776 research outputs found
This dissertation is a multidisciplinary study combining both archaeological andpaleoecological data to examine the rise of early Formative societies in Uruguay, La Plata Basin.It is contextualized within broader anthropological concerns related to the emergence of culturalcomplexity, the significance of ritual and public architecture in intermediate-level societies, andthe role of human-environment interactions during the mid-Holocene. This investigationgenerated the first Late Quaternary paleoclimatic record, based on pollen and phytolith analyses,documenting that the mid-Holocene (ca. 6,620 to ca. 4,040 bp) was a period of environmentalflux and increased aridity. It describes the occupational history of the Los Ajos site from thecreation of a household-based community integrating a centralized communal space during thePreceramic Mound Component (ca. 4,120 – 3,000- 2,500 bp) to the Ceramic Mound Component(ca. 3,000 2,500 bp to the Contact Period), where Los Ajos acquired a strong public ritualcharacter through the formatilization and spatial segregation of its mounded architecture. Duringthe Ceramic Mound Period, the site exhibited both internal stratification (inner versus outerprecincts) and dual asymmetrical architecture in its central sector, which suggest the emergenceof incipient social differentiation. This study also marks the earliest occurrence of at least twodomesticated crops in the region: corn (Zea mays) and squash (Cucurbita spp.), showing that theearly Formative societies adopted a mixed economy shortly after 4,120 bp. Collectively, theseresults challenge the long-standing view that the La Plata Basin was a marginal area byevidencing an early and idiosyncratic emergence of social complexity never before registered inthis region of South America
The Spanish Intercountry Adoption: an Approach to the Law 54/2007
The International Adoption Act (Law 54/2007, of December 28, hereinafter the IAA), is the first special Private International Law (PIL) act issued in Spain. The previous system was characterized by being dispersed. The IAA put an ‘end to the regulatory dispersion characteristic of the previous legislation’, inspired by the ‘interests of the minor’ as a guide to all adoption [email protected] Pública de NavarraAguilar Benítez de Lugo, M.,“La familia en los Convenios de la Conferencia de La Haya de Derecho Internacional Privado”, REDI, vol. XLV, 1993-1.Álvarez González S., ‘The new international adoption system in Spain’, Yearbook of Private International Law, Volume 10 (2008).Álvarez González S., “La Ley de adopción internacional. Reflexiones a la luz de su texto, de sus objetivos y de la comunión entre ambos”, AEDIPr, vol. VII, 2007.Álvarez González S., “Reflexiones sobre la Ley 54/2007 de adopción internacional”, Diario La Ley, 26 marzo 2008, on line version.Calvo Caravaca A. L., Carrascosa González J., La Ley 54/2007 de 28 de diciembre 2007 sobre adopción internacional (Reflexiones y comentarios), Comares, Granada, 2008.Espluges Mota, C., “La nueva ley española de adopción internacional de diciembre de 2007: ¿una ocasión perdida?”, RDIPP, 2008-2.Gómez Campelo, E., La Ley 54/200 7 de adopción internacional: un texto para el debate, Ed. Reus, Zaragoza, 2009.P. Rodríguez Mateos, A. Espiniella Menéndez, “Spanish Practice in Respect of Intercountry Adoption”, Spanish Yearbook of International Law, Volume XV, 2011.Pérez Vera, E., “El Convenio sobre los derechos del niño”, Garantía internacional en los derechos sociales, Madrid.Pérez Vera, E., “El menor en los Convenios de la Conferencia de La Haya de Derecho Internacional Privado”, REDI, vol. XLV, 1993.R. Arenas García, C. González Beilfuss, “La Ley 54/2007 de 28 de diciembre de adopción internacional: entre la realidad y el deseo”, REEI, No. 17, 2009.Van Loon H., “Rapport sur l’adoption d’enfants originaires de l’étranger”, Actes et documents de la dix-septième session de la Conférence de La Haye de Droit International Privé. Bureau Permanent de la Conférence, 1994.249-25
TVE’s football highlights programmes during TV Public Service monopoly: main features and innovative contributions
El siguiente texto aborda un fenómeno poco estudiado por la historiografía televisiva española y que ha condicionado todo el desarrollo de sus contenidos televisivos deportivos: los programas de resumen futbolístico. Este tipo de espacio tiene su origen en Reino Unido durante los años sesenta y se consolida con la aparición de un programa referente de la televisión de ese país: Match of the Day (BBC One, 1964). En España, y bajo la apariencia de un cierto retraso televisivo, TVE aborda este formato con una clara perspectiva del espectáculo, que condicionará la evolución histórica de la programación deportiva y que será referente en toda Europa. Desde Su equipo fuera de casa (TVE, 1957) hasta Estudio Estadio (TVE, 1972), la televisión pública experimentó con la hibridación genérica televisiva, cruzando constantemente los terrenos de la información y del entretenimiento, y fomentando muy habitualmente la polémica. Estas páginas realizan un repaso exhaustivo a esta realidad desconocida a través del análisis de la estructura y contenidos de los programas, poniéndola en