229 research outputs found

    Folding mechanisms steer the amyloid fibril formation propensity of highly homologous proteins

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    Significant advances in the understanding of the molecular determinants of fibrillogenesis can be expected from comparative studies of the aggregation propensities of proteins with highly homologous structures but different folding pathways. Here, we fully characterize, by means of stopped-flow, T-jump, CD and DSC experiments, the unfolding mechanisms of three highly homologous proteins, zinc binding Ros87 and Ml153-149 and zinc-lacking Ml452-151. The results indicate that the three proteins significantly differ in terms of stability and (un)folding mechanisms. Particularly, Ros87 and Ml153-149 appear to be much more stable to guanidine denaturation and are characterized by folding mechanisms including the presence of an intermediate. On the other hand, metal lacking Ml452-151 folds according to a classic two-state model. Successively, we have monitored the capabilities of Ros87, Ml452-151 and Ml153-149 to form amyloid fibrils under native conditions. Particularly, we show, by CD, fluorescence, DLS, TEM and SEM experiments, that after 168 hours, amyloid formation of Ros87 has started, while Ml153-149 has formed only amorphous aggregates and Ml452-151 is still monomeric in solution. This study shows how metal binding can influence protein folding pathways and thereby control conformational accessibility to aggregation-prone states, which in turn changes aggregation kinetics, shedding light on the role of metal ions in the development of protein deposition diseases

    Sex Influence on Fenestrated and Branched Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair: Outcomes From a National Multicenter Registry

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    Introduction: Women are generally underrepresented in trials focusing on aortic aneurysm. Nevertheless, sex-related differences have recently emerged from several studies and registries. The aim of this research was to assess whether sex-related anatomical disparities existed in fenestrated and branched aortic repair candidates and whether these discrepancies could influence endovascular repair outcomes. Methods: Data from all consecutive patients treated during the 2008–2019 period within the Italian Multicenter fenestrated or branched endovascular aortic repair (F/BEVAR) Registry were included in the present study. Propensity matching was performed using a logistic regression model adjusted for demographic data and comorbidities to obtain comparable male and female samples. The selection model led to a final study population of 176 patients (88 women and 88 men) among the total initial cohort of 596. Study endpoints were technical and clinical success, overall survival, aneurysm-related death, and reintervention rates evaluated at 30 days and during follow-up. Results: Twenty-eight patients (15.9%) received urgent/emergent repair. In most of the cases (71.6%), women received treatment for extensive thoracoabdominal pathology (Crawford type I, II, or III aneurysm rather than type IV or juxta-pararenal) versus 46.6% of men (p=0.001). Female patients presented with more challenging iliac accesses with at least one side considered hostile in 27.3% of the cases (vs 13.6% in male patients, p=0.039). Finally, women had significantly smaller visceral vessels. Women had significantly worse operative outcomes, with an 86.2% technical success rate versus 96.6% in the male population (p=0.016). No differences were recorded in terms of 30-day reinterventions between men and women. The 5-year estimate of freedom from late reintervention, according to Kaplan-Meier analysis, was 85.6% in men versus 81.6% in women (p=ns). No aneurysm-related death was recorded during follow-up (median observational time, 23 months [interquartile range, 7–45 months]). Conclusion: Women presented a significantly higher incidence of thoracoabdominal aneurysms, smaller visceral vessels, and more complex iliofemoral accesses, resulting in a significantly lower technical success after F/BEVAR. Further studies assessing sex-related differences are needed to properly determine the impact on outcomes and stratify procedural risks. Clinical Impact: Women are generally underrepresented in trials focusing on aortic aneurysms. Aiming to assess whether sex may affect outcomes after a complex endovascular aortic repair, a propensity score selection was applied to a total population of 596 patients receiving F/BEVAR aortic repair with the Cook platform, matching each treated female patient with a corresponding male patient. Women presented more frequently a thoracoabdominal aneurysm extent, smaller visceral vessels, and complex iliofemoral accesses, resulting in significantly worse operative outcomes, with an 86.2% technical success versus 96.6% (p=0.016). No differences were recorded in terms of short-term and mid-term reinterventions. According to these results, careful and critical assessment should be posed in case of female patients receiving complex aortic repair, especially regarding preoperative anatomical evaluation and clinical selection with appropriate surgical risk stratification

