9,033 research outputs found

    Perbaikan Dan Perancangan Sistem Kerja Di Bengkel Mulia Jaya

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    Growth and progress an industry influenced by various factor supporting it, both for coming from outside and also from within industrial system of itself. One of factor having major effect to growth and progress of an industry is applied job system / used by company as industrial organizer and owner the. Than conducted perception result, system work exist in Mulia Jaya Workshop still own various weakness so that cause incidence of sigh and satisfaction from most its labor causing at lowering productivity, motivate and moral work at the labor himself and also affect also at number of absence and high Turn over. From the phenomenon emerge the idea to know and check furthermore of factors becoming cause of incidence of above problems. With an eye to get the analysis to existing job system in this time, getting concrete data to conduct the repair steps by conducting scheme to system work in Mulia Jaya Workshop which can improve the productivity, performance, and also satisfaction attainment work in himself of each; every labor. As for methodologies used to make the analysis in this research is by using factor analysis, result of research explain the factors becoming cause of incidence of various problems in Mulia Jaya Workshop is career, motivate the, satisfaction work, and incentive. While system repair work taken is change of leadership style, system change select and labor location, making of standard of procedure of ladder of career and increase employ, and change of investigation system which is relied on by SK of Governor No 635.A/KPTS/NAKER/2005, about UMP SUMSEL 2006. Besides matter of is above applying of method Flexi time in scheduling work to represent one of solution given by utilize to overcome the problems of exist in Glorious August Workshop in this time

    MENJADI PENDIDIK YANG BERMUTU (Percikan Pemikiran Untuk Peningkatan Mutu Sumber Daya Pendidik di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam)

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    Abstrak:Pendidik atau biasa disebut dengan guru merupakan salah satu faktor yang sangat penting dalam dunia pendidikan yang harus mendapatkan perhatian khusus dalam peningkatan kualitas atau mutunya, karena bagaimana dapat menghasilkan peserta didik yang bermutu jika pendidiknya tidak bermutu.Hal tersebut juga dikarenakan pendidik (guru) adalah orang pertama yang selalu mendapatkan sorotan dari masyarakat.Ketika terjadi terjadi berbagai hal tentang peserta didik, baik peserta didik tersebut berkelakuan baik terlebih lagi berkelakuan buruk, maka gurunya lah yang pertama kali menjadi sorotan, lebih-lebih guru Agama.Meskipun upaya meningkatkan kualitas guru baik ditingkat institusi (lembaga pendidikan) maupun secara umum selalu dilakukan mulai dari pelaksanaan pendidikan dan pelatihan guru, pemberian tunjangan yang langsung dianggarkan dari APBN, kenaikan gaji guru terutama PNS, sampai pada program sertifikasi guru,kenyataannya ini belum bisa memberikan bukti nyata perubahan dalam pendidikan di Indonesia.Pendidikan dan pelatihan guru menguap bagai air, tunjangan dan kenaikan gaji bagai karpet terbang yang membawa mereka keawan, dan sertifikasi merupakan pesawat ulang alik yang membawa mereka ke luar angkasa yang bebas bergerak tanpa perlu berpijak.Perbaikan fasilitas yang diberikan pemerintah tidak mengubah keadaan pendidikan di Indonesia.Hanya sedikit tenaga pendidik yang memang menjadikan perbaikan fasilitas tersebut sebagai alat untuk mengadakan perubahan signifikan dalam dunia pendidikan, tetapi persentasinya sangat kecil bila dibandingkan dengan jumlah pendidik dan siswa sekolah yang ada di Indonesia


