24 research outputs found

    Large Animal Models in Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering: To Do or Not to Do

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    Rapid developments in Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering has witnessed an increasing drive toward clinical translation of breakthrough technologies. However, the progression of promising preclinical data to achieve successful clinical market authorisation remains a bottleneck. One hurdle for progress to the clinic is the transition from small animal research to advanced preclinical studies in large animals to test safety and efficacy of products. Notwithstanding this, to draw meaningful and reliable conclusions from animal experiments it is critical that the species and disease model of choice is relevant to answer the research question as well as the clinical problem. Selecting the most appropriate animal model requires in-depth knowledge of specific species and breeds to ascertain the adequacy of the model and outcome measures that closely mirror the clinical situation. Traditional reductionist approaches in animal experiments, which often do not sufficiently reflect the studied disease, are still the norm and can result in a disconnect in outcomes observed between animal studies and clinical trials. To address these concerns a reconsideration in approach will be required. This should include a stepwise approach using in vitro and ex vivo experiments as well as in silico modeling to minimize the need for in vivo studies for screening and early development studies, followed by large animal models which more closely resemble human disease. Naturally occurring, or spontaneous diseases in large animals remain a largely untapped resource, and given the similarities in pathophysiology to humans they not only allow for studying new treatment strategies but also disease etiology and prevention. Naturally occurring disease models, particularly for longer lived large animal species, allow for studying disorders at an age when the disease is most prevalent. As these diseases are usually also a concern in the chosen veterinary species they would be beneficiaries of newly developed therapies. Improved awareness of the progress in animal models is mutually beneficial for animals, researchers, human and veterinary patients. In this overview we describe advantages and disadvantages of various animal models including domesticated and companion animals used in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering to provide an informed choice of disease-relevant animal models

    Regenerative Medicine for Equine Musculoskeletal Diseases

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    Musculoskeletal injuries and chronic degenerative diseases commonly affect both athletic and sedentary horses and can entail the end of their athletic careers. The ensuing repair processes frequently do not yield fully functional regeneration of the injured tissues but biomechanically inferior scar or replacement tissue, causing high reinjury rates, degenerative disease progression and chronic morbidity. Regenerative medicine is an emerging, rapidly evolving branch of translational medicine that aims to replace or regenerate cells, tissues, or organs to restore or establish normal function. It includes tissue engineering but also cell-based and cell-free stimulation of endogenous self-repair mechanisms. Some regenerative medicine therapies have made their way into equine clinical practice mainly to treat tendon injures, tendinopathies, cartilage injuries and degenerative joint disorders with promising results. However, the qualitative and quantitative spatiotemporal requirements for specific bioactive factors to trigger tissue regeneration in the injury response are still unknown, and consequently, therapeutic approaches and treatment results are diverse. To exploit the full potential of this burgeoning field of medicine, further research will be required and is ongoing. This review summarises the current knowledge of commonly used regenerative medicine treatments in equine patients and critically discusses their use

    Finite Element Modelling Simulated Meniscus Translocation and Deformation during Locomotion of the Equine Stifle

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    We developed a finite element model (FEM) of the equine stifle joint to identify pressure peaks and simulate translocation and deformation of the menisci. A series of sectional magnetic resonance images (1.5 T) of the stifle joint of a 23 year old Shetland pony gelding served as basis for image segmentation. Based on the 3D polygon models of femur, tibia, articular cartilages, menisci, collateral ligaments and the meniscotibial ligaments, an FEM model was generated. Tissue material properties were assigned based on data from human (Open knee(s) project) and bovine femoro-tibial joint available in the literature. The FEM model was tested across a range of motion of approximately 30°. Pressure load was overall higher in the lateral meniscus than in the medial. Accordingly, the simulation showed higher translocation and deformation in the lateral compared to the medial meniscus. The results encourage further refinement of this model for studying loading patterns on menisci and articular cartilages as well as the resulting mechanical stress in the subchondral bone (femur and tibia). A functional FEM model can not only help identify segments in the stifle which are predisposed to injury, but also to better understand the progression of certain stifle disorders, simulate treatment/surgery effects and to optimize implant/transplant properties

    Species variations in tenocytes’ response to inflammation require careful selection of animal models for tendon research

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    Abstract For research on tendon injury, many different animal models are utilized; however, the extent to which these species simulate the clinical condition and disease pathophysiology has not yet been critically evaluated. Considering the importance of inflammation in tendon disease, this study compared the cellular and molecular features of inflammation in tenocytes of humans and four common model species (mouse, rat, sheep, and horse). While mouse and rat tenocytes most closely equalled human tenocytes’ low proliferation capacity and the negligible effect of inflammation on proliferation, the wound closure speed of humans was best approximated by rats and horses. The overall gene expression of human tenocytes was most similar to mice under healthy, to horses under transient and to sheep under constant inflammatory conditions. Humans were best matched by mice and horses in their tendon marker and collagen expression, by horses in extracellular matrix remodelling genes, and by rats in inflammatory mediators. As no single animal model perfectly replicates the clinical condition and sufficiently emulates human tenocytes, fit-for-purpose selection of the model species for each specific research question and combination of data from multiple species will be essential to optimize translational predictive validity

    Evaluation of transport conditions for autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells for therapeutic application in horses

