195 research outputs found

    Divergent Mechanisms Leading to Signaling Dysfunction in Embryonic Muscle by Bisphenol A and Tetrabromobisphenol A

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    ABSTRACT Bisphenol A (BPA) and its brominated derivative tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) are high production volume chemicals used in the manufacture of various consumer products. Although regarded as endocrine disruptors, these chemicals are suspected to exert nongenomic actions on muscle function that are not well understood. Using skeletal muscle microsomes, we examined the effects of BPA and TBBPA on ryanodine receptor type 1 (RyR1), dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR), and sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca 21 ATPase (SERCA). We assessed the impact of these chemicals on Ca 21 dynamics and signaling in embryonic skeletal myotubes through fluorescent Ca 21 imaging and measurement of resting membrane potential (V m ). TBBPA activated RyR1 and inhibited DHPR and SERCA, inducing a net efflux of Ca 21 from loaded microsomes, whereas BPA exhibited little or no activity at these targets. Regardless, both compounds disrupted the function of intact myotubes. TBBPA diminished and eventually abrogated Ca 21 transients, altered intracellular Ca 21 equilibrium, and caused V m depolarization. For some cells, BPA caused rapid Ca 21 transient loss without marked changes in cytosolic and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca 21 levels, likely owing to altered cellular excitability as a result of BPA-induced V m hyperpolarization. BPA and TBBPA both interfere with skeletal muscle function through divergent mechanisms that impair excitation-contraction coupling and may be exemplary of their adverse outcomes in other muscle types

    Tetramethylenedisulfotetramine alters Ca²⁺ dynamics in cultured hippocampal neurons: mitigation by NMDA receptor blockade and GABA(A) receptor-positive modulation.

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    Tetramethylenedisulfotetramine (TETS) is a potent convulsant that is considered a chemical threat agent. We characterized TETS as an activator of spontaneous Ca²⁺ oscillations and electrical burst discharges in mouse hippocampal neuronal cultures at 13-17 days in vitro using FLIPR Fluo-4 fluorescence measurements and extracellular microelectrode array recording. Acute exposure to TETS (≥ 2 µM) reversibly altered the pattern of spontaneous neuronal discharges, producing clustered burst firing and an overall increase in discharge frequency. TETS also dramatically affected Ca²⁺ dynamics causing an immediate but transient elevation of neuronal intracellular Ca²⁺ followed by decreased frequency of Ca²⁺ oscillations but greater peak amplitude. The effect on Ca²⁺ dynamics was similar to that elicited by picrotoxin and bicuculline, supporting the view that TETS acts by inhibiting type A gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA(A)) receptor function. The effect of TETS on Ca²⁺ dynamics requires activation of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors, because the changes induced by TETS were prevented by MK-801 block of NMDA receptors, but not nifedipine block of L-type Ca²⁺ channels. Pretreatment with the GABA(A) receptor-positive modulators diazepam and allopregnanolone partially mitigated TETS-induced changes in Ca²⁺ dynamics. Moreover, low, minimally effective concentrations of diazepam (0.1 µM) and allopregnanolone (0.1 µM), when administered together, were highly effective in suppressing TETS-induced alterations in Ca²⁺ dynamics, suggesting that the combination of positive modulators of synaptic and extrasynaptic GABA(A) receptors may have therapeutic potential. These rapid throughput in vitro assays may assist in the identification of single agents or combinations that have utility in the treatment of TETS intoxication

    The Skeletal L-type Ca2+ Current Is a Major Contributor to Excitation-coupled Ca2+ entry

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    The term excitation-coupled Ca2+ entry (ECCE) designates the entry of extracellular Ca2+ into skeletal muscle cells, which occurs in response to prolonged depolarization or pulse trains and depends on the presence of both the 1,4-dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) in the plasma membrane and the type 1 ryanodine receptor in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane. The ECCE pathway is blocked by pharmacological agents that also block store-operated Ca2+ entry, is inhibited by dantrolene, is relatively insensitive to the DHP antagonist nifedipine (1 μM), and is permeable to Mn2+. Here, we have examined the effects of these agents on the L-type Ca2+ current conducted via the DHPR. We found that the nonspecific cation channel antagonists (2-APB, SKF 96356, La3+, and Gd3+) and dantrolene all inhibited the L-type Ca2+ current. In addition, complete (>97%) block of the L-type current required concentrations of nifedipine >10 μM. Like ECCE, the L-type Ca2+ channel displays permeability to Mn2+ in the absence of external Ca2+ and produces a Ca2+ current that persists during prolonged (∼10-second) depolarization. This current appears to contribute to the Ca2+ transient observed during prolonged KCl depolarization of intact myotubes because (1) the transients in normal myotubes decayed more rapidly in the absence of external Ca2+; (2) the transients in dysgenic myotubes expressing SkEIIIK (a DHPR α1S pore mutant thought to conduct only monovalent cations) had a time course like that of normal myotubes in Ca2+-free solution and were unaffected by Ca2+ removal; and (3) after block of SR Ca2+ release by 200 μM ryanodine, normal myotubes still displayed a large Ca2+ transient, whereas no transient was detectable in SkEIIIK-expressing dysgenic myotubes. Collectively, these results indicate that the skeletal muscle L-type channel is a major contributor to the Ca2+ entry attributed to ECCE

