9 research outputs found

    The Rule of 16: An Experiential Learning Activity

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    Quelques aspects linguistiques de la cohérence textuelle dans un chapitre de manuel scolaire de géométrie

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    This analysis of linguistic aspects of text coherence turns on a chapter of a french geometry school book intended for a class of 4e. In the first part we will study the different kinds of texture in that chapter. In the second we will see how the logical pattern of proof definites units and explains the particular sort of inference in some texts. The whole of the texts especially allows study the text references. We'll try to show the importance of the difference between endophoric and exophoric references. Then we'll throw the role of the stabilized knowledges by the subject (geometry) into relief, relating to the semantic relations between the referents. An abstract figure squarring with a particular sentence of each text seems to be theme that configures that one. The comparaison with texts that are not mathematical ones gives the oppotunity to see how the cognitive context has an influence on the linguistic organization just as the text aims to modify the contextEn étudiant un chapitre de manuel scolaire de géométrie en classe de quatriÚme, ce travail se donne pour but de donner un éclairage sur des phénomÚnes linguistiques a l?oeuvre également dans d'autres textes. Dans le premier chapitre un relevé systématique de certaines caractéristiques permet de dégager plusieurs maniÚres de produire du texte dans ce chapitre, et d'observer que certains aspects de l'usage courant sont effaces, et d'autres renforces, dans ces textes intermédiaires entre les textes de la vie quotidienne et les textes de mathématiciens. Dans le deuxiÚme, nous verrons comment les normes de la géométrie et les rÚgles hypothético-déductives contraignent le découpage en unités et le fonctionnement des connecteurs, dans les textes de démonstration. Les questions de référenciation étant apparues comme centrales dans le corpus, cela nous conduit à réfléchir sur ce qu'on peut entendre par référence dans un texte et à préciser la référence "intratextuelle" telle qu'elle apparait dans ce chapitre, son caractÚre "conceptuel" qui la distingue des référents intratextuels généralement parlant et ses autres caractéristiques présentes dans d'autres textes. Il semble alors possible d'ébaucher une réflexion sur l'organisation des référents en un réfÚrent global, et en particulier sur la place d'une organisation sémantique prétextuelle et ses conséquences sur les caractéristiques linguistiques du texte, en amorçant une comparaison entre textes géométriques et autres texte

    Epidemiological study of injuries among French rope access technicians An analysis of working conditions and injury typology

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    This report is intended to be accessible to the widest possible audience. It has a standard structure: an introduction describing the context, the issues at hand, the methodological choices made and a quick snapshot of the population surveyed. Each part is dissociable and attempts to describe 1) working conditions in the profession, 2) the lifestyle of rope access technicians, 3) their injuries, and 4) the relationships between these factors and the injuries sustained. In the last few years, the rope access sector (in the wider sense) has commissioned a number of studies to better understand the profession and its specificities. It has also set up training and risk prevention programmes to protect rope access workers. Our research is in line with these efforts to raise the profile of the profession and develop a better understanding of the sector. It seeks to form an objective picture of perceptions on the ground and perhaps even to dispel any preconceptions, so as to offer readers food for thought and suggest possible improvement area

    Étude Ă©pidĂ©miologique des blessures chez les cordistes français. État des lieux des conditions d’exercice et typologie des blessures

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    Ce rapport se veut accessible au plus grand nombre. Il suit une construction classique : aprĂšs une introduction qui reprend le contexte, les enjeux, les choix mĂ©thodologiques opĂ©rĂ©s et une photographie rapide de la population enquĂȘtĂ©e, chaque partie est dissociable et vise Ă  dĂ©crire 1) les conditions d’exercice de la profession, 2) le mode de vie des cordistes, 3) leurs blessures, et enfin 4) les relations entre ces conditions et les blessures. Depuis quelques annĂ©es, la profession (au sens large) des travailleurs sur cordes a initiĂ© des Ă©tudes pour mieux comprendre ce mĂ©tier et ses spĂ©cificitĂ©s ; elle a mis en place des dispositifs de formation et de prĂ©vention pour protĂ©ger les cordistes. Ce travail s’inscrit dans ce mouvement d’intĂ©rĂȘt et de dĂ©veloppement de connaissances de la profession. Il cherche Ă  objectiver les perceptions de terrain, voire Ă  rompre avec les prĂ©supposĂ©s afin de proposer Ă  chacun des pistes de rĂ©flexion et des axes d’amĂ©lioratio

    Nursing Students and the Human Body: Application of an Ethics Pilot Project

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    This manuscript offers findings from a pilot project which prepares nursing students for embodied professional practice through the lens of ethics. Four undergraduate nursing students were mentored by two nursing faculty in the Dundon-Berchtold Institute Faculty Fellowship Program in the Application of Ethics through an exploration on the ethics of embodiment using an arts pedagogy across one academic year. Inspired by the intersection of nature and health, this project explores the impact of an arts-integrated pedagogy on the human body. The findings from this project provide a natural first step for nursing students to consider multiple interpretations of the human body and to facilitate the students’ development of an embodied ethical practice that is perceptive, empathic, and attuned to themselves as natural beings as well as diverse individuals and populations. The findings from this pilot project presents a pivotal opportunity to guide future nursing curricular development toward holistic, nature-inspired, and mindful-based interventions in order to increase resilience, decrease risk factors of compassion fatigue and burnout, and support nursing students to develop strength-based skills to use in their professional nursing practice

