18 research outputs found

    Short communication: Savanna-forest boundary on Mount Rinjani, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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    © 2021, Society for Indonesian Biodiversity. All rights reserved. Sutomo, van Etten E, Iryadi R. 2020. Short communication: Savanna-forest boundary on Mount Rinjani, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 726-731. Seasonally dry tropical forests tend to be bordered by or are mixed with savanna ecosystems. This research investigates the location and nature of forest-savanna boundary on Mt. Rinjani and hypothesizes on potential causes of such boundary formation. The field survey locations were based on MODIS burnt area data. We made 30 plots (50 x 50 m) established along transects to obtain vegetation and environment data across boundaries. For data analysis, we use community correspondence index (CCI), vegetation composition using Importance Value Index (IVI), and Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) to detect differences in floristic and environmental characteristics across boundaries. Species composition in the transition zone (based on highest IVI results) comprises Ficus septica, Macaranga tanarius, Lindera sp., Engelhardia spicata, Saurauria sp., Rytidosperma penicillatum, and Athyrium sp. The Non-Metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling (NMDS) based on environmental data showed clear separation between savanna and forest, although boundaries were floristically similar to forest. Micro-and macro-environmental factors, as well as, fire disturbances, are also important features of the forest-savanna boundary on Mt. Rinjani. We present evidence of boundary dynamics in the form of forest advance on the Mt. Rinjani south-west slope

    Use of landsat imagery to map spread of the invasive alien species Acacia Nilotica In Baluran National Park, Indonesia

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    © 2020 Seameo Biotrop. In the late 1960s, Acacia nilotica was introduced to Baluran National Park to establish fire breaks which would prevent the spread of fire from Baluran Savanna to the adjacent teak forest. However, A. nilotica has spread rapidly and has threatened the existence of Baluran Savanna as it has caused an ecosystem transition from an open savanna to a closed canopy of A. nilotica in some areas. This study is one of the few that examines A. nilotica invasion in Baluran National Park through remote sensing. Land cover dynamics were quantified using a supervised classification approach on Landsat 7 and 8 multi-spectral images. Results showed that savanna and A. nilotica can be recognized using a composite of bands 6, 5 and 3 of the Landsat 8 image. Across a 14-year period (2000-14), A, nilotica has spread far north and south from its originally introduced location, invading not only savannas, but also dry forests in the Baluran National Park. The savanna size has decreased by 1,361 ha, meanwhile the A. nilotica stand has increased by 1,886 ha over this period. Spatial distribution of A. nilotica in Baluran National Park showed a clumped pattern. Acacia nilotica which develops into a homogeneous stand in the north-west and eastern parts of the national park occupied an area of 3,628 ha or about 14.5% of the total area. This study has demonstrated that remote sensing technology can be effectively used to estimate the patterns of distribution and amount of A. nilotica cover change over the whole Baluran National Park. This is one advantage of remote sensing and GIS, as it is difficult and expensive to make such direct assessments using the conventional approach of field survey and vegetation analysis


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    In the late 1960s, Acacia nilotica was introduced to Baluran National Park to establish fire breaks which would prevent the spread of fire from Baluran Savanna to the adjacent teak forest. However, A. nilotica has spread rapidly and has threatened the existence of Baluran Savanna as it has caused an ecosystem transition from an open savanna to a closed canopy of A. nilotica in some areas. This study is one of the few that examines A. nilotica invasion in Baluran National Park through remote sensing. Land cover dynamics were quantified using a supervised classification approach on Landsat 7 and 8 multi-spectral images. Results showed that savanna and A. nilotica can be recognized using a composite of bands 6, 5 and 3 of the Landsat 8 image. Across a 14-year period (2000-14), A. nilotica has spread far north and south from its originally introduced location, invading not only savannas but also dry forests in the Baluran National Park. The savanna size has decreased by 1,361 ha, meanwhile the A. nilotica stand has increased by 1,886 ha over this period. Spatial distribution of A. nilotica in Baluran National Park showed a clumped pattern. Acacia nilotica which develops into a homogeneous stand in the north-west and eastern parts of the national park occupied an area of 3,628 ha or about 14.5% of the total area. This study has demonstrated that remote sensing technology can be effectively used to estimate the patterns of distribution and amount of A. nilotica cover change over the whole Baluran National Park. This is one advantage of remote sensing and GIS, as it is difficult and expensive to make such direct assessments using the conventional approach of field survey and vegetation analysis


