14 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de nanopartículas mesoporosas de sílice para el tratamiento de cancer de mama

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    [EN] The aim of this project is to develop nanodispositives based on silica mesoporous nanoparticles for triple negative breast cancer treatment. Those will be directed against the cancer stem cell subpopulation for controlled delivery of a cytotoxic drug and microRNAs involved in drug resistance.[ES] El objetivo es el desarrollo de nanodispositivos basados en nanopartículas de sílice mesoporosa para el tratamiento de cancer de mama triple negativo, pretendiéndose dirigir estos dispositivos a la subpoblación de células madre tumorales. Su aplicación permitirá la liberación controlada de un fármaco citotóxico y microRNAs implicados en resistencias a fármacos.Garrido Cano, I. (2016). Desarrollo de nanopartículas mesoporosas de sílice para el tratamiento de cancer de mama. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/68572TFG

    Delivery of miR-200c-3p Using Tumor-Targeted Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Breast Cancer Therapy

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    [EN] Despite advancesin breast cancer treatment, it remainsthe leadingcause of cancer-related death in women worldwide. In this context,microRNAs have emerged as potential therapeutic targets but stillpresent some limitations for in vivo applications.Particularly, miR-200c-3p is a well-known tumor suppressor microRNAthat inhibits tumor progression and metastasis in breast cancer throughdownregulating ZEB1 and ZEB2. Basedon the above, we describe the design and validation of a nanodeviceusing mesoporous silica nanoparticles for miR-200c-3p delivery forbreast cancer treatment. We demonstrate the biocompatibility of thesynthesized nanodevices as well as their ability to escape from endosomes/lysosomesand inhibit tumorigenesis, invasion, migration, and proliferationof tumor cells in vitro. Moreover, tumor targetingand effective delivery of miR-200c-3p from the nanoparticles in vivo are confirmed in an orthotopic breast cancer mousemodel, and the therapeutic efficacy is also evidenced by a decreasein tumor size and lung metastasis, while showing no signs of toxicity.Overall, our results provide evidence that miR-200c-3p-loaded nanoparticlesare a potential strategy for breast cancer therapy and a safe andeffective system for tumor-targeted delivery of microRNAs.This research was supported by project PID2021-126304OB-C41 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by European Regional Development Fund A way of doing Europe. Also, this study forms part of the Advanced Materials program (MFA/2022/049) and was supported by MCIN with funding from European Union NextGeneration EU(PRTR-C17.I1) and by Generalitat Valenciana. This study was also supported by Generalitat Valenciana (CIPROM/2021/007). This research was also supported by CIBER Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red CIBER-BBN(CB07/01/2012), CIBERONC(CB16/12/00481), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. This work was also supported by Spanish Government and cofinanced by FEDER Funds (PI18/01219, PI21/01351) .I.G.-C. was funded by Margarita Salas post doctoral grant (European Union-Nextgeneration EU). A.A.-A. and A.L. were funded by Asociación Española Contra el Cancer.J.F.B. was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the European Social Fund for the financial support 'Sara Borrell' (CD19/00038). V.C.-N. was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio¿n (FPU grant), and J.M.C. was funded by Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (Río Hortega-SEOM)Garrido-Cano, I.; Adam-Artigues, A.; Lameirinhas, A.; Blandez, JF.; Candela-Noguera, V.; Lluch, A.; Bermejo, B.... (2023). Delivery of miR-200c-3p Using Tumor-Targeted Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Breast Cancer Therapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 15(32):38323-38334. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.3c075413832338334153

    MicroRNA-33b Suppresses Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Repressing the MYC-EZH2 Pathway in HER2+ Breast Carcinoma

