602 research outputs found

    Fidelidade: estratégias de fidelidade em relação aos serviços contábeis

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    Considering the market with consumers increasingly demanding and concerned about the pursuit of quality services, it is necessary that accounting organizations become focused on marketing strategies for the management of their business. The objective of this research was to identify marketing strategies in these firms, especially in relation to customer loyalty. In order to achieve this, support was sought in the following theoretical elements: marketing, marketing services, marketing strategies, relationship-marketing strategies for customer loyalty. In the methodological context, a qualitative descriptive research was carried out, through interviews with accounting offices in the city of Uberlândia-MG. The results show that accounting firms have marketing practices, but not strategically focused. Regarding the relationship, they understand the importance and establish practices to approximate the bond with the clients, aware of the importance of loyalty.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Considerando o mercado com consumidores cada vez mais exigentes e preocupados com a busca por serviços de qualidade, torna-se necessário que as organizações contábeis se baseiem em estratégias de marketing para a gestão do seu negócio. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar as estratégias de marketing dessas organizações, principalmente em relação à fidelização de clientes. Para isso, buscou-se apoio nos seguintes elementos teóricos: marketing, marketing de serviços, estratégias de marketing, estratégias de marketing de relacionamento quanto à fidelização de clientes. No contexto metodológico, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva de caráter qualitativo, por meio de entrevistas com escritórios contábeis na cidade de Uberlândia-MG. Os resultados revelam que as empresas contábeis possuem práticas de marketing, porém não focadas de maneira estratégica. Quanto ao relacionamento, entendem a importância e estabelecem práticas para aproximar o vínculo com os clientes, inteirados da importância da fidelização

    Role of cryptochrome-1 and cryptochrome-2 in aldosterone-producing adenomas and adrenocortical cells

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    Mice lacking the core-clock components, cryptochrome-1 (CRY1) and cryptochrome-2 (CRY2) display a phenotype of hyperaldosteronism, due to the upregulation of type VI 3β-hydroxyl-steroid dehydrogenase (Hsd3b6), the murine counterpart to the human type I 3β-hydroxyl-steroid dehydrogenase (HSD3B1) gene. In the present study, we evaluated the role of CRY1 and CRY2 genes, and their potential interplay with HSD3B isoforms in adrenal pathophysiology in man. Forty-six sporadic aldosterone-producing adenomas (APAs) and 20 paired adrenal samples were included, with the human adrenocortical cells HAC15 used as the in vitro model. In our cohort of sporadic APAs, CRY1 expression was 1.7-fold [0.75–2.26] higher (p = 0.016), while CRY2 showed a 20% lower expression [0.80, 0.52–1.08] (p = 0.04) in APAs when compared with the corresponding adjacent adrenal cortex. Type II 3β-hydroxyl-steroid dehydrogenase (HSD3B2) was 317-fold [200–573] more expressed than HSD3B1, and is the main HSD3B isoform in APAs. Both dehydrogenases were more expressed in APAs when compared with the adjacent cortex (5.7-fold and 3.5-fold, respectively, p < 0.001 and p = 0.001) and HSD3B1 was significantly more expressed in APAs composed mainly of zona glomerulosa-like cells. Treatment with angiotensin II (AngII) resulted in a significant upregulation of CRY1 (1.7 ± 0.25-fold, p < 0.001) at 6 h, and downregulation of CRY2 at 12 h (0.6 ± 0.1-fold, p < 0.001), through activation of the AngII type 1 receptor. Independent silencing of CRY1 and CRY2 genes in HAC15 cells resulted in a mild upregulation of HSD3B2 without affecting HSD3B1 expression. In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that CRY1 and CRY2, being AngII-regulated genes, and showing a differential expression in APAs when compared with the adjacent adrenal cortex, might be involved in adrenal cell function, and in the regulation of aldosterone production

    MicroRNAs-Proteomic Networks Characterizing Human Medulloblastoma-SLCs

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    Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant brain tumor of pediatric age and is characterized by cells expressing stem, astroglial, and neuronal markers. Among them, stem-like cells (hMB-SLCs) represent a fraction of the tumor cell population with the potential of self-renewal and proliferation and have been associated with tumor poor prognosis. In this context, microRNAs have been described as playing a pivotal role in stem cells differentiation. In our paper, we analyze microRNAs profile and genes expression of hMB-SLCs before and after Retinoic Acid- (RA-) induced differentiation. We aimed to identify pivotal players of specific pathways sustaining stemness and/or tumor development and progression and integrate the results of our recent proteomic study. Our results uncovered 22 differentially expressed microRNAs that were used as input together with deregulated genes and proteins in the Genomatix Pathway System (GePS) analysis revealing 3 subnetworks that could be interestingly involved in the maintenance of hMB-SLCs proliferation. Taken together, our findings highlight microRNAs, genes, and proteins that are significantly modulated in hMB-SLCs with respect to their RA-differentiated counterparts and could open new perspectives for prognostic and therapeutic intervention on MB

    Periodismo de datos: la necesidad de renovar la enseñanza del periodismo

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    134 páginasEl periodismo de datos es una técnica que consiste en la creación de contenido periodístico, basándose, principalmente en bases de datos. A pesar de ser un término nuevo hoy en día, ya lleva varios años dentro del oficio del periodismo. Las Facultades de Comunicación están comenzando a actualizar sus currículum para introducir cátedras de Periodismo de Datos para que los nuevos profesionales hagan parte de las nuevas dinámicas del mercado laboral. En esta investigación se expondrán los conceptos básicos dentro del periodismo de datos, la importancia de este y una propuesta de syllabus para una cátedra obligatoria de Periodismo de Datos en la carrera de Comunicación Social y Periodismo de la Universidad de La Sabana