    Toxicology in the Fast Lane: Application of High-Throughput Bioassays to Detect Modulation of Key Enzymes and Receptors

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    BackgroundLegislation at state, federal, and international levels is requiring rapid evaluation of the toxicity of numerous chemicals. Whole-animal toxicologic studies cannot yield the necessary throughput in a cost-effective fashion, leading to a critical need for a faster and more cost-effective toxicologic evaluation of xenobiotics.ObjectivesWe tested whether mechanistically based screening assays can rapidly provide information on the potential for compounds to affect key enzymes and receptor targets, thus identifying those compounds requiring further in-depth analysis.MethodsA library of 176 synthetic chemicals was prepared and examined in a high-throughput screening (HTS) manner using nine enzyme-based and five receptor-based bioassays.ResultsAll the assays have high Z' values, indicating good discrimination among compounds in a reliable fashion, and thus are suitable for HTS assays. On average, three positive hits were obtained per assay. Although we identified compounds that were previously shown to inhibit a particular enzyme class or receptor, we surprisingly discovered that triclosan, a microbiocide present in personal care products, inhibits carboxylesterases and that dichlone, a fungicide, strongly inhibits the ryanodine receptors.ConclusionsConsidering the need to rapidly screen tens of thousands of anthropogenic compounds, our study shows the feasibility of using combined HTS assays as a novel approach toward obtaining toxicologic data on numerous biological end points. The HTS assay approach is very useful to quickly identify potentially hazardous compounds and to prioritize them for further in-depth studies

    A malignant hyperthermia–inducing mutation in RYR1 (R163C): consequent alterations in the functional properties of DHPR channels

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    Bidirectional communication between the 1,4-dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) in the plasma membrane and the type 1 ryanodine receptor (RYR1) in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is responsible for both skeletal-type excitation–contraction coupling (voltage-gated Ca2+ release from the SR) and increased amplitude of L-type Ca2+ current via the DHPR. Because the DHPR and RYR1 are functionally coupled, mutations in RYR1 that are linked to malignant hyperthermia (MH) may affect DHPR activity. For this reason, we investigated whether cultured myotubes originating from mice carrying an MH-linked mutation in RYR1 (R163C) had altered voltage-gated Ca2+ release from the SR, membrane-bound charge movement, and/or L-type Ca2+ current. In myotubes homozygous (Hom) for the R163C mutation, voltage-gated Ca2+ release from the SR was substantially reduced and shifted (∼10 mV) to more hyperpolarizing potentials compared with wild-type (WT) myotubes. Intramembrane charge movements of both Hom and heterozygous (Het) myotubes displayed hyperpolarizing shifts similar to that observed in voltage-gated SR Ca2+ release. The current–voltage relationships for L-type currents in both Hom and Het myotubes were also shifted to more hyperpolarizing potentials (∼7 and 5 mV, respectively). Compared with WT myotubes, Het and Hom myotubes both displayed a greater sensitivity to the L-type channel agonist ±Bay K 8644 (10 µM). In general, L-type currents in WT, Het, and Hom myotubes inactivated modestly after 30-s prepulses to −50, −10, 0, 10, 20, and 30 mV. However, L-type currents in Hom myotubes displayed a hyperpolarizing shift in inactivation relative to L-type currents in either WT or Het myotubes. Our present results indicate that mutations in RYR1 can alter DHPR activity and raise the possibility that this altered DHPR function may contribute to MH episodes

    Expression and function of ryanodine receptor related pathways in PCB tolerant Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) from New Bedford Harbor, MA, USA

