2,829 research outputs found

    Photobook Design of Ancient Temples in Magelang Regency

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    Indonesia is a country with vast cultural diversity as well as high historical value, due to many historical sites found in various regions including Magelang Regency, Central Java. Beside the largest temple called Borobudur, there are also several others scattered on all places of Magelang. These temples are not yet exposed to the world, namely Lumbung, Asu, Pendem, Gunung Sari, Gunung Wukir, Losari, and any other temples. These temples become the cultural heritage with its own beauty and high historical values with different functions and objectives from each other. The existence of these temples need to be preserved because of its use for science, education, religion and any other aspects. Government Tourism Office have already made an effort in the publication through websites, brochures, and magazines. After analyzing the publication, there are shortcomings in the delivery of the publication through the media. Therefore, to provide historical information and documentation of the temples in Magelang as historical evidence there is a need for putting more effort. The survey was done by the author through questionnaire and interview, the author concludes to use photobook as media to convey the information about these temples and to use photos to document these temples. Keywords Photobook, Ancient Temples, Magelang Regenc

    Testing the Naalc\u27s Dispute Resolution System: A Case Study

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    Testing the Naalc\u27s Dispute Resolution System: A Case Study

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    Supply-chain Analysis and Commodity Marketing of Chilli in Subosukowonosraten

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    Typical characteristics of agricultural products cause the complexity of supply chain problems to increase. This research aims to analyse and map chain distribution and marketing of chilli in Subosukowonosraten. This research used descriptive quantitative research design. Data processing methods used Producer Share, Margin and Profit Margin Ratio (PMR). The results show that supply chain of chill consisted of four types of chilli: red chilli type A, red chili type B, green chilli pepper, and red chilli pepper. The biggest chilli selling centre in the region of Surakarta ex-residency is Legi market. The biggest suppliers were from Boyolali, Klaten, Wonogiri, Sukoharjo and Karanganyar. In addition, suppliers outside of Surakarta were from Lumajang, Mojokerto, Pemekasan, Sumenep, Pare, Madura, Banyuwangi. Distribution chain of chilli trading in the region of Surakarta ex-residency consisted of farmers, collectors, big traders, wholesalers, retailers, and final consumers spread across seven regions including Sragen Regency, Wonogiri, Karanganyar, Sukoharjo, Klaten and Boyolali. Based on the analysis of producer share, the mean of market share was very good seen from farmer’s side. Market margin at each level of business actor shows that the highest market margin for red pepper was at direct selling from farmers to final consumers by the mean of market margin was Rp 12.000,00. The highest marke margin for red bird’s eye chilli pepper commodity was Rp 9.000,00 through marketing channel from collectors to small traders. The mean of the highest market margin was at collector level by Rp 4.000/kg. The highest profit margin ratio was at collector level by 1.58.     Keywords: chain distribution, marketin

    Emergence of visually-evoked reward expectation signals in dopamine neurons via the superior colliculus in V1 lesioned monkeys

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    Responses of midbrain dopamine (DA) neurons reflecting expected reward from sensory cues are critical for reward-based associative learning. However, critical pathways by which reward-related visual information is relayed to DA neurons remain unclear. To address this question, we investigated Pavlovian conditioning in macaque monkeys with unilateral primary visual cortex (V1) lesions (an animal model of 'blindsight'). Anticipatory licking responses to obtain juice drops were elicited in response to visual conditioned stimuli (CS) in the affected visual field. Subsequent pharmacological inactivation of the superior colliculus (SC) suppressed the anticipatory licking. Concurrent single unit recordings indicated that DA responses reflecting the reward expectation could be recorded in the absence of V1, and that these responses were also suppressed by SC inactivation. These results indicate that the subcortical visual circuit can relay reward-predicting visual information to DA neurons and integrity of the SC is necessary for visually-elicited classically conditioned responses after V1 lesion

    Lassa fever: A case report

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    Objective: Severe Lassa fever with high mortality among health care providers is usually a human to human infection that requires high index of suspicion to diagnose. This case report is to describe a peculiar case of Lassa fever among health worker.Result: A severe form of Lassa fever was diagnosed early in a healthcare provider and patient recovered fully.Conclusion: Fatality can be greatly reduced if early diagnosis as well as prompt specific treatment is instituted.Keywords: Lassa fever, Jo

    Hereditary spherocytosis.

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    Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is a familial hemolytic disorder with marked heterogeneity of clinical features, ranging from an asymptomatic condition to a fulminant hemolytic anemia. Although a positive family history of spherocytosis increases the risk for this disorder, it may be sporadic in some cases. In severe cases the disorder may be detected in early childhood, but in mild cases it may go unnoticed until later in adult life. A 27-year-old Nigerian woman presented with mild anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly and a history of multiple blood transfusion. Blood film showed about 70% spherocytes,reticulocytosis of 6.5%, increased osmotic fragility test and a negative direct antiglobulin test. She was managed conservatively on nutritional supplements and a significant regression of symptoms after 6 months was achieved

    Kewenangan Dan Kedudukan Dinas Syariat Islam Dalam Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Aceh

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    This study was conducted to determine how the relationship between institutions andenforcement of Syariat Islam in Aceh as well how the process of cooperation as well as theseparation of powers between the relevant institutions. The objectives to be achieved in thisresearch is to identify and analyze the role of the Department of Syariat Islam and itsposition in the governance of Aceh. This type of research is qualitative descriptive researchtype with survey research, by analyzing data in the field on a direct source in the form ofwords, the picture is not numbers, data obtained include interviews, field notes, documentsand so on others. This study aims to describe, summarize a variety of conditions, varioussituations that arise on implementation of Islamic Law in Aceh local governance which is theobject of this study, based on what happened then raised to the surface of the character /picture of conditions and circumstances. The focus of research is the Islamic Lawenforcement agencies in Aceh who participated in providing support and assist theDepartment in enforcing the Syariat Islamic Law.From the data processing research showed that the relationship of the Department ofSyariat Islam in Aceh with the relevant institutions have close cooperation and mutualsupport in the enforcement of Shariah. Cooperation between the Department of Islamic Lawwith the relevant institutions have been better when compared to previously where therelevant institutions to help the enforcement of Syariat Islam only as guidance only, but nowthe Department of Islamic Law together with the relevant institutions can conduct training,investigation, interrogation until the execution which will be performed by the judiciary ofSyariat Islam law in Aceh on the legality and authority he had. Socialization provided by thegovernment of Aceh has also been quite good, with a positive response from the people ofAceh and the Aceh government's support of the enforcement of Syariat Islam in Kaffah torealitation