55 research outputs found

    Contribution à la physiopathologie de l'arthropathie des dialysés : aluminium et amylose Béta2-microglobulinique

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    Dialysis-associated arthropathy (DAA) is recognised as a complication of long-term dialysis. Its diagnosis is based on clinical (carpal tunnel syndrome (CrS), arthralgia) and radiological criteria (cystic bone radiolucencies, destructive arthropathy and spondylarthropathy). [beta]2-microglobulin ([beta 2-M) amyloidosis has been shown to be of pathophysiological relevance. In our study, onlyCTS.containing [beta]2-M amyloid deposits confirmed by microscopie examination, were associated with other signs of DAA. Macroscopic compression of the median nerve by amyloid deposits or an associated flexor tenosynovitis was inconstant, But an inflammatory synovial reaction surrounding amyloid deposits was weIl demonstrated by MR imaging of the carpal tunnel. Other factors may play a role in DAA, alone or in association with amyloidosis. Aluminumaccumulates in osteoarticular structures of dialysis patients. We have demonstrated thĂ t soluble aluminum compounds induced a severe synovitis with haemorrhagic effusion in the rabbit knee. As shown by our results in the rat subcutaneous air-pouch model, this toxicity may be due to anincreased secretion of eicosanoids by parietal cells. Aluminosilicates and other aluminum complexes may protect against aluminum articular toxicity. Our results also suggest that circulating hyaluronan may reflect synovial proliferation in dialysis patients suffering from DAA.L'arthropathie du dialysĂ© est une complication de la dialyse prolongĂ©e, dont le diagnostic repose sur des critĂšres cliniques (syndrome du canal carpien (SCC), arthralgies) et radiologiques (gĂ©odes osseuses, destructions articulaires et vertĂ©brales). L'importance physiopathologique de l'amylose [bĂȘta]2-microglobulinique ([bĂȘta]2-M) est primordiale. Ainsi, nous montrons que seuls les SCC renfermant des dĂ©pĂŽts de [bĂȘta]2-M histologiquementprouvĂ©s, s'intĂšgrent dans le cadre d'une arthropathie du dialysĂ©. Une compression macroscopique du nerf mĂ©dian par l'amylose ou la tĂ©nosynovite associĂ©e n'est pas constante, mais une rĂ©action inflammatoire au voisinage des dĂ©pĂŽts de B2-M est mise en Ă©vidence par l'IRM haute rĂ©solution du canal carpien. D'autres facteurs interviennent, seuls ou en association avec l'amylose. Ainsi, l'aluminium s'accumuledans les tissus articulaires du dialysĂ©. Sous forme soluble, il induit une synovite hĂ©morragique sĂ©vĂšre chez le lapin et sa toxicitĂ© semble mĂ©diĂ©e par une sĂ©crĂ©tion accrue d'eicosanoĂŻdĂšs pan les cellules de la cavitĂ© synoviale, comme l'indique nos rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux. La formation d'aluminosilicates, ou de tout autre complexe; constitue une protection vis Ă  vis de la toxicitĂ©aluminique. Ce travail suggĂšre, par ailleurs, que le hyaluronate circulant pourrait ĂȘtre un marqueur de l'arthropathie du dialysĂ©. L'Ă©lĂ©vation des taux, probablement d'origine multifactorieIle, reflĂ©terait la participation synoviale chez les patients porteurs de lĂ©sions ostĂ©oarticulaires

    Diagnostic de tuberculose latente chez des patients atteints de rhumatisme inflammatoire chronique candidats à une biothérapie (facteurs infuençant le résultat d un test de libération d interféron gamma (T-SPOT.TBŸ))