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    Dicksonia blumei (Kunze) T.Moore is a tree fern prioritized for conservation (CITES Appendix II). Its natural distribution is in the Lesser Sunda Islands, where just ten specimens of D. blumei are known from Bali. The study aimed to obtain information on habitat suitability and location directions for the reintroduction of D. blumei species in Bukit Tapak, Bedugul, Bali. Modelling is carried out using the maximum entropy method using Maxent software. The data used in the current research is topographic, climatic and soil data where D. blumei points are scattered in Bali, then combined with the presence of Alsophila latebrosa as one of the substrates of the D. blumei species in nature. The model's performance showed a significant area under the curve (AUC) training data value of 0.997 and the AUC test data value of 0.967. The most dominant climate variable which is b10. The zoning suitability of the D. blumei habitat is also quite wide, namely ± 15 km2 in the Bedugul area. Detailed location points for reintroduction/restoration directions are obtained by interpreting Pleaides imagery through the statistical calculation process of the spectral library from the canopy of A. latebrosa. The results of detection with the Pleiades image interpretation approach obtained an accuracy of 88%. The combined effects of information on the habitat suitability of D. blumei and the distribution points of A. latebrosa showed 28 points of location that predicted suitable for the reintroduction activities of D. blumei in the southwest to the northwest of Bukit Tapak.Dicksonia blumei (Kunze) T.Moore merupakan salah satu jenis paku pohon yang diprioritaskan untuk dikonservasi sebagaimana yang diamanatkan di dalam CITES appendix II. Salah satu sebaran alaminya adalah Kepulauan Sunda Kecil dimana tercatat ada sepuluh spesimen D. blumei di Bali (Batukaru dan Bedugul). Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan informasi mengenai kesesuaian habitat dan arahan lokasi untuk reintroduksi jenis D. blumei di Bukit Tapak, Bedugul, Bali. Permodelan dilakukan dengan metode maksimum entropi (Maxent). Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah topografi, iklim dan tanah dimana tersebar titik D. blumei di Bali. Data tersebut kemudian digabungkan dengan data keberadaan Alsophila latebrosa sebagai salah satu inang tumbuh dari D. blumei di alam. Performa model menunjukkan hasil yang luar biasa dengan nilai training data Area Under the Curve (AUC) sebesar 0,997 dan nilai test data AUC sebesar 0,967. Variabel iklim yang paling dominan adalah b10 (rerata suhu pada quartal terpanas) yaitu 25,8%. Zonasi kesesuaian habitat D. blumei juga cukup luas yaitu ± 15 km2 pada kawasan Bedugul (Kabupaten Tabanan dan Buleleng). Detail titik lokasi untuk arahan reintroduksi/restorasi didapatkan dengan menggunakan interpretasi citra Pleaides melalui proses perhitungan statistik spectral library dari kanopi A. latebrosa. Hasil deteksi dengan pendekatan interpretasi citra Pleiades diperoleh akurasi sebesar 88%. Hasil penggabungan informasi kesesuaian habitat D. blumei dan titik sebaran A. latebrosa menunjukkan 28 titik lokasi di bagian barat daya hingga barat laut Bukit Tapak yang diprediksi sesuai sebagai lokasi reintroduksi D. blumei

    Penggunaan Citra Satelit untuk Mengetahui Persebaran Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub. di Bukit Tapak, Cagar Alam Batukahu Bali