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    Based on official data from the Ministry of cooperatives and SMEs (Small Medium enterprises) in Indonesia at this time, the number of SMES reached 56,5 million units. Almost 90% of the economy in Indonesia in contributed by SMES.As a means of taxation and Government doing extensification assignment tax regulated through Government Regulation (PP) No. 46 2013 to capture tax revenue from the sector SMEs and this rule makes it easier for SMES to conduct tax obligations. So in the SME sector pemajakan it is important to pay attention to how many release its gross per month from his business according to article 3 paragraph 2 PP No. 46 by 2013.The author would like to calculate (take into account) the extent to which tax savings that can be obtained by the taxpayers in this SME sector when applying the PP 46-year 2013. One way to compare with the use of different calculation of Norms.Based on the results of the study that the Taxpayers for Private Persons using the Net Income Calculation Norms, in general the imposition of final income tax of 1 percent of the circulation enterprises will benefit because reduced tax burden, the advantage is so large, it is also easy to do the calculation. In contrast to the private taxpayer groups user norm calculation under Rp 500,000,000, application of PPh final did not provide excess profits because of this group of calculation by using the norm became the main choice. Keyword : Comparisons of profit and loss, PPh Final SME (46 PP 2013), Norm Calculatio

    Pemberian Pmt Modifikasi Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Balita Stunting dan Gizi Kurang

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    The formula given to children who are malnourished / deficient in accordance with the standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO) is made from oil, sugar, milk, water and flour. In addition, PMT can be made by yourself with a composition containing anergy and protein intake and made from ingredients that are easily available to the public at an affordable cost. The method of community service activities is in the form of providing additional food to 11 toddlers who have experienced nutritional problems, both malnutrition and stunting in the village of Bukit Tingki. The Focuk Group Discussion (FGD) method in the form of training activities for healthy nutrition cadres was carried out for 2 days. The results of the activity showed that the provision of additional food (PMT) modified in the form of pumpkin and corn can improve the nutritional status of children under five, as many as 11 children under five had nutritional problems, 8 of them were in the under nutrition category and 3 under five were stunted. After giving additional food, body weight increased significantly so that it became a healthy nutrition category, while 4 children under five who were previously included in the stunting category after being given Modified PMT experienced significant growth and increase in body weight. The conclusion is that giving PMT modification based on local wisdom can be an alternative program to eradicate stunting and malnutrition in village


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    Tujuan penelitian : untuk mengetahui proses adaptasi masyarakat Tinghoa di Makassar, untuk mengetahui cara masyarkat Tionghoa mempertahankan kebudayaannya di kota Makassar, untuk mengetahui ada akulturasi budaya Tionghoa dengan budaya Makassar. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif yang bersifat deskripsi, yaitu penelitian yang menggambarkan situasi tertentu berdasarkan data yang diperoleh secara terperinci melalui observasi, wawancara dengan informan yang akan memberikan informasi tentang kondisi masyarakat Tionghoa dan dokomentasi untuk memperkuat wawancara yang dilakukan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: proses adaptasi masyarkat Tionghoa di kota Makassar yakni proses adaptasi dengan melakukan interaksi sosial dengan masyarakat dan adanya pola tingkah laku etnis Tionghoa yang mengikat norma sosial, cara masyarakat etnis Tionghoa mempertahankan kebudayaan di kota Makassar yakni melakukan event-event tentang Tionghoa dan melaksankan kegiatan tang berhubungan dengan tradisi orang-orang Tionghoa, akulturasi budaya etnis Tionghoa dengan budaya Makassar perkawinan antara etnis Tinghoa dengan etnis Makassar dan makanan tradisional. Inilah yang menjadikan masyarkat etnis Tionghoa tetap eksis di kota Makassar dan mempertahankan kebudayaanya.Kanta Kunci : Etnis Tionghoa, kebudayaan, akulturas


