106 research outputs found

    «Своє в чужому, чуже у своєму» або найчастіші граматичні помилки (на матеріалі чеської та української мов) («Native in alien, alien in native», or the often grammatical errors (based on Czech and Ukrainian languages))

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    У статті розглянуто труднощі, на які натрапляють україністи та богемісти під час вивчення нової мови. Вказано основні спільні та відмінні риси між двома словʼянськими мовами – чеською та українською, а також наведено приклади помилок, котрі найчастіше виникають у студентів на письмі або під час усного спілкуван- ня. Звернуто увагу на причини виникнення деяких із них та подано рекомендації для студентів. (This article describes the difficulties that are faced by Ukrainian and Czech people while learning foreign language. It highlights general and distinctive features of two Slavic languages – Czech and Ukrainian. In addition, article includes several examples of the most common difficulties that occur while written or spoken communication. Also article refers to reasons of that difficulties and methods of their improvement. All that information would be useful for students.

    Gold as a Tool for Hedging Financial Risks

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    The article discusses gold as a protective asset, which claims to be a high-efficiency tool for hedging financial risks. In the introductory part the general characteristics of hedging as a method of full or partial risk elimination is given, and the main known types of risk hedging typical for a financial asset portfolio holder are considered. Further, dynamics of the world prices for gold is analyzed in a historical retrospective, whereby the conclusion is drawn on a tendency of this asset to grow during the periods of financial instability, and also if new financial assets appear. In the final part of the article the assessment of gold as a tool for hedging financial risks is given

    System of prolonged psychotherapeutic support of patients with psychoendocrine syndrome on the hypocorticism background

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    Ischuk V. V. System of prolonged psychotherapeutic support of patients with psychoendocrine syndrome on the hypocorticism background. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(6):604-611. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.829974 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4620 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 03.06.2017. Revised: 20.06.2017. Accepted: 30.06.2017. SYSTEM OF PROLONGED PSYCHOTHERAPETIC SUPPORT OF PATIENTS WITH PSYCHOENDOCRINE SYNDROME ON THE HYPOCORTICISM BACKGROUND V. V. Ischuk Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Center of Endocrine Surgery Transplantation of endocrine organs and tissues of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine e-mail: [email protected] Abstract The objective: to form a nosological differentiated system of psychotherapeutic support of patients with psychoendocrine syndrome on the background of hypocorticism. The base of the research done: Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Center of Endocrine Surgery, Endocrine Organs and Tissue Transplantation of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. 50 patients with hypocorticism were examined. Methods: clinical-psychopathological, clinical-psychophenomenological. Results: the nature and extent of the relevance of nosogenic psychotraumatic factors in the patients under examination in three chronopathological periods (early, delayed and late) were established. A system of prolonged psychotherapeutic support has been developed. It is realized by selective application of contranozogenic psychotherapeutic interventions, depending on activity of a particular factor at this stage of the disease. Key words: psychoendocrine syndrome, hypocorticism, psycho-traumatization, psychophenomenology

    Education in the system of today’s employee values

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    Establishing the new society is accompanied by a global intellectualization of the entire economic system influencing the development of information, scientific and innovative branches of the indusry. The key factors of the society develpment are information and knowledge. An important quality of a modern employee is the ability for continuous training. Currently, the interest to education has significantly increased as well as the demand for education and the educational level of employees. Education is one of the most vital values, meeting the natural needs of humans in the knowledge of the external world and themselves. The growth of social demand for education in the evolution of social development has led to the gradual transformation of the elite educational institutions into the institutions for everyone. For most people nowadays, higher education has become not only sustainable, but one of the most significant values. The successful development of knowledge-based economy could be provided by the employees not only having a high degree, but having a desire for the continuous lifelong knowledge development


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    It is well known that the immune system is actively involved in the regeneration and healing process of burn wounds. However, unanswered questions remain about the role of humoral immunity in the mechanisms of healing and complications of burn wounds. We have developed an experimental model of the acid burns of the esophagus (ABE) corresponding esophageal burns in children 1-8 years. We studied the features of humoral immunity in rats with AВE, with the observed reduction of IgG and increase levels of medium and low circulating immune complexes (CIC) on the first day after the burn of the esophagus. On 21st day after the burn, we observed an increase in the concentration of IgG and a slight accumulation of medium- and low-CIC. Studied indicators can be used for the differentiation of ABE

    Aminotransferase activity in rat blood serum under malignant guerin's carcinoma growth upon treatment with antioxidant drug "GRIN"

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    The malignant growth of Guerin's carcinoma was shown to induce increase of aminotransferases' enzymatic activities. It was established that introduction of the antioxidant substance "GRIN" led to normalization of aminotransferases' activities in blood serum and also had essential inhibitory effect on the tumor growth


