24 research outputs found

    Competitiveness Model of Bioethanol Industry

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    The need for energy is increasing every year. More than 80% of energy needs met by fossil fuels derived from petroleum and natural gas. To anticipate, the Government issued Presidential Regulation No. 5 of 2006 on the national energy. In this regulation, the government took steps to saving energy and looking for new sources of energy that are renewable and environmentally friendly. One is bioethanol. This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of bioethanol industry in Bekonang Sukoharjo. This study used mixed methods, namely the incorporation of quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study. The measurement of competitiveness is using Porter\u27s Diamond Model. The results show the competitiveness of bioethanol industry is influenced by business strategy, potential buyers, working capital and innovation. Currently, bioethanol industry competitiveness is low

    Adaptation and Mitigation Model for People to Restore Their Ecosystem From Flood in Semarang, Indonesia

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    The northern coast of Central Java province is considered as the critical area of flood path. Semarang as capital city of this province with its junction area of Kendal and Demak always suffering from flood due to rain and or high tide seawater. It is realised that infrastructures\u27 capacity for flood control, awareness of people and other multi-factors are significantly contributed on the flood problem in these area. Mixed-methods of quantitative and qualitative are employed to analyze the data. The study found that there was a decline in quality of - people\u27s life, environment and its ecosystem. Awareness and responsiveness of people and also the other stakeholders are not progressive to overcome the problem of flood. This study is trying to contribute in outlining a model of adaptation and mitigation for the people to restore their ecosystem from the perspective of economist

    Analisis Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Terhadap Produk Mie Sedaap Pada Pasar Modern Di Surakarta

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    Pasar modern merupakan salah satu tempat perbelanjaan yang saat ini diminati masyarakat. Berbagai cara di lakukan pengelola pasar modern untuk memikat hati para konsumen. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian konsumen yang belanja di pasar modern adalah harga, kualitas produk, keamanan parkir dan promosi. Dari beberapa faktor tersebut harus dipertimbangkan oleh pengelola agar dapat meningkatkan volume penjualan. Perumusan masalah dalam penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh harga, kualitas produk, keamanan parkir, dan promosi terhadap keputusan pembelian mie sedap di pasar modern yang berada di surakarta, faktor manakah di antara harga, kualitas produk, keamanan parkir, dan promosi yang berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian mie sedap pada pasar modern di surakarta. Dalam penelitian ini alat analisis yang digunakan adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, dan uji hipotesis yang meliputi uji regresi linier berganda, uji t, uji F dan koefisian determinasi (R2). Dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa hanya variabel kualitas produk yang berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian mie sedaap pada pasar modern di surakarta dengan nilai uji t sebesar 2,910. Sedangakan variabel yang tidak signifikan adalah harga, keamanan parkir, dan promosi, hal itu di karenakan nilai uji t lebih kecil dari pada t tabel

    Analisis Work Life Balance Dan Organisational Culture Sebagai Anteseden Job Satisfaction Dalam Membentuk Commitment Dan Peningkatan Job Performance (Studi pada Pegawai STAIN Kudus)

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    Employee satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance is an interesting issue to develop and it is still a debatable result of previous studies, thus providing an opportunity to develop a model that can explain the phenomenon of work-life balance in influencing the level of job satisfaction and commitment attitude and performance improvement. The purpose of this study is to measure the influence of each variable such as work-life balance and organizational culture to the level of employee job satisfaction and its influence on commitment and increase job performance of employees. The results of research conducted on all employees STAIN Kudus both the status of civil servants and non-civil servants showed that of the six hypotheses that proposed on the relationship between variables proved to support theories and studies that existed before, except on organizational culture variables that have no significant effect on increasing levels employee satisfaction, The results prove that the level of employee job satisfaction will increase the organizational commitment and employee performance in STAIN Kudus

    Pengaruh Talent Management Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Yang Dimediasi Oleh Dynamic Capability

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of talent management on employee performance mediated by dynamic capability (Study at Bank Jateng). The data of this study used primary data through a questionnaire with a measurement scale using a Likert scale. The sample selection in this study used a non-probability sampling approach. The sample used was 130 Bank Jateng respondents and analyzed using PLS-SEM with the help of SmartPLS 3.0 software. The method of data analysis in this study uses the evaluation of measurement models in the outer model and inner model. The results of the study show that (1) Talent Management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. (2) Talent Management has a positive and significant effect on Dynamic Capability. (3) Dynamic Capability has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. (4) Dynamic capability is able to provide a mediating effect on Talent management on employee performance

