89 research outputs found

    Attitudes toward disability and social inclusion : an exploratory analysis

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    Our work deals with inclusion of disabled students at university. Our premise is that young people are most likely to empathize towards disabled people. We have focused on attitude of students at university, trying to identifying those variables which would make them more liable to assist disabled people and to facilitate their integration. In order to answer our question, we based our research on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). We've made an enquiry to university students and we've developed the model for young peoples’ perceptions of disability. Our findings are hopeful in the way to inclusion.peer-reviewe

    An Exploratory Analysis of the Interactions Between the Determinants of Migratory Flows

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    [Abstract] More than often, studies explaining migration causes centre on economic explanations and minimize other factors' explanatory power. This research aims at creating a comprehensive model of migration determinants taking into account four dimensions: economic, social, cultural, and digital. A path model consisting of these dimensions was created and estimated through partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The PLS-path model was applied to Romanian migration flows to 21 EU member states during 2007–2017. The findings indicate that social and technological developments have significant impacts on migration flows and that digital distance has a full mediation effect on the relationship between cultural distance and migration flows.Xunta de Galicia; ED481A-2018/05

    Female Participation in the Labour Market from an Intergenerational Approach

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    [Resumo] As mulleres foron incorporándose de maneira notable á denominada esfera pública desde finais do século XX en España, mais non sucedeu o mesmo no tocante aos homes e o ámbito privado. No entanto, dentro da poboación masculina podemos salientar o colectivo dos avós, polo rápido proceso de cambio que está a experimentar ao se incorporar ao sistema de coidados, en concreto, de nenos e nenas. Denominamos este proceso a «revolución dos avós». Aínda que son as avoas as que desenvolven en maior medida as tarefas mencionadas, os avós están a mudar o seu rol de xénero. No artigo analízase a bibliografía máis relevante neste ámbito, para estudar despois as causas e consecuencias máis importantes do devandito proceso de cambio, así como os principais perigos que se poden derivar del.[Abstract] Women have largely incorporated into the so-called public sphere since the end of the twentieth century in Spain, but it has not been the case of men into the private area. However, within the male population, the collective of grandfathers may be highlight, due to the fast process of change experienced. This group has been incorporated into the care system, specifically care children. We have called this process “grandfathers’ revolution.” Although grandmothers are developing further these tasks, grandfathers are experiencing a change in their gender role. The relevant literature on this topic has been discussed in this article. Subsequently, the most relevant causes and consequences of this change process have been studied as well as the main risks that can be derived from it

    Sustainable development of urban slum areas in northwestern Spain

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    Este artigo recibiu en 2016 o premio Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence. This article has been selected by the journal’s editorial team as the Outstanding Paper in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence[Abstract] Purpose.- The persistence of shanty towns in cities is a major public issue due to the situation of poverty and abandonment of its inhabitants. Despite public authorities are concerned about this serious issue, they often fail to address suitably the problem due to their short term goals. In this paper, public policies and green economy projects to improve the quality of life of people living in shanty towns are assessed in northwest Spain from the point of view of sustainable development and the interaction between social, economic and environmental areas. Design/methodology/approach.- A systemic causal diagram is proposed for the empirical analysis. It has been contrasted through the study of the various actions undertaken in some shanty towns in Spain. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to complement this analysis. Findings.- As a result, the study shows that the actions should not only be limited to providing access to adequate housing, but should also require more extensive cross-cutting projects. In this, green economy policies are shown as a good choice for improving the quality of life and development of the population. Originality/value.- The study highlights the potential of green economic policies to mitigate environmental problems in slum areas and to support the social and economic development of its inhabitants. This paper provides some lines of action to improve the efficiency of public policies implemented in these cases. Thus, benefits in multiple areas such as social, environmental and urban could be generate

    Walking From Imprisonment Towards True Social Integration: Getting a Job as a Key Factor

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    [Abstract]Employment is one of the most effective mechanisms for inclusion, especially for groups who have a high risk of social exclusion, as inmate population. This study analyzes data collected from in-depth interviews with twenty-two prisoners in an intermediate position between the prison and the full freedom (ranked third grade) in two Social Integration Centers and two prisons in the Autonomous Community of Galicia (northern Spain). The results show that the availability of a strong social and family network is a key issue to get a job, and in lack of this network, the selfemployment is a good choice

    Current labour migration: business expatriation or brain drain?

