68 research outputs found

    Mesenchymal Stem Cells Modified with a Single-Chain Antibody against EGFRvIII Successfully Inhibit the Growth of Human Xenograft Malignant Glioma

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    Glioblastoma multiforme is the most lethal brain tumor with limited therapeutic options. Antigens expressed on the surface of malignant cells are potential targets for antibody-mediated gene/drug delivery.In this study, we investigated the ability of genetically modified human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) expressing a single-chain antibody (scFv) on their surface against a tumor specific antigen, EGFRvIII, to enhance the therapy of EGFRvIII expressing glioma cells in vivo. The growth of U87-EGFRvIII was specifically delayed in co-culture with hMSC-scFvEGFRvIII. A significant down-regulation was observed in the expression of pAkt in EGFRvIII expressing glioma cells upon culture with hMSC-scFvEGFRvIII vs. controls as well as in EGFRvIII expressing glioma cells from brain tumors co-injected with hMSC-scFvEGFRvIII in vivo. hMSC expressing scFvEGFRvIII also demonstrated several fold enhanced retention in EGFRvIII expressing flank and intracranial glioma xenografts vs. control hMSCs. The growth of U87-EGFRvIII flank xenografts was inhibited by 50% in the presence of hMSC-scFvEGFRvIII (p<0.05). Moreover, animals co-injected with U87-EGFRvIII and hMSC-scFvEGFRvIII intracranially showed significantly improved survival compared to animals injected with U87-EGFRvIII glioma cells alone or with control hMSCs. This survival was further improved when the same animals received an additional dosage of hMSC-scFvEGFRvIII two weeks after initial tumor implantation. Of note, EGFRvIII expressing brain tumors co-injected with hMSCs had a lower density of CD31 expressing blood vessels in comparison with control tumors, suggesting a possible role in tumor angiogenesis.The results presented in this study illustrate that genetically modified MSCs may function as a novel therapeutic vehicle for malignant brain tumors

    Characterization and Functional Analysis of scFv-based Chimeric Antigen Receptors to Redirect T Cells to IL13Rα2-positive Glioma

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    Immunotherapy with T cells expressing chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) is an attractive approach to improve outcomes for patients with glioblastoma (GBM). IL13Rα2 is expressed at a high frequency in GBM but not in normal brain, making it a promising CAR T-cell therapy target. IL13Rα2-specific CARs generated up to date contain mutated forms of IL13 as an antigen-binding domain. While these CARs target IL13Rα2, they also recognize IL13Rα1, which is broadly expressed. To overcome this limitation, we constructed a panel of IL13Rα2-specific CARs that contain the IL13Rα2-specific single-chain variable fragment (scFv) 47 as an antigen binding domain, short or long spacer regions, a transmembrane domain, and endodomains derived from costimulatory molecules and CD3.ζ (IL13Rα2-CARs). IL13Rα2-CAR T cells recognized IL13Rα2-positive target cells in coculture and cytotoxicity assays with no cross-reactivity to IL13Rα1. However, only IL13Rα2-CAR T cells with a short spacer region produced IL2 in an antigen-dependent fashion. In vivo, T cells expressing IL13Rα2-CARs with short spacer regions and CD28.ζ, 41BB.ζ, and CD28.OX40.ζ endodomains had potent anti-glioma activity conferring a significant survival advantage in comparison to mice that received control T cells. Thus, IL13Rα2-CAR T cells hold the promise to improve current IL13Rα2-targeted immunotherapy approaches for GBM and other IL13Rα2-positive malignancies

    Schnurri-3 drives tumor growth and invasion in cancer cells expressing interleukin-13 receptor alpha 2