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    Downregulation of miR-33b has been documented in many types of cancers and is being involved in proliferation, migration, and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Furthermore, the enhancer of zeste homolog 2-gene (EZH2) is a master regulator of controlling the stem cell differentiation and the cell proliferation processes. We aim to evaluate the implication of miR-33b in the EMT pathway in HER2+ breast cancer (BC) and to analyze the role of EZH2 in this process as well as the interaction between them. miR-33b is downregulated in HER2+ BC cells vs healthy controls, where EZH2 has an opposite expression in vitro and in patients' samples. The upregulation of miR-33b suppressed proliferation, induced apoptosis, reduced invasion, migration and regulated EMT by an increase of E-cadherin and a decrease of ß-catenin and vimentin. The silencing of EZH2 mimicked the impact of miR-33b overexpression. Furthermore, the inhibition of miR-33b induces cell proliferation, invasion, migration, EMT, and EZH2 expression in non-tumorigenic cells. Importantly, the Kaplan-Meier analysis showed a significant association between high miR-33b expression and better overall survival. These results suggest miR-33b as a suppressive miRNA that could inhibit tumor metastasis and invasion in HER2+ BC partly by impeding EMT through the repression of the MYC-EZH2 loop

    Role of miR-99a-5p in breast cancer: Translating molecular findings into clinical tools