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    [Resumo] Este traballo analiza o proceso de internacionalización empresarial e os seus efectos sobre a organización e xestión dos recursos humanos, en particular no tocante á migración de tipo laboral, cuxo obxectivo básico é a busca de emprego. Así, desde unha perspectiva individual, analízanse tamén as tendencias da emigración dos mozos españois durante a etapa de crise actual, especialmente entre o grupo con maior nivel de formación, o que se dá en coñecer como «fuga de cerebros». Trátase dun fenómeno recente que, aínda que acadou gran notoriedade social, non foi suficientemente explorado para o caso español. De por parte, preséntanse como caso de estudo nove proxectos migratorios de mozos emigrantes galegos no exterior, que inclúen tanto as súas estratexias de integración sociolaboral como percepcións, opinións e apreciacións persoais sobre a súa situación actual. A metodoloxía de traballo segue unha liña estruturada que inclúe técnicas de investigación cuantitativa e cualitativa que se basean, por un lado, na explotación de fontes secundarias oficiais; e, polo outro, na realización de enquisas en profundidade semiestruturadas. Os resultados revelan a incuestionable tendencia á alza da emigración xuvenil española durante a actual etapa de crise para todos os destinos considerados. Porén, o efecto de «retorno ás raíces» parece ser aínda máis poderoso, sobre todo se mellora a situación do mercado laboral español. Con todo, dado que é un fenómeno recente, que non mostra desgaste nin moderación, haberá que agardar para coñecer a súa tendencia no futuro.[Abstract] This paper analyses the process of corporate globalization and its effects on the organization and management of human resources. This phenomenon has very clear effects on labour migration rate, internationally, whose main objective is the search for employment. Thus, from an individual perspective, trends in migration of Spanish youth during the current stage of crisis are also analysed, especially in the group with the highest level of training, which has become known as “brain drain”. This is a recent phenomenon, although with great presence in society, has not been explored enough for the Spanish case. In addition, it is presented a case study of nine migrant youth projects of Galician emigrants abroad that include both social and labour integration strategies and their perceptions, opinions and assessments about their current situation. The work methodology follows a structured line that includes two research techniques (quantitative and qualitative) based on the use of official secondary sources first and, secondly, on semi-structured in-depth surveys. The results reveal the undeniable upward trend in the Spanish university youth migration during the current stage of crisis to all foreign destinations covered, due to the lack of jobs and the need of finding new and better opportunities. However, the “return to roots effect” seems to have an even more powerful effect, especially if the situation of the Spanish labour market improves. Since this is a recent phenomenon, we should wait to see future trend

    Social effects of economic crisis: risk of exclusion. An overview of the European context

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    Sustainability is a complex concept. It only can be achieved from a global perspective, where social, economic and environmental issues are all key factors for achieving the goal. This paper is focused on the importance of social sustainability and, as a consequence, the importance of avoiding each and everyone’s risk of poverty and exclusion as due to the recent crisis effects. Nevertheless, this crisis resulted in higher inequalities and put a lot of people at risk of poverty, even in “developed” countries. Through a statistical and econometric analysis, some of the key factors to which the European Union should aim to avoid unsustainable scenarios are analysed. A regression, factorial and cluster analysis is carried out and this leads to conclude that the labour market is key in promoting economic policies in order to achieve social sustainabilityResearch results presented in this paper are an element of research project implemented by the National Science Center Poland (Polskie Narodowe Centrum Nauki) under the grant OPUS13 no UMO-2017/25/B/HS4/0217

