166 research outputs found

    The role of the tourism sector in economic development - Lessons from the Spanish experience

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    Tourism is one of the most important sectors in the world economy, and it is now considered as an efficient tool for promoting economic growth. In this respect, the experience of the Spanish economy is well known, and might be used to illustrate the benefits of the development of the tourism sector in lagging economies. Actually, there is wide consensus in the idea of its role in enhancing the Spanish industrialisation process. The foreign currency receipts from tourism contributed to finance the expansion of manufacturing by financing imports of capital goods. Moreover, the expansion of tourism in the last three decades has been unstoppable and beneficial for the economy in different aspects. The main purpose of this paper is to assess the real role of the tourism sector in the Spanish economy during the last three decades, paying especial attention to its contribution to the industrialisation of some of the less developed regions. Policy issues that are derived from the results for the Spanish experience should be useful for other developing countries in similar situations, and reveal how the tourist activity in those economies can benefit the overall economy, helping growth in other sectors.

    The role of the tourism sector in economic development - Lessons from the Spanish experience

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    Tourism is one of the most important sectors in the world economy, and it is now considered as an efficient tool for promoting economic growth. In this respect, the experience of the Spanish economy is well known, and might be used to illustrate the benefits of the development of the tourism sector in lagging economies. Actually, there is wide consensus in the idea of its role in enhancing the Spanish industrialisation process. The foreign currency receipts from tourism contributed to finance the expansion of manufacturing by financing imports of capital goods. Moreover, the expansion of tourism in the last three decades has been unstoppable and beneficial for the economy in different aspects. The main purpose of this paper is to assess the real role of the tourism sector in the Spanish economy during the last three decades, paying especial attention to its contribution to the industrialisation of some of the less developed regions. Policy issues that are derived from the results for the Spanish experience should be useful for other developing countries in similar situations, and reveal how the tourist activity in those economies can benefit the overall economy, helping growth in other sectors

    Tourism and Exports as a means of Growth

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    This study expands existing research by considering both exports and tourism as potential influencing factors for economic growth. While trade of goods has been proven as a means of growth for countries, inbound tourism as non-traditional exports, has been scarcely examined in the literature. Using data for Italy and Spain over the period 1954-2000 and 1964-2000 respectively, both exports of goods and tourism exports are included in the same model. Standard cointegration and Granger causality techniques are applied. The main results reveal the significance of both exports and tourism towards long-term growth with some peculiarities for each country.Tourism, ELG Hypothesis, TLG Hypothesis, Trade, Growth

    Tourism and Exports as a means of Growth

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    This study expands existing research by considering both exports and tourism as potential influencing factors for economic growth. While trade of goods has been proven as a means of growth for countries, inbound tourism as non-traditional exports, has been scarcely examined in the literature. Using data for Italy and Spain over the period 1954-2000 and 1964-2000 respectively, both exports of goods and tourism exports are included in the same model. Standard cointegration and Granger causality techniques are applied. The main results reveal the significance of both exports and tourism towards longterm growth with some peculiarities for each country

    La influencia de las rutas de vuelos de bajo coste en la elecciĂłn del destino turĂ­stico

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    Influence exerted by low-cost flights availability between East Midlands and Reus airports on English tourists’ decision to visit a coastal mature destination as Costa Dorada (Northeastern Spain) has been analyzed by means of the Causal Chain Approach. The results show the uplift in the probability of the visit created by the presence of the low-cost flights is 28.4%. Probability is higher in the case of those staying in a hotel in Salou (33.9%).Mediante la aplicación del método conocido como Causal Chain Approach, se ha analizado la influencia en la llegada de turistas ingleses a la Costa Dorada y al conjunto de la provincia de Tarragona ejercida por la existencia de una ruta de vuelos de bajo coste entre los aeropuertos de East Midlands y Reus. Los resultados muestran que el incremento en la probabilidad que los turistas hayan venido al destino escogido debido a la disponibilidad de dichos vuelos es del 28,4%. Esta probabilidad aumenta en el caso de aquellos que estuvieron alojados en un hotel de Salou (33,9%)

    Ion Beam Experiments to Emulate Nuclear Fusion Environment on Structural Materials at CMAM

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    One of the major problems not only in nuclear fusion but in all the fields that have to face irradiation damage is to predict the microstructural evolution of all the features that are involved in the good response of the material. In the case of nuclear fusion, it is well known that structural materials that will be a fundamental piece in the future reactor must withstand severe neutron irradiation damage, high temperatures, and cyclic stresses which will result in a reduction of the lifetime of the component. For that reason, a big effort is being done for the scientific community in order to understand the complex mechanisms that lie in the relationship between irradiation damage, microstructure, temperature, stresses, etc. However, neutron irradiation brings inherently transmutation and nuclear activation, which makes extremely hard to study those samples. Therefore, the scientific community is using since long time ago ion beam facilities to emulate the neutron damage, without the worst inconvenience. In this chapter, the authors described briefly the facility located at Centro de MicroAnálisis de Materiales (CMAM), Madrid, and presented afterward some examples of experiments that Spanish Nuclear Fusion Laboratory at CIEMAT has been carrying out related to this matter