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    [ES] La presente tesis doctoral, titulada "papel del miR-99a-5p en cáncer de mama: transformando hallazgos moleculares en herramientas clínicas" está centrada en el estudio del microRNA miR-99a-5p en cáncer de mama y en la determinación de su potencial como diana terapéutica y biomarcador para el diagnóstico de dicha enfermedad. En el primer capítulo, se lleva a cabo una revisión general del cáncer de mama y los microRNAs. A continuación, en el segundo capítulo se presentan los objetivos. En el tercer capítulo se compararon los perfiles de expresión de microRNAs de una línea celular de cáncer de mama resistente a doxorrubicina frente a la línea celular parental, dando lugar a la identificación del microRNA miR-99a-5p como el más desregulado entre ambas. A continuación, se confirmó que el miR-99a-5p aumenta la sensibilidad a doxorrubicina mediante la inhibición directa de la expresión de COX-2, que conlleva la inhibición de la expresión de la proteína ABCG2, ampliamente descrita por su papel en resistencia a fármacos. En base a los resultados obtenidos, se diseñaron nanodispositivos basados en nanopartículas mesoporosas de sílice para la liberación de miR-99a-5p y doxorrubicina en los tumores. Se confirmó la eficacia de las nanopartículas para reducir el crecimiento tumoral así como los efectos adversos asociados a la doxorrubicina libre en un modelo ortotópico murino de cáncer de mama. En el cuarto capítulo, se evaluó el potencial del miR-99a-5p como biomarcador para el diagnóstico del cáncer de mama. Se determinó la expresión del microRNA en tumores primarios de cáncer de mama y en tejidos sanos. Los resultados mostraron que el miR-99a-5p se encuentra infraexpresado en los tejidos cancerosos. A continuación, con el objeto de determinar el potencial del miR-99a-5p como biomarcador mínimamente invasivo, se determinaron los niveles de expresión en plasma de pacientes de cáncer de mama y de donantes sanos. Se encontró que el miR-99a-5p se encuentra a mayor concentración en el plasma de pacientes con cáncer de mama. Estos resultados se validaron en una cohorte independiente. Mediante el análisis en base a curvas ROC se confirmó que el miR-99a-5p es útil como biomarcador no invasivo para el diagnóstico del cáncer de mama incluso en estadíos tempranos de la enfermedad. El quinto capítulo se centra el diseño y validación de un biosensor basado en soportes de alúmina mesoporosa para la detección del miR-99a-5p en plasma. Los poros de una placa de alúmina mesoporosa se cargaron con el fluoróforo rodamina B, y se utilizaron oligonucleótidos complementarios a la secuencia del miR-99a-5p como puertas moleculares capaces de retener los fluoróforos en el interior de los poros. En presencia del miR-99a-5p, se produce liberación de rodamina B, que es posteriormente detectada ópticamente. Se confirmó la especificidad del biosensor, así como su alta sensibilidad. Además, utilizando muestras de plasma de pacientes de cáncer de mama y controles sanos, se confirmó la eficiencia del dispositivo para detectar cáncer de mama incluso en estadíos tempranos. Por último, en los capítulos cinco y seis se presentan la discusión general y las conclusiones principales extraídas. En conclusión, esta tesis doctoral demuestra que el miR-99a-5p tiene potencial como diana terapéutica y biomarcador para el cáncer de mama, y podría ser útil para mejorar el pronóstico de los pacientes con dicha enfermedad. Se ha elucidado que uno de los mecanismos por los que el miR-99a-5p está involucrado en sensibilidad a doxorrubicina es mediante la regulación del eje COX-2/ABCG2. Además, las nanopartículas diseñadas para la administración combinada de miR-99a-5p y doxorrubicina se presentan como una herramienta con gran potencial para el tratamiento oncológico. Por último, aprovechando el potencial del miR-99a-5p como biomarcador diagnóstico, se ha desarrollado un sistema de detección que podría ser una herramienta útil para mejorar la detección temprana del cáncer de mama.[CA] La present tesis doctoral, titulada "paper del miR-99a-5p en càncer de mama: transformant descobriments moleculars en eines clíniques" està centrada en l'estudi del microRNA miR-99a-5p en càncer de mama i en la determinació del seu potencial com a diana terapèutica i biomarcador per al diagnòstic d'aquesta malaltia. En el primer capítol, es du a terme una revisió general del càncer de mama i els microRNAs. A continuació, en el segon capítol es presenten els objectius. En el tercer capítol es van comparar els perfils d'expressió de microRNAs d'una línia cel·lular de càncer de mama resistent a doxorrubicina amb la seua línia parental, donant lloc a la identificació del microRNA miR-99a-5p com el més desregulat entre ambdues. A continuació, es va confirmar que el miR-99a-5p augmenta la sensibilitat al fàrmac mijançant la inhibició directa de l'expressió de COX-2 de forma directa, que comporta la inhibició de l'expressió de la proteïna ABCG2 que està àmpliament descrita pel seu paper en resistència a fàrmacs. Basant-se en els resultats obtinguts, es van dissenyar nanodispositius basats en nanopartícules mesoporoses de sílice per a l'alliberament d'una combinació de miR-99a-5p i doxorrubicina en els tumors. L'eficacia dels sistemes per a reduir el creixement tumoral així com els efectes adversos associats a la doxorrubicina lliure es va confirmar en un model ortotòpic murí de càncer de mama. En el quart capítol, es va avaluar el potencial del miR-99a-5p com a biomarcador per al diagnòstic del càncer de mama. Es va determinar l'expressió del microRNA en tumors primaris de càncer de mama i en teixits sans. Els resultats van mostrar que el miR-99a-5p es troba infraexpressat en els teixits cancerosos. A continuació, amb l'objectiu de determinar el potencial del miR-99a-5p com a biomarcador mínimament invasiu, es van determinar els nivells d'expressió en plasma de pacients de càncer de mama i de donants sans. Es va trobar que el miR-99a-5p es troba a major concentració en el plasma de pacients amb càncer de mama. Aquestos resultats es van validar en una cohort independent. Per mitjà de l'anàlisi basant-se en corbes ROC es va confirmar que el miR-99a-5p és útil com a biomarcador no invasiu per al diagnòstic del càncer de mama inclús en estadis primerencs de la malaltia. El quint capítol es centra en el disseny i validació d'un biosensor basat en suports d'alúmina nanoporosa per la detecció del miR-99a-5p en plasma. Els porus d'una placa d'alúmina es van carregar amb l'indicador fluorescent rodamina