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    Citra Pleaides merupakan aset penting untuk memperoleh data dan informasi tentang struktur vegetasi di hutan yang sulit untuk diukur langsung karena wilayah yang tidak dapat diakses dan memiliki cakupan luas. Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub. merupakan salah satu tanaman khas di Bukit Tapak yang memiliki nilai konservasi dan nilai ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persebaran D. imbricatus menggunakan data citra satelit Pleaides yang memiliki resolusi spasial tinggi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan interpretasi visual pada citra satelit Pleaides tahun 2014 dan data spasial elevasi. Akurasi citra Pleaides dalam identifikasi tutupan D. imbricatus mencapai 96,83% dan ketelitian total pemetaan mencapai 93,38% dengan koefisien kappa 88,64%. Persebaran D. imbricatus di Bukit Tapak memiliki range habitat aktual lebih sempit dibandingkan dengan range potensialnya yakni pada elevasi 1.321-1.800 mdpl dengan persentase tutupan 89,52% dari total tutupannya. Lereng Bukit Tapak dengan kemiringan 25,1-55% memiliki lingkup tutupan D. imbricatus sebesar 79,29% dari total tutupannya dan sisanya pada lereng>25%. Informasi tersebut penting terkait dengan kelestarian dan usaha konservasi salah satu jenis tumbuhan berbiji terbuka ini di Bukit Tapak.Kata kunci: akurasi; interpretasi; kanopi; konservasi; pleaides Usage of Satellite Imagery to Determine Distribution of Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) De Laub. on The Tapak Hill, Batukahu Natural Reserve BaliAbstractPleaides image is an important asset to obtain data and information with regard to the structure of the vegetation in the forest that are difficult to measure directly as the area is inaccessible and has a large coverage. Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub. is the one of typical plants on the Tapak Hill which has the conservation and economic values. This study aimed to determine the location and distribution of D. imbricatus using Pleaides satellite image that had a high spatial resolution. The determination of site characteristics was conducted by visual interpretation of high resolution satellite imagery Pleiades 2014 and elevation spatial data. Pleaides accuracy in the identification cover of D. imbricatus reached 96.83% and total accuracy mapping reached 93.38% with kappa coefficient of 88.64%. The distribution of D. imbricatus in Tapak Hill showed actual habitat range narrower than of its potential, which was distributed on the elevation of 1,321 – 1,800 m asl with a percentage of 89,52% from its total cover. About 79.29% of the coverage laid on the slope of 25.1 to 55%, whereas the rest on the slope of >25%. This information is important related to sustainability and conservation efforts for this gymnosperm plant in Tapak Hill.

    Perbedaan Komunitas Tumbuhan Sabana pada Gunung Tambora dan Rinjani di Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia

