463 research outputs found

    Generative Adversarial Perturbations

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    In this paper, we propose novel generative models for creating adversarial examples, slightly perturbed images resembling natural images but maliciously crafted to fool pre-trained models. We present trainable deep neural networks for transforming images to adversarial perturbations. Our proposed models can produce image-agnostic and image-dependent perturbations for both targeted and non-targeted attacks. We also demonstrate that similar architectures can achieve impressive results in fooling classification and semantic segmentation models, obviating the need for hand-crafting attack methods for each task. Using extensive experiments on challenging high-resolution datasets such as ImageNet and Cityscapes, we show that our perturbations achieve high fooling rates with small perturbation norms. Moreover, our attacks are considerably faster than current iterative methods at inference time.Comment: CVPR 2018, camera-ready versio

    Callings: The Purpose and Passion of Work

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    The University of Mississippi‘s 2023 Common Reading Experience selection -- Callings by Dave Isay with Maya Millett -- was chosen as the communal text for 2023, and will be the focus of university-wide discussions and programming throughout 2023. Stories of passion, courage, and commitment, following individuals as they pursue the work they were born to do, from StoryCorps founder Dave Isay. In Callings, StoryCorps founder Dave Isay presents unforgettable stories from people doing what they love.Some found their paths at a very young age, others later in life; some overcame great odds or upturned their lives in order to pursue what matters to them. Many of their stories have never been broadcast or published by StoryCorps until now. We meet a man from the barrios of Texas whose harrowing experiences in a family of migrant farmers inspired him to become a public defender. We meet a longtime waitress who takes pride in making regulars and newcomers alike feel at home in her Nashville diner. We meet a young man on the South Side of Chicago who became a teacher in order to help at-risk teenagers, like the ones who killed his father, get on the right track. We meet a woman from Little Rock who helps former inmates gain the skills and confidence they need to rejoin the workforce. Together they demonstrate how work can be about much more than just making a living, that chasing dreams and finding inspiration in unexpected places can transform a vocation into a calling. Their shared sense of passion, honor, and commitment brings deeper meaning and satisfaction to every aspect of their lives. An essential contribution to the beloved StoryCorps collection, Callings is an inspiring tribute to rewarding work and the American pursuit of happiness. --Back coverhttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/umreads/1012/thumbnail.jp

    Wireless Powering of Internet of Things Devices using Radio Frequency Harvesting

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is tagging low power devices, miniaturized, with machine-readable identification tags, which are integrated with sensors to collect information and wireless technology to connect them with the Internet. These devices have a very low energy usage. Powering these devices with battery is very labor intensive, costly and tedious especially as number of nodes increases, which is in many applications, is the case. Hence the main objective of this research is to introduce new product called RF Collector, in the market such that IoT devices function independent of battery. Using the suggested approach theywill be energized using Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting. RF Collector wirelessly capture the RF energy that is wasted in space, and re-use it again as the power source for IoT devices and hence making them autonomous of battery. The ability to harvest RF energy enables wireless charging of low-power devices in real time. This has resulting benefits to sustainability, cost reduction, product design, usability, and reliability

    Pengujian Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga Partai Politik oleh Mahkamah Agung

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    Penelitian ini akan mengkaji mengenai adanya permasalahan hukum terkait tidak adanya mekanisme pengujian (peraturan) terhadap produk hukum yang dihasilkan oleh Partai Politik, yaitu Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga, yang merupakan peraturan dasar dari setiap Partai Politik yang dalam pembentukannya berpotensi bertentangan dengan norma yang lebih tinggi yakni Undang-Undang. Untuk menanggapi permasalahan hukum tersebut, Penulis berpendapat bahwa Mahkamah Agung dapat menguji Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga Partai Politik lewat diskresi yudisial meskipun statusnya bukan merupakan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan dibawah Undang-Undang berdasarkan perannya sebagai Lembaga Peradilan yang kewenangannya diberikan langsung oleh Konstitusi dan bertugas untuk menegakkan hukum dan keadilan. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan Metode Penelitian Hukum Normatif, dengan Pendekatan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan, dan Pendekatan Konseptual

    Raman Channel Temperature Measurement of SiC MESFET as a Function of Ambient Temperature and DC Power

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    Raman spectroscopy is used to measure the junction temperature of a Cree SiC MESFET as a function of the ambient temperature and DC power. The carrier temperature, which is approximately equal to the ambient temperature, is varied from 25 C to 450 C, and the transistor is biased with VDS=10V and IDS of 50 mA and 100 mA. It is shown that the junction temperature is approximately 52 and 100 C higher than the ambient temperature for the DC power of 500 and 1000 mW, respectively