    The European timeshare consumer in the twenty - first century

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    This paper outlines the results of the most recent pan-European survey of timeshare and its owners. The paper begins by placing timeshare in context of the European leisure sector and outlining previous research on timeshare. It then goes on to examine the results of a major survey of timeshare owners and the industry. The results unveil the profile of timeshare owners in Europe, their purchasing behaviour and their future intentions; it also looks into the satisfaction of the timeshare experience. The survey demonstrates that timeshare represents a significant sector of the European accommodation market a d that in general, consumers have a high satisfaction rate with their use of timeshare

    Feasibility Study of a Proton Irradiation Facility for Radiobiological Measurements at an 18 MeV Cyclotron

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    A feasibility study of an experimental setup for the irradiation of biological samples at the cyclotron facility installed at the National Centre of Accelerators (Seville, Spain) is presented. This cyclotron, which counts on an external beam line for interdisciplinary research purposes, produces an 18 MeV proton beam, which is suitable for the irradiation of mono-layer cultures for the measurement of proton cell damages and Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) at energies below the beam nominal value. Measurements of this kind are of interest for proton therapy, since the variation of proton RBE at the distal edge of the Bragg curve may have implications in clinical proton therapy treatments. In the following, the characteristics of the beam line and the solutions implemented for the irradiation of biological samples are described. When dealing with the irradiation of cell cultures, low beam intensities and broad homogeneous irradiation fields are required, in order to assure that all the cells receive the same dose with a suitable dose rate. At the cyclotron, these constraints have been achieved by completely defocusing the beam, intercepting the beam path with tungsten scattering foils and varying the exit-window-to-sample distance. The properties of the proton beam thus obtained have been analysed and compared with Monte Carlo simulations. The results of this comparison, as well as the experimental measurement of the lateral dose profiles expected at the position of samples are presented. Meaningful dose rates of about 2–3 Gy/min have been obtained. Homogeneous lateral dose profiles, with maximum deviations of 5%, have been measured at a distance of approximately 50 cm in air from the exit window, placing a tungsten scattering foil of 200 μm in the beam path

    Estrategia educativa para familiares de pacientes pediátricos, en la unidad de cuidado intensivo de una institución de cuarto nivel en la ciudad de Bogotá

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    68 páginasEl presente proyecto presenta un abordaje de los conceptos de incertidumbre desarrollado por Merle Michel y aprendizaje significativo desarrollado por Jerome Bruner aplicados al desarrollo de una estrategia educativa dirigida a familiares de pacientes internados en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Pediátrico de la Fundación Cardioinfantil IC de la Ciudad de Bogotá como proyecto de grado dentro del marco de la Especialización en Cuidado Critico con énfasis en pediatría de la Universidad de la Sabana; a partir de la metodología del marco lógico se determinó como objetivo general Diseñar una estrategia educativa que permita a los familiares de los pacientes de la unidad de cuidado intensivo pediátrico disminuir la incertidumbre que les provoca la normatividad instaurada, para esto se desarrolló un cuestionario para determinar el grado de incertidumbre en los familiares, a quienes se les presentara un video educativo frente al proceso normativo, y del que se espera tenga un efecto de disminución de los grados de incertidumbre.This project presents an approach to the concepts of uncertainty developed by Merle Michel and significant learning developed by Jerome Bruner applied to the development an educational strategy aimed at parents of patients admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of the Fundación CardioInfantil de the City of Bogotá as a degree project within the framework of the Critical Care Specialization with emphasis on pediatrics at the University of La Sabana; for the methodology of the logical framework, the general objective was determined to design an educational strategy that allows the relatives of the patients of the pediatric intensive care unit to reduce the uncertainty caused by the established regulations, for which a test to be applied in a virtual way to determine the level of uncertainty in parents, who will be presented with an educational video regarding the regulatory process, and which is expected to have an effect of reducing levels of uncertainty.Especialización en Enfermería en Cuidado CríticoEspecialista en Enfermería en Cuidado Crític

    Evolution of the COVID-19 Pandemic after the Introduction of School Referral Nurses in the Province of Granada—A Descriptive Study

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    The aim of this research is to describe the evolution of the pandemic in a school context, following the introduction of school nurses into the educational setting. Background: The first wave of COVID-19 in Spain prevented social interaction by imposing lockdowns on the population. All non-essential activities, including face-to-face education, were interrupted, affecting the school-aged population during the second and third trimester of the 2019/2020 school year. Schools are places where prevention, identification and case management measures should be rapidly implemented. Methods: This is a prospective and descriptive study using a quantitative method to study the school population of Granada and its province during the school year 2020/2021, from September 2020 to May 2021. The study participants were all schools under the jurisdiction of the Territorial Delegation of Education of Granada, whether public, private, state-subsidised or charter schools, including all educational stages. Results: The confirmation rate in Granada city (11.2%), in contrast to the Andalusian average (6.9%), places Granada as the province with the highest incidence rate. The infection rates among teachers show the same confirmation rate as the general population of Granada (9%); however, among students this rate is lower (7%). There is a higher incidence of outbreaks taking place outside school and a lower incidence of outbreaks occurring within the school environment. Both partial and total outbreaks are more frequent in early childhood education. Conclusion: The early identification and management of reported suspected cases of COVID-19 in schools is proving effective in preventing infection in the school population, achieving good pandemic control in schools, and reducing the number of outbreaks and people affected. Schools have been confirmed to be safe. Establishing screening for asymptomatic schoolchildren could be a tool to improve control in schools.Colegio Oficial de Enfermeria de Granada (CODEGRA
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