    Principios y reglas: la interseccionalidad como principio de interpretación en las sentencias de la Corte Constitucional

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    En el presente artículo se analizará la interseccionalidad como teoría que estudia rigurosamente la brecha social y política que surge en los diferentes actos de discriminación, en los cuales hay factores heterogéneos y concurre una multiplicidad de características propias de aquellas personas que se sitúan en estado de vulnerabilidad. Para ello se estudiará cómo la confluencia de estas características —raza, origen étnico, edad, sexo, género, orientación sexual, nivel educativo, situación migratoria, creencias religiosas, identidad, discapacidad física o mental, posición socioeconómica, etc.— se vuelve determinante en los círculos de discriminación y cómo la interseccionalidad se presenta como una herramienta que dinamiza su comprensión y su enfoque en ciertos parámetros sociopolíticos, permitiendo establecer el impacto de la discriminación para la adecuación de medidas que protejan y garanticen los derechos fundamentales de los individuos

    Looking ahead to the sky with the Square Kilometre Array: simulating flux densities & resolved radio morphologies of 0<z<2.50<z<2.5 star-forming galaxies

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    SKA-MID surveys will be the first in the radio domain to achieve clearly sub-arcsecond resolution at high sensitivity over large areas, opening new science applications for galaxy evolution. To investigate the potential of these surveys, we create simulated SKA-MID images of a ∼\sim0.04 deg2^{2} region of GOODS-North, constructed using multi-band HST imaging of 1723 real galaxies containing significant substructure at 0<z<2.50<z<2.5. We create images at the proposed depths of the band 2 wide, deep and ultradeep reference surveys (RMS = 1.0 μ\muJy, 0.2 μ\muJy and 0.05 μ\muJy over 1000 deg2^{2}, 10-30 deg2^{2} and 1 deg2^{2} respectively), using the telescope response of SKA-MID at 0.6" resolution. We quantify the star-formation rate - stellar mass space the surveys will probe, and asses to which stellar masses they will be complete. We measure galaxy flux density, half-light radius (R50R_{50}), concentration, Gini (distribution of flux), second-order moment of the brightest pixels (M20M_{20}) and asymmetry before and after simulation with the SKA response, to perform input-output tests as a function of depth, separating the effects of convolution and noise. We find that the recovery of Gini and asymmetry is more dependent on survey depth than for R50R_{50}, concentration and M20M_{20}. We also assess the relative ranking of parameters before and after observation with SKA-MID. R50R_{50} best retains its ranking, whilst asymmetries are poorly recovered. We confirm that the wide tier will be suited to the study of highly star-forming galaxies across different environments, whilst the ultradeep tier will enable detailed morphological analysis to lower SFRs.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Activation of an endothelial Notch1-Jagged1 circuit induces VCAM1 expression, an effect amplified by interleukin-1β

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    The Notch1 and Notch4 signaling pathways regulate endothelial cell homeostasis. Inflammatory cytokines induce the expression of endothelial adhesion molecules, including VCAM1, partly by downregulating Notch4 signaling. We investigated the role of endothelial Notch1 in this IL-1β-mediated process. Brief treatment with IL-1β upregulated endothelial VCAM1 and Notch ligand Jagged1. IL-1β decreased Notch1 mRNA levels, but levels of the active Notch1ICD protein remained constant. IL-1β-mediated VCAM1 induction was downregulated in endothelial cells subjected to pretreatment with a pharmacological inhibitor of the γ-secretase, which activates Notch receptors, producing NotchICD. It was also downregulated in cells in which Notch1 and/or Jagged1 were silenced.Conversely, the forced expression of Notch1ICD in naïve endothelial cells upregulated VCAM1 per se and amplified IL-1β-mediated VCAM1 induction. Jagged1 levels increased and Notch4 signaling was downregulated in parallel. Finally, Notch1ICD and Jagged1 expression was upregulated in the endothelium of the liver in a model of chronic liver inflammation.In conclusion, we describe here a cell-autonomous, pro-inflammatory endothelial Notch1-Jagged1 circuit (i) triggering the expression of VCAM1 even in the absence of inflammatory cytokines and (ii) enhancing the effects of IL-1β. Thus, IL-1β regulates Notch1 and Notch4 activity in opposite directions, consistent with a selective targeting of Notch1 in inflamed endothelium

    LRRK2 phosphorylates pre-synaptic N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion (NSF) protein enhancing its ATPase activity and SNARE complex disassembling rate

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    Background Lrrk2, a gene linked to Parkinson\u2019s disease, encodes a large scaffolding protein with kinase and GTPase activities implicated in vesicle and cytoskeletal-related processes. At the presynaptic site, LRRK2 associates with synaptic vesicles through interaction with a panel of presynaptic proteins. Results Here, we show that LRRK2 kinase activity influences the dynamics of synaptic vesicle fusion. We therefore investigated whether LRRK2 phosphorylates component(s) of the exo/endocytosis machinery. We have previously observed that LRRK2 interacts with NSF, a hexameric AAA+ ATPase that couples ATP hydrolysis to the disassembling of SNARE proteins allowing them to enter another fusion cycle during synaptic exocytosis. Here, we demonstrate that NSF is a substrate of LRRK2 kinase activity. LRRK2 phosphorylates full-length NSF at threonine 645 in the ATP binding pocket of D2 domain. Functionally, NSF phosphorylated by LRRK2 displays enhanced ATPase activity and increased rate of SNARE complex disassembling. Substitution of threonine 645 with alanine abrogates LRRK2-mediated increased ATPase activity. Conclusions Given that the most common Parkinson\u2019s disease LRRK2 G2019S mutation displays increased kinase activity, our results suggest that mutant LRRK2 may impair synaptic vesicle dynamics via aberrant phosphorylation of NSF
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