    Expanding the Mind–Body–Environment Connection to Enhance the Development of Cultural Humility

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    The unique health care needs of diverse individuals and communities are complex. To meet these needs, healthcare professionals are being called upon to alter traditional ways of thinking, perceiving, and acting in order to create more inclusive environments. Research shows that using mindsight, a process that increases both insight and empathy, can enhance an individual’s mind–body-environment connection, increase self-awareness, and promote the development of cultural humility. This paper will discuss the current perspectives on the mind/body/environment connection from a Western lens that may impact the enactment of cultural humility for healthcare providers. Two evidence-based approaches, yoga and forest therapy, are recommended as effective intervention tools in fostering mindsight and cultural humility. Blending traditional cognitive learning with techniques anchored in the physical body may hold promise in supporting the development of mindsight and cultural humility in healthcare education and practice

    Les apprentissages lexicaux

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    À l'Ă©cole primaire et au dĂ©but de la scolaritĂ© au collĂšge, les activitĂ©s lexicales apparaissent souvent comme dĂ©connectĂ©es des activitĂ©s de production de discours. Or, lorsqu'il parle et lorsqu'il Ă©crit, le locuteur/scripteur doit mobiliser sa compĂ©tence lexicale, ce qui le conduit non seulement Ă  sĂ©lectionner les unitĂ©s lexicales pertinentes mais aussi Ă  les associer Ă  d'autres en fonction de rĂšgles sĂ©mantiques et syntaxiques, au cours d'activitĂ©s langagiĂšres complexes. Ces opĂ©rations de choix et de mise en correspondance ciblĂ©es sur le lexique mettent en jeu des processus d'Ă©valuation et de rĂ©Ă©valuation, inhĂ©rents Ă  l'activitĂ© de production langagiĂšre. FrĂ©quentes Ă  l'Ă©crit, ces activitĂ©s de sĂ©lection et de rĂ©vision lexicales se rencontrent Ă©galement Ă  l'oral, Ă  travers la capacitĂ© Ă  reformuler un Ă©noncĂ© et, au-delĂ , Ă  restructurer le discours. Les contributions rassemblĂ©es ici s'intĂ©ressent prĂ©cisĂ©ment Ă  la maniĂšre dont cette dynamique de la production verbale configure les Ă©noncĂ©s produits, au cours d'activitĂ©s proposĂ©es Ă  des Ă©lĂšves d'Ă©cole primaire, de collĂšge ou de lycĂ©e. Certaines contributions se situent sur un plan psychologique et psycholinguistique et Ă©tudient les effets d'entraĂźnements mĂ©tacognitifs concernant le lexique en production orale ou Ă©crite, testant les effets de variables liĂ©es Ă  la taille des groupes ou Ă  des aspects contextuels, par exemple certaines caractĂ©ristiques de la tĂąche et du support utilisĂ©. D'autres adoptent un point de vue plus nettement didactique et interrogent la nature des activitĂ©s qui peuvent ĂȘtre proposĂ©es. Des exemples prĂ©cis, impliquant notamment le lexique des Ă©motions et des sensations, montrent comment son Ă©tude peut ĂȘtre intĂ©grĂ©e Ă  une rĂ©flexion plus gĂ©nĂ©rale sur les textes et les discours

    High Risk of Anal and Rectal Cancer in Patients With Anal and/or Perianal Crohn’s Disease

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    International audienceBackground & AimsLittle is known about the magnitude of the risk of anal and rectal cancer in patients with anal and/or perineal Crohn’s disease. We aimed to assess the risk of anal and rectal cancer in patients with Crohn’s perianal disease followed up in the Cancers Et Surrisque AssociĂ© aux Maladies Inflammatoires Intestinales En France (CESAME) cohort.MethodsWe collected data from 19,486 patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) enrolled in the observational CESAME study in France, from May 2004 through June 2005; 14.9% of participants had past or current anal and/or perianal Crohn’s disease. Subjects were followed up for a median time of 35 months (interquartile range, 29–40 mo). To identify risk factors for anal cancer in the total CESAME population, we performed a case-control study in which participants were matched for age and sex.ResultsAmong the total IBD population, 8 patients developed anal cancer and 14 patients developed rectal cancer. In the subgroup of 2911 patients with past or current anal and/or perianal Crohn’s lesions at cohort entry, 2 developed anal squamous-cell carcinoma, 3 developed perianal fistula–related adenocarcinoma, and 6 developed rectal cancer. The corresponding incidence rates were 0.26 per 1000 patient-years for anal squamous-cell carcinoma, 0.38 per 1000 patient-years for perianal fistula–related adenocarcinoma, and 0.77 per 1000 patient-years for rectal cancer. Among the 16,575 patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease without anal or perianal lesions, the incidence rate of anal cancer was 0.08 per 1000 patient-years and of rectal cancer was 0.21 per 1000 patient-years. Among factors tested by univariate conditional regression (IBD subtype, disease duration, exposure to immune-suppressive therapy, presence of past or current anal and/or perianal lesions), the presence of past or current anal and/or perianal lesions at cohort entry was the only factor significantly associated with development of anal cancer (odds ratio, 11.2; 95% CI, 1.18-551.51; P = .03).ConclusionsIn an analysis of data from the CESAME cohort in France, patients with anal and/or perianal Crohn’s disease have a high risk of anal cancer, including perianal fistula–related cancer, and a high risk of rectal cancer