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    La recherche de tuberculose latente est nécessaire avant l introduction d un traitement anti-TNF alpha. Cependant il n y a pas de consensus sur ses modalités. Les tests de libération d interféron gamma (IGRA) semblent intéressants mais l immunosuppression liée au rhumatisme et à ses traitements pourraient influencer leurs résultats. L objectif de notre étude a donc été l identification des facteurs pouvant influencer les résultats des IGRA dans ce contexte. Pour ce faire, 590 patients atteints de polyarthrite rhumatoïde (49,8%), de spondylarthrite (45,9%) ou d autres rhumatismes inflammatoires (4,2%) et candidats à une biothérapie ont été recrutés consécutivement. Tous ont bénéficié d une radiographie pulmonaire, d une intradermo-réaction à la tuberculine et d un IGRA (T-SPOT.TBŸ). 78% des patients étaient vaccinés par le BCG. 21,2% des T-SPOT.TBŸ étaient positifs, 63% négatifs et 15,8% indéterminés. Les facteurs significativement associés à un test positif sont un ùge élevé, un antécédent de tuberculose active et une radiographie thoracique anormale. L activité du rhumatisme influence significativement le taux de résultats indéterminés, positivement pour la polyarthrite rhumatoïde, négativement pour la spondylarthrite. Aucune influence de la vaccination BCG ou des traitements n a été mise en évidence. Le taux de concordance entre le T-SPOT.TBŸ et l IDR est faible (kappa = 0,17). En conclusion, le T-SPOT.TBŸ apparaßt comme bien corrélé aux principaux facteurs de risque de tuberculose et peu influencé par le rhumatisme inflammatoire et ses traitements. L influence de l activité de la maladie sur la fréquence de résultats indéterminés est toutefois un facteur pouvant limiter son utilisationScreening for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is mandatory before initiating TNF-alpha blocker treatment. Use of interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) for the screening seems interesting but has not been validated. The aim of our study was to identify factors that may influence IGRA results in this situation. 590 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (49,8%), spondyloarthritis (45,9%) or other inflammatory rheumatism (4,2%) and eligible for biologic treatments have been consecutively recruited. A chest X-ray, a tuberculin skin test (TST) and an IGRA (T-SPOT.TBŸ) were performed for each patient. 78% were vaccinated with BCG. 21,2% of T-SPOT.TBŸ were positive, 63% negative and 15,8% indeterminate. Factors significantly associated with a positive test are older age, history of active tuberculosis and abnormal chest X-ray. Disease activity significantly influence indeterminate results rate, positively for rheumatoid arthritis, negatively for spondyloarthritis. There is no influence of BCG vaccination or treatment. The concordance rate between T-SPOT.TBŸ and TST is low (kappa =0,17). In conclusion, T-SPOT.TBŸ is well correlated with most of the risk factors of tuberculosis and little influenced by chronic inflammatory arthritis or treatment. However, influence of disease activity on indeterminate results rate could be a problem.NANCY1-Bib. numérique (543959902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Un état des lieux des prises en charge du syndrome douloureux régional complexe de type 1 (série rétrospective de 114 patients et revue de la littérature)

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    Le Syndrome Douloureux RĂ©gional Complexe de type I plus connu sous le terme d'algodystrophie est une pathologie invalidante entraĂźnant douleurs, troubles trophiques, raideurs et dysfonctions motrices. II est gĂ©nĂ©ralement secondaire Ă  un traumatisme bĂ©nin. La durĂ©e d'Ă©volution de ce syndrome est longue, il entraĂźne des incapacitĂ©s et par consĂ©quent des rĂ©percutions professionnelles et familiales sur l'individu. La physiopathologie et les thĂ©rapeutiques sont controversĂ©es, nous dĂ©veloppons dans ce travail leurs actualitĂ©s. Ce syndrome nĂ©cessite une prise en charge prĂ©coce associant rĂ©Ă©ducation fonctionnelle et traitements mĂ©dicamenteux. La premiĂšre partie de ce travail relate l'historique, les donnĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, les signes cliniques, la physiopathologie, les moyens diagnostiques et thĂ©rapeutiques actuels de ce syndrome. La deuxiĂšme partie rapporte les rĂ©sultats d'une Ă©tude descriptive et rĂ©trospective de 114 patients pris en charge pour algodystrophie dans un service de rhumatologie, un centre de rĂ©Ă©ducation et de rĂ©adaptation et un centre de traitement de la douleur. Ce travail montre que les prises en charge sont diffĂ©rentes selon que le patient est aiguillĂ© vers l'un ou l'autre centre. L'absence de consensus actuel sur la thĂ©rapeutique conduit d'une part Ă  une errance du patient avant la mise en route d'une thĂ©rapeutique, d'autre part souvent Ă  la poursuite de traitements non efficaces au long court du fait de l'absence de moyens d'Ă©valuation consensuels de ce syndrome. La prise en charge de ce syndrome devrait ĂȘtre multidisciplinaire, avec l'association dĂšs le dĂ©but des troubles Ă  la fois de diffĂ©rents traitements mĂ©dicaux et physiques. La pratique montre que les thĂ©rapeutiques se suivent souvent d'Ă©chec en Ă©chec. Seule une meilleure connaissance de la physiopathologie permettra Ă  l'avenir de dĂ©boucher sur des nouvelles thĂ©rapeutiques qui, nous l'espĂ©rons dĂ©boucheront elles sur des Ă©tudes de meilleure qualitĂ©.NANCY1-SCD Medecine (545472101) / SudocNANCY1-Bib. numĂ©rique (543959902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Comparison of an Innovative Rehabilitation, Combining Reduced Conventional Rehabilitation with Balneotherapy, and a Conventional Rehabilitation after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Athletes

