9 research outputs found


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    The article presents the results of linguistic analysis of the documents from Fond «Mikhailovsky Stanitsa Ataman», State archive of Volgograd region (fund 332, register 1, 1734-1836). Sentence pattern analysis was aimed at discovering pragmatic value of the texts (mid 18th – beginning 19th cent.). The authors state that sentences as main constituents with complicated functionality build a 'vertical communication' structure. The imperative tonality might be used for issuing order or notification (with a shade of command). The comparison of the patterns representation in documents dated by the end of 18th and the beginning of the 19th cen. demonstrated unity in realization of the following genre parameters: addressee, function, dominant modality (tonality), information content, structure, space-and-time localization. The differences are explicated in the addresser position. In the sentences belonging to the end of the 18th cent. there is a solitary addresser, whereas in the 19th cent. it is conjoint, it points to a trend of formality in documentary communication. The transformations in the genre characteristics presented in the sentences under study are attested to some changes in the governmental structure of the Don Cossack Host, which is an extralinguistic reasoning, besides there are some intralingusitic reasons, in particular, evolution of official and documentary style of the Russian language

    Клиническое значение микробиоты легких и опыт применения ингаляционной антибактериальной терапии у детей Омского центра муковисцидоза (серия случаев)

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    A growth of antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa from patients with cystic fibrosis decreases a lung function significantly, which requires searching new, up-to-date antibiotics. Goal. An investigation of clinical and microbiological features of respiratory lesion and an assessment of elimination therapy at chronic P. aeruginosa infection in children on the example of the Regional Cystic Fibrosis Center. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of case histories of children at the Omsk Cystic Fibrosis Center (n=48) was performed, with evaluation of clinical and functional parameters depending on age and microbiological status of respiratory airways. The comparative evaluation of two drugs inhaled tobramycin Bramitob and Tobramycin-Gobbi efficiency was performed. Results. An association of microorganisms was identified from the majority of bacterial cultures of cystic fibrosis patients’ sputum (66.7%). Staphylococcus aureus (18.9%) and P. aeruginosa (16.6%) with the significant prevalence of non-mucoid forms were in the lead at the group of clinically relevant pathogens. From 2011 to 2016 amount of P. aeruginosa strains, which were sensitive to the all usable antibiotics, decreased, an especially significant decline of sensitivity was registered to amikacin (32.7%) and сiprofloxacin (48.6%). Children infected with P. aeruginosa had a lot more deviations of lung function measured by the computed bronchophonography and spirometry, they more often had changes in chest computed tomography than patients free of P. aeruginosa infection. Change from inhaled tobramycin Bramitob into inhaled tobramycin Tobramycin-Gobbi in the patients’ treatment didn’t lead to the elevation of respiratory syndrome exacerbation rates, didn’t increase requirement in the intravenous antibacterial treatment and didn’t influence to the rank of microbial colonization of sputum. Conclusion. In length of time, the increase of P. aeruginosa resistance to antipseudomonal antibiotics is observed, which makes reasonable the introduction high-concentrated forms of antibiotics. The replacement of inhaled tobramycin from Bramitob to Tobramycin-Gobbi didn’t cause the impairment of patients’ clinical and functional condition and didn’t change the microbiological status.  Актуальность. Высев антибиотикорезистентной синегнойной палочки у больных муковисцидозом значительно ухудшает функцию легких, что требует поиска новых, современных антибактериальных средств. Цель. Изучение клинико-микробиологических особенностей поражения органов дыхания и оценка эффективности элиминационной терапии при хронической синегнойной инфекции у детей на примере регионального центра муковисцидоза.Материалы и методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ историй болезни детей Омского центра муковисцидоза (n=48) с оценкой клинических и функциональных показателей в зависимости от возраста и микробиологического статуса дыхательных путей. Дана сравнительная оценка эффективности лекарственных препаратов ингаляционного тобрамицина. Результаты. В большинстве бактериальных посевов мокроты (66,7%) больных муковисцидозом микроорганизмы высевались в ассоциации. Из клинически значимых патогенов лидировали золотистый стафилококк (18,9%) и синегнойная палочка (16,6%) со значительным преобладанием немукоидных форм. За период 2011–2016 гг. произошло снижение количества чувствительных штаммов Pseudomonas aeruginosa ко всем используемым антибиотикам, из них значимое снижение отмечено к амикацину (32,7%) и ципрофлоксацину (48,6%). У детей, инфицированных синегнойной палочкой, отмечались более выраженные отклонения в показателях функции внешнего дыхания по данным компьютерной бронхофонографии, спирометрии и чаще встречались изменения при мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии органов грудной клетки, чем у больных, свободных от синегнойной инфекции. Смена ингаляционных форм тобрамицина у некоторых больных не привела к повышению частоты обострений респираторного синдрома, не увеличила потребность в назначении внутривенной антибактериальной терапии и не повлияла на степень микробной колонизации мокроты.Заключение. В динамике отмечается рост устойчивости P. aeruginosa к антисинегнойным препаратам, что делает обоснованным внедрение высококонцентрированных ингаляционных форм антибиотиков. Замена одного ингаляционного тобрамицина на другой не вызвала ухудшения клинического и функционального состояния у 4 проанализированных пациентов и не изменила их микробиологический статус.Статья издается при поддержке компании «Генфа».Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов, о котором необходимо сообщить