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    Background. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are increasingly used for clinical applications in equine patients. For MSC isolation and expansion, a laboratory step is mandatory, after which the cells are sent back to the attending veterinarian. Preserving the biological properties of MSCs during this transport is paramount. The goal of the study was to compare transport-related parameters (transport container, media, temperature, time, cell concentration) that potentially influence characteristics of culture expanded equine MSCs. Methods. The study was arranged in three parts comparing (I) five different transport containers (cryotube, two types of plastic syringes, glass syringe, CellSeal), (II) seven different transport media, four temperatures (4 °C vs. room temperature; −20 °C vs. −80 °C), four time frames (24 h vs. 48 h; 48 h vs. 72 h), and (III) three MSC concentrations (5 × 106, 10 × 106, 20 × 106 MSC/ml). Cell viability (Trypan Blue exclusion; percent and total number viable cell), proliferation and trilineage differentiation capacity were assessed for each test condition. Further, the recovered volume of the suspension was determined in part I. Each condition was evaluated using samples of six horses (n = 6) and differentiation protocols were performed in duplicates. Results. In part I of the study, no significant differences in any of the parameters were found when comparing transport containers at room temperature. The glass syringe was selected for all subsequent evaluations (highest recoverable volume of cell suspension and cell viability). In part II, media, temperatures, or time frames had also no significant influence on cell viability, likely due to the large number of comparisons and small sample size. Highest cell viability was observed using autologous bone marrow supernatant as transport medium, and “transport” at 4 °C for 24 h (70.6% vs. control group 75.3%); this was not significant. Contrary, viability was unacceptably low (<40%) for all freezing protocols at −20 °C or −80 °C, particularly with bone marrow supernatant or plasma and DMSO. In part III, various cell concentrations also had no significant influence on any of the evaluated parameters. Chondrogenic differentiation showed a trend towards being decreased for all transport conditions, compared to control cells. Discussion. In this study, transport conditions were not found to impact viability, proliferation or ability for trilineage differentiation of MSCs, most likely due to the small sample size and large number of comparisons. The unusual low viability after all freezing protocols is in contrast to previous equine studies. Potential causes are differences in the freezing, but also in thawing method. Also, the selected container (glass syringe) may have impacted viability. Future research may be warranted into the possibly negative effect of transport on chondrogenic differentiation

    Fetal Immunomodulatory Environment Following Cartilage Injury&mdash;The Key to CARTILAGE Regeneration?

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    Fetal cartilage fully regenerates following injury, while in adult mammals cartilage injury leads to osteoarthritis (OA). Thus, in this study, we compared the in vivo injury response of fetal and adult ovine articular cartilage histologically and proteomically to identify key factors of fetal regeneration. In addition, we compared the secretome of fetal ovine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in vitro with injured fetal cartilage to identify potential MSC-derived therapeutic factors. Cartilage injury caused massive cellular changes in the synovial membrane, with macrophages dominating the fetal, and neutrophils the adult, synovial cellular infiltrate. Correspondingly, proteomics revealed differential regulation of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators and growth-factors between adult and fetal joints. Neutrophil-related proteins and acute phase proteins were the two major upregulated protein groups in adult compared to fetal cartilage following injury. In contrast, several immunomodulating proteins and growth factors were expressed significantly higher in the fetus than the adult. Comparison of the in vitro MSCs proteome with the in vivo fetal regenerative signature revealed shared upregulation of 17 proteins, suggesting their therapeutic potential. Biomimicry of the fetal paracrine signature to reprogram macrophages and modulate inflammation could be an important future research direction for developing novel therapeutics

    Co-culture of osteochondral explants and synovial membrane as in vitro model for osteoarthritis.

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    The purpose of the current study was to establish an in vitro model for osteoarthritis (OA) by co-culture of osteochondral and synovial membrane explants. Osteochondral explants were cultured alone (control-1) or in co-culture with synovial membrane explants (control-2) in standard culture medium or with interleukin-1β (IL1β) and tumor necrosis factor (TNFα) added to the culture medium (OA-model-1 = osteochondral explant; OA-model-2 = osteochondroal-synovial explant). In addition, in OA-model groups a 2-mm partial-thickness defect was created in the centre of the cartilage explant. Changes in the expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) genes (collagen type-1 (Col1), Col2, Col10 and aggrecan) as well as presence and quantity of inflammatory marker genes (IL6, matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP1), MMP3, MMP13, a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with-thrombospondin-motif-5 (ADAMTS5) were analysed by immunohistochemistry, qPCR and ELISA. To monitor the activity of classically-activated pro-inflammatory (M1) versus alternatively-activated anti-inflammatory/repair (M2) synovial macrophages, the nitric oxide/urea ratio in the supernatant of osteochondral-synovial explant co-cultures was determined. In both OA-model groups immunohistochemistry and qPCR showed a significantly increased expression of MMPs and IL6 compared to their respective control group. ELISA results confirmed a statistically significant increase in MMP1and MMP3 production over the culturing period. In the osteochondral-synovial explant co-culture OA-model the nitric oxide/urea ratio was increased compared to the control group, indicating a shift toward M1 synovial macrophages. In summary, chemical damage (TNFα, IL1β) in combination with a partial-thickness cartilage defect elicits an inflammatory response similar to naturally occurring OA in osteochondral explants with and without osteochondral-synovial explant co-cultures and OA-model-2 showing a closer approximation of OA due to the additional shift of synovial macrophages toward the pro-inflammatory M1 phenotype