34 research outputs found

    Accessibility,Knowledge and Utilization of HIV/AIDS and Sexual Health Information by Female Indoor Sex Workers in Ibadan Metropolis of Nigeria

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    This study assessed accessibility knowledge and utilization of HIV/ AIDS and sexual health information by female indoor sex workers in Ibadan metropolis of Nigeria. One hundred and eighty copies of questionnaires were administered to respondents, fifteen subjects representing a stratum while One hundred and forty-two were retrieved and valid for the study. Descriptive statistical method of analysis was used. Data were coded in simple percentages and presented in tables. Data obtained through the questionnaires, and interviews were discussed in relation to the research questions. T-test and ANOVA were used in testing the hypotheses. Findings of the study revealed that female indoor sex workers received information on HIV/ AIDS and sexu~l health regularly. Also, their knowledge of the issue is adequate, because majonty have full understanding. Findings of the study showed that the female sex workers have a positil'C perception of HIV/ AIDS and sexual health information. Their knowledge and perception of the issue have influenced them to a great extent resulting in respondent's adoption of good sexual health practices. It was recommended that Parents should talk and educate their children properly about life, be close to them and know the jobs their children are doing. Society should embrace them and show them some love in other to win them and get them out of what it frowns at. Finally, the government of Nigeria should E-mail

    Towards Best Practices in Web-Based Learning And Teaching

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    The chapter explored best practices in web-based learning and teaching with a view to discover trends and provide valuable information for all in the e-learning environment. It affirms that paradigms in Web-based education have shifted from teacher-centered to learner-centered but basically it remains synchronous or asynchronous. This requires Learning Objects (LO) to be pedagogically efficient, designed to standard (Multimodal) with designers bearing in mind the varied population and learning styles. Los are to be personalized thereby creating adaptive content based on learner’s abilities, learning style, level of knowledge and preferences. It is recommended that educators have requisite background knowledge and competencies in technology such as hardware, software, and course management systems etc. Instructors, designers and all interested persons should consult a checklist of best practices, for assessing learning object repositories. More so, there is need to incorporate hands-on component into the e-learning environment. The chapter provides indicators for best practice

    Trends and Issues in Digital Libraries

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    The study explored trends and issues in digital libraries with a view to furnish the expected audience with current happenings in this area of operations and service delivery. The chapter is a detailed review of characteristics of digital libraries considering the creation of digital collections which include conversion of retrospective materials, born digital resources and institutional repositories. The paper considered digital collections and copyright issues, benefits and issues of digital libraries, preservation of digital content. It x-rayed trends in information discovery, access and retrieval in a digital library, human-computer interaction, information organization and categorization of digital library services


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    Access to Online Databases: Predicate for Faculty Research Output

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    The study examined the role of access to online databases as the basis for faculty research output in six universities (comprising two each of federal, state and private) in two Southwestern states in Nigeria. A descriptive research design guided the study. Multistage sampling procedures including purposive, stratification, randomization as well as proportionate sampling techniques were employed to select 339 faculty members who provided the data for the study. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Of the 339 copies of the questionnaires administered, 89 per cent were retrieved fully completed and found usable. The research questions that guided the study were analyzed using inferential statistics. Findings revealed that HINARI, ProQuest, JSTOR, and EBSCOhost were the most regularly accessible online databases. Incessant power supply and lack of downloadable full-text posed the greatest threats to online databases access. Similarly, the study found that the provision of full-text of most relevant research materials, steady power supply and acquisition of information literacy skills were the most effective ways of addressing online databases access constraints. Accordingly, the study recommended adequate funding of university libraries, provision of alternative means of power generation and increased user education for maximum exploitation of subscribed databases


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    The study investigated Interest and Self Motivation as Correlates of Capacity Building and Career Commitment of Female Librarians in Nigeria. This was with a view to providing valuable data for stakeholders to guide in organizing career development progammes. The survey method of research was adopted for the study and the instrument for collecting data were the questionnaire, interview and focus group discussion. Findings of the study revealed that majority of female librarians in Nigeria never were interested in the profession before going in for it, but are now that they are in the field and are committed to their career to a great extent. However, their capacity building opportunities and efforts are very low. Therefore, the study recommends that the Nigerian Library Association (NLA) and other Organizers of Conferences and workshops for Librarians should make the dues affordable; arrange more training outlets and make workshops more of practical training sessions. Also, stakeholders of institutions with libraries should endeavor to make fund available for the provision of ICT infrastructure and platform, acquisition of current professional literatures on librarianship etc

