77 research outputs found

    sistem informasi pembuatan surat pemesanan obat berbasis sms gateway pada PT. Sehat Bersama Sejahtera

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    Penggunaan teknologi yang semakin maju memberikan kemudahan bagi manusia untuk mendapatkan informasi, salah satunya mengenai Sistem  Informasi  Pembuatan  Surat  Pemesanan  Obat  Berbasis  SMS Gateway pada PT. Sehat Bersama Sejahtera. Dalam kenyataanya sistem yang telah berjalan ternyata mempunyai kendala. Kendala - kendala yang ditemukan yakni  dalam  proses  penyampaian  pemesanan  obat,  apotek  harus  menunggu salesman yang datang mengunjungi apotek hal ini memakan waktu yang lama dan tidak  pasti  selain  itu  dalam  penyampaina  informasi  promosi  obat  masih menggunakan media hardcopy yang berupa selebaran atau brosur. Sistem ini dirancang dengan menggunakan pemodelan UML. Sedangkan bahasa  pemrograman  yang  digunakan  adalah  PHP,  Software  GAMMU  dan database MySQL. Sistem ini dirancang    dan dibangun untuk mempermudah penyampaian informasi pembuatan surat pemesanan obat dan informasi data obat melalui pesan singkat berupa SMS. Sistem ini diharapkan mampu menjadi sarana komunikasi antara apotek dan pihak distributor PT. Sehat Bersama Sejahtera melalui SMS, sehingga pemesanan obat dan informasi tentang data obat dapat dilakukan di mana saja dan kapan saja saat dibutuhkan

    The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Learning Effectiveness and Performance of Health Physical Education Teacher in Banjarmasin City

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    The aim of the study was to describe the impact that occurred during the Covid 19 Pandemic on the Learning Effectiveness and Performance of Sports Health Physical Education Teachers in the City of Banjarmasin. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection uses the distribution of research instruments. This study used 128 PESH teacher respondents and 111 principals/deputy principals and supervisors. The results of this study are that the covid 19 pandemic has positive and negative effects on the covid 19 (X) pandemic variables, on student indicators, teacher indicators, distance learning indicators, physical distancing (lockdown), learning indicators, internet indicators, and smartphone indicators, while variables learning effectiveness (Y1) is an indicator of suitability of learning objectives, an indicator of maximum learning outcomes, an indicator of the interaction process of students with students in the learning environment, an indicator of learning media, an indicator of the interaction of students' processes with learning resources in the learning environment, and for PESH teacher performance variables (Y2) namely indicators of knowing student characteristics, indicators of mastery of learning theory and educational learning principles, indicators of curriculum development, indicators of educational learning activities, indicators of developing student potential, indicators of communicativeness with students, indicators of assessment and assessment, indicators of acting according to religious, legal, social and cultural norms of the nation, indicators showing mature and exemplary personality, indicators of work ethic, high responsibility, pride in being a teacher, indicators of inclusiveness, acting objectively and not discriminatory, indicators of communication with fellow teachers, education staff , parents, students and society, indicators of material mastery, conceptual structures and scientific mindsets that support the subjects taught, indicators of developing professionalism through reflective action. The pandemic has had an impact on learning effectiveness and teacher performance

    Optimasi Klasifikasi Parasit Malaria Dengan Metode LVQ, SVM dan Backpropagation

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    The use of the classification method affects the accuracy of the test results. The accuracy of the classification method is affected by the number of classes in the image. The number of classes and the amount of data should be considered when making decisions in choosing a classification method. This study used 600 data, which were divided into 510 training data and 90 test data. The number of classes tested is 12 classes with the number of initial features used by 22 features. The characteristics used in the test consist of shape characteristics and texture characteristics. The classification methods used in this study are LVQ, Backpropagation, and SVM. The data has 22 features or attributes that are the result of texture and shape feature extraction. Texture features are energy 0o, energy 45o, energy 90o, energy 135o, entropy 0o, entropy 45o, entropy 90o, entropy 135o, contrast 0o, contrast 45o, contrast 90o, contrast 135o, homogeneity 00, homogeneity 45o, homogeneity 90o, homogeneity 135o, correlation 0o, Correlation 45o, correlation 90o, correlation 135o, features of área and perimeter shape. The test results using the Backpropagation method obtained 89.7% results, using the LVQ method obtained 77.78% results, and the SVM method obtained 99.1% results