    Metaphorical Representation of Visual Perception in the Modern Russian Language (“Movement – Perception” Model)

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    The article focuses on metaphorical representation of the process of visual perception in the language. The verbal-nominal word groups formed by the verbs with the semantics of movement and the nouns glaz (eye) / vzgljad (glance) / vzor (gaze) constitute the object of the study. The research material was selected from the lexicographic sources and the Russian National Corpus, which reflect both the current state of the language system and the functioning of verbal-nominal word groups. The study was carried out within a comprehensive approach that was based on a descriptive method united with contextual, stylistic, and component analysis procedures. The correspondence between the processes of movement and visual perception is verified as enabling the usage of the verbs with the direct meaning of movement in space for metaphorical reflection of perception in the language. The characteristics of visual perception process are determined. They are explicitly represented in the verbs with non- perceptual semantics and the nouns that denote realia associated with perception. The functional potential of the studied combinations is described. An assumption has been made about the factors that determined their appearance in the language and the use in the texts with certain stylistic reference. The results obtained are significant for further study of the verbal metaphor in general and the metaphorical representation of perception in the language in particular


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    The article provides some results of linguistic analysis carried out on biographies of female godliness devotees, that focuses on linguistic representation of culturally significant concepts and moral values of ethnos with religious-and-moral ideals as their central component in hagiographic texts of the 18 th – 19 th centuries. The authors point to the lexical units which belong to two semantic groups: the emotives and perceptives. To create the images of female godliness devotees, the units comprising each of the abovementioned lexical sets are used in a particular way, revealed by the authors. It has been stated, that specific character of emotive vocabulary use in hagiographic texts depends on its functional impact, with characterological function recognized as the major one. The emotive lexical units, regarded as key characteristics, contribute significantly to plot development and genre canonical structure realization. The criteria for selecting lexical units with semantics of perception as well as their pattern of use are determined by the language system peculiarities and existing concept of religious devotion. The paper reviews linguistic means of perceptional processes explication that are significant for describing godliness devotees.The research results establish the dominance of visual perception as a process that determines female devotees’ interaction with the real world and the world beyond reality disclosed to them by the will of the God, (which is reflected in the direct meanings of linguistic units), as well as revealing a connection with mental activity (reflected in the figurative meanings of linguistic units)