B, i es van utilitzar oligonucleòtids complementaris a la seqüència del miR-99a-5p com a portes moleculars amb la capacitat de retindre els fluoròfors a l'interior dels porus. En presència del miR-99a-5p, es produeix l'alliberament de rodamina B, que serà posteriorment detectada òpticament. Es va confirmar l'especificitat del biosensor, així com la seua alta sensibilitat. A més, utilitzant mostres de plasma de pacients de càncer de mama i controls sans, es va confirmar l'eficiència del dispositiu per a detectar càncer de mama inclús en estadis primerencs. Finalment, en els capítols sis i set es presenten la discussió general i les conclusions principals. En conclusió, aquesta tesi doctoral demostra que el miR-99a-5p té potencial com a diana terapèutica i biomarcador per al càncer de mama, i podria ser útil per a millorar el pronòstic dels pacients amb dita malaltia. S'ha elucidat que un dels mecanismes pels quals el miR-99a-5p està involucrat en sensibilitat a doxorrubicina és per mitjà de la regulació de l'eix COX-2/ABCG2. A més, les nanopartícules dissenyades per a l'administració combinada de miR-99a-5p i doxorrubicina es presenta com una ferramenta amb gran potencial per al tractament oncològic. Finalment, aprofitant el potencial del miR-99a-5p com a biomarcador diagnòstic, s'ha desenvolupat un sistema de detecció que podria ser una ferramenta útil per a millorar la detecció primerenca del càncer de mama.[EN] This PhD thesis, entitled "Role of miR-99a-5p in breast cancer: translating molecular findings into clinical tools" is focused on the study of the microRNA miR-99a-5p in breast cancer and in determining its potential as a therapeutic target and biomarker for the diagnosis of this disease. In the first chapter, a general review of breast cancer is carried out and microRNAs are also introduced. Next, in the second chapter, the objectives are detailed. In the third chapter, the microRNA expression profile of a doxorubicin-resistant breast cancer cell line was compared with its parental cell line, leading to the identification of the microRNA miR-99a-5p as the most deregulated between the two of them. Subsequently, it was confirmed that miR-99a-5p increases drug sensitivity through directly targeting COX-2, which leads to the inhibition of the expression of the ABCG2 protein, widely described to be involved in drug resistance. Based on the obtained results, nanodevices based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles were designed for the combined release of miR-99a-5p and doxorubicin in tumors. The ability of the systems to specifically target the CD44 receptor, which is overexpressed in breast cancer tumors, as well as to release the cargo specifically after internalization, were tested in vitro. Furthermore, the efficacy of the nanoparticles to reduce tumor growth and the adverse effects associated with free doxorubicin was confirmed in a murine orthotopic model of breast cancer. In the fourth chapter, the potential of miR-99a-5p as a biomarker for the diagnosis of breast cancer was evaluated. First, microRNA expression was determined in primary breast cancer tumors and compared with healthy tissues. The results showed that miR-99a-5p is downregulated in breast cancer tissues. Next, to determine the potential of the microRNA as a minimally invasive biomarker, the expression levels of miR-99a-5p in plasma of breast cancer patients and healthy donors were determined. In this case, it was found that miR-99a-5p is at higher concentrations in the plasma of breast cancer patients. These results were validated in an independent cohort. Through the ROC curve analysis, it was confirmed that miR-99a-5p is useful as a non-invasive biomarker for the diagnosis of breast cancer even at early stages. The fifth chapter focus on the design and validation of a biosensor based on nanoporous alumina supports for the detection of miR-99a-5p in plasma. The pores of the alumina plate were loaded with the fluorescent indicator rhodamine B, and oligonucleotides with a sequence complementary to the miR-99a-5p were used as molecular gates able to maintain fluorophores inside the pores. In the presence of miR-99a-5p, the capping oligonucleotide is displaced, leading to the opening of the pores and the release of rhodamine B, which is subsequently optically detected. The specificity and high sensitivity of the biosensor were confirmed. Furthermore, the efficiency of the device to detect breast cancer even at early stages was confirmed using plasma samples from breast cancer patients and healthy controls. Finally, chapters five and six present the general discussion and conclusions. In conclusion, this PhD thesis demonstrates that miR-99a-5p is a molecule with potential as a therapeutic target and biomarker for breast cancer, and it could be useful to improve the prognosis of patients. It has been elucidated that one of the mechanisms by which miR-99a-5p is involved in doxorubicin sensitivity is through the regulation of the COX-2/ABCG2 axis. Furthermore, nanoparticles designed for the combined administration of miR-99a-5p and doxorubicin are presented as a tool with great potential for cancer treatment and could be useful for the administration of microRNAs as therapy. Finally, taking advantage of the potential of miR-99a-5p as a diagnostic biomarker, a detection system has been developed and could be a useful tool to improve early detection of breast cancer.This work was supported by, CIBERONC (CB16/12/00481), CIBER-BBN (CB07/01/2012), Spanish Government PI18/01219 (ISCIII), project RTI2018- 100910-B-C41 (MCUI/AEI/FEDER, UE) and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2018/024) for support. IG-C was funded by Generalitat Valenciana (ACIF/2016/030). LP was funded by Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (FPI grant). SS was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the European Social Fund for the financial support “Sara Borrell” (CD16/000237). JMC was funded by Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (Río Hortega-SEOM. The authors would like to thank the INCLIVA Biobank (PT17/0015/0049; B.000768 ISCIII) and the Valencian Biobanking Network integrated into the Spanish National Biobanks Network for providing the human biological samples. We would also like to thank the plasma donors and the nursing staff that accepted to participate in this study.Garrido Cano, I. (2021). Role of miR-99a-5p in breast cancer: Translating molecular findings into clinical tools [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180358TESI