    Probing the Residual Structure in Avian Prion Hexarepeats by CD, NMR and MD Techniques

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    Many proteins perform essential biological functions by means of regions that lacking specific organized structure exist as an ensemble of interconverting transient conformers. The characterization of such regions, including the description of their structural propensities, number of conformations and relative populations can provide useful insights. Prion diseases result from the conversion of a normal glycoprotein into a misfolded pathogenic isoform. The structures of mammal and chicken prion proteins show a similar fold with a globular domain and a flexible N-terminal portion that contains different repeated regions: octarepeats (PHGGGWGQ) in mammals and hexarepeats (PHNPGY) in chickens. The higher number of prolines in the hexarepeat region suggests that this region may retain a significant amount of residual secondary structure. Here, we report the CD, NMR and MD characterization of a peptide (2-HexaPY) composed of two hexarepeats. We combine experimental NMR data and MD to investigate at atomic level its ensemble-averaged structural properties, demonstrating how each residue of both repeats has a different quantified PPII propensity that shows a periodicity along the sequence. This feature explains the absence of cooperativity to stabilize a PPII conformation. Nonetheless, such residual structure can play a role in nucleating local structural transitions as well as modulating intra-molecular or inter-molecular interactions

    Midterm results on a new self-expandable covered stent combined with branched stent grafts: Insights from a multicenter Italian registry

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    Objective: To investigate the technical periprocedural and midterm outcomes of endovascular repairs with multibranched endovascular repair or iliac branch devices combined with a new self-expanding covered stent. Methods: The COvera in BRAnch registry is a physician-initiated, multicenter, ambispective, observational registry (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04598802) enrolling patients receiving a multibranched endovascular repair or iliac branch devices procedure mated with Bard Covera Plus (Tempe, AZ) covered stent, designed to evaluate the outcomes of the covered stent mated with patient-specific and off-the-shelf branched stent graft. Primary end points were technical success, branch instability, and freedom from aortic and branch-related reintervention within 30 days and at follow-up. Preoperative characteristics, comorbidities, and outcomes definitions were graded according to the Society for Vascular Surgery reporting standards. Results: Two hundred eighty-four patients (76 years; range, 70-80 years; 79% males) in 24 centers were enrolled for a total of 708 target vessels treated. The covered stents were mated with an off-the-shelf graft in 556 vessels (79%) and a custom-made graft in 152 (21%). Three hundred seven adjunctive relining stents in 277 vessels (39%) were deployed, of which 116 (38%) were proximal, 66 (21%) intrastent, and 125 (41%) distal. Adjunctive relining stent placement was more frequent when landing in a vessel branch instead of the main trunk (59% vs 39%; P = .031), performing a percutaneous access (49% vs 35%; P < .001), using a stent with a diameter of 8 mm or greater (44% vs 36%; P = .032) and a length of 80 mm or greater (65% vs 55%; P = .005), when a post-dilatation was not performed (45% vs 29%; P < .001) and when an inner branch configuration was used (55% vs 35%; P < .001). Perioperative technical bridging success was 98%. Eight patients (3%) died in the perioperative period. Two deaths (1%) were associated with renal branch occlusion followed by acute kidney injury and paraplegia. Follow-up data were available for 638 vessels (90%) at a median of 32 months (Q1, Q3, 21, 46). Branch instability was reported in 1% of branches. Forty-six patients (17%) died during follow-up, nine (3%) of them owing to aortic-related causes. Primary patency rates at 1, 2, and 3 years were 99% (581/587), 99% (404/411), and 97% (272/279), respectively. Branch instability was associated with patient-specific devices (9% vs 4%; P = .014) and intrastent adjunctive stent placement (12% vs 2%; P = .003), especially when a bare metal balloon-expandable stent was used (25% vs 3%; P < .001). Conclusions: The use of this new self-expanding covered stent mated with branched endografts proved to be safe and feasible with high technical procedural success rates. Low rates of branch instability were observed at midterm follow-up. Comparative studies with other commercially available covered stents are warranted

