10 research outputs found

    Dinosauro teropodoen hortzak eta dietan duten islapena

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    Dinosauro teropodoak nahiko urriak dira erregistro fosilean eta, askotan, aurkitutako fosil bakarrak hortz isolatuak dira. Teropodoen hortzekin, ordea, azterketa paleontologiko anitz egin daitezke, metodologia kualitatibo eta kuan-titatibo mota desberdinak erabiliz. Hortzetatik abiatuz, teropodoen biosistematika burutu eta talde honen erregistro fosila eta paleobiodibertsitatea ezagutu daitezke, baita hainbat diziplina paleobiologikoren azterketa egin ere, hala nola paleoekologia (iraganeko bizidunek beren artean eta ingurunearekin duten erlazioaren azterketa) eta paleobiogeografia (iraganeko bizidu-nen banaketa biogeografikoaren azterketa). Azterketa paleoekologiko bat dinosauro hauen dieta ezagutzea litzateke. Tero-podoen lehendabiziko ordezkariek hortz zifodontoak (laban itxurakoak) zituzten; hortz hauek aproposak dira haragia eba-kitzeko. Hortz pakidontoek (banana gisakoak) zifodontoek baino erresistentzia handiagoa erakusten dute. Kate trofikoaren goialdean dauden teropodo haragijaleetan agertzen dira eta hezurrak txikitzea eta haragian ebakidura zabalak egitea ahalbi-detzen zieten dinosauroei. Hortzeria konidontoa (hortz lateral konikodun hortzeria) zulatzeko eta harrapakinak eusteko da egokia, eta dinosauro iktiofago, herbiboro eta intsektiboro batzuetan garatu zen. Hortzeria folidontodun teropodoei, hau da, hosto itxurako hortzak dituztenei, dieta mota ezberdinak esleitu zaizkie; hala nola haragijalea, intsektiboroa, omniboroa edo herbiboroa. Nahiz eta dinosauro teropodoek hortzeria mota ezberdinak izan, batzuek hortzen galera erakusten dute. Edentu-lismoa (hortzen galera partziala edo osoa) teropodo talde ezberdinetan gertatu zen independenteki. Edentulismoaren zerga-tia jorratzen duten hipotesi asko proposatu diren arren, argi dago hortz gabeko moko batek funtzio asko bete ditzakeela, die-tan besteak beste, eta, beraz, berrikuntza ebolutibo garrantzitsua izan zela dinosauro teropodo ez-hegaztietan eta hegaztietan. Izan ere, gaur egun, hortz gabeko hegaztiak dira bizirik dirauten dinosauro bakarrak.; Isolated theropod teeth are the most common elements of this dinosaur clade found in the fossil record. This has led to the development of different qualitative, quantitative and phylogenetic methodologies in the study of isolated theropod teeth. This research has applications in systematic palaeontology, palaeobiodiversity, palaeoecology, and palaeo-biogeography. Moreover, the theropod teeth can inform us about the diet of these dinosaurs. Ziphodont (blade-like) teeth are suitable for cutting flesh; this dentition type is the ancestral theropod condition. Pachydont (banana-like) teeth show greater strength than ziphodont teeth. Pachydonty is present in carnivorous theropods that are at the top of the food chain and are able to crush bones and make wide incisions in the flesh. Conidont (conical) teeth are suitable for drilling and hold-ing prey. Conidonty developed in theropods with ichthyophagous, herbivorous, and insectivorous diets. Folidonty (leaf-shaped lateral crowns) occurs in theropods consuming distinct types of food, such as carnivores, insectivores, omnivores, or herbivores, including species of different clades. Edentulism has developed independently in several different theropod clades. Many hypotheses have been proposed to address the origin of edentulism in theropods; it is undeniable that a tooth-less beak can perform many functions and has therefore been an important evolutionary innovation in non-avian theropods and birds. In fact, toothless birds are the only theropods left alive today

