30 research outputs found

    Estudio de la actividad motora del niño en la escuela utilizando dispositivos portátiles individuales - rastreadores de actividad física

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values ​​of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values ​​of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.Se presentan los resultados del estudio de indicadores cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre la actividad motora de escolares de ambos sexos, obtenidos mediante el uso de dispositivos portátiles individuales: rastreadores de estado físico. Se encontró que el 8.2% de los estudiantes, independientemente de su sexo y edad, se caracterizan por valores bajos de este indicador; El 3,4% demuestra valores altos del indicador en relación con la norma de higiene

    Using Wearable Devices to Stimulate Students Motor of Physical Activity and Consequence Physcological Responce

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm

    Uso de dispositivos portátiles para estimular a los estudiantes el motor de la actividad física y la consecuencia de la respuesta fisiológica

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    They presented the results of qualitative and quantitative indicator study concerning the motor activity of schoolchildren of both sexes, obtained by using individual wearable devices-fitness trackers. It was found that 8.2% of students, regardless of gender and age, are characterized by low values of this indicator; 3.4% demonstrate high values of the indicator relative to the hygiene norm.Presentaron los resultados del estudio de indicadores cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre la actividad motora de escolares de ambos sexos, obtenidos mediante el uso de dispositivos portátiles individuales: rastreadores de estado físico. Se encontró que el 8.2% de los estudiantes, independientemente de su sexo y edad, se caracterizan por valores bajos de este indicador; El 3,4% demuestra valores altos del indicador en relación con la norma de higiene


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    This article deals with the problem of budget allocation in the state order inRussia. Assesses the effectiveness of the financial mechanism of the public procurement business entities, purchasing activities are regulated by Federal Law №44-FZ and №223-FZ. The dynamics of financing the procurement process and reveal its features by using the most common methods of procurement through competitive bidding and without bidding. Identifies the causes of inefficient spending budget as a result of the non-competitive procurement methods by certain categories of business entities. В статье раскрываются проблемы распределения бюджетных средств в сфере государственного заказа в России. Оценивается эффективность механизма финансирования государственных закупок хозяйствующих субъектов, закупочная деятельность которых регулируется Федеральными законами №44-ФЗ и №223-ФЗ. Рассматривается динамика финансирования закупочного процесса и раскрываются его особенности при использовании наиболее распространенных способов закупок на основе торгов и без проведения торгов. Выявляются причины возникновения неэффективных расходов бюджетных средств в результате применения неконкурентных способов закупок отдельными категориями хозяйствующих субъектов.

    Vklad ozhireniya v porazhenie pochekpri sakharnom diabete (eksperimental'noe issledovanie)

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    Цель. Изучение вклада ожирения в развитие и прогрессирование поражения почек при СД 2 в условиях эксперимента. Материалы и методы. В соответствии с задачами обследовано 16 крыс штамма SHR-N/ср. В группу с ожирением и СД 2 вошли гомозиготы по ср-гену, страдающие ожирением и СД 2. Крысы, гетерозиготы (ср/+) или гомозиготы (+/+), имеющие нормальную для своего пола и возраста массу тела, вошли в группу контроля ? крыс без СД 2. В течение 24 недель всем животным регулярно проводили измерение массы тела (3 раза в неделю), уровня глюкозы натощак в крови из хвостовой вены, определяли АД, уровень альбуминурии (АУ), оценивали натощак уровни сывороточного креатинина, мочевой кислоты, глюкозы однократно в конце исследования. После 24 недель проводился забой животных с предварительной ретроградной перфузионной фиксацией. Результаты. В процессе проведения эксперимента установлено, что у крыс штамма SHR/N-ср, страдающих прогрессирующим ожирением с развитием СД 2, к концу периода наблюдения развилось поражение почек. Доля массы почек к общей массе крыс с ожирением и СД 2 была значимо ниже по сравнению с худыми особями. Заключение. Избыточная масса животных является фактором, способствующим развитию поражения почек. У крыс с ожирением и СД 2 имеет место снижение доли массы почек к общей массе животного ? состояние относительной олигонефронии. У крыс с ожирением формируется гломеруломегалия, приводящая к развитию внутриклубочковой гипертензии; При длительном существовании ожирения постоянное воздействие внутриклубочковой гипертензии приводит к дисфункции почки, снижению депурационной функции, появлению сначала микроальбуминурии, а затем и протеинурии и развитию гломерулосклероза

    A Single-Turnover Kinetic Study of DNA Demethylation Catalyzed by Fe(II)/α-Ketoglutarate-Dependent Dioxygenase AlkB