    Cisplatin-based first-line treatment of elderly patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: Joint analysis of MILES-3 and MILES-4 phase III trials

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    Purpose: To test the efficacy of adding cisplatin to first-line treatment for elderly patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) within a combined analysis of two parallel phase III trials, MILES-3 and MILES-4. Patients and Methods: Patients with advanced NSCLC who were older than age 70 years with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0 to 1 were randomly assigned to gemcitabine or pemetrexed, without or with cisplatin. In each trial, 382 events were required to detect a hazard ratio (HR) of death of 0.75, with 80% power and two-tailed a of .05. Trials were closed prematurely because of slow accrual, but the joint database allowed us to analyze the efficacy of cisplatin on the basis of intention-to-treat and adjusted by trial, histotype, non-platinum companion drug, stage, performance status, sex, age, and size of the study center. Results: From March 2011 to August 2016, 531 patients (MILES-3, 299; MILES-4, 232) were assigned to gemcitabine or pemetrexed without (n = 268) or with cisplatin (n = 263). Median age was 75 years, 79% were male, and 70% had nonsquamous histology. At a median 2-year follow-up, 384 deaths and 448 progression-free survival events were recorded. Overall survival was not significantly prolonged with cisplatin (HR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.70 to 1.05; P = .14) and global health status score of quality of life was not improved, whereas progression-free survival (HR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.63 to 0.92; P = .005) and objective response rate (15.5% v 8.5%; P = .02) were significantly better. Significantly more severe hematologic toxicity, fatigue, and anorexia were found with cisplatin. Conclusion: The addition of cisplatin to single-agent chemotherapy does not significantly prolong overall survival, and it does not improve global health status score of quality of life in elderly patients with advanced NSCLC

    Does discussion lead to opinion change within Political Science students? A pedagogical exercise of deliberative democracy

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    While the model of deliberative democracy gives a crucial role to dialog, empirical evidence has not yet established if discussion helps to reach a better understanding of political issues and, above all, if individuals are prepared to change their views. It is still unclear when the deliberative model, and more specifically discussion, could be usefully employed as a teaching tool, to improve students’ knowledge. This article presents an exercise performed within the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the LUISS University of Rome. Students were asked to discuss in the classroom the issues related to the course, and to cast a vote on selected issues before and after deliberation. Although our sample is not representative, we have gathered evidence from the same population on a rather large number of issues. Students changed their view in 24.6% of cases, and they agreed that discussion increased their understanding, while those with strong ex-ante views resulted more reluctant to change their opinions because of discussion. The analysis also showed the presence of individuals that are more likely to be permeable to discussion while others that are more likely to be impermeable

    Nevirapine vs efavirenz in virologically supressed patients: differences in lipoprotein subclasses and inflammatory biomarkers