    Paremia about the Earth in the Russian Language: Linguocultural Research

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    The article is devoted to the study of paremias as fragments of the linguistic picture of the world. The most widely used genres of paremias in russian are considered in detail - proverbs and sayings representing information about the history of the russian people, their way of life, customs, traditions, established and generally accepted system of values and moral guidelines. A detailed lexicographic analysis of the lexeme “earth” is carried out. The structure of proverbs and sayings about the land is analyzed. It is concluded that proverbs and sayings are built on the principle of syntactic parallelism.El artículo está dedicado al estudio de las paremias como fragmentos de la imagen lingüística del mundo. Los géneros de paremias más utilizados en ruso se consideran en detalle: proverbios y dichos que representan información sobre la historia del pueblo ruso, su forma de vida, costumbres, tradiciones, sistema de valores y pautas morales establecidos y generalmente aceptados. Se realiza un análisis lexicográfico detallado del lexema “tierra”. Se analiza la estructura de los proverbios y dichos sobre la tierra. Se concluye que los proverbios y dichos se basan en el principio del paralelismo sintáctico

    Ab Initio Study of Structural Features and H‑Bonding in Alkylammonium-Based Protic Ionic Liquids

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    The structural and energetic characteristics of protic ionic liquids (PILs) based on ethyl-, diethyl-, or triethylammonium cations with anions of phosphorus, trifluoroacetic, or <i>p</i>-toluenesulfonic acids have been investigated by density functional theory calculations at the B3LYP/6-31++G­(d,p) level of theory. As a result of the interaction between acid and alkylamine, the H-bonded molecular complexes or H-bonded ion pairs have been obtained. The increasing number of ethyl groups attached to the nitrogen atom of amine and H-bond donor ability of acid causes a stronger H-bonding interaction leading to the formation of ion pairs. For all systems, the proton transfer between ion pairs and molecular complexes has been examined. Solvation effects have been also investigated using the solvent polarizable continuum model (CPCM)

    Clinical Significance of Lung Microbiota and Experience of the Inhaled Antibacterial Therapy in Children of the Omsk Cystic Fibrosis Center (Сase Series)

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    A growth of antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa from patients with cystic fibrosis decreases a lung function significantly, which requires searching new, up-to-date antibiotics. Goal. An investigation of clinical and microbiological features of respiratory lesion and an assessment of elimination therapy at chronic P. aeruginosa infection in children on the example of the Regional Cystic Fibrosis Center. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of case histories of children at the Omsk Cystic Fibrosis Center (n=48) was performed, with evaluation of clinical and functional parameters depending on age and microbiological status of respiratory airways. The comparative evaluation of two drugs inhaled tobramycin Bramitob and Tobramycin-Gobbi efficiency was performed. Results. An association of microorganisms was identified from the majority of bacterial cultures of cystic fibrosis patients’ sputum (66.7%). Staphylococcus aureus (18.9%) and P. aeruginosa (16.6%) with the significant prevalence of non-mucoid forms were in the lead at the group of clinically relevant pathogens. From 2011 to 2016 amount of P. aeruginosa strains, which were sensitive to the all usable antibiotics, decreased, an especially significant decline of sensitivity was registered to amikacin (32.7%) and сiprofloxacin (48.6%). Children infected with P. aeruginosa had a lot more deviations of lung function measured by the computed bronchophonography and spirometry, they more often had changes in chest computed tomography than patients free of P. aeruginosa infection. Change from inhaled tobramycin Bramitob into inhaled tobramycin Tobramycin-Gobbi in the patients’ treatment didn’t lead to the elevation of respiratory syndrome exacerbation rates, didn’t increase requirement in the intravenous antibacterial treatment and didn’t influence to the rank of microbial colonization of sputum. Conclusion. In length of time, the increase of P. aeruginosa resistance to antipseudomonal antibiotics is observed, which makes reasonable the introduction high-concentrated forms of antibiotics. The replacement of inhaled tobramycin from Bramitob to Tobramycin-Gobbi didn’t cause the impairment of patients’ clinical and functional condition and didn’t change the microbiological status