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    Occurrence of coronary artery disease in combination with anxiety-depressive disorders is common in clinical practice. In such patients, affective disorders significantly may cause progression of atherosclerotic processes, thus complicating the course of cardiac pathology and prognosis. Distinct markers of immune inflammation, first of all, cytokines are of particular importance for the pro-atherogenic effects in atherosclerotic foci. Endogenous opiate peptides are considered the main regulators of these processes at the neuroimmune level. Their role for stabilization of cytokine levels in evolving inflammation in atherosclerotic plaque, and during adaptation of heart muscle to stressful effects was previously shown. Despite reliable data on the role of immune inflammatory markers in atherogenesis, the validity of the regulatory role of opiate peptides in this process, questions still exist about the effects of affective disorders upon neuropeptide-cytokine status of the immune system in the patients with chronic ischemic heart disease (IHD). Another issue concerns the ranges of these changes in painful and painless forms of myocardial ischemia.Therefore, the purpose of our study was to assess the impact of severity of anxiety-depressive disorders upon the neuropeptide-cytokine status of immune system in patients with various clinical variants of chronic IHD, as well as comparisons of these changes expressed in painlul and painless myocardial ischemia.Appropriate groups were formed, then being divided into subgroups, according to the percentage of painful and painless episodes of angina pectoris: Group 1 (n = 36) included patients with chronic coronary artery disease occurring and moderate-grade anxiety/depression; Group 2 (n = 34) consisted of patients with chronic coronary artery disease and mild anxiety-depressive disorders; Group 3 (n = 20) included patients with chronic coronary artery disease without anxiety and depressive disorders; Group 4 (n = 22) represented controls (healthy persons). As based on presence of painful and painless episodes of stenocardia, the following subgroups were specified: in the 1 st group of patients, painful form of IHD was detected in 44% of cases (n = 17); painless form of IHD was detected in 56% of patients (n = 19); in the 2 nd group of patients, painful form of IHD is in 52% of the examined persons (n = 18), painless form of IHD was revealed in 48% of cases (n = 16); in the 3 rd group, the painful form of IHD was confirmed in 37% of patients (n = 8), painless form of IHD was observed in 63% of patients (n = 12). In all these groups, the following parameters were evaluated: the state of psychophysiological status determined by psychological testing, the levels of vegetative regulation (β-endorphin), the function of cardiovascular system (SMECG), and the levels of peripheral blood TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-4, IL-10 were also measured.As based on the data of clinical and laboratory examination, we have suggested that, in the patients with chronic IHD, anxiety and depressive disorders exert a direct pathological effect on the neuropeptide-cytokine status of immune system expressed as suppression of β-endorphin, increased level of pro-inflammatory cytokines and a decrease in anti-inflammatory factors. Meanwhile, these changes are especially pronounced in the patients with painless myocardial ischemia


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    Determined that the knowledge of the regularities rescuers perform basic operations necessary for the improvement of service protection against gas and smoke, in the first place study areas of training of personnel. Analysis of time to perform basic operations contained breathing apparatus showed that they are with 10% significance level can be described by a β-distribution. Largest skewness timing performance of typical operations can judge the level of preparedness of the rescuers. The greater the positive value of this indicator in the assessment of the execution time, the greater the number of rescuers carries out military operation under consideration with the results that are close to the best. Noted that extreme situation, related to the preservation of living people, worsens the results of even well-established in the preparation of special tactics.Визначено, що знання закономірностей виконання газодимозахисниками основних операцій є необхідним для вдосконалення газодимозахисної служби, в першу чергу обґрунтування напрямків підготовки особового складу. Аналіз часу виконання основних операцій в ізолюючих апаратах показав, що їх з 10%-им рівнем значущості можна описати за допомогою β-розподілу. За величиною скошеності розподілу часу виконання типових операцій можна судити про рівень підготовленості рятувальників. Чим позитивніше значення аналізованого показника при оцінці часу виконання, тим більша кількість рятувальників виконує розглянуту оперативну операцію з результатами, близькими до найкращих. Відмічено, що екстремальна ситуація, що пов’язана з рятуванням людей, різко погіршує результати виконання навіть добре відпрацьованих у ході підготовки спеціальних тактичних прийомів

    Assessment of Site Effects and Numerical Modeling of Seismic Ground Motion to Support Seismic Microzonation of Dushanbe City, Tajikistan

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    peer reviewedIn the territory of Dushanbe city, the capital of Tajikistan, detailed geological and geophysical data were collected during geophysical surveys in 2019–2020. The data comprise 5 microtremor array measurements, 9 seismic refraction tomography profiles, seismological data from 5 temporary seismic stations for standard spectral ratio calculations, 60 borehole datasets, and 175 ambient noise measurements. The complete dataset for Dushanbe was used to build a consistent 3D geologic model of the city with a size of 12 × 12 km2. The results of the seismological and geophysical surveys were compared and calibrated with borehole data to define the boundaries of each layer in the study area. The Leapfrog Works software was utilized to create a 3D geomodel. From the 3D geomodel, we extracted six 12 km long 2D geological cross-sections. These 2D geological cross-sections were used for 2D dynamic numerical modeling with the Universal Distinct Element Code software to calculate the local seismic response. Finally, the dynamic numerical modeling results were compared with the amplification functions obtained from the seismological and ambient noise data analysis. The 2D dynamic numerical modeling results allowed a better assessment of the site effects in the study area to support seismic microzonation and the determination of local peak ground acceleration changes in combination with regional seismic hazard maps. In addition, our results confirm the strong seismic amplification effects noted in some previous studies, which are attributed to the influence of local topographic and subsurface characteristics on seismic ground motions