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    Some savannas occur at high elevations in Indonesia, such as those found on the slopes of Mt. Rinjani and Mt. Tambora. Such savannas are poorly known compared to other savannas in Indonesia. This study investigates and compares the structural characteristics and species composition of savanna plant communities in the higher altitude areas of Mt. Rinjani and Mt. Tambora. Sampling was established purposively (with a random start) across each savanna to get the abundance of woody and groundcover species. The floristic data were analyzed using Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM), CLUSTER, and SIMPER, which feature in PRIMER v.6 software. We recorded 45 plants species belonging to 27 families in the two savannas. Both savannas have similar species diversity (1.72 for Mt. Tambora and 1.85 for Mt. Rinjani). Saccharum spontaneum, Desmodium sp., Ziziphus rotundifolia, Acacia nilotica, Tabernaemontana sp. were the species only present on Mt Tambora; whereas Dicranopteris linearis, Stachytarpeta indica, Engelhardia spicata, Ocimum sp., Vanda sp., Rubus sp., and Nephrolepis sp. were the species only found on Mt. Rinjani. Imperata cylindrica is commonly found in both savannas and can increase wildfire risk in these savannas. The spread of the invasive alien species, Acacia nilotica, has started on Mt. Tambora.Sabana ternyata juga terdapat di dataran tinggi, seperti sabana yang terbentuk di lereng Gunung Rinjani dan Gunung Tambora. Informasi tentang kedua sabana tersebut belum banyak diketahui dibandingkan dengan sabana lain di Indonesia Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan membandingkan karakteristik dan variasi komposisi komunitas tumbuhan sabana di dataran tinggi G. Rinjani dan G. Tambora. Metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive (dengan awal acak) di sepanjang Sabana untuk mendapatkan informasi kelimpahan jenis tumbuhan berkayu dan juga kelimpahan jenis penutup tanah. Data vegetasi dianalisis dengan Analisis Kesamaan (ANOSIM), CLUSTER dan SIMPER dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak PRIMER V.6. Tercatat ada 45 spesies tumbuhan yang termasuk dalam 27 famili di dua sabana tersebut. Kedua sabana memiliki keanekaragaman spesies yang hampir sama (1,72 untuk G. Tambora dan 1,85 untuk G. Rinjani). Saccharum spontaneum, Desmodium sp., Ziziphus rotundifolia, Acacia nilotica, dan Tabernaemontana sp. hanya terdapat di G. Tambora, sedangkan Dicranopteris linearis, Stachytarpeta indica, Engelhardia spicata, Ocimum sp., Vanda sp., Rubus sp., dan Nephrolephis sp. hanya ditemukan di G. Rinjani. Imperata cylindrica banyak ditemukan dan berpotensi memicu kebakaran liar di kedua sabana tersebut. Invasi spesies asing invasif, seperti Acacia nilotica mulai terjadi di G. Tambora

    Plant Conservation Based on Tri Mandala Concept on Homegarden at Pakraman Penge Village, Baru Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency, Bali

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    Penge Pakraman village is a traditional village that has the potency to become ecotourism. The emergence of new tourist attractions affects land changes to support tourism activities. This causes the number of plant species in nature to decrease. Plant conservation by utilizing local wisdom is one effort to reduce the decrease of plant species number. The application of Tri Hita Karana and Tri Mandala in Balinese daily life able to support plant conservation activity. The objective of this research was to determine the role of Tri Mandala concept in plant conservation at Pakraman Penge home garden. Data collection methods are carried out through observation plant location with inventory number and name of plants in house sample. Plant use continues with study literature. The results of an inventory of plant diversity in home gardens of Pakraman Penge village recorded 70 species of plants from 16 houses sample. The plant habitus varied from herbs, shrubs until trees. Plant species in the home gardens have functions for ceremonies (51%), medicinal (24%), ornamental (17%), food (6%), and spices (2%). However, based on the location, most plant species were found in madya mandala and the lowest were found in utama mandala. We also found plants with conservation status consist of least concerned (15 species), vulnerable (Dracaena draco), near threatened (Cycas rumphii), endangered (Coffea arabica). Therefore, the application of Tri Mandala concept on Balinese home gardens supports plant conservation and gives economic benefit in individual leve

    Studi Etnobotani Masyarakat di Sekitar Kawasan Hutan Bedugul Bali

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    The Ethnobotany study of society advantage knowing plant species that be used and this usefulness. This study purpose identification plant’s utilization and local wisdom in Bedugul area. This method is purposive sampling that based profession with interview to Dukun, Baten, housewife, Farmer, craftsmen and builder. Filed data were processed with quantitative to get the benefit index (BI) on 181 species. Top ten species have been the highest of BI such as: Musa paradisiaca (0.026718), Arenga pinnata (0.022901), Artocarpus integer (0.015267), Cocos nucifera (0.015267), Colocasia esculenta (0.015267), Curcuma domestica (0.015267), Schizostachyum brachyckadum (0.015267), Moringa oleifera (0.01145), Aleurites moluccanus (0.01145) & Allium sativum (0.01145). Four of them have rare status i. e: Borassus flabellifer, Alstonia scholaris, Eeucresta horsfieldii & Saurauia bracteosa. Bali culture which has reserved with conservation education (Tumpek Wariga ceremony, Wana Kertih & Danau Kertih) makes the environment sustainability. &nbsp