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Aquatic Toxicology 159 (2015): 156-166, doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2014.12.017.Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) thrive in New Bedford Harbor (NBH), MA, highly contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Resident killifish have evolved tolerance to dioxin-like (DL) PCBs, whose toxic effects through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) are well studied. In NBH, non-dioxin like PCBs (NDL PCBs), which lack activity toward the AhR, vastly exceed levels of DL congeners yet how killifish counter NDL toxic effects has not been explored. In mammals and fish, NDL PCBs are potent activators of ryanodine receptors (RyR), Ca2+ release channels necessary for a vast array of physiological processes. In the current study we compared the expression and function of RyR related pathways in NBH killifish with killifish from the reference site at Scorton Creek (SC, MA). Relative to the SC fish, adults from NBH displayed increased levels of skeletal muscle RyR1 protein, and increased levels of FK506-binding protein 12 kDa (FKBP12), an accessory protein essential for NDL PCB-triggered changes in RyR channel function. In accordance with increased RyR1 levels, NBH killifish displayed increased maximal ligand binding, increased maximal response to Ca2+ activation and increased maximal response to activation by the NDL PCB congener PCB 95. Compared to SC, NBH embryos and larvae had increased levels of mtor and ryr2 transcripts at multiple stages of development, and generations, while levels of serca2 were decreased at 9 days post-fertilization in the F1 and F2 generations. These findings suggest that there are compensatory and heritable changes in RyR mediated Ca2+ signaling proteins or potential signaling partners in NBH killifish.Funding was provided through the NIEHS Superfund Research Program UC Davis (INP and EBF; P42-ES004699) and Boston University (JJS and JVG; P42-ES007381). Support was supplied via the UC Davis NHLBI Training Grant (T32-HL086350, EBF). Additional support came from NIEHS 1R01-ES014901, 1R01-ES017425, the UC Davis Center for Children’s Environmental Health (1P01-ES011269, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Grant 8354320), and an unrestricted JB Johnson Foundation gift grant.2015-12-1

    Sex‐specific alterations in whole body energetics and voluntary activity in heterozygous R163C malignant hyperthermia‐susceptible mice

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    Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is characterized by induction of skeletal muscle hyperthermia in response to a dysregulated increase in myoplasmic calcium. Although altered energetics play a central role in MH, MH‐susceptible humans and mouse models are often described as having no phenotype until exposure to a triggering agent. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the R163C ryanodine receptor 1 mutation, a common MH mutation in humans, on energy expenditure, and voluntary wheel running in mice. Energy expenditure was measured by indirect respiration calorimetry in wild‐type (WT) and heterozygous R163C (HET) mice over a range of ambient temperatures. Energy expenditure adjusted for body weight or lean mass was increased (P < .05) in male, but not female, HET mice housed at 22°C or when housed at 28°C with a running wheel. In female mice, voluntary wheel running was decreased (P < .05) in the HET vs WT animals when analyzed across ambient temperatures. The thermoneutral zone was also widened in both male and female HET mice. The results of the study show that the R163C mutations alters energetics even at temperatures that do not typically induce MH

    Uncoupling of ATP-Mediated Calcium Signaling and Dysregulated Interleukin-6 Secretion in Dendritic Cells by Nanomolar Thimerosal

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    Dendritic cells (DCs), a rare cell type widely distributed in the soma, are potent antigen-presenting cells that initiate primary immune responses. DCs rely on intracellular redox state and calcium (Ca(2+)) signals for proper development and function, but the relationship between these two signaling systems is unclear. Thimerosal (THI) is a mercurial used to preserve vaccines and consumer products, and is used experimentally to induce Ca(2+) release from microsomal stores. We tested adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-mediated Ca(2+) responses of DCs transiently exposed to nanomolar THI. Transcriptional and immunocytochemical analyses show that murine myeloid immature DCs (IDCs) and mature DCs (MDCs) express inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP(3)R) and ryanodine receptor (RyR) Ca(2+) channels, known targets of THI. IDCs express the RyR1 isoform in a punctate distribution that is densest near plasma membranes and within dendritic processes, whereas IP(3)Rs are more generally distributed. RyR1 positively and negatively regulates purinergic signaling because ryanodine (Ry) blockade a) recruited 80% more ATP responders, b) shortened ATP-mediated Ca(2+) transients > 2-fold, and c) produced a delayed and persistent rise (≥ 2-fold) in baseline Ca(2+). THI (100 nM, 5 min) recruited more ATP responders, shortened the ATP-mediated Ca(2+) transient (≥ 1.4-fold), and produced a delayed rise (≥ 3-fold) in the Ca(2+) baseline, mimicking Ry. THI and Ry, in combination, produced additive effects leading to uncoupling of IP(3)R and RyR1 signals. THI altered ATP-mediated interleukin-6 secretion, initially enhancing the rate of cytokine secretion but suppressing cytokine secretion overall in DCs. DCs are exquisitely sensitive to THI, with one mechanism involving the uncoupling of positive and negative regulation of Ca(2+) signals contributed by RyR1