192 research outputs found

    Adaptation of the subjects of Economics at recent experiences in educational innovation

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    La metodología de aprendizaje continuo, como consecuencia de la aplicación del Plan Bolonia, ha supuesto la constante adaptación de los proyectos docentes a la definición de un portfolio de tareas y pruebas periódicas de control que han sido objeto de análisis por los responsables de las asignaturas al final de cada curso, teniendo en cuenta los resultados académicos y la distribución del trabajo del alumnado a lo largo del periodo lectivo. En este trabajo se muestran los resultados de la experiencia docente en las asignaturas de Economía I y II, de primer curso en el Grado de Turismo, y su evolución a lo largo de los cursos 2012/2013 y 2013/2014, en base a unos cambios provocados por la eliminación de las horas Tutela de Actividades Académicas Dirigidas (T.A.A.D.) en el Plan docente del curso 2013/2014, lo que supuso para el profesorado de la asignatura el reto de sustituir estas actividades de evaluación continua por otras, donde el trabajo del alumnado fuera directamente evaluado en clase. El análisis permite tener elementos de juicio para seleccionar y definir los sistemas de enseñanza-aprendizaje y evaluación futuros.The methodology of continuous learning, as a result of the implementation of the Bologna Process, has led to the continuous adaptation of educational projects to the definition of a portfolio of tasks and periodic control tests that have been analyzed by the heads of the subjects at end of each course, considering academic results and the distribution of student work throughout the semester. This paper presents the results of teaching experience in the subjects of Economics I and II, for the first year in the Tourism Degree, and its evolution over the course 2013/14 and 2012/13 are shown, based on some changes caused by removal hours of Directed Stewardship Academic Activities (named TAAD) in Course Teaching Plan 2013/14, leading subjects teachers to replace these tasks for other continuous assessment where student work was evaluated directly in class. The analysis allows get evidence to select and define the future teaching-learning and evaluation systems

    Behavioural aspects of patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) that affect their dental management

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    Dental treatment in patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) can be complicated due to the presence of behavioral alterations. In this group, there are no specific behavioral profiles that allow dentist to anticipate the attitude that a patient will show during a visit. Thus, behavioral attitudes have been described that vary from total permissiveness and collaboration during even bloody procedures, to the absolute impossibility in conducting a simple oral examination. There is no effective behavioral management technique for all ASD patients. Prior information, such as the type of ASD or the presence of certain concurrent pathologies can help predict the patient's likely behavior. Therefore, gathering all the information in a preliminary interview with the parents/guardians of the patient is recommended. Knowing these factors will allow individualized behavioral management strategies to be designed and facilitates the planning of dental treatment

    Determination of Sr-90 in milk samples from the study of statistical results

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    [Abstract] The determination of 90Sr in milk samples is the main objective of radiation monitoring laboratories because of its environmental importance. In this paper the concentration of activity of 39 milk samples was obtained through radiochemical separation based on selective retention of Sr in a cationic resin (Dowex 50WX8, 50-100 mesh) and subsequent determination by a low-level proportional gas counter. The results were checked by performing the measurement of the Sr concentration by using the flame atomic absorption spectroscopy technique, to finally obtain the mass of 90Sr. From the data obtained a statistical treatment was performed using linear regressions. A reliable estimate of the mass of 90Sr was obtained based on the gravimetric technique, and secondly, the counts per minute of the third measurement in the 90Sr and 90Y equilibrium, without having to perform the analysis. These estimates have been verified with 19 milk samples, obtaining overlapping results. The novelty of the manuscript is the possibility of determining the concentration of 90Sr in milk samples, without the need to perform the third measurement in the equilibrium

    Bloom dynamics and life cycle strategies of two toxic dinoflagellates in a coastal upwelling system (NW Iberian Peninsula)

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    A study of Gymnodinium catenatum and Alexandrium minutum blooms on the Galician coast was conducted from 2005 to 2007 in order to increase knowledge of the mechanisms governing recurrent blooms of these species. Considerable differences in their bloom dynamics were observed. G. catenatum blooms occurred in autumn and winter, following the pattern previously reported in the literature: they began offshore and were advected to the Galician rias when a relaxation of the coastal upwelling occurred. On the other hand, A. minutum blooms developed inside embayments in spring and summer during the upwelling season and were associated with water stability and stratification. Both the vegetative population and the cyst distribution of A. minutum were related to less saline water from freshwater river outputs, which supports a saline-gradient relationship postulated herein for this species. Dinoflagellates may produce both long-term double-walled cysts (resting) and short-term pellicle cysts. Resting cyst deposition and distribution in sediments showed that seeding occurred during the blooms of both species. However, the relationship between the cyst distribution in the sediments in Baiona Bay and the intensity and occurrence of G. catenatum blooms, suggests that the latter are not directly related to resting cyst germination. Moreover, the results presented in the present study point to other difference between the two species, such as the detection of pellicle cysts only for A. minutum. Finally we discuss how the life cycle strategies of these two species may help to explain the different mechanisms of bloom formation reported herein.Versión del editor2,277