    Tree Architecture Model and Tree Health Assessment Using Sonic 3D Tomograph Relationship in Bali Botanic Garden

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    The incident of fallen trees or broken branches is dangerous for tourists visiting Bali Botanical Garden. Tree health monitoring in locations with high human activity and near valuable properties is mandatory to minimize the potency of tree failure.  Since the stand stability is influenced by biological and physical factors, multiple variables consisting of species characteristics (stem form), tree dimensions (height, diameter, and slenderness coefficient), and tree health were used as parameters of tree health. The aim of this study is to examine the health condition of trees located in XIV.G Bali Botanical Garden and to identify the most significant morphological character related to the result of tomograph measurement. A purposive sampling technique was adopted for locations which highly visited. A total of 80 trees were examined as samples to measure tree health. The evaluation used visual observation and tomograph technology. The result showed the most tree defect found were branches covered with epiphyte and moss. However, tomograph examination found only one tree classified at high risk (Bischofia javanica) and seven trees classified at medium risk (Syzygium polyanthum, Syzygium racemosum, Bischofia javanica, Pittosporum mollucanum, Pittosporum sp. and Dacrycarpus imbricatus (2 trees)). This study suggests the use of tree architecture model as the most significant morphological character on tree samples with medium decay.


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    The success of botanic gardens in carrying out their duties and functions can be seen in their plant collections and conservation efforts, including restoration, reintroduction, and cultivation. As a scientific basis, the success needs to be supported by primary data, namely species diversity, growth and habitat suitability. This research aims to inventory the diversity of Agathis species in the world and obtain information on the growth of Agathis grown exsitu in the Eka Karya Botanic Garden, Bali. This research used a literature study and a census on A. borneensis and A. dammara tree collections. Observed parameters included measurements of growth, annual increments, and environment. The results of a literature study show that there are 17 species of Agathis in the world. The Eka Karya Bali Botanic Garden has only collected four species, namely A. australis, A. borneensis, A. dammara, and A. robusta, whereas seven collection numbers have not yet been identified in species level. A. borneensis and A. dammara are classified as endangered and vulnerable threatened species according to the IUCN Red List ver. 3.1. This research showed that the mean annual increments of A. borneensis were higher than that of A. dammara on trees aged 12 and 50 years. Both species' mean annual increments in height and diameter continued to increase at a young age (3–12 years) and stagnated at a mature age (50–64 years).Keberhasilan kebun raya dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya dapat dilihat dari kelengkapan koleksi tumbuhan dan usaha konservasinya yang meliputi restorasi, reintroduksi, dan pembudidayaannya. Hal ini perlu didukung oleh adanya data dasar seperti keragaman jenis, pertumbuhan, dan kesesuaian habitat suatu jenis tumbuhan sebagai basis ilmiah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi keragaman jenis Agathis yang ada di dunia dan memperoleh informasi pertumbuhan Agathis yang ditanam secara ex-situ di Kebun Raya Eka Karya, Bali. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelusuran pustaka dan sensus pada koleksi A. borneensis dan A. dammara. Parameter yang diamati meliputi pengukuran pertumbuhan, riap tahunan, dan lingkungan. Hasil penelusuran pustaka menunjukkan bahwa keragaman Agathis di dunia tercatat ada 17 jenis. Kebun Raya Eka Karya, Bali telah mengoleksi empat jenis yang terdiri dari A. australis, A. borneensis, A. dammara, dan A. robusta, sedangkan tujuh nomor koleksi masih belum teridentifikasi hingga jenis. A. borneensis dan A. dammara termasuk dalam jenis genting dan rentan, berdasarkan IUCN Red List ver. 3.1. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan riap tahunan rata-rata A. borneensis lebih besar daripada riap tahunan rata-rata A. dammara pada pohon yang berumur 12 dan 50 tahun. Riap tinggi dan riap diameter kedua jenis Agathis terus bertambah pada usia muda (3–12 tahun) dan stagnan pada usia tua (50–64 tahun)