6 research outputs found

    Environment, difficulty and consequences of the implementation of a total quality management system

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    .Matia Fundazioa, organización sin ánimo de lucro, desde una visión humanista e integral de la persona mayor, presta servicios sociosanitarios desde 1888, y aborda desde comienzos de 1998 la mejora continua de su organización. En este artículo se explican los pasos seguidos para la obtención de la certificación ISO en todos sus centros y servicios, de forma que se sentaran las bases para iniciar el proceso de la mejora. Posteriormente para gestionar la organización por procesos siguiendo el modelo Europeo EFQM. Se cuenta también el proceso para la mejora de todos los servicios y personas de la organización con vistas a la consecución de sus objetivos.Matia Fundazioa, a non-profit organisation, has been rendering social and health services based on a humanistic approach , and targeting the elderly, since 1888. Since tire beginning of 1998 it Iras tackled the question of ongoing improvement in its organisation. This article explains the steps taken to obtain the ISO certiftcation in all its centres and services, this laying tire foundations to implement the improvement process. The organisation will subsequently be managed by processes following the European EFQM model. There is also a process in place for improving all services and people across the organisation, with a view to achieving all itsobjectives

    Educación social : revista de intervención socioeducativa

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    Monográfico con el título: La calidad en la acción socioeducativa. Resumen en inglésSe informa sobre la experiencia que ha tenido la Fundación Matia Fundazioa, organización sin ánimo de lucro que presta servicios sociosanitarios a personas mayores y-o discapacitadas, en la implantación de un sistema de calidad. Entre otras cosas, se explican los pasos seguidos por la entidad para obtener la certificación ISO 9002 y cómo aplica el modelo europeo EFQM (European Fundation for Quality Management).CataluñaConsejería de Educación y Cultura. Secretaría General de Educación; Calle Delgado Valencia, 6; 06800 Mérida (Badajoz); Tel. +34924006714; Fax +34924006716; [email protected]

    My Teaching Is Not Gender Biased, Is It?

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    Gender bias and underrepresentation in society are likewise pervasive in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math fields and are difficult to balance out. In Aquatic Sciences, large efforts have been made to increase awareness on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice and yet, gender- and diversity-gaps remain. Reducing these gaps requires work in different dimensions: individual, community, education, and society. As scientists, we can act at all those levels in various ways and one effective approach is through education. When teaching and supervising students we can be role models, actively, consciously, and explicitly including diverse and historically underrepresented scientists in our teaching material or creating an inclusive class environment. But, where to start?CML participation at the conference was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, FlowReSet project ME 5498/2-1) and the work has been developed within the funding framework of NutFlows (ME 5498/3-1). AP was supported by the Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral program under the Ministry of Research and Universities of the Government of Catalonia (Grant Reference No. 2020 BP-00237). PR-L and AF were supported by MCIN/AEI through the Juan de la Cierva - Incorporación program (IJC2019-041601-I and IJC2019-039181-I).Peer reviewe