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    Background: The interaction between lipid disturbances and inflammatory markers is not well known in patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART). As nevirapine (NVP) is associated with a better lipid profile than efavirenz (EFV), we investigated the relationships between lipid profiles, lipoprotein subclasses and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with prolonged viral suppression with either NVP or EFV and no obvious clinical inflammation. Methods: 122 clinically stable HIV-infected patients with HIV-1 RNA &#60;20 copies longer than 6 months on NNRTI therapy were studied. 72 (59%) were on EFV and 50 (41%) on NVP. Any potentially inflammatory co-morbid diseases (concurrent viral hepatitis, diabetes, hypertension, chronic liver or renal diseases), or statin treatment, were exclusion criteria. Inflammatory biomarkers included hsCRP, LpPLA2, sCD40L, IL-6, IL-8, t-PA, MCP-1, p-selectin and VCAM-1. Lipoprotein subclass measures (VLDL, LDL, IDL and HDL particle number and size) were obtained by the use of proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Results: 82% were male; median age 45 years. Median CD4 count 550/&#x03BC;L (IQR 324). Median time since HIV diagnosis 96 months (IQR 102) and accumulated time on ART 50 months (IQR 101). Patients on NVP had higher time since HIV diagnosis (126.9 [66.7] vs. 91.3 [6.6] months, p=0.008) a prolonged time on ART (89.6 [54.6] vs. 62.3 [52.2] months, p=0.01) and were older (47.7 vs. 40.7 years, p=0.001) than those on EFV. NVP-treated patients presented increased HDL-c (55.8 [16] vs. 48.8 [10.7] mg/dL, p=0.007) and apoA1 levels (153.4 [31.9] vs. 141.5 [20.5] mg/dL, p=0.02), and reduced apoB/apoA1 ratio (0.68 [0.1] vs 0.61 [0.1], p=0.003) than EFV-treated patients. No differences in inflammatory markers or lipoprotein subclasses were found between NVP and EFV. In patients with extreme lipid values (less favorable: 75th percentiles of LDL, small/dense LDLp and small HDLp, or more favorable: HDL p75 and apoB/apoA1 ratio p25), no consistent differences in inflammatory biomarkers were found. Conclusions: Patients with prolonged viral suppression on NVP present significantly higher HDL and apoA1 levels and reduced apoB/apoA1 ratios than those on EFV, but no differences were found in lipoprotein particles nor inflammatory biomarkers. Relationships between lipid parameters and inflammatory biomarkers in NNRTI-treated patients are complex and do not show a linear relationship in this study

    Fenestrated and Branched Endografts for Post-Dissection Thoraco-Abdominal Aneurysms: Results of a National Multicentre Study and Literature Review

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    Objective: Fenestrated and branched endografting (F/B-EVAR) has been proposed as an endovascular solution for chronic post-dissection thoraco-abdominal aneurysms (PD-TAAAs). The aim of this study was to analyse the experience of four high volume centres nationwide and the current available literature. Methods: Data on patients undergoing F/B-EVAR in four Italian academic centres between 2008 and 2019 were collected, and those from patients with PD-TAAAs were analysed retrospectively. Peri-operative morbidity and mortality were assessed as early outcomes. Survival, freedom from re-intervention (FFR), target visceral vessel (TVV) patency, and aortic remodelling were assessed as follow up outcomes. A MEDLINE search was performed for studies published from 2008 to 2020 reporting on F/B-EVAR in PD-TAAAs. Results: Among 351 patients who underwent F/B-EVAR for TAAAs, 37 (11%) had PD-TAAAs (Crawford's extent I–III: 35% – 95%). Overall, 135 TVVs (from true lumen 120; false lumen seven; both true and false lumen eight) were accommodated by fenestrations (96% – 71%) and branches (39% – 29%). Technical success (TS) was achieved in 34 (92%) cases with three failures due to endoleaks (Ia: 1; Ic: 1; III: 1). There were no 30 day deaths. No cases of permanent spinal cord ischaemia (SCI) were recorded and six (16%) patients suffered from transient deficits. Renal function worsening (eGFR < 30% than baseline) and pulmonary complications were reported in two (5%) and four (11%) cases, respectively. From the Kaplan–Meier analysis, three year survival, FFR, and TVV patency were 81%, 66%, and 97%, respectively. Radiological imaging was available for 30 (81%) patients at 12 months with complete false lumen thrombosis in 26 (87%). Two hundred and fifty-six patients were reported in seven published papers with TS, 30 day mortality, and SCI ranging from 99% to 100%, 0 to 6%, and 0 to 16%, respectively. The mean follow up ranged from 12 to 26 months, with estimated two year survival between 81% and 90% and a re-intervention rate between 19% and 53%. Conclusion: F/B-EVAR is effective to treat PD-TAAAs. A high re-intervention rate is necessary to complete the aneurysm exclusion and promote aortic remodelling successfully