    Análisis de impacto económico y análisis DAFO del sector de la hostelería en Sevilla

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    Este proyecto de investigación ha sido elaborado gracias a la ayuda obtenida por la Consejería de Turismo, Comercio y Deporte, y tiene por objetivo ofrecer una visión global del sector de Hoteles de Sevilla que pueda ser instrumento útil tanto a sus empresarios como a las Administraciones Públicas a la hora de implementar políticas de promoción y de búsqueda de la calidad y excelencia del mism

    Removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions by a bacterial biofilm supported on zeolite : optimisation of the operational conditions and scale-up of the bioreactor

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of a bioreactor system and its scale-up to remove Cr(VI) from solution. The bioreactor is based on an innovative process that combines bioreduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) by the bacterium Arthrobacter viscosus and Cr(III) sorption by a specific zeolite. Batch studies were conducted in a laboratory-scale bioreactor, taking into account different operating conditions. Several variables, such as biomass concentration, pH and zeolite pre-treatment, were evaluated to increase removal efficiency. The obtained results suggest that the Cr removal efficiency is improved when the initial biomass concentration is approximately 5 g L–1 and the pH in the system is maintained at an acidic level. Under the optimised conditions, approximately 100 % of the Cr(VI) was removed. The scale-up of the developed biofilm process operating under the optimised conditions was satisfactorily tested in a 150-L bioreactor.Xunta de Galicia - programa Angeles Alvariñ

    Comportamiento estratégico y mejora del desempeño en el sector hotelero ante los nuevos retos del sector

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    Tomando la partida en las nuevas teorías de comportamiento estratégico empresarial aplicadas al sector hotelero, se proponen alternativas para afrontar los nuevos condicionantes del mercado. Dichas estrategias giran alrededor del concepto de compromiso con la calidad y de la adaptación preferente a las necesidades del cliente. Una de las principales consecuencias de estas propuestas es la persecución de un objetivo básico: la diferenciación del producto. Alrededor de estos principios básicos se construyen una serie de comportamientos estratégicos no excluyentes que incluyen acciones que conducen a un mejor aprovechamiento de los recursos organizativos y humanos, así como a una definitiva implantación de la nueva cultura tecnológica en todos los procesos, tanto operativos, comerciales como los que forman parte del propio servicio ofrecido al cliente

    La visibilidad de los establecimientos hoteleros de Sevilla en las guías de viajes y análisis comparativo en Andalucía, a nivel municipal y provincial

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    Al aplicar la metodología DAFO al sector hoteles de Sevilla hemos observado entre las Debilidades la escasa efectividad en los medios de publicidad utilizados. Por ello, se ha realizado una investigación sobre la visión externa que se tiene de él. En este trabajo se analiza la visibilidad de los alojamientos hoteleros de Sevilla por las guías de viajes, y de restaurantes y hoteles. La primera impresión de los turistas que desean realizar un viaje y desean contratar un alojamiento viene influenciada por las recomendaciones de las guías. Por ello, se estudia la oferta de alojamientos hoteleros de Sevilla realizadas en las guías, tanto a nivel municipal como provincial para después realizar un estudio comparativo del número de citas frente a las demás capitales de provincia de Andalucía, así como también se realiza la relación entre las provincias andaluzas. Finalmente, se calculan unos ratios para ver el peso de las citas en función de diversas variables como son: la población municipal, viajeros por puntos turísticos, establecimientos de restauración y bares, y número de hoteles y pensiones. Al observar y estudiar las citas en las guías de viajes, guías de restauración y hoteles de los establecimientos hoteleros, a primera vista Sevilla es la ciudad andaluza con mayor número de citas, pero profundizando en el análisis provincial y realizando un análisis comparativo con las variables enunciadas, a través de los ratios calculados, Sevilla pierde esa posición dominante
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