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    One of the current issue in global education has changed to the paradigm of local wisdomconcept. This trend was caused by the failure of “modern” concept of education which is notable to humanize the human. For several years educators have conducted teaching andlearning process in formal schools but some of them still failed in educating their students.The failure of modern concept of education has made many researchers to do research inlocal wisdom concept because this concept was considered as an alternative to answer thequestion. Years ago Minangkabau people were educated in surau as an informal school.Many great persons have been produced in surau. The concept of education in surau is veryinteresting because learners are educated in three main subjects namely religion, culture andthe knowledge of social life aspects. These subjects become a basic knowledge for learnersso that they are beeing well-prepared in facing this life. This article tries to propose theconcept and how to apply the concept of surau in modern life. The concept will be applied ina model of long distance learning of surau. Informational technology will have significantrole to apply this concept where all learners can learn as if they were in surau. Longdistance learning has helped many people in learning. It has no reason for modern peoplenot to learn in surau because surau has been created in their home

    Ablasi Radiofrekuensi pada Seorang Wanita Muda dengan Jalur Asesoris Multipel Koeksistensi dengan Sindrom Wolff-Parkinson-White, Atrioventricular Nodal Reetrant Tachicardya dan Takikardi Ventrikel

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    Pendahuluan. Sindrom Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) adalah bentuk umum dari sindrom preeksitasi dan biasanya bermanifestasi sebagai takikardia supraventrikular. Hal ini ditandai dengan adanya jalur aksesori yang dapat menyebabkan takiaritmia dan kematian jantung mendadak. Di antara pasien dengan sindrom WPW, relatif umum ditemukan jalur sirkuit reentry yang multipel. Koeksistensi lebih dari satu jenis takikardia pada satu pasien adalah fenomena yang jarang terjadi. Laporan kasus. Seorang wanita  20 tahun datang ke kami dengan riwayat sering mengalami episode palpitasi dan pusing sejak 3 tahun yang lalu. Selama studi elektrofisiologi, aktivasi atrium retrograde menunjukkan dua jenis takikardia, takikardia ortodromik yang melibatkan jalur aksesori di lateral kiri dan takikardia dengan kompleks QRS yang lebar. Setelah sukses melakukan ablasi multipel di daerah lateral kiri, kami menginduksi takikardia lain dengan aktivasi paling awal yang ditunjukkan sebagai takikardia ortodromik pada kateter CS 9-10, kemudian dilakukan ablasi lagi di daerah anteroseptal. Setelah berhasil melakukan ablasi pada beberapa jalur asesori, induksibilitas takikardia ventrikel diuji. Baik takikardi supraventrikular dan takikardi ventrikular tidak dapat diinduksi lagi dengan stimulasi terpogram. Kesimpulan. Jalur aksesori multipel relatif umum ditemukan pada pasien sindrom WPW selama studi elektrofisiologi. Dalam kasus kami, beberapa jalur aksesori dengan sifat elektrofisiologi yang berbeda bermanifestasi dalam jalur aksesori lateral dan anteroseptal kiri yang menyebabkan AVRT dengan 2 morfologi berbeda yang diinduksi setelah ablasi awal. Segala upaya harus dilakukan untuk menginduksi kemungkinan takikardia lain setelah ablasi awal yang berhasil untuk kesuksesan tindakan ablasi secara umum

    Pendidikan Etnis Tionghoa di Kota Makassar

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    This study aims to investigate the influence of character formation in environmental education ethnic Chinese family in the city of Makassar, the role of teachers in the school environment, and efforts to maintain the culture of Chinese ethnic studies. This study used a descriptive approach qualitative data collection techniques, observation, interviews, and observations. Through the results showed that, education environment ethnic Chinese families in the process of guiding, teaching, and training were influenced family circumstances. The role of parents is very influential in implementing and running a learning culture that taught the value of Chinese ethnic ancestry. The teacher's role in guiding the cultural values of ethnic Chinese are not optimally obtained in the school environment. This is due to the absence of a special school in Makassar ethnic Chinese. In the process of the social life of the Chinese people has always maintained a culture that will continue to exist and survive in the community are the majority so that they retain their culture. By continuing to learn traditional Chinese people, this is what makes the Chinese people to survive until today
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