183 research outputs found

    Effects of the CDK-inhibitor CYC202 on p38 MAPK, ERK1/2 and c-Myc activities in papillomavirus type 16 E6- and E7-transformed human keratinocytes

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    In the present study, we have investigated the effect of the chemical CDK-inhibitor CYC202 on E6 and E7-transformed keratinocytes, in which the function of the cellular cell cycle inhibitor p21Cip1 is abrogated by the viral genes. The cyto-toxicity and the inhibition of the cell growth were analysed by MTT assay and analysis of DNA synthesis respectively. The effect on some signalling molecules was tested by Western blot analysis. CYC202 effectively inhibited the proliferation of E6 and E7 keratinocytes in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment with CYC202 strongly increased the activity of p38 MAP kinase. Furthermore, it inhibited ERK1/2 at the highest concentration used and had no effect on the activity of JNK1/2. CYC202 also increased the phosphorylation of HSP27 and decreased the phosphorylation and DNA-binding activity of the transcriptional regulator c-Myc, in correlation with the corresponding upstream kinases p38 MAPK and ERK1/2. Our results provide additional data for the anti-proliferative actions and potency of the chemical CDK-inhibitor CYC202

    The use of nanosecond electron beam for the eggs surface disinfection in industrial poultry

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    Development of the technology bases of egg disinfection using surface irradiation is executed by the nanosecond electron beam. Experiments on shell eggs irradiation using the frequency nanosecond URT-0.5 accelerator were made. Determination of absorbed dose distributionwas executed. In case of irradiation by the electron beam with absorbed dose level 5 kGy, it is enough for the full disinfection of the surface and pores of egg shell. The absorbed dose in the egg at the expense of bremsstrahlung will not exceed 0.08 Gy which can't have essential action on protein. Irradiation of shell eggs batch in plastic package of 100 pieces pledged in an incubator together with an inspection lot of not irradiated egg was made. The percent of eggs deductibility and chickens survival of pilot and control batches were identical, indicating that there was no significant radio biological effect from irradiation of egg internal structures. The received chickens were grown up within the 5 weeks. It is established that the chickens who are grown up from the irradiated egg have no essential differences in development. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was performed within a support of the Russian Science No. 16-16-04038)


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    This work is dedicated to the study of psychological characteristics and attitude to health among patients with arterial hypertension. We hypothesized that it was important to study the picture of health not only for healthy individuals, but also for people with chronic somatic diseases for whom category «health» may be of particular significance. It was also important to study correlation between attitude to health and compliance to treatment.Работа посвящена исследованию психологических особенностей и отношения к здоровью у пациентов с психосоматическими заболеваниями на примере пациентов с артериальной гипертензией. В основу исследования легло предположение о том, что важно изучать картину здоровья не только у здоровых лиц, но и у людей, страдающих хроническими соматическими заболеваниями, для которых категория «здоровье» может иметь особое значение. Вместе с этим интересно проследить соотношение параметров отношения к здоровью с уровнем комплаентности к лечению

    Strongly anisotropic spin dynamics in magnetic topological insulators

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    The recent discovery of magnetic topological insulators has opened new avenues to explore exotic states of matter that can emerge from the interplay between topological electronic states and magnetic degrees of freedom, be it ordered or strongly fluctuating. Motivated by the effects that the dynamics of the magnetic moments can have on the topological surface states, we investigate the magnetic fluctuations across the (MnBi2_{\text{2}}Te4_{\text{4}})(Bi2_{\text{2}}Te3_{\text{3}})n_{\text{n}} family. Our paramagnetic electron spin resonance experiments reveal contrasting Mn spin dynamics in different compounds, which manifests in a strongly anisotropic Mn spin relaxation in MnBi2_{\text{2}}Te4_{\text{4}} while being almost isotropic in MnBi4_{\text{4}}Te7_{\text{7}}. Our density-functional calculations explain these striking observations in terms of the sensitivity of the local electronic structure to the Mn spin-orientation, and indicate that the anisotropy of the magnetic fluctuations can be controlled by the carrier density, which may directly affect the electronic topological surface states

    Features of antifungal therapy during long-lasting infectious process: a clinical case of fungal keratitis and profile of antifungal sensitivity based on assessing biofilm formation

