25 research outputs found

    Numerical Analysis of Liquid Menisci in the EFG Technique

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    This chapter is devoted to the analysis of the behavior of the profile curves of the melt menisci for the sapphire crystal growth by edge-defined film-fed growth (EFG) technique. The menisci of the shaped crystals with capillary channels, fibers, and tubes (including cases of outer and inner circular menisci) are considered. Also, we investigated the profile curves of menisci both in the cases of the positive and negative angles between profile curve and the working edge of the die. The cases of outer and inner circular menisci of the tubular crystals and menisci at capillaries and fibers are considered

    Biomedical applications of sapphire shaped crystals

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    We have proposed novel medical instrument

    Terahertz technology in intraoperative neurodiagnostics: A review

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    Terahertz (THz) technology offers novel opportunities in biology and medicine, thanks to the unique features of THz-wave interactions with tissues and cells. Among them, we particularly notice strong sensitivity of THz waves to the tissue water, as a medium for biochemical reactions and a main endogenous marker for THz spectroscopy and imaging. Tissues of the brain have an exceptionally high content of water. This factor, along with the features of the structural organization and biochemistry of neuronal and glial tissues, makes the brain an exciting subject to study in the THz range. In this paper, progress and prospects of THz technology in neurodiagnostics are overviewed, including diagnosis of neurodegenerative disease, myelin deficit, tumors of the central nervous system (with an emphasis on brain gliomas), and traumatic brain injuries. Fundamental and applied challenges in study of the THz-wave – brain tissue interactions and development of the THz biomedical tools and systems for neurodiagnostics are discussed

    Cellular effects of terahertz waves

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    Significance: An increasing interest in the area of biological effects at exposure of tissues and cells to the terahertz (THz) radiation is driven by a rapid progress in THz biophotonics, observed during the past decades. Despite the attractiveness of THz technology for medical diagnosis and therapy, there is still quite limited knowledge about safe limits of THz exposure. Different modes of THz exposure of tissues and cells, including continuous-wave versus pulsed radiation, various powers, and number and duration of exposure cycles, ought to be systematically studied. Aim: We provide an overview of recent research results in the area of biological effects at exposure of tissues and cells to THz waves. Approach: We start with a brief overview of general features of the THz-wave–tissue interactions, as well as modern THz emitters, with an emphasis on those that are reliable for studying the biological effects of THz waves. Then, we consider three levels of biological system organization, at which the exposure effects are considered: (i) solutions of biological molecules;(ii) cultures of cells, individual cells, and cell structures; and (iii) entire organs or organisms; special attention is devoted to the cellular level. We distinguish thermal and nonthermal mechanisms of THz-wave–cell interactions and discuss a problem of adequate estimation of the THz biological effects’ specificity. The problem of experimental data reproducibility, caused by rareness of the THz experimental setups and an absence of unitary protocols, is also considered. Results: The summarized data demonstrate the current stage of the research activity and knowledge about the THz exposure on living objects. Conclusions: This review helps the biomedical optics community to summarize up-to-date knowledge in the area of cell exposure to THz radiation, and paves the ways for the development of THz safety standards and THz therapeutic applications

    Sapphire-based medical instruments for diagnosis, surgery and therapy

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    In this work, we present a brief overview of sapphire medical instruments. Sapphire demonstrates a unique combination of physical properties, such as high hardness and chemical inertness, biocompatibility and high thermal conductivity, high transparency in a wide spectral range that makes it suitable for various medical applications. We demonstrate the examples of scalpel, capillary needle for laser therapy, neuroprobe and applicator for cryosurgery. Each of them combines different modalities in one instrument. Among them are tissue resection, therapy via electromagnetic wave delivering, aspiration, diagnosis, and tissue freezing. Sapphire instruments can be accompanied with magnetic resonance imaging and allow multiple sterilization

    Manufacturing of Sapphire Crystals with Variable Shapes for Cryosurgical Applications

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    Consideration of sapphire shaped crystals as the material for manufacturing of medical instruments expands the opportunities of various approaches for diagnostics, exposure and treatment. Due to physical, mechanical and chemical properties of sapphire, as well as to its complex shape, such instruments are capable to demonstrate better performance for medical applications comparing to common tools. However, the manufacturing of high quality sapphire crystal with such geometry is still a complex issue, that usually requires application of various crystal growth techniques assisted with the automated weight control system. In this work, we consider one of such cases, that is the growth of a sapphire crystal, which can be applied for cryosurgery as an applicator due to a hollow-monolithic shape transition. Its hollow part can be filled with coolant in order to enable fast freezing of biological tissue during application. For this aim, it is of high importance to exclude the appearance of inclusions during the shape transition. To overcome this problem, we suggest using of noncapillary shaping (NCS) technique of crystal growth and study the weight signal measured during the manufacturing. We obtain the analytical description of the weight signal alteration that can be used as the program equation to control the crystal shape. We experimentally demonstrate the advantage of using such crystal for cryosurgery and obtaining faster ice-ball formation inside the model gelatin-based medium in comparison with the usage of the monolithic sapphire applicator of the same diameter. The demonstrated ability can be applied for future development of cryosurgical tools, while the analytical description of the weight signal could find its application for NCS manufacturing of sapphire crystals for other purposes

    Biomedical applications of sapphire shaped crystals

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    We have proposed novel medical instrument