    Access to Online Databases: Predicate for Faculty Research Output

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    The study examined the role of access to online databases as the basis for faculty research output in six universities (comprising two each of federal, state and private) in two Southwestern states in Nigeria. A descriptive research design guided the study. Multistage sampling procedures including purposive, stratification, randomization as well as proportionate sampling techniques were employed to select 339 faculty members who provided the data for the study. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Of the 339 copies of the questionnaires administered, 89 per cent were retrieved fully completed and found usable. The research questions that guided the study were analyzed using inferential statistics. Findings revealed that HINARI, ProQuest, JSTOR, and EBSCOhost were the most regularly accessible online databases. Incessant power supply and lack of downloadable full-text posed the greatest threats to online databases access. Similarly, the study found that the provision of full-text of most relevant research materials, steady power supply and acquisition of information literacy skills were the most effective ways of addressing online databases access constraints. Accordingly, the study recommended adequate funding of university libraries, provision of alternative means of power generation and increased user education for maximum exploitation of subscribed databases

    Community-focused selective dissemination of information services for empowering women through information provision and utilization: Center for learning resources as a catalyst for social change.

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    With the rapidity of transformation of the modern society to a knowledge economy, as well as the ever increasing deployment of ICT for retrieval and management of knowledge by libraries, global solutions are now available for hitherto localized and seemingly intractable problems. As laudable as this scenario of a flat world which provides information for virtually any issue of human concern, in unimaginable dimension, may seem, there still exists the need to bridge the yawning gap in women’s information access and utilization in Nigeria. It is against this background that the study surveyed and show-cased practical outreach undertaken by the Centre for Learning Resources (Covenant University Library) in addressing particular information needs of women within its environs. The paper highlighted community impact initiatives, workshops, and research targeted at ameliorating specific deficiencies associated with women through the instrumentality of information access and library services. The study extrapolated from the unique experiences of the Centre for Learning Resources, Covenant University to construct a model for modern libraries in developing countries for evolving as agent of reconstruction of their immediate geo-polity. It identified constraints of libraries in community services. The paper concluded that libraries should traverse traditional roles to embrace challenges presented by their peculiar setting in order to maintain continuous relevance

    Performance assessment model for academic libraries: the Covenant University Library example

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    The study explores performance assessment models in academic libraries and show-cases the practical experiences at the Covenant University Library. The paper which is based on an observational study of the researchers’ daily work experiences and review of literature identified constraints to performance assessment in academic libraries and has attempted to give solutions. The paper concludes that academic libraries should overcome constraints and imbibe the culture of performance assessment that involves a continuous and periodic process of fine-tuning critical management and functional processes, either reactively or proactively through deliberately designed parameters (indicators). It extrapolated from the unique experiences of the Centre for Learning Resources, Covenant University to construct a model (Lib-PERFQUAL) for libraries around the world. This is a model that comprises all indicators necessary to maintain continuous relevance and achieve utmost efficienc


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    With the rapidity of transformation of the modern society to a knowledge economy, as well as the ever increasing deployment of ICT for retrieval and management of knowledge by libraries, global solutions are now available for hitherto localized and seemingly intractable problems. As laudable as this scenario of a flat world which provides information for virtually any issue of human concern, in unimaginable dimension, may seem, there still exists the need to bridge the yawning gap in women’s information access and utilization in Nigeria. It is against this background that the study surveyed and show-cased practical outreach undertaken by the Centre for Learning Resources (Covenant University Library) in addressing particular information needs of women within its environs. The paper highlighted community impact initiatives, workshops, and research targeted at ameliorating specific deficiencies associated with women through the instrumentality of information access and library services. The study extrapolated from the unique experiences of the Centre for Learning Resources, Covenant University to construct a model for modern libraries in developing countries for evolving as agent of reconstruction of their immediate geo-polity. It identified constraints of libraries in community services. The paper concluded that libraries should traverse traditional roles to embrace challenges presented by their peculiar setting in order to maintain continuous relevanc