    Outcomes of “Anterior Versus Posterior Divisional Branches of the Hypogastric Artery as Distal Landing Zone for Iliac Branch Devices”: The International Multicentric R3OYAL Registry

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    Objective: The aim of this multicentric registry was to assess the outcomes of “anteRior versus posteRior divisional bRanches Of the hYpogastric artery as distAl landing zone for iLiac branch devices (R3OYAL).” Methods: The main exposure of interest for the purpose of this study was the internal iliac artery (IIA) divisional branch (anterior vs posterior) that was used as distal landing zone. Early endpoints included technical success and adverse events. Late endpoints included survival, primary/secondary IIA patency, and IIA branch instability. Results: A total of 171 patients were included in the study, of which 50 received bilateral implantation of iliac branch devices (IBDs). This resulted in a total of 221 incorporated IIAs included in the final analysis, of which 40 were anterior divisional branches and 181 were posterior divisional branches. Technical success was high in both groups (anterior division: 98% vs posterior division: 100%, P =.18). Occurrence of any adverse event was noted in 14% of patients in both groups (P = 1.0). The overall rate of freedom from the composite IBD branch instability did not show significant differences between patients receiving distal landing in the anterior or posterior division of the IIA at 3 years (79% vs 87%, log-rank test =.215). The 3-year estimates of IBD patency were significantly lower in patients who received distal landing in the anterior divisional branch than those who received distal landing in the posterior divisional branch (primary patency: 81% vs 96%, log-rank test =.009; secondary patency: 81% vs 97%, log-rank test <.001). Conclusions: The use of the anterior or posterior divisional branches of the IIA as distal landing zone for IBD implantation shows comparable profiles in terms of immediate technical success, perioperative safety, and side-branch instability up to 3 years. However, IBD patency at 3 years was higher when the distal landing zone was achieved within the posterior divisional branch of the IIA. Clinical Impact: The results from this large multicentric registry confirm that use of the anterior or posterior divisional branches of the internal iliac artery (IIA) as distal landing zone for implantation of iliac branch devices (IBD) shows comparable profiles of safety and feasibility, thereby allowing to extend the indications for endovascular repair of aorto-iliac aneurysms to cases with unsuitable anatomy within the IIA main trunk. Although mid-term rates of device durability and branch instability seem to be similar, the rates of primary and secondary IBD patency at three years was favored when the distal landing zone was achieved in the posterior divisional branch of the IIA

    With or without force? : European public opinion on democracy promotion

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    A Large part of the education provided at colleges and universities of today requires for thestudent to be more independent in their studies. This demands that the physical space,where the students choose to study, is designed in a way that can encourage and supportlearning. It seems as though that many of the learning spaces of today don’t always meetthe students’ needs. The university library at the University of Umeå is currently planningto design new learning spaces for the students. The aim of this study is to examine how thephysical learning space can be designed to engage and encourage the students in theirlearning process. Based on literature describing learning spaces we have initially identified three mainareas to examine- Learning, Information Technology and Learning space design. Theseareas are all important features in the design of new learning spaces. With informationdrawn from that literature we conducted an empirical study at the library of the Universityof Umeå. The empirical study was carried out through observations and focus groupinterviews. To give us more insight about the students’ thoughts about the learning spacewe also compared our findings with a survey conducted by the library personnel in 2008and 2010. The result of our study shows that there are some areas to be improved in theexisting learning space. The students are working more collaboratively which requiresmore group areas. Our study also shows that flexibility, more student interaction and asocial and engaging environment are all important features in the design of new learningspaces
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