    Atualização da informação geológica e estratigráfica das jazidas de dinossáurios de La Rioja. Paleodiversidade do Cretácico Inferior do Grupo Enciso em Peña Cárcena (Igea, Espanha)

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    ABSTRACT: The discovery of new vertebrate fossil sites with skeletal remains in the Enciso Group of Igea (La Rioja) is showing the relevance of the area to study the palaeobiodiversity of Early Cretaceous vertebrate faunas from the Iberian Peninsula. At Peña Cárcena hill two sedimentary environments have been inferred: a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate lacustrine environment that is dominant at the outcrops, overlaid by a splay delta in an avulsion-belt. The vertebrate remains are especially abundant in the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate lacustrine deposits with two partially articulated skeletons (a theropod and a large-sized dinosaur), teeth and a fragment of a left maxilla of baryonychines, a pterosaur tooth that differs from those of Prejanopterus, a Goniopholis tooth, chelonian shell fragments that might belong to Camerochelys, a fairly complete lepisosteiform, teeth and dorsal fin spines of hybodontiforms. At the delta deposits, vertebrate fossils are rather scarce, with a single lepisosteiform skeleton and indeterminate bone fragments.RESUMO: A descoberta de novas jazidas com restos osteológicos de vertebrados no Grupo Enciso em Igea (La Rioja) comprova a importância da região para o estudo da paleobiodiversidade das faunas de vertebrados do Cretácico Inferior da Península Ibérica. Na colina de Peña-Cárcena, tem-se inferido dois ambientes sedimentares: o predominante nos afloramentos corresponde a um ambiente lacustre, siliciclástico-carbonatado misto, que se encontra sobreposto por depósitos de transbordo deltaico em cinturão abandonado. Restos de vertebrados são abundantes nos depósitos lacustres, incluindo dois esqueletos parciais articulados (de um terópode e de outro dinossáurio de grande porte), dentes e um fragmento de maxila esquerda de barionicinos, um dente de pterossáurio distinto de Prejanopterus, um dente de Goniopholis, fragmentos da carapaça de quelónios que poderão pertencer a Camerochelys, um lepisosteiforme praticamente completo, dentes e espinhos de barbatanas de hybodontiformes. Fósseis de vertebrados são escassos nos depósitos deltaicos, com apenas um esqueleto de lepisosteiforme e fragmentos indeterminados.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dinosauru teropodoen hortzen azterketa: Errioxako Behe Kretazeoko espinosauruak Iberiar Penintsulako testuinguruan