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    Among infectious diseases, opportunistic mycoses hold a special place. There has been accumulating a lot of evidence regarding the clinical and epidemiological aspects of infection caused by Fusarium spp., which global incidence rate among microbial keratitis ranges from 2 to 40% depending on the geographical location of the country. Colonizing mucous membranes, fungi can exist not only in the form of plankton, but form biofilms after surface attachment, which leads to elevated resistance to multiple antifungal agents. Here we describe a clinical case of fungal keratitis due to Fusarium solani by determining profile of the antifungal sensitivity for isolated fungal strains, by taking into account their potential for biofilm formation. We used an F. solani culture isolated from the patient as well as F. solani test culture obtained from the Russian National Collection of Microorganisms. While determining the sensitivity of fungal planktonic cultures to antifungal agents from the azole group (fluconazole, voriconazole), amphotericin B and terbinafine, it was revealed that antimycotics amphotericin B and voriconazole exerted a marked antifungal activity against clinical isolate, whereas the plankton F. solani test culture was more sensitive to all groups of antifungal agents. Due to a long-lasting progressive course of the infectious process and the high biofilm-forming ability of the clinical strain F. solani, the activity of antifungal agents on biofilm cells was modeled and examined in vitro. It was shown that regarding to the fungal biofilms, value of the minimally inhibitory concentration exceeded those for planktonic cultures by 100-fold. The mechanisms of action for antifungal agents on vital parameters of fungal cell structures were analyzed by using confocal laser scanning microscopy after staining samples with propidium iodide and acridine orange for 15 min to detect changes between intact and damaged cell surface. It was found that within the biofilm fungal cells preserved viability even after exposure to high concentrations of antifungals. In addition, despite the fungicidal drug activity at substantial concentrations acting on the biofilm cell membrane, the cell nuclei remained viable. Owing to the presence ot the mechanism of resistance in mycelial fungi shown in the study, it is necessary to take into account and investigate characteristics of biofilms in terms of drug sensitivity that will allow to optimize a choice of antimicrobial therapy

    Surface states and Rashba-type spin polarization in antiferromagnetic MnBi2_2Te4_4

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    The layered van der Waals antiferromagnet MnBi2_2Te4_4 has been predicted to combine the band ordering of archetypical topological insulators such as Bi2_2Te3_3 with the magnetism of Mn, making this material a viable candidate for the realization of various magnetic topological states. We have systematically investigated the surface electronic structure of MnBi2_2Te4_4(0001) single crystals by use of spin- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy experiments. In line with theoretical predictions, the results reveal a surface state in the bulk band gap and they provide evidence for the influence of exchange interaction and spin-orbit coupling on the surface electronic structure.Comment: Revised versio

    Designing 3D topological insulators by 2D-Xene (X = Ge, Sn) sheet functionalization in the GaGeTe-type structures

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    State-of-the-art theoretical studies anticipate a 2D Dirac system in the "heavy'' analogues of graphene, free-standing buckled honeycomb-like Xenes (X = Si, Ge, Sn, Pb, etc.). Herewith we regard a 2D sheet, which structurally and electronically resembles Xenes, in a 3D periodic, rhombohedral structure of layered AXTe (A = Ga, In; X = Ge, Sn) bulk materials. This structural family is predicted to host a 3D strong topological insulator with Z(2) = 1;(111) as a result of functionalization of the Xene derivative by covalent interactions. The parent structure GaGeTe is a long-known bulk semiconductor; the "heavy'', isostructural analogues InSnTe and GaSnTe are predicted to be dynamically stable. Spin-orbit interaction in InSnTe opens a small topological band gap with inverted gap edges that are mainly composed of the In-5s and Te-5p states. Our simulations classify GaSnTe as a semimetal with topological properties, whereas the verdict for GaGeTe is not conclusive and urges further experimental verification. The AXTe family structures can be regarded as stacks of 2D layered cut-outs from a zincblende-type lattice and are composed of elements that are broadly used in modern semiconductor devices; hence they represent an accessible, attractive alternative for applications in spintronics. The layered nature of AXTe should facilitate the exfoliation of their hextuple layers and manufacture of heterostructures