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    Interleukin 13 receptor alpha 2 (IL13Rα2) is a relevant therapeutic target in glioblastoma (GBM) and other tumors associated with tumor growth and invasion. In a previous study, we demonstrated that protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is a key mediator of the IL-13/IL13Rα2 signaling pathway. PTP1B regulates cancer cell invasion through Src activation. However, PTP1B/Src downstream signaling mechanisms that modulate the invasion process remain unclear. In the present research, we have characterized the PTP1B interactome and the PTP1B-associated phosphoproteome after IL-13 treatment, in different cellular contexts, using proteomic strategies. PTP1B was associated with proteins involved in signal transduction, vesicle transport, and with multiple proteins from the NF-κB signaling pathway, including Tenascin-C (TNC). PTP1B participated with NF-κB in TNC-mediated proliferation and invasion. Analysis of the phosphorylation patterns obtained after PTP1B activation with IL-13 showed increased phosphorylation of the transcription factor Schnurri-3 (SHN3), a reported competitor of NF-κB. SHN3 silencing caused a potent inhibition in cell invasion and proliferation, associated with a down-regulation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, an extensive decline of MMP9 expression and the subsequent inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis in mouse models. Regarding clinical value, high expression of SHN3 was associated with poor survival in GBM, showing a significant correlation with the classical and mesenchymal subtypes. In CRC, SHN3 expression showed a preferential association with the mesenchymal subtypes CMS4 and CRIS-B. Moreover, SHN3 expression strongly correlated with IL13Rα2 and MMP9-associated poor prognosis in different cancers. In conclusion, we have uncovered the participation of SNH3 in the IL-13/IL13Rα2/PTP1B pathway to promote tumor growth and invasion. These findings support a potential therapeutic value for SHN3.Angela Martín-Regalado was supported by an FPU fellowship (FPU18/05766-MEFP). Laura Pintado-Berninches was supported by a Margarita Salas contract (CA1/RSUE/2021-00208) from the Ministry of Universities (Spain). Javier Robles and Issam Boukich were supported by IND2019/BMD-17153 and IND2022/BMD-23554 fellow ships of the Comunidad de Madrid. This project was supported by grants RTI2018-095055-B-I00, PID2021-122227OB-I00 and CPP2021-008337 from the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 using Next Generation EU/PRTR funds to JIC, and PI21CIII/00002 from the MCIN and FEDER funds to PSG and NINDS R01 NS122395 to IVB.S

    Cyanine lipids promote shedding of extracellular vesicles from cell membranes

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    Extracellular vesicles (EV) have garnered significant attention in the fields of drug delivery, imaging, and immunotherapy. There is a need in methods to enhance release of EVs from cells. We found that at high labeling concentrations (100µM), indocarbocyanine lipids DiD and DiR that are commonly used for labeling cells, nanoparticles and EVs, promoted shedding of cell membrane tetraspanins with concomitant release of EVs in the medium. To further investigate this phenomenon, we screened a library of lipids and liposomal formulations for the release of membrane marker CD63 from THP-1 cells, and membrane red nanolantern (RNL) from 4T1 cells. We found a strong dependency of the EV release on lipid structure. In general, lipids that had a cyanine headgroup were more efficient than PEGylated phospholipids, neutral and cationic liposomes, with some lipids enhancing the release of CD63 up to 4-fold, and of RNL up to 8-fold, over vehicle treated control. A side-by-side comparison of cyanine lipid derivatives and corresponding precursor lipids confirmed that the cyanine headgroup significantly promoted shedding of RNL. Mutation of an exosome biogenesis regulator UNC13D did not hinder the release. Lipid-released EV could be modified with anti-interleukin 13 receptor alpha 2 antibody and targeted to glioma cells, suggesting potential utility in drug delivery. Furthermore, the impact of extraneously added lipids on cell membrane integrity should be carefully considered in cell labeling and drug delivery applications

    Decoy receptor DcR1 is induced in a p50/Bcl3-dependent manner and attenuates the efficacy of temozolomide

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    Temozolomide is used widely to treat malignant glioma but the overall response to this agent is generally poor. Resistance to DNA damaging drugs such as temozolomide has been related to the induction of anti-apoptotic proteins. Specifically, the transcription factor NF-κB has been suggested to participate in promoting the survival of cells exposed to chemotherapy. To identify factors that modulate cytotoxicity in the setting of DNA damage, we used an unbiased strategy to examine the NF-κB-dependent expression profile induced by temozolomide. By this route, we defined the decoy receptor DcR1 as a temozolomide response gene induced by a mechanism relying upon p50/NF-κB1. A conserved NF-κB binding sequence (κB-site) was identified in the proximal promoter and demonstrated to be required for DcR1 induction by temozolomide. Loss-of-function and gain-of-function studies reveal that the atypical IκB protein, Bcl3, is also required for induction of DcR1 by temozolomide. Mechanistically, DcR1 attenuates temozolomide efficacy by blunting activation of the Fas receptor pathway in p53+/+ glioma cells. Intracranial xenograft studies show that DcR1 depletion in glioma cells enhances the efficacy of temozolomide. Taken together, our results show how DcR1 upregulation mediates temozolomide resistance, and provide a rationale for DcR1 targeting as a strategy to sensitize gliomas to this widely used chemotherapy

    Decoy receptor DcR1 is induced in a p50/Bcl3-dependent manner and attenuates the efficacy of temozolomide