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    [EN] Theropod remains are relatively common in the Early Cretaceous vertebrate sites from the Iberian Peninsula, being mostly known for their teeth. This is the case of the studied fossil sites located in Igea (La Rioja) where the Enciso Group crops out. Although the paleoenvironment of the Enciso Group is still under discussion, it represents an area where fluvial systems, fresh water-lakes and fluvial dominated coastal plains with marly lakes developed. Nine spinosaurid teeth have been found in four different fossil sites (Barranco de La Cañana, La Era del Peladillo, Peña Cárcena and Umbría de Costarrey). The teeth have been studied using qualitative and quantitative features and they have been compared with those from Teruel and other Iberian sites. In Igea two different baryonychine morphotypes have been described. The Morphotype 1 teeth show a similar morphology to the ones found in the Iberian Peninsula. Morphotype 2 tooth seems to differ from the known Iberian material, though no further conclusions can be currently done because of the scarcity of data. Teropodoen arrastoak erlatiboki arruntak dira Iberiar Penintsulako Behe Kretazeoko ornodunen aztarnategietan, gehien bat hortz fosilen bidez ezagutzen direlarik. Igean (Errioxa) Enciso Taldekoak diren azaleramenduetan aurkitu eta lan honetan aztertu direnak kasu. Nahiz eta Enciso Taldeko materialek adierazten duten paleoinguruneari buruz eztabaida dagoen, bertan sistema flubialak, ur gezako lakuak eta ibaien menpeko kostaldeko ordokiak behatu dira. Guztira, bederatzi espinosaurio hortz fosil aurkitu dira lau fosil azaleramendu ezberdinetan (Barranco de La Cañana, La Era del Peladillo, Peña Cárcena eta Umbría de Costarrey). Hortz hauek azaltzen dituzten ezaugarri kualitatibo eta kuantitatiboak aztertu eta emaitzak Teruel eta beste Iberiar aztarnategi batzuetan aurkitutako hortzekin konparatu dira. Igean bi baryonychido morfotipo ezberdindu dira. Morphotype 1-eko hortz fosilak Iberiar Penintsulan aurkitu direnen antzekoak dira. Morphotype 2 bezala sailkatu den hortz fosila, aldiz, Iberiako materialetik aldendu egiten da, nahiz eta datu faltagatik, ondorio zehatzagorik ateratzea posible izan ez den.[EUS] Teropodoen arrastoak erlatiboki arruntak dira Iberiar Penintsulako Behe Kretazeoko ornodunen aztarnategietan, gehien bat hortz fosilen bidez ezagutzen direlarik. Igean (Errioxa) Enciso Taldekoak diren azaleramenduetan aurkitu eta lan honetan aztertu direnak kasu. Nahiz eta Enciso Taldeko materialek adierazten duten paleoinguruneari buruz eztabaida dagoen, bertan sistema flubialak, ur gezako lakuak eta ibaien menpeko kostaldeko ordokiak behatu dira. Guztira, bederatzi espinosaurio hortz fosil aurkitu dira lau fosil azaleramendu ezberdinetan (Barranco de La Cañana, La Era del Peladillo, Peña Cárcena eta Umbría de Costarrey). Hortz hauek azaltzen dituzten ezaugarri kualitatibo eta kuantitatiboak aztertu eta emaitzak Teruel eta beste Iberiar aztarnategi batzuetan aurkitutako hortzekin konparatu dira. Igean bi baryonychido morfotipo ezberdindu dira. Morphotype 1-eko hortz fosilak Iberiar Penintsulan aurkitu direnen antzekoak dira. Morphotype 2 bezala sailkatu den hortz fosila, aldiz, Iberiako materialetik aldendu egiten da, nahiz eta datu faltagatik, ondorio zehatzagorik ateratzea posible izan ez den

    Dinosauru teropodoen hortzen azterketa: Errioxako Behe Kretazeoko espinosauruak Iberiar Penintsulako testuinguruan