contexto con otros fenómenos televisivos europeos, y observando su influencia en los actuales formatos de entretenimiento futbolístico.The following text reviews an unknown phenomenon in Spanish Television History which influenced the development of sports content: football highlights programmes. These contents were born in the United Kingdom in the 60s and its main representative was Match of the Day (BBC One, 1964). In Spain, and despite the poor development of national television, TVE focused in a singular point of view, with a strong presence of entertainment in football highlights programmes, becoming a European reference. From Su equipo fuera de casa (TVE, 1957) to Estudio Estadio (TVE, 1972), national television experimented with content hybridization, mixing information and Entertainment, and encouraging public controversy. This article presents a deeply review of an unknown issue through a wide analysis of Spanish football highlights programmes and comparing them with other European examples
The expansion of Araucaria forest in the southern Brazilian highlands during the last 4000 years and its implications for the development of the Taquara/Itararé Tradition
Reproduced with permission of the publisher. Copyright © Maney Publishing 2007.An examination of the late Holocene environmental and cultural sequences of the southern Brazilian highlands indicates that the colonisation of this region by the Taquara/Itararé people is associated with the expansion of Araucaria forest resulting from the onset of wetter climatic conditions in the region, which started between around 1410 and 900 cal. yr BP. The more intense and permanent human occupation of this region is associated with the advance of Araucaria forest, which provided Taquara/Itararé groups with a newly abundant and reliable resource: Araucaria seeds. In addition, we review the evidence for landscape transformation associated with the beginning of food-production in the region. Charcoal records show that local populations may have practiced slash-and-burn agriculture at lower elevations since the beginning of the late Holocene around 4320 cal. yr BP, and continued this practice during the second part of the late Holocene
Historia de la vegetación en la cuenca de Pamplona durante el primer milenio a.C: el yacimiento arqueológico de Sansol. (Muru Astráin. Navarra)
En este trabajo se estudia una columna polínica obtenida en el yacimiento de
Sansol (Muru-Astrain, Navarra), en la que se documentan sendas ocupaciones correspondientes a la I y
EL Edad del Hierro. Caracteriza al Paisaje Vegetal del entorno del yacimiento una antropización
intensa, que se refleja en el masivo clareamiento de la cubierta arbórea, la incidencia de las especies
que denotan la adopción de modos económicos agrícolas y testimonios indirectos de una posible
ganadería, acreditada por la presencia de taxones herbáceos nitrófilos y ruderales
El medio vegetal del dolmen de Aizibita (Cirauqui, Navarra). Entorno natural y huella humana durante el calcolítico pleno
En este artículo se presentan los resultados obtenidos del estudio palinológico del dolmen
de Aizibita. Los resultados nos indican que durante el III milenio cal BC, el paisaje vegetal de su entorno se encontraba
considerablemente antropizado. La composición del mismo, nos indica que este paisaje vegetal está en
relación con un paisaje semejante al actual, de carácter mediterráneo
Monumental burials and memorial feasting: an example from the southern Brazilian highlands
© 2008 Antiquity PublicationsWhat happened at the sites of prehistoric burial mounds after they were erected? In the southern highlands of Brazil and Argentina the pre-Hispanic mounds of the twelfth-thirteenth centuries AD are surrounded by large circular enclosures with avenues leading to their centre. The authors discovered that the banks of the surrounding enclosure were built up over several generations of time, accompanied by a succession of ovens. Ethnohistoric observations of more recent peoples in the same region suggested an explanation: the cremation of a chief was followed by periodic feasts at his mound, where meat was steamed and maize beer prepared at the edge of the gathering.Research at site PM01 was funded by grants from the National Geographic Committee
for Research and Exploration (CRE 7853-05) and the University of Exeter Exploration Fund
Subtropical wetland adaptations in Uruguay during the mid-Holocene: An archaeobotanical perspective
Reproduced with permission of the publisher. © Oxbow Books and the individual auhtors, 2001. Details of the publication are available at: http://www.oxbowbooks.com/bookinfo.cfm/ID/3080
Sondeo arqueológico en el yacimiento de Potorrosín VI (Oñati, Gipuzkoa).
El yacimiento de Potorrosín VI se localiza en el valle del río Arantzazu (Oñati, Guipúzcoa). En el curso de un sondeo realizado durante 1987, y en algunas actuaciones anteriores, se ha localizado una secuencia estratigráfica que abarca varias fases de la prehistoria con cerámica y al menos una ocupación (Nivel IX) correspondiente probablemente al Paleolítico superior final. En este artículo presentamos la estratigrafía y materiales obtenidos
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