7 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the study – to study the effect of polyphenolic compounds extracted from the flowers of safflower oil and calendula, the functional activity of immune cells in cytotoxic immune suppression.Conventional methods determined the total number of splenocytes, relative (%) and absolute (106), the number of antibody-forming cells (AFC) in the spleen of mice by local hemolysis by Cunningham.Evaluated the effect of compounds of natural origin on the cellular immune response in the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). Phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages was determined by the method based on the intensity of their capture ink particles. We studied the functional activity of peritoneal macrophages by NBT test (spontaneous and stimulated). Studies were conducted on male mice Category 1 (conventional linear mouse) line CBA/CaLac aged 2–2.5 months, weighing 20–22 g. After the introduction mice line CBA/CaLac of polyphenolic compounds derived from flowers of Carthamus tinctorius and flowers of Calendula officinalis L. during the 5-day course in dose 50 mg/kg was observed stimulation of the humoral immune response (total number of splenocytes, the number of antibodies in the spleen cells) and the functional activity of macrophages and Immunomodulating effect on the humoral immunity and the functional activity of macrophages after a single injection of cyclophosphamide in dose 250 mg/kg. Immunotropic activity of polyphenolic compounds is higher than that those of the reference product of tincture of Echinacea purpurea.Цель исследования – изучить влияние полифенольных соединений, выделенных из цветков сафлора красильного и календулы лекарственной, на функциональную активность иммунокомпетентных клеток в условиях цитостатической иммуносупрессии. Общепринятыми методами определяли общее количество спленоцитов; относительное (%) и абсолютное (106) количество антителообразующих клеток (АОК) в селезенке мышей методом локального гемолиза по Cunningham. Оценивали влияние соединений природного происхождения на клеточный иммунный ответ в реакции гиперчувствительности замедленного типа (ГЗТ). Фагоцитарную активность перитонеальных макрофагов определяли методом, основанным на интенсивности захвата ими частиц туши. Изучали функциональную активность перитонеальных макрофагов с помощью НСТ-теста (спонтанного и стимулированного). Исследования были проведены на мышах-самцах 1-й категории (конвенциональные линейные мыши) линии CBA/CaLac в возрасте 2–2,5 мес и массой тела 20–22 г.После введения мышам линии CBA/CaLac 5-дневным курсом в дозе 50 мг/кг массы тела полифенольных соединений, выделенных из цветков сафлора красильного и календулы лекарственной, наблюдалась стимуляция гуморального иммунного ответа (общее количество спленоцитов, количество антителообразующих клеток в селезенке) и функциональной активности перитонеальных макрофагов. Полифенольные соединения исследуемых объектов оказывают иммунокорригирующее действие на гуморальный иммунитет и функциональную активность перитонеальных макрофагов после однократной инъекции циклофосфана в дозе 250 мг/кг массы тела. Иммунотропное действие полифенольных соединений из сафлора красильного и календулы лекарственной превышает таковое у препарата сравнения – настойки эхинацеи пурпурной

    Cell Therapy of Congenital Corneal Diseases with Umbilical Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Lumican Null Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Keratoplasty is the most effective treatment for corneal blindness, but suboptimal medical conditions and lack of qualified medical personnel and donated cornea often prevent the performance of corneal transplantation in developing countries. Our study aims to develop alternative treatment regimens for congenital corneal diseases of genetic mutation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Human mesenchymal stem cells isolated from neonatal umbilical cords were transplanted to treat thin and cloudy corneas of lumican null mice. Transplantation of umbilical mesenchymal stem cells significantly improved corneal transparency and increased stromal thickness of lumican null mice, but human umbilical hematopoietic stem cells failed to do the same. Further studies revealed that collagen lamellae were re-organized in corneal stroma of lumican null mice after mesenchymal stem cell transplantation. Transplanted umbilical mesenchymal stem cells survived in the mouse corneal stroma for more than 3 months with little or no graft rejection. In addition, these cells assumed a keratocyte phenotype, e.g., dendritic morphology, quiescence, expression of keratocyte unique keratan sulfated keratocan and lumican, and CD34. Moreover, umbilical mesenchymal stem cell transplantation improved host keratocyte functions, which was verified by enhanced expression of keratocan and aldehyde dehydrogenase class 3A1 in lumican null mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Umbilical mesenchymal stem cell transplantation is a promising treatment for congenital corneal diseases involving keratocyte dysfunction. Unlike donated corneas, umbilical mesenchymal stem cells are easily isolated, expanded, stored, and can be quickly recovered from liquid nitrogen when a patient is in urgent need


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    The purpose of the study – to study the effect of polyphenolic compounds extracted from the flowers of safflower oil and calendula, the functional activity of immune cells in cytotoxic immune suppression.Conventional methods determined the total number of splenocytes, relative (%) and absolute (106), the number of antibody-forming cells (AFC) in the spleen of mice by local hemolysis by Cunningham.Evaluated the effect of compounds of natural origin on the cellular immune response in the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). Phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages was determined by the method based on the intensity of their capture ink particles. We studied the functional activity of peritoneal macrophages by NBT test (spontaneous and stimulated). Studies were conducted on male mice Category 1 (conventional linear mouse) line CBA/CaLac aged 2–2.5 months, weighing 20–22 g. After the introduction mice line CBA/CaLac of polyphenolic compounds derived from flowers of Carthamus tinctorius and flowers of Calendula officinalis L. during the 5-day course in dose 50 mg/kg was observed stimulation of the humoral immune response (total number of splenocytes, the number of antibodies in the spleen cells) and the functional activity of macrophages and Immunomodulating effect on the humoral immunity and the functional activity of macrophages after a single injection of cyclophosphamide in dose 250 mg/kg. Immunotropic activity of polyphenolic compounds is higher than that those of the reference product of tincture of Echinacea purpurea

    Erythropoiesis-stimulating properties of anthocyanin-containing complex from Sorbus aucuparia L. in cytostatic anemic syndrome in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma

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    The results of studying the effect of the anthocyanin-containing complex from Sorbus aucuparia L. on the main indicators of erythropoiesis in the blood and bone marrow of mice with Lewis lung carcinoma against the background of doxorubicin administration were presented. It was shown that administration of the anthocyanin-containing complex from S. aucuparia L. to animals with the tumor prevented the development of anemic syndrome by promoting regeneration of the erythropoiesis after its depletion caused by single administration of a cytostatic agent