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    [EN] Theropod remains are relatively common in the Early Cretaceous vertebrate sites from the Iberian Peninsula, being mostly known for their teeth. This is the case of the studied fossil sites located in Igea (La Rioja) where the Enciso Group crops out. Although the paleoenvironment of the Enciso Group is still under discussion, it represents an area where fluvial systems, fresh water-lakes and fluvial dominated coastal plains with marly lakes developed. Nine spinosaurid teeth have been found in four different fossil sites (Barranco de La Cañana, La Era del Peladillo, Peña Cárcena and Umbría de Costarrey). The teeth have been studied using qualitative and quantitative features and they have been compared with those from Teruel and other Iberian sites. In Igea two different baryonychine morphotypes have been described. The Morphotype 1 teeth show a similar morphology to the ones found in the Iberian Peninsula. Morphotype 2 tooth seems to differ from the known Iberian material, though no further conclusions can be currently done because of the scarcity of data. Teropodoen arrastoak erlatiboki arruntak dira Iberiar Penintsulako Behe Kretazeoko ornodunen aztarnategietan, gehien bat hortz fosilen bidez ezagutzen direlarik. Igean (Errioxa) Enciso Taldekoak diren azaleramenduetan aurkitu eta lan honetan aztertu direnak kasu. Nahiz eta Enciso Taldeko materialek adierazten duten paleoinguruneari buruz eztabaida dagoen, bertan sistema flubialak, ur gezako lakuak eta ibaien menpeko kostaldeko ordokiak behatu dira. Guztira, bederatzi espinosaurio hortz fosil aurkitu dira lau fosil azaleramendu ezberdinetan (Barranco de La Cañana, La Era del Peladillo, Peña Cárcena eta Umbría de Costarrey). Hortz hauek azaltzen dituzten ezaugarri kualitatibo eta kuantitatiboak aztertu eta emaitzak Teruel eta beste Iberiar aztarnategi batzuetan aurkitutako hortzekin konparatu dira. Igean bi baryonychido morfotipo ezberdindu dira. Morphotype 1-eko hortz fosilak Iberiar Penintsulan aurkitu direnen antzekoak dira. Morphotype 2 bezala sailkatu den hortz fosila, aldiz, Iberiako materialetik aldendu egiten da, nahiz eta datu faltagatik, ondorio zehatzagorik ateratzea posible izan ez den.[EUS] Teropodoen arrastoak erlatiboki arruntak dira Iberiar Penintsulako Behe Kretazeoko ornodunen aztarnategietan, gehien bat hortz fosilen bidez ezagutzen direlarik. Igean (Errioxa) Enciso Taldekoak diren azaleramenduetan aurkitu eta lan honetan aztertu direnak kasu. Nahiz eta Enciso Taldeko materialek adierazten duten paleoinguruneari buruz eztabaida dagoen, bertan sistema flubialak, ur gezako lakuak eta ibaien menpeko kostaldeko ordokiak behatu dira. Guztira, bederatzi espinosaurio hortz fosil aurkitu dira lau fosil azaleramendu ezberdinetan (Barranco de La Cañana, La Era del Peladillo, Peña Cárcena eta Umbría de Costarrey). Hortz hauek azaltzen dituzten ezaugarri kualitatibo eta kuantitatiboak aztertu eta emaitzak Teruel eta beste Iberiar aztarnategi batzuetan aurkitutako hortzekin konparatu dira. Igean bi baryonychido morfotipo ezberdindu dira. Morphotype 1-eko hortz fosilak Iberiar Penintsulan aurkitu direnen antzekoak dira. Morphotype 2 bezala sailkatu den hortz fosila, aldiz, Iberiako materialetik aldendu egiten da, nahiz eta datu faltagatik, ondorio zehatzagorik ateratzea posible izan ez den

    Restos óseos de dinosaurios terópodos del Cretácico inferior de Igea (La Rioja)

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    Los yacimientos de icnitas de dinosaurios terópodos en la Cuenca de Cameros son abundantes, especialmente en el Cretácico Inferior de La Rioja, pero son escasos los restos esqueléticos. En los últimos años, se han hallado restos óseos de terópodos en varios yacimientos del Grupo Enciso en Igea (La Rioja). Los espinosáuridos están representados por un fragmento de maxilar, una extremidad posterior y dientes aislados pertenecientes a varios individuos. Un esqueleto parcialmente articulado excavado en 2018 corresponde a un terópodo de talla media, cuya afinidad está todavía por determina

    Upper Cretaceous European theropod palaeobiodiversity, palaeobiogeography and the intra-Maastrichtian faunal turnover: new contributions from the Iberian fossil site of Laño