    A method to quantify several tyrosine kinase inhibitors in plasma by micellar liquid chromatography and validation according to the european medicines agency guidelines

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    A procedure based on micellar liquid chromatography has been developed to monitor five tyrosine kinase inhibitors in plasma, prescribed against several kinds of cancer: erlotinib, imatinib, sunitinib, sorafenib and lapatinib. The sample was diluted in a micellar solution and directly injected, thus clean-up steps were not required. The analytes were resolved without interferences in 0.990), limit of detection (15–35 ng/mL), carry-over effect, accuracy (−10.4 to +11.0%), precision (<9.2%), matrix effect, robustness (<8.4%) and stability. The procedure is rapid, easy-to-handle, uses a low amount of toxic chemical provide reliable results. Finally, the method was successfully used to analyze the studied tyrosine kinase inhibitors in plasma from cancer patients

    Clinical Impact of New Treatment Strategies for HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients with Resistance to Classical Anti-HER Therapies

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    HER2-positive breast cancer accounts for 15–20% of all breast cancer cases. This subtype is characterized by an aggressive behavior and poor prognosis. Anti-HER2 therapies have considerably improved the natural course of the disease. Despite this, relapse still occurs in around 20% of patients due to primary or acquired treatment resistance, and metastasis remains an incurable disease. This article reviews the main mechanisms underlying resistance to anti-HER2 treatments, focusing on newer HER2-targeted therapies. The progress in anti-HER2 drugs includes the development of novel antibody–drug conjugates with improvements in the conjugation process and novel linkers and payloads. Moreover, trastuzumab deruxtecan has enhanced the efficacy of trastuzumab emtansine, and the new drug trastuzumab duocarmazine is currently undergoing clinical trials to assess its effect. The combination of anti-HER2 agents with other drugs is also being evaluated. The addition of immunotherapy checkpoint inhibitors shows some benefit in a subset of patients, indicating the need for useful biomarkers to properly stratify patients. Besides, CDK4/6 and tyrosine kinase inhibitors are also included in the design of new treatment strategies. Lapitinib, neratinib and tucatinib have been approved for HER2-positive metastasis patients, however clinical trials are currently ongoing to optimize combined strategies, to reduce toxicity, and to better define the useful setting. Clinical research should be strengthened along with the discovery and validation of new biomarkers, as well as a deeper understanding of drug resistance and action mechanisms

    Circulating miR-99a-5p Expression in Plasma: A Potential Biomarker for Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