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    Temozolomide is used widely to treat malignant glioma but the overall response to this agent is generally poor. Resistance to DNA damaging drugs such as temozolomide has been related to the induction of anti-apoptotic proteins. Specifically, the transcription factor NF-κB has been suggested to participate in promoting the survival of cells exposed to chemotherapy. To identify factors that modulate cytotoxicity in the setting of DNA damage, we used an unbiased strategy to examine the NF-κB-dependent expression profile induced by temozolomide. By this route, we defined the decoy receptor DcR1 as a temozolomide response gene induced by a mechanism relying upon p50/NF-κB1. A conserved NF-κB binding sequence (κB-site) was identified in the proximal promoter and demonstrated to be required for DcR1 induction by temozolomide. Loss-of-function and gain-of-function studies reveal that the atypical IκB protein, Bcl3, is also required for induction of DcR1 by temozolomide. Mechanistically, DcR1 attenuates temozolomide efficacy by blunting activation of the Fas receptor pathway in p53+/+ glioma cells. Intracranial xenograft studies show that DcR1 depletion in glioma cells enhances the efficacy of temozolomide. Taken together, our results show how DcR1 upregulation mediates temozolomide resistance, and provide a rationale for DcR1 targeting as a strategy to sensitize gliomas to this widely used chemotherapy

    A genetically modified adenoviral vector with a phage display-derived peptide incorporated into fiber fibritin chimera prolongs survival in experimental glioma

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    The dismal clinical context of advanced-grade glioma demands the development of novel therapeutic strategies with direct patient impact. Adenovirus-mediated virotherapy represents a potentially effective approach for glioma therapy. In this research, we generated a novel glioma-specific adenovirus by instituting more advanced genetic modifications that can maximize the efficiency and safety of therapeutic adenoviral vectors. In this regard, a glioma-specific targeted fiber was developed through the incorporation of previously published glioma-specific, phage-panned peptide (VWT peptide) on a fiber fibritin-based chimeric fiber, designated as “GliomaFF.” We showed that the entry of this virus was highly restricted to glioma cells, supporting the specificity imparted by the phage-panned peptide. In addition, the stability of the targeting moiety presented by fiber fibritin structure permitted greatly enhanced infectivity. Furthermore, the replication of this virus was restricted in glioma cells by controlling expression of the E1 gene under the activity of the tumor-specific survivin promoter. Using this approach, we were able to explore the combinatorial efficacy of various adenoviral modifications that could amplify the specificity, infectivity, and exclusive replication of this therapeutic adenovirus in glioma. Finally, virotherapy with this modified virus resulted in up to 70% extended survival in an in vivo murine glioma model. These data demonstrate that this novel adenoviral vector is a safe and efficient treatment for this difficult malignancy

    Multiplexed RNAi therapy against brain tumor-initiating cells via lipopolymeric nanoparticle infusion delays glioblastoma progression

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    Brain tumor-initiating cells (BTICs) have been identified as key contributors to therapy resistance, recurrence, and progression of diffuse gliomas, particularly glioblastoma (GBM). BTICs are elusive therapeutic targets that reside across the blood–brain barrier, underscoring the urgent need to develop novel therapeutic strategies. Additionally, intratumoral heterogeneity and adaptations to therapeutic pressure by BTICs impede the discovery of effective anti-BTIC therapies and limit the efficacy of individual gene targeting. Recent discoveries in the genetic and epigenetic determinants of BTIC tumorigenesis offer novel opportunities for RNAi-mediated targeting of BTICs. Here we show that BTIC growth arrest in vitro and in vivo is accomplished via concurrent siRNA knockdown of four transcription factors (SOX2, OLIG2, SALL2, and POU3F2) that drive the proneural BTIC phenotype delivered by multiplexed siRNA encapsulation in the lipopolymeric nanoparticle 7C1. Importantly, we demonstrate that 7C1 nano-encapsulation of multiplexed RNAi is a viable BTIC-targeting strategy when delivered directly in vivo in an established mouse brain tumor. Therapeutic potential was most evident via a convection-enhanced delivery method, which shows significant extension of median survival in two patient-derived BTIC xenograft mouse models of GBM. Our study suggests that there is potential advantage in multiplexed targeting strategies for BTICs and establishes a flexible nonviral gene therapy platform with the capacity to channel multiplexed RNAi schemes to address the challenges posed by tumor heterogeneity. Keywords: siRNA; lipopolymeric nanoparticle; glioblastoma transcription factor; brain tumor-initiating; cells; convection-enhanced deliver