    Cultural distance and migration patterns in the EU : the Romanian case

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    Purpose: The main goal of this study is to explore the influence of cultural distance on migration flows in EU to see if there is a model/pattern of general behavior in this regard. Given the exploratory goal of this paper, the paper is focusing on the Romanian case, being the first one in a subsequent series of studies applied to all EU countries. Design/Methodology/Approach: Employing World Bank data for the decades between 1960 and 2000 and a cultural distance based on the six cultural dimensions’ model developed by Hofstede, a SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) methodology is applied using Smart-PLS software. Findings: The results confirm a negative significant correlation between cultural distance and migration flows, suggesting that when cultural distance is increasing, migration flows decrease. Practical Implications: The research has two management implications: firstly, the findings demonstrate that culture is crucial in decision-making and, acknowledging this fact, leads to better solutions to migration problems between various EU countries. Moreover, this research indicates that studying only the economic aspects of migration is not sufficient; there is also a need to grasp the complexity of cultural aspects. In this regard, culture is a powerful resource and can be instrumental in finding proper strategies to migration crisis and conflict management. Originality/Value: The present research adds valuable input to the exiting literature due to several reasons: firstly, is focusing on an Eastern European country with a communist past and with an interesting democratic evolution. Secondly, most of the studies regarding the Romanian migration focuses mainly on its flows to specific countries, such as Italy, Spain, and Germany. Thirdly, this research demonstrates that culture really shapes human actions and it points out that human flows are part of an important cultural assimilation process.peer-reviewe

    Licitación oficial y competencia imperfecta

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    [Resumen] El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es el de analizar la influencia que tienen una serie de variables relevantes para los procesos de adjudicación de construcciones de obras licitadas. Con esta finalidad se realiza en primer lugar un análisis empírico cuyo objetivo es analizar el nivel de concentración el sector de autopistas y carreteras, utilizando para ello distintos indicadores de concentración industrial. Basándose en el anterior análisis se constata que existe un elevado nivel de concentración en el sector y se elaboran un modelo de economía industrial que refleje este hecho. En particular el análisis se desarrolla partiendo de un modelo de oligopolio en el que existe diferenciación de producto, en el que hay un número reducido de empresas que tienen poder de mercado y en donde cada una de las empresas ofrece un producto que es un sustitutivo cercano de los productos de las demás empresas. Partiendo del anterior modelo se analizan los distintos equilibrios de mercado que pueden producirse dependiendo del comportamiento de las empresas, Cournot, Bertrand o Stackelberg y se estudian los efectos sobre el bienestar que se derivan de los anteriores comportamientos. Se constata que los resultados obtenidos depende básicamente, a parte del comportamiento de las empresas, de la diferenciación de producto existente, variable sobre la que se supone que puede actuar la administración pública. Por útlimo se supone que la administración pública, que pretende maximizar el bienestar social utiliza un instrumento de política como son los subsidios a la producción con esta finalidad y se deduce cual debe ser el subsidio óptimo para el país. Finalmente, se realiza una presentación ordenada de las principales conclusiones, así como de las principales recomendaciones de política económica que se derivan de la investigación

    Examination of management models in the common fisheries policy

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    This paper analyses the historical development of fisheries management systems within the framework of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP): how resources are managed, how tasks are allocated by the Commission, and how quotas must be implemented. Early developments were based on the control of the fleet, aiming at the best compliance regarding catches by removing the overcapacity derived from the imbalance fleet/resources. The next developments focus on the allocation of national quotas and financial subsidies. Lastly, from the 2002 reform, the developments focus on managing the fishing effort according to the precautionary principle and the implementation of individual fishing rights. The document also deals with the different criteria implemented to strengthen this more and more open and competitive sector, with more liability for producers. Finally, the author places particular emphasis on how to establish the different positions related to decision-making processes all through the period from 1983 to 2009, mainly with regard to micromanagement and regionalisation of fisheries. These recommendations would mean a change of mentality in reference to the principles of the Common Fisheries Policy.peer-reviewe