194 research outputs found

    Total Edge Irregularity Strength for Graphs

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    An edge irregular total kk-labelling f:V(G)∪E(G)→{1,2,…,k}f : V(G)\cup E(G)\rightarrow \{1,2,\dots,k\} of a graph GG is a labelling of the vertices and the edges of GG in such a way that any two different edges have distinct weights. The weight of an edge ee, denoted by wt(e)wt(e), is defined as the sum of the label of ee and the labels of two vertices which incident with ee, i.e. if e=vwe=vw, then wt(e)=f(e)+f(v)+f(w)wt(e)=f(e)+f(v)+f(w). The minimum kk for which GG has an edge irregular total kk-labelling is called the total edge irregularity strength of G.G. In this paper, we determine total edge irregularity of connected and disconnected graphs


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    The wifi network of Bina Darma University is open to potential attacks by hackers, as they are unavoidably carried out. Network security is the act of recognizing and blocking unwanted users, or intruders, from computer networks. It serves as a safeguard for a network system against unauthorized and careless network users. In this study, the "Experiment Method" is employed. One approach that seeks to both test and explain an event is the experiment technique. Using the tools ettercap and wireshark, tests on network security were run and the findings analyzed for this study. The study's findings show that the network security encryption utilized at Bina and the security mechanism on the ubd student wifi network are both in good working order.The wifi network of Bina Darma University is open to potential attacks by hackers, as they are unavoidably carried out. Network security is the act of recognizing and blocking unwanted users, or intruders, from computer networks. It serves as a safeguard for a network system against unauthorized and careless network users. In this study, the "Experiment Method" is employed. One approach that seeks to both test and explain an event is the experiment technique. Using the tools ettercap and wireshark, tests on network security were run and the findings analyzed for this study. The study's findings show that the network security encryption utilized at Bina and the security mechanism on the ubd student wifi network are both in good working order

    Analisis Kewajiban Deposito sebagai Jaminan Reklamasi dan Pascatambang

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    Sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup menyebutkan bahwa dalam rangka melestarikan fungsi lingkungan hidup, maka setiap orang wajib untuk melindungi lingkungan. Undang-Undang Nomor 4 tahun 2009 tentang Mineral dan Batubara, mengatur mengenai izin USAha pertambangan. Perusahaan diwajibkan menyetor deposito untuk menjamin reklamasi dan pascatambang. Objek tulisan ini terkait dengan kewajiban deposito sebagai jaminan reklamasi dan pascatambang, dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap Perusahaan diwajibkan melakukan kegiatan pertambangan agar dapat melestarikan fungsi lingkungan hidup dan mencegah terjadinya pencemaran dan/ atau kerusakan lingkungan


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    Tulisan ini menjelaskan pada Manajemen Bimbingan Konseling dalam menangani konflik kenakalan peserta didik di MAS Insan Kesuma Madani. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan mengandalkan informan utama: kepala madrasah, wakil kepala madrasah, dan guru bimbingan konseling. Hasil penelitian menyoroti dua hal utama: (1) Strategi manajemen bimbingan konseling di MAS Insan Kesuma Madani dalam mengatasi konflik siswa; dan (2) Hambatan yang dihadapi selama proses bimbingan konseling. Kesimpulannya, manajemen bimbingan konseling di sekolah tersebut telah secara efektif merencanakan dan mengimplementasikan strategi untuk mengorganisir dan menangani konflik dan kenakalan siswa. Kerjasama antara guru bimbingan konseling dengan pihak sekolah lainnya dan dukungan dari wali murid menunjukkan peran penting dalam kesuksesan proses ini


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    Air quality in DKI Jakarta Province refers to the state and cleanliness of the air in the area at a given time. The type and concentration of air pollutants are among the indicators used to assess air quality. DKI Jakarta's air pollution is severe, causing respiratory irritation, respiratory illnesses, and long-term health issues such as cardiovascular disease and lung cancer. Air pollution can also harm the environment by limiting visibility and harming ecosystems. The problem with the research is that no appropriate and relevant features for predicting air quality were used. The goal of this study is to identify and compare algorithms with the highest accuracy between decision trees. In determining air quality, naive Bayes and k-nearest neighbor are used. According to the findings of the K-5fold evaluation process performed with the RapidMiner tool, the accuracy of the Decision Tree algorithm was 95.89%, the accuracy of the Nave Bayes algorithm was 93.15%, and the accuracy of the K-NN algorithm was 91.78%. Based on these findings, the decision tree method has the greatest or best accuracy when compared to the Nave Bayes and K-NN algorithms

    Studi Perbandingan antara Kelompok Tani Kelas Pemula dengan Kelompok Tani Kelas Madya di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang

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    The farmers used as main approach in its counseling agriculture. Approach groups of view efficient and can be a medium to the learning process of farmers, and interacting that is expected to change behavior husbandman at better or quality. Thus, the farmers have strategic position in realizing husbandman quality. Research conducted in Aceh Tamiang, district selected as the research area specified in a particular consideration or deliberately while random sample is simple. Methods used, is deskriktif analysis scoring test methods and methods statistics U-Menn Whitney. Research shows that there are budding and development farmer groups class madya class research during the last five years there was no program designed farmer groups in writing and systematic characteristic of a group that almost equal, farmer groups class structure budding and the farmers madya is the same class. There are differences purpose, the level of participation; integrity and judgment against 'at group members, the farmers problems that occur administration systems group, is bad and was a meeting on each farmer groups

    Peran Agency Cost Reduction dalam Memediasi Hubungan antara Corporate Social Responsibility dengan Nilai Perusahaan

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    The purpose of this study was to analyzed the effect of CSR on firm value. Firm value proxy with Tobin's Q. This research was taken because there are still differences between the researchs with each other. This research adding agency cost reduction as mediating variable. This research was not use stakeholder theory, but was applicated agency theory, signaling theory, and legitimacy theory. This study use WarpPLS 5.0. This study uses 63 samples of manufacture firms that listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2013 to 2015. The sampling method used for this study is purposive sampling. Type of the data used is secondary data. The result of the test is that CSR positive influence to the firm value. Based on the results of the analysis found that the agency cost reduction is partial mediation between the relationship of CSR on firm value. Institutional ownership can't moderate CSR on ACR

    Implementing ‘PATRIOT’ As an Integrated Model of Instruction to Rebuild the Culture of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education

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    This research was aimed to find an instructional technology program of Entrepreneurship from theory to practice. Those integrated events were showed through mastering theoretical knowledge acquisition, and then applied in the business firms and completed by action. The research activities start from prototyping four instructional packet programs based on the PATRIOT’s model of instruction, and then offered to students through integrated instruction to increase abilities to conduct the Totally Entrepreneurship actions (

    Komunikasi Internal PT. Solid Logistics Memengaruhi Meningkatnya Employee Engagement

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    . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh komunikasi internal terhadap Employee Engagement di PT. Solid Logistics. Teori Komunikasi Internal yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada pendapat Lawrence. Brennan (1960) sedangkan untuk Employee Engagement berdasarkan pandangan dari William H. Macey (2009). Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksplanatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan PT. Solid Logistics. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner, observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, studi kepustakaan, dan data-data Perusahaan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan secara kuantitatif dan dinarasikan sesuai dengan hasil penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi internal memiliki pengaruh yang cukup signifikan terhadap Employee Engagement di PT. Solid Logistics
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