel in the Sumbagut area (North Sumatra), Sumbagteng (Central Sumatra) and Sumbagsel (South Sumatra). In 2018 the construction of Telkomsel's BTS site has reached 9,566 Site ID Node-b which has reached 75% of the inner city of Sumatra. This type of research is a descriptive study by evaluating the factors that become obstacles in achieving Telkom Serviced Licensed Operator product targets in Telkom Regional I Sumatra and formulating strategies that can be done in increasing the achievement of the Serviced Licensed Operator product targets in Telkom Regional I Sumatra. To obtain strategies, various analyzes are carried out such as internal environmental analysis such as management, marketing, finance, production and operations, human resources, and external environmental factors such as the macro and industrial environment. In analyzing these factors, IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation) and EFE (External Factor Evaluation) score measurements, IE (Internal External) analysis and SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Thread) analysis are use

    The Influence of Organizational Commitment on the Performance of Nias Regency Food Security Agriculture and Fisheries Service Employees

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    This research aims to investigate the influence of organizational commitment on the performance of employees of the Nias Regency Food Security, Agriculture and Fisheries Service. Organizational commitment is a key factor in understanding the level of employee engagement and productivity in a government organization. This study involved employees of the Nias Regency Food Security, Agriculture, and Fisheries Service as respondents.This research uses a survey method by distributing questionnaires to randomly selected respondents. This questionnaire includes questions about the level of organizational commitment and employee performance. The collected data is then analyzed using appropriate statistical methods.The results of this research show that there is a significant positive influence between organizational commitment and the performance of employees of the Nias Regency Food Security, Agriculture, and Fisheries Service. This means that the higher the level of organizational commitment that employees have, the better their performance in carrying out their duties.This research has important implications for the management of the Nias Regency Food Security, Agriculture, and Fisheries Service in improving the performance of their employees. By strengthening organizational commitment, they can motivate employees to work more effectively and efficiently in carrying out food security, agriculture, and fisheries tasks

    The Effect of Emotional Weakness on Work Satisfaction and Organizational Commitments in the Office of Customs Control and Service Excise on Madya Customs Type B Kualanamu

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    The task of the Office of Customs and Excise Customs and Excise Inspection Type B Kualanamu is to carry out customs and excise supervision and services in accordance with its Professional Motto namely Progressive, Effective, Visionary and Totality. This agency is always on standby 24 hours a day in one week and is never closed. The aim of this research is to find out the effect of emotional fatigue on job satisfaction on KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu, the effect of emotional fatigue on organizational commitment on KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu, the effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment on KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu. This research uses quantitative methods. The population in this study were all KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu employees with details of Echelon III = 1 person, Echelon IV = 12 people, Echelon V = 26 people, Executing Examiner = 79 people and Administrative Executing = 21 people. So that the total number of employees at the KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu is 139 people. The results showed. Emotional Fatigue Influences Job Satisfaction in KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu, Emotional Fatigue Influences Organizational Commitment on KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu and Job Satisfaction Influences Organizational Commitment on KPPBC TMP B Kualanamu

    The Effect of Supervision and Managerial Competence on the Principal of the Job Satisfaction of Teachers in SMP 5 Kisaran

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    This objective of the research is to determine and analyze the influence of principal supervision, principal managerial competence, teacher gender, teacher education, and employment status together and partially on teacher job satisfaction and strategies that need to be done to manage teacher job satisfaction in SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran. This research is associative research. The population in this research were all teachers of SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran, totaling 31 people. The results of multiple regression analysis in this research indicate that the independent variables of supervision and managerial competence of principals together and partially have a positive effect and a significant relationship on teacher job satisfaction. The dummy variable teacher gender, teacher education, and teacher employment status partially did not significantly influence teacher job satisfaction. The results showed that the independent variable of the managerial competence of principals had a greater influence value than the independent variable of principals' supervision. Based on the results of the research, the principal needs to re-display the organizational structure in SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran and design their supervision tools for the professional development of SMP Negeri 5 Kisaran teachers

    Dampak Perubahan Tick Size Terhadap Likuiditas Saham (Studi Empiris pada Bursa Efek Indonesia Berdasarkan Tick Size 6 Januari 2014)