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    AlkB is a Fe(II)/α-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase that repairs some alkylated bases of DNA and RNA in Escherichia coli. In the course of catalysis, oxidation of a co-substrate (α-ketoglutarate, αKG) leads to the formation of a highly reactive ‘oxyferryl’ enzyme-bound intermediate, Fe(IV) = O, ensuring hydroxylation of the alkyl nucleobase adducts. Previous studies have revealed that AlkB is a flexible protein and can adopt different conformations during interactions with cofactors and DNA. To assess the conformational dynamics of the enzyme in complex with single- or double-stranded DNA in real-time mode, we employed the stopped-flow fluorescence method. N1-Methyladenine (m1A) introduced into a sequence of 15-mer oligonucleotides was chosen as the specific damage. Single-turnover kinetics were monitored by means of intrinsic fluorescence of the protein’s Trp residues, fluorescent base analogue 2-aminopurine (2aPu), and a dye–quencher pair (FAM/BHQ1). For all the fluorescent labels, the fluorescent traces showed several phases of consistent conformational changes, which were assigned to specific steps of the enzymatic process. These data offer an overall picture of the structural dynamics of AlkB and DNA during their interaction


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    This article deals with the problem of budget allocation in the state order inRussia. Assesses the effectiveness of the financial mechanism of the public procurement business entities, purchasing activities are regulated by Federal Law №44-FZ and №223-FZ. The dynamics of financing the procurement process and reveal its features by using the most common methods of procurement through competitive bidding and without bidding. Identifies the causes of inefficient spending budget as a result of the non-competitive procurement methods by certain categories of business entities

    Measured water discharges, suspended supply and morphometric parameters of cross-sections in the Lena River Delta during summer period 2008

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    The datasets present hydrographic measurements on discharge and suspended supply in the Lena River Delta in the summer periods from 2002 to 2012. Water discharge was calculated according to profile depth and water current velocity measurements, sediment supply was received after water sampling, filtration and turbidity carrying out. Measurements on the standard hydrometrical cross-sections of Roshydromet (Russian Federal Service for Hydrometorology and Environmental Monitoring) are coded with "H". These are across the Lena Main Channel at 4,7 km from Stolb station, Olenekskskaya, Tumatskaya, Bykovskaya, and Trovimovskaya hydrometrical cross-sections. Parameter "Water level at Stolb station, cm" means daily measurements of water level of the Bykovskaya channel at the Stolb (Habarova, Sokol) station of Roshydromet. We undertook a lot of measurements on the additional cross-sections along the length of channels. Along Tumatskaya channel it was done in 2006, along Sardahkskaya channel - in 2002 and 2005. Along Olenekskaya channel in 2005 and 2012 measurements were done including mouth area and Angardam channel. Stations near Chay-Tumus and Nadym on Olenekskaya channel were measured more frequently. Detailed hydrological situation was analyzed near Sardahk Island bifurcation. All data were carried out by scientists from Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and Saint Petersburg State University of Russia during Russian-German expeditions to the Lena delta and ongoing projects "Scientific research station "Samoylov Island" of the program "The Laptev Sea System". New campaigns will be added every year

    Measured water discharges, suspended supply and morphometric parameters of cross-sections in the Lena River Delta during summer period 2002-2012

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    The datasets present hydrographic measurements on discharge and suspended supply in the Lena River Delta in the summer periods from 2002 to 2012. Water discharge was calculated according to profile depth and water current velocity measurements, sediment supply was received after water sampling, filtration and turbidity carrying out. Measurements on the standard hydrometrical cross-sections of Roshydromet (Russian Federal Service for Hydrometorology and Environmental Monitoring) are coded with "H". These are across the Lena Main Channel at 4,7 km from Stolb station, Olenekskskaya, Tumatskaya, Bykovskaya, and Trovimovskaya hydrometrical cross-sections. Parameter "Water level at Stolb station, cm" means daily measurements of water level of the Bykovskaya channel at the Stolb (Habarova, Sokol) station of Roshydromet. We undertook a lot of measurements on the additional cross-sections along the length of channels. Along Tumatskaya channel it was done in 2006, along Sardahkskaya channel - in 2002 and 2005. Along Olenekskaya channel in 2005 and 2012 measurements were done including mouth area and Angardam channel. Stations near Chay-Tumus and Nadym on Olenekskaya channel were measured more frequently. Detailed hydrological situation was analyzed near Sardahk Island bifurcation. All data were carried out by scientists from Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and Saint Petersburg State University of Russia during Russian-German expeditions to the Lena delta and ongoing projects "Scientific research station "Samoylov Island" of the program "The Laptev Sea System". New campaigns will be added every year