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap ada hubungan antara konsep diri dengan kecerdasan emosional pada siswa SMA. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah ada hubungan positif antara konsep diri dengan kecerdasan emosional pada siswa SMA. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Skala Konsep Diri dan Skala Kecerdasan Emosional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa SMA kelas XI berjumlah 86 siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan antara kedua variabel. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yakni pearson correlation, maka diperoleh hasil korelasi rxy = 0,739 dengan signifikansi p= 0,000 (p < 0,01)

    L’impact de l’économie sur la pastorale du diocĂšse d’Idiofa en RĂ©publique DĂ©mocratique du Congo : analyse des rĂ©percussions sur l’exercice ministĂ©riel des prĂȘtres

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    Cette thĂšse traite de l’impact de l’économie congolaise sur la pastorale du diocĂšse d’Idiofa, de la gestion de ce diocĂšse et de leurs rĂ©percussions sur le ministĂšre des prĂȘtres. AprĂšs plusieurs annĂ©es de son Ă©rection, le diocĂšse d’Idiofa subit prĂ©sentement les consĂ©quences de la crise Ă©conomique congolaise. Sa pastorale est malade, en panne et mĂȘme bloquĂ©e. Partout, il n’y pas d’argent, les caisses sont vides, on ne peut ni manger ni cĂ©lĂ©brer l’Eucharistie. On assiste Ă  la dĂ©motivation presque gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e des prĂȘtres : refus des obĂ©diences ou contestation des affectations, sĂ©jours prolongĂ©s et Ă©tudes Ă  l’étranger, absence, ignorance ou mystĂšre des finances. Les gens et les prĂȘtres sont de plus en plus pauvres. Cela contraste avec la croissance numĂ©rique des prĂȘtres dans le diocĂšse d’Idiofa. À y regarder de prĂšs, cette croissance masque mal une Ă©nigme. Avec la pauvretĂ© grandissante, on aurait dĂ» s’attendre Ă  une diminution du nombre des prĂȘtres. Or, tel n’est pas le cas. On assiste Ă  un phĂ©nomĂšne inverse dans le diocĂšse d’Idiofa. À quoi est dĂ» cet Ă©tat de chose? Promotion sociale, recherche du bien ĂȘtre matĂ©riel? Hausse des vocations? Le problĂšme paraĂźt banal, mais c’est une question pratique qui nous conduit Ă  une prise de conscience de notre agir et de notre identitĂ© ecclĂ©siaux. Cette thĂšse aidera Ă  saisir les enjeux en cause et leurs consĂ©quences sur le ministĂšre des prĂȘtres et sur la population. Elle nous Ă©clairera sur l’incapacitĂ© de notre Église locale Ă  s’assumer et Ă  rĂ©agir de façon rĂ©aliste dans notre contexte propre. L’écart est Ă©norme entre sa thĂ©orie et sa pratique. Cette thĂšse vise une Église locale nouvelle qui se veut active, pratique et qui n’a pas le droit de mĂ©connaĂźtre les problĂšmes des prĂȘtres et des gens en situation difficile. S’il est vrai que le modĂšle ecclĂ©sial actuel est Ă©laborĂ© en fonction des dĂ©fis et des aspirations des communautĂ©s diocĂ©saines, comment expliquer que la mĂȘme Église puisse relĂ©guer aux oubliettes les problĂšmes Ă©conomiques qui conditionnent la vie rĂ©elle des prĂȘtres et des gens? La communautĂ© diocĂ©saine peut-elle se bĂątir en nĂ©gligeant l’aspect Ă©conomique? MalgrĂ© la vitalitĂ© actuelle de l’Église du diocĂšse en termes numĂ©riques, liturgiques et sacramentaires, de graves insuffisances tĂ©moignent de sa paralysie actuelle et rendent l’avenir incertain : misĂšre croissante des masses, mauvaise gestion, dĂ©pendance accrue, etc. Cette thĂšse veut que notre Église locale se sente interpellĂ©e dans son agir pastoral par ce problĂšme Ă©conomique. Une nouvelle orientation ou organisation pastorale s’avĂšre donc nĂ©cessaire pour la subsistance et la croissance de notre Église et de son milieu. Notre thĂšse comprend sept chapitres. Le premier dresse un portrait Ă©conomique de la RĂ©publique DĂ©mocratique du Congo avec ses immenses richesses et la crise qu’elle traverse tant au plan politique que Ă©conomique. Le deuxiĂšme analyse l’écart entre les prises de position audacieuses de l’Église congolaise dans ce contexte et sa pratique clĂ©ricale et institutionnelle plus conservatrice. Le troisiĂšme dĂ©crit la situation pastorale du diocĂšse d’Idiofa, du ministĂšre de brousse jusqu’à la gestion diocĂ©saine en passant par ses diverses pastorales sectorielles. On y trouve l’exposĂ© des faiblesses et des forces de ce diocĂšse. Le quatriĂšme analyse la situation Ă©conomique du diocĂšse tant en rapport avec la crise congolaise qu’avec les dynamiques internes du diocĂšse. On y voit Ă©merger par exemple, la dĂ©pendance envers Rome, le favoritisme et le tribalisme financiers, la perte de moyens de production propres au diocĂšse, la pauvretĂ© du clergĂ© et, Ă©videmment, des fidĂšles et des gens du diocĂšse. Le cinquiĂšme chapitre rĂ©Ă©value les progrĂšs thĂ©ologiques (adaptation, pierres d’attente, inculturation, reconstruction, libĂ©ration et contextuelle) et des pratiques pastorales du diocĂšse en regard de sa rĂ©alitĂ© actuelle. Le sixiĂšme propose une interprĂ©tation