    Analisis Faktor – Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Motif Belanja Secara Online Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    This study aims to identify factors - factors that influence online shopping motif. And which factors most influence on the motive of shopping online. The analysis tool used is multiple linear regression, by retrieving data using questionnaires the respondents Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta class of 2011 to 2015. This study refers to the positive approach, the approach which began the study with a hypothesis and then followed by hypothesis testing , Variable pricing and the confidence effect but not significant to the motive of shopping online. While psychological factors and knowledge of Internet technologies significantly influence online shopping motives. The independent variables consisting of price, trust, psychology, and knowledge of internet technologies together (simultaneously) motid variables significantly influence online shopping. Where obtained F count equal to 6.537 with a significance level of 0.000. R square value in this study, which amounted to 0.216 means that 21.6% variable online shopping motives can be explained by the variable price, trust, psychology, and knowledge of internet technology, while the remaining 78.4% is explained by other factors. Thus online businesses should be able to affect the psychological, and provide easy access to internet and info on the internet clearly for consumers in order to dominate the market

    Pengaruh Motivasi, Kompensasi Dan Lingkungan Kerja Pada Kinerja Karyawan Di Pt Jasamarga Solo Ngawi

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    This study aims to analyze the Effect of Motivation, Compensation and Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT Jasamarga Solo Ngawi. The sample in this study amounted to 100 employees of PT Jasamarga Solo Ngawi using a questionnaire for data collection. The sampling technique is a non probability sampling method. Data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that: 1) motivation and compensation have a significant influence on employee performance. 2) the work environment has no influence on employee performance

    Analisa Efektivitas Training Dan Pengembangan Manajer Pada PT. Tiga Serangkai Surakarta

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    This research is about the strategy of developing training programs in an effort to improve employee motivation and performance. This study examines how a company manages human resources to continue to grow and develop by implementing appropriate training program strategies. With a qualitative research approach, it is expected to be able to reveal data in accordance with the perspective of the perpetrator. The results of this study show that the training program at PT Tiga Serangkai Surakarta has been running effectively, the training programs implemented have been able to increase the motivation and performance of middle up employees. This is also evidenced by the increase in sales. The effective management of human capital in this company also shows that this company has competitiveness amid the publishing and printing industry business, especially in Indonesia. The strategy developed by PT Tiga Serangkai in the training of middle up employees is knowledge management. As a company engaged in the business economy of PT Tiga Serangkai's knowledge, it is required to have skilled human capital and be responsive to the development of science and technology. The right training program in accordance with industry character is key, as a company engaged in the publishing and printing industry, the company optimizes training programs such as research and development (R & D), product design, process design, logistics, marketing, and financial system management. The training program is planned bottom up according to the needs of each department, and is top down for programs that are considered important and immediately implemented to spur the growth of the compan

    Pemilihan Lokasi Outlet Bank Baru Di Kabupaten Sukoharjo Dengan Metode Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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    This study aims to determine the priority of costs, facilities, accessibility and growth potential along with sub-criteria and objectives in determining the location of new outlets in the Sukoharjo With Method Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP). The sample used as many as 20 respondents with 4 groups of proportions which I include the leadership of Sukoharjo, consumers (business actors), community leaders, academics and the government. Data was taken by using a questionnaire comparing the criteria and sub-criteria with a scale of 1-9. The analysis tool uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The findings show that in determining the location of new BNI outlets, the priority needs to be 1) on growth potential; 2) Facilities; 3) Accessibility; 4) Cost. In terms of growth potential, priorities need to be emphasized: 1) distance from marketing targets; 2) distance from other branches. In facilities, the priority needs to be emphasized is 1) on security (from robbers and thieves); 2) Legality of Licensing; 3) Land Availability/Land Area; 4) Infrastructure Condition. In terms of accessibility, the priority needs to be emphasized are: 1) on the ease of customer access; 2) easy to find; 3) distance from the highway; 4) traffic to the location is smooth. Finally, the cost aspects that need to be prioritized are ) the need for minimal building repair costs; 2) cheapest rental rates. Then the location determined based on the priority is (1) on Jl. Sukoharjo – Tawangsari (Utara Tugu Tawangsari); (2) Jl. Tawangsari – Klaten (Area Pasar Tawangsari); (3) Jl. Tawangsari – Weru ( Area Pasar Tawang); (4) Jl. Raya Watu Kelir (Area Pasar Watu Kelir); (5) Jl. Raya Tawangsari – Wonogiri (Area Pasar Bulu) (6) Jl. Raya Tawangsari – Wonogiri (Area Desa Tiyaran)

    Pengaruh Promosi Jabatan, Rotasi Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Karyawan Pada Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Job rotation promotion and work motivation in the effect of increasing employee performance at the pku muhammadiyah hospital in surakarta city. The purpose of this study is to find out how much the influence of job rotation promotion and work motivation in term of improving employee performance. This type of research is quantitative research, out of 920 employeees taking 108 respondents who were sampled. The respondents were from various positions and jobs in the hospital work environment. Data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires. This study uses data analysis techniques by conducting validity tests and reliability tests with spss version 19. Base on the result of the analysis shows the result that job promotion has a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Job rotation has a positive and significant influence on employee performance, work motivation has a positive and significant influence on employee performance