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    BackgroundInstability of the knee, related to anterior cruciate ligament injury, is treated by surgical reconstruction. During recovery, a loss of proprioceptive input can have a significant impact. Few studies have evaluated the benefits of rehabilitation of the knee in aquatic environment on functional outcomes.ObjectiveThis study aimed to compare an innovative rehabilitation protocol combining reduced conventional rehabilitation with aquatic rehabilitation, with a conventional rehabilitation, according to the National French Health Authority, in terms of kinetics, development of proprioceptive skills, and functional improvement of the knee.Methods67 patients, who were amateur or professional athletes, were randomized into two groups: 35 patients followed the conventional rehabilitation protocol (Gr1) and 32 patients followed the innovative rehabilitation protocol (Gr2). Patients were evaluated before surgery, and at 2 weeks, 1, 2, and 6 months after surgery using posturography, and evaluation of muscular strength, walking performance and proprioception. This study is multicenter, prospective, randomized, and controlled with a group of patients following conventional rehabilitation (level of evidence I).ResultsFor the same quality of postural control, Gr2 relied more on somesthesia than Gr1 at 6 months. The affected side had an impact on postural control and in particular on the preoperative lateralization, at 2 weeks and at 1 month. Lateralization depended on the affected knee, with less important lateralization in Gr2 preoperatively and at 1 month. The quadriceps muscular strength was higher in Gr2 than in Gr1 at 2 and 6 months and muscle strength of the external hamstring was greater in Gr2 than in Gr1 at 6 months. The isokinetic test showed a greater quadriceps muscular strength in Gr2. Gr2 showed a greater walking distance than Gr1 at one month. Gr2 showed an improvement in the proprioceptive capacities of the operated limb in flexion for the first 2 months.ConclusionThe effectiveness of the innovative rehabilitation program permits faster recovery, allowing for an earlier return to social, sporting, and professional activities. Faster retrieval of knee function following aquatic rehabilitation would prevent both short-term risk of lesions of the contralateral limb due to overcompensation and long-term risk of surgery due to osteoarthritis.Registration of clinical trialsNCT02225613

    Assessment of structural lesions, synovitis and bone marrow lesions in erosive hand osteoarthritis on MRI (0.3T) compared to the radiographic anatomical Verbruggen-Veys score

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    International audienceObjective: To evaluate prevalence of structural lesions, synovitis and bone marrow lesions (BMLs) on MRI performed with a 0.3T imaging system in patients with erosive hand osteoarthritis (EHOA) and to compare them to the anatomic radiographic Verbruggen-Veys score (VV).Design: For this Cross-sectional study, fifty-five EHOA patients were studied with 0.3T contrast-enhanced MRI and radiography (RX) of their dominant hand. Structural lesions were scored according to the OMERACT Hand Osteoarthritis MRI Scoring System as follows: osteophytes and erosions were graded from 0 to 3. On joint destruction lesion synovitis and BMLs were graded from 0 to 1. And on MRI, we evaluated the presence of several structural features: N: normal, O: osteophytic lesions, E: erosive lesions, E/O: osteophytic and erosive lesions and D: joint destruction. RX was scored according to the VV system. Relations between MRI features and VV stages were analysed.Results: MRI identified more structural lesions than RX (77.3% versus 74.8%) and particularly more erosive lesions (E or E/O) than VV Phase E (33.5% versus 20.2%). E/O and D were mostly found on MRI. Synovitis and BMLs were significantly associated with E/O and D with the following odds ratios (ORs): 8.4 (95% CI 1.8-13.6); OR: 13.7 (95% CI 2.9-21.0); OR: 15.7 (95% CI 3.2-23.5); OR: 38.5 (95% CI 9.5-57.0), respectively.Conclusion: MRI 0.3T appears completely relevant for EHOA lesion analysis. First, MRI shows more erosive lesions than RX in EHOA; second, it allows for the analysis of synovitis and BMLs to be associated with more specific structural MRI features (E/O and D)