thĂ©ologique de la crise Ă©conomique du diocĂšse d’Idiofa en fonction de l’Évangile, du salut considĂ©rĂ© comme salut global concernant la transformation des structures historiques, de la mission de l’Église d’annoncer ce salut en paroles et en actes. Le septiĂšme et dernier chapitre propose une analyse des implications Ă©thiques et ecclĂ©siales. Il prĂ©sente aussi quelques voies pastorales susceptibles de favoriser la prise en mains des communautĂ©s par elles-mĂȘmes et l’assainissement des finances du diocĂšse : pastorales du grenier, des mains sales et du jardin partagĂ©. La conclusion gĂ©nĂ©rale de la thĂšse rappelle les idĂ©es-forces et propose des pistes de solution.This thesis relates the impact of the congolese economy on the pastoral diocese of Idiofa, the administration of the diocese and its repercussions on the ministry of the priests. After several years of establishment, the diocese of Idiofa is presently subjected to the consequences of the congolese economic crisis. Its pastoral is sick, broken and even blocked. The lack of money is everywhere, cash reserves are empty, we can neither eat nor celebrate the Eucharist. We are living an almost general de-motivation of priests: refusal of obedience or contestation of appointments, prolonged stays and studies abroad, absences, ignorance or “mystery of finances”. The people and the priests are poorer than ever. This contrasts with the growing number of priests in the diocese of Idiofa. At a closer range this growth badly masks an enigma. With the growing poverty a decrease in the number of priests was to be expected. However this is not the case as we witness an opposite phenomenon in the diocese of Idiofa. Why is this happening? Social promotion, a search for material comfort? An increase in vocations? The problem seems trite, but it is a practical question that leads to a matter of conscience in regards to our actions and our ecclesiastic identity. This thesis will help to grasp the stakes and the consequences of the Congolese economy on the ministry of priests and on the population. It will reveal the incapability of our local Church to assume its responsibilities and react realistically to the proper context. The disparity between its theory and practice is enormous. This thesis aims for a new active and practical local Church that does not refuse to acknowledge the problems facing priests and people in difficult situations. If the actual ecclesial model is in truth elaborated to function with the challenges and aspirations of the diocesan communities, how do we explain that this same Church forgets the economic problems that condition the actual life of the priests and the people? Can the diocesan community continue to build and grow by neglecting the economic aspect? Despite the actual numerical, liturgical and sacramental vitality of the diocesan Church, serious internal insufficiencies are a cause of its present paralysis and a threat to its uncertain future. This thesis wants our local Church to be concerned by the economical problems through its pastoral actions. A new pastoral orientation or organization is thus necessary for the subsistence and growth of our Church and its environment. Our thesis consists of seven chapters. The first depicts a socio- economic portrait of the Democratic Congo Republic with its immense riches and the present political and economic crisis. The second analyzes the disparity between the audacious positions of the Congolese Church in this context and its more conservative clerical and institutional practices. The third describes the pastoral situation of the diocese of Idiofa, from the backward ministry to the diocesan administration through its diverse pastoral sectionals. We expose the diocesan weaknesses and forces. The fourth analyzes the diocesan economic situation in regards to the congolese crisis and its internal diocesan dynamics. For example we see the emergence of a dependence towards Rome, the tribal financial favoritism, the loss of means of personal diocesan production, the poverty of the clergy, and furthermore of the faithful and the people of the diocese. The fifth chapter re-evaluates the theological progress (theologies of adaptation, waiting stones, enculturation, liberation, contextual and reconstruction) and pastoral practices of the diocese with regard to its actual reality. The sixth proposes a theological interpretation of the economic crisis in the diocese of Idiofa in virtue of the Gospel, of salvation considered as global salvation concerning the transformation of historical structures, the mission of the Church to announce salvation in word and deed. The seventh and last chapter proposes an analysis of ethic and ecclesial implications. It also presents some pastoral ways susceptible of favoring the self leadership of communities and the stabilization of diocesan finances: pastoral of the attics, dirty hands and garden sharing. The general conclusion of the thesis recalls strong ideas and proposes solutions