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    The objective of the research was to find out and to analyze the influence of the change in tick size on stock liquidity and the factors which influenced stock liquidity. Tick size which became the research object in this evet study was the tick size on January 6, 2014. The sources of data were secondary data from BEI and Yahoo Finance. The samples were 147 stocks before the change in tick size and 147 stocks after the change in tick size, using purposive sampling technique.The data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon signed-rank test and regression analysis with an SPSS software program. The result of the research showed that spread and depth decreased significantly after the change in tick size. Lower spread and depth had contradictory implication on stock liquidity. Based on the dimension of immediacy cost and width, lower spread indicated that stock liquidity increased, while based on the dimension of market depth, lower depth indicated that stock liquidity decreased. In order to settlethis contradiction, the researcher used depth to spread ratio. Intuitively, this ratio measured whether the decrease in depthwas bigger or smaller that the decrease in spread. The result of Wilcoxon signed-rank test indicated that depth to spread ratio increased significantly which indicated that the decrease in depth was smaller than in spread so that it was concluded that stock liquidity increased after the change in tick size. The result of F-test showed that stock price, stock return volatility, and stock trading frequency simultaneously had significant influence on spread and depth. The result of t-test also indicated that stock price, stock return volatility, and stock trading frequency partially had significant influence on spread and depth


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    The bank accepts deposits from the public (third party funds) in the form of savings, current accounts and deposits. Furthermore, these funds can be returned in the form of credit to the public. Banking in Indonesia in general is influenced by many factors, some of which are macroeconomic factors originating from outside the banking sector and microeconomics which tend to be from within the banking sector itself. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of macroeconomic variables, leverage ratios and liquidity on ROA both directly and through NPL. The data used is secondary data obtained from reliable sources. This research uses path analysis method with the help of smart PLS. The results of this study have a significant macroeconomic influence on NPL. The leverage and liquidity ratios have no significant effect on NPL. This means that a positive regression coefficient value means that any increase in leverage ratio will increase the NPL and the effect shown is not significant. Macroeconomic and leverage ratios have no significant effect on ROA. Liquidity ratio has a significant effect on ROA. NPL has a significant negative effect on ROA. This means that any increase in NPL will cause the ROA value to decrease. Liquidity has no significant effect on ROA through NPL. Macroeconomic and leverage ratios have a significant effect on ROA through NPL. JEL: G20; G21; B22  Article visualizations


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    This study aims to predict and analyze how the financial distress of companies in the plantation sector are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018-2021 using the Altman modified Z-Score, Springate, Zmijewski and Grover methods and to test the accuracy of financial distress predictions by calculating the level of accuracy of each number of predictions and error rates from the Altman modified Z-Score, Springate, Zmijewski and Grover methods for plantation sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for 2018-2021. The data analysis method used was Altman's modified Z-Score, Springate, Zmijewski, Grover, and paired sample t-test. Based on the results of the assessment of financial distress, the most accurate method for predicting financial distress in plantation sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange is the Springate method with the highest accuracy rate of 85.00%, then the Altman Z-Score method with an accuracy rate of 57. 50%, the Grover method with an accuracy rate of 38.75% and Zmijewski with an accuracy rate of 17.50% JEL: Q10; Q13; M10  Article visualizations

    Investigation of Financial Inclusion, Financial Technology, Economic Fundamentals, and Poverty Alleviation in ASEAN-5: Using SUR Model

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    This study investigated the effect of financial inclusion and fintech on economic fundamentals and poverty rates in five developing countries in ASEAN (ASEAN-5) using the Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) model during the period 2009 to 2019. The results obtained are: (1) Financial inclusion through the credit variable and the number of ATMs, and fintech through the e-money variable, contributed to the most significant increase in GDP in the ASEAN-5 countries. Meanwhile, the most critical contributor to reduction in the unemployment rate from financial inclusion is through the credit and savings variables, while from fintech it is through mobile phone subscriptions. (2) Thailand is the country that has most effectively influenced the economic fundamental of unemployment rate, while Indonesia is the country that has most effectively influenced the economic fundamental of GDP. The results obtained from the panel regression model and cross-sectional weighting indicate that financial inclusion through savings, credit, and number of ATMs, and fintech through cellular phone subscription, are effective in reducing poverty rates in the ASEAN-5 countries. Nevertheless, financial inclusion and fintech do not significantly affect the inflation rate


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    This research aims to find out the influence of motivation, competence, and incentive variables toward employee performance. Population of this research is all employees of PT. Sianjur Resort, Medan, Indonesia that is, 37 people. The sample is selected using total population sampling method. The data is collected using questionnaires, while it is analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The research results prove that motivation, competence, and incentive simultaneously give significant influence toward employee performance. Motivation, competence, and incentive partially give significant influence toward employee performance. It is recommended that PT. Sianjur Resort pay more attention to aspects that can increase employee performance such as giving incentive regularly and fairly so that there is no negative perception among employees about discriminative behaviour by the employer in term of giving incentive. It is also suggested that PT. Sianjur Resort’s employees increase their performance based on motivation, competence, and incentive that have been given, such as increasing self-competence without waiting for the command from the employer, so self-performance can be more increased