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    MicroRNAs have emerged as new diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers for breast cancer. Herein, we analysed miR-99a-5p expression levels in primary tumours and plasma of breast cancer patients to evaluate its usefulness as a minimally invasive diagnostic biomarker. MiR-99a-5p expression levels were determined by quantitative real-time PCR in three independent cohorts of patients: (I) Discovery cohort: breast cancer tissues (n = 103) and healthy breast tissues (n = 26); (II) Testing cohort: plasma samples from 105 patients and 98 healthy donors; (III) Validation cohort: plasma samples from 89 patients and 85 healthy donors. Our results demonstrated that miR-99a-5p was significantly downregulated in breast cancer tissues compared to healthy breast tissues. Conversely, miR-99a-5p levels were significantly higher in breast cancer patients than in healthy controls in plasma samples from both testing and validation cohorts, and ROC curve analysis revealed that miR-99a-5p has good diagnostic potential even to detect early breast cancer. In conclusion, miR-99a-5p&rsquo;s deregulated expression distinguished healthy patients from breast cancer patients in two different types of samples (tissues and plasma). Interestingly, expression levels in plasma were significantly lower in healthy controls than in early-stage breast cancer patients. Our findings suggest circulating miR-99a-5p as a novel promising non-invasive biomarker for breast cancer detection

    miR-99a-5p modulates doxorubicin resistance via the COX-2/ABCG2 axis in triple-negative breast cancer: from the discovery to in vivo studies

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    This work was supported by Spanish Government and cofinanced by FEDER Funds (PI18/01219, PI21/01351, PI18/00382, and RTI2018-100910-B-C41), CIBERBBN (CB07/01/2012), CIBERONC (CB16/12/00481) and the Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEO 2018/024). I.G.-C. was funded by Generalitat Valenciana (ACIF/2016/030), A.A. and A.L. were funded by Asociación Española Contra el Cancer. J.F.B., was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the European Social Fund for the financial support Sara Borrell (CD19/00038), V.C.-N., was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (FPU grant), and J.M.C. was funded by Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (Río Hortega-SEOM). We are especially grateful to the associations Amunt Contra el Cáncer, Asociación de la Lucha Contra el Cáncer de Montesa, and Corazón Solidario Contra el Cáncer. Funding for open access charge: Universitat Politècnica de València.Garrido-Cano, I.; Adam-Artigues, A.; Lameirinhas, A.; Blandez, JF.; Candela-Noguera, V.; Rojo, F.; Zazo, S.... (2022). miR-99a-5p modulates doxorubicin resistance via the COX-2/ABCG2 axis in triple-negative breast cancer: from the discovery to in vivo studies. Cancer Research Communications. 42(12):1412-1416. https://doi.org/10.1002/cac2.1235214121416421

    Circulating miR-99a-5p Expression in Plasma : A Potential Biomarker for Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

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    MicroRNAs have emerged as new diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers for breast cancer. Herein, we analysed miR-99a-5p expression levels in primary tumours and plasma of breast cancer patients to evaluate its usefulness as a minimally invasive diagnostic biomarker. MiR-99a-5p expression levels were determined by quantitative real-time PCR in three independent cohorts of patients: (I) Discovery cohort: breast cancer tissues (n = 103) and healthy breast tissues (n = 26); (II) Testing cohort: plasma samples from 105 patients and 98 healthy donors; (III) Validation cohort: plasma samples from 89 patients and 85 healthy donors. Our results demonstrated that miR-99a-5p was significantly downregulated in breast cancer tissues compared to healthy breast tissues. Conversely, miR-99a-5p levels were significantly higher in breast cancer patients than in healthy controls in plasma samples from both testing and validation cohorts, and ROC curve analysis revealed that miR-99a-5p has good diagnostic potential even to detect early breast cancer. In conclusion, miR-99a-5p's deregulated expression distinguished healthy patients from breast cancer patients in two di erent types of samples (tissues and plasma). Interestingly, expression levels in plasma were significantly lower in healthy controls than in early-stage breast cancer patients. Our findings suggest circulating miR-99a-5p as a novel promising non-invasive biomarker for breast cancer detection