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    A total of 227 theropod teeth have so far been recovered from the upper Campanian Laño site (northern Iberian Peninsula). The teeth were studied for their qualitative and quantitative features. From the theropod sample found at Laño, seven morphotypes attributed to five taxa are identified: a medium to large abelisaurid (Arcovenator sp.) and four small coelurosaurians (Dromaeosauridae indet., Paraves indet., cf. Paronychodon sp. and cf. Richardoestesia sp.) Together with the ground bird Gargantuavis and a possible ornithomimosaur, the theropod fauna of Laño might be composed of two medium–large-sized non-avian theropods, four small-bodied non-avian theropods and a large terrestrial bird. This makes the Laño site the richest and most diverse latest Cretaceous theropod site in Europe. Furthermore, the Laño site and the Upper Cretaceous localities of Europe that have yielded theropod remains suggest that the medium–large-sized theropods were abelisaurids or indeterminate theropods. The small theropods are more abundant, diverse and represented by different dromaeosaurids, Paronychodon, Richardoestesia or related forms, troodontids and, probably, by other paravians. Of the birds, enantiornithines, gargantuaviids and ornithurines are also common in the European Upper Cretaceous sites. The theropod assemblage of Laño, together with the taxa of other Upper Cretaceous sites, supports the idea that several theropod dispersal events took place during the Cretaceous. This resulted in a mixture of European endemic, Asiamerican and Gondwanan forms. This study also supports the hypothesis that the intra-Maastrichtian faunal turnover that occurred in the Ibero-Armorican landmass seems to have had no apparent effect on theropods

    New contributions to the skull anatomy of spinosaurid theropods: Baryonychinae maxilla from the Early Cretaceous of Igea (La Rioja, Spain)

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    Spinosaurid dinosaurs show a wide geographical and temporal distribution, being present in Gondwanan and Laurasian landmasses, at least, during the Lower Cretaceous and the Cenomanian. European spinosaurids are more diverse than previously thought with five, and probably six, currently recognised genera. The revision of CPI 477, a fragment of a left maxilla from the Lower Cretaceous of La Rioja (Spain) previously assigned to Baryonyx, demonstrates that this specimen cannot be referred to this genus and likely belongs to an indeterminate baryonychine closer to Baryonyx than to Suchomimus. CPI 477 exhibits a tooth replacement process comparable to that of other theropods and, besides, similar to other large theropods, two replacement teeth could simultaneously be developed in the same alveolus, partly explaining high replacement ratios and the overabundance of spinosaurid teeth in some fossil sites. Furthermore, the Oxalaia maxilla shares the anteriorly located external naris with Irritator and baryonychine spinosaurids, which differ from the more retracted ones in African spinosaurines. Finally, in addition to the previously noticed differences between Baryonychinae and Spinosaurinae, the paradental groove of African spinosaurines and Oxalaia differs from that of baryonychines in being sinusoidal instead of straight

    Fast-running theropods tracks from the Early Cretaceous of La Rioja, Spain

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    Theropod behaviour and biodynamics are intriguing questions that paleontology has been trying to resolve for a long time. The lack of extant groups with similar bipedalism has made it hard to answer some of the questions on the matter, yet theoretical biomechanical models have shed some light on the question of how fast theropods could run and what kind of movement they showed. The study of dinosaur tracks can help answer some of these questions due to the very nature of tracks as a product of the interaction of these animals with the environment. Two trackways belonging to fast-running theropods from the Lower Cretaceous Enciso Group of Igea (La Rioja) are presented here and compared with other fast-running theropod trackways published to date. The Lower Cretaceous Iberian fossil record and some features present in these footprints and trackways suggest a basal tetanuran, probably a carcharodontosaurid or spinosaurid, as a plausible trackmaker. Speed analysis shows that these trackways, with speed ranges of 6.5–10.3 and 8.8–12.4 ms−1, testify to some of the top speeds ever calculated for theropod tracks, shedding light on the question of dinosaur biodynamics and how these animals moved

    Primate origins of human event cognition

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    Human language relies on a rich cognitive machinery, partially shared with other animals. One key mechanism, decomposing events into causally-linked agent-patient roles, however, has remained elusive with no known animal equivalent. In humans, agent-patient relations in event cognition drive how languages are processed neurally and expressions structured syntactically. We conducted a comparative analysis of visual event integration with humans and great apes, finding that agent-patient relations were processed with strong similarity in all species, with apes paying additional attention to event-external features. Six-month-old infants, in contrast, were unable to follow agent-patient relations and attended mostly to background information. We conclude that one cognitive foundation of syntax evolved long before language but requires time and experience to become ontogenetically available