    Website Profil Sekolah Sebagai Media Informasi Dan Promosi

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    Abstraksi: Perkembangan dunia teknologi dan informasi sekarang ini sangat pesat dikalangan masyarakat yang kemudian mengubah cara pandang mereka terhadap media penyedia informasi. Website merupakan salah satu sarana media internet  yang berfungsi untuk menampilkan, memperkenalkan bahkan dapat berfungsi sebagai media pencari informasi yang sedang dibutuhkan. Lembaga sekolah terutama yang masih sangat membutuhkan interaksi maupun sosialisasi agar sekolah tersebut dapat lebih dikenal masyarakat luas maupun siswa-siswanya sendiri, yaitu dengan cara memberikan informasi secara lengkap, detail dan jelas mengenai sekolah tersebut. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi agar  kemudahan bagi masyarakat umum maupun warga sekolah, dalam mengakses informasi tentang sekolah tersebut, dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai media penyampai informasi yang lebih efektif dan efisien yang dapat diakses dimana saja dan kapan saja secara online baik bagi pihak sekolah siswa dan masyarakat.ABSTRACT: The development of information technology and now it's very rapidly among people who later changed their perspectives on media information provider. The website is one of the means of internet media that serves to show, introducing even can serve as a medium of information seekers are required. Institutions, especially schools that are still in dire need of interaction and socialization so that schools can be more widely known to the public as well as students themselves, namely by providing comprehensive information, detailed and clear about the school. The benefit of this study is to provide information in order to convenience for the public and the school community, to access information about the school, and can also be used as a medium conveys information more effectively and efficiently which can be accessed anywhere and anytime online for both the school students and community Keyword : Website Profil, Website Profil Sekola


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    The use of fingerprints for identification has been done a lot, both in the police for investigations, in government for absences, in population and much more. To identify fingerprints, various methods are widely used which purpose is to produce a better level of accuracy. This is as reference to find out how important the function of the method will be used before the identification process is applied. The renewal of this research prioritizes how far the function of GLCM (GRAY LEVEL CO-OCCURRENCE MATRIX) is useful to improve the accuracy of fingerprint identification using the backpropagation method. The test results showed that GLCM can affect the increase in accuracy to 83%

    Dc Shock Simulator

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    Defibrillators are electronic devices that carry shock electrical signals (pulses) to the heart muscle to maintain myocardial depolarization that is undergoing cardiac fibrillation (ventricular fibrillation or atrial fibrillation) (Bronzino, 2000). There are several conditions that must be met for the occurrence of shock processes including shock time, energy to be provided, patient and operator safety. In this defibrillator the use of selectors / energy selection is linear in the range 1-30 Joules with the use of tools at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Joules. The energy will then be discarded or given to the patient via a paddle when pressed the Discharge / shock button. The result of the signal given to the patient is monophasic. This study used a pre-experimental type with a One Group post test design research design. Measurements were made 5 times the volt meter at the test points determined by the compiler

    The Relationship of Physical Activities and Student Learning Outcomes of Physical Education

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between physical activity and learning outcomes of sports physical education and the health of students at SMA Negeri 1 Banjarbaru. The method used in this research is a survey method. The population in this study was taken from male and female students at the State Senior High School 1 Banjarbaru aged 16-19 years, the population in the XI grade of the State Senior High School 1 Banjarbaru as many as 231 students. In comparison, the research sample was 184 students with the cluster sampling technique.The results of the research on the physical activity of students of SMA Negeri 1 Banjarbaru found that the classification of "low" was 84 students with a percentage of 45.65%. While the physical education learning outcomes of SMA Negeri 1 Banjarbaru students showed an average value of 82.11. The result of the calculation with the correlation shows 0.73 with the criteria of a strong/high relationship. Therefore, there is a relationship between physical activity and learning outcomes of PJOK students of SMAN 1 Banjarbaru. Physical education 85, high criteria as many as 21 people with an average score of 80.71 physical education. The criteria were as many as 71 people with an average score of 82.23 physical education. The low criteria were 84 people with an average score of 82.17 physical education and seven people with very low criteria with an average score of 85.57 physical education


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    Kepala Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri dan Pendidik PJOK yang bekerjasama dengan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat yang bertampat di Kota Banjarbaru yang berjumlah Tiga kepala sekolah dan Sepuluh pendidik PJOK. Kumpulan data pada penelitian ini berupa jawaban dari angket yang telah di bagikan dan dijawab secara langsung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat di simpulkan bahwa kebijakan kepala sekolah menengah pertama negeri (SMPN) dalam pelaksanaan kurikulun 2013 di kota banjarbaru baik di SMPN 1 BANJARBARU, SMPN 2 BANJARBARU, ataupun SMPN 3 BANJARBARU sudah mendukung pendidik pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan. Semua itu di lihat dari hasil jawaban pada angket yang di jawab oleh responden baik kepala sekolah maupun pendidik PJOK nya yang menunjukkan keselarasan hasil jawaban yang sangat baik. Dengan demikin pantas saja apabila ketiga sekolah tersebut selalu bermitra dengan Universitaas Lambung Mangkurat untuk di jadikan tempat pelaksanaan praktek pengenalan lingkungan (PPL)


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    This study aims to 1. find out whether the time allocation is right or not to be taken and applied at school 2. know whether the schedule is right or not to be taken and applied at school. The sample or subjects studied in this study were the Banjarbaru City Education Office and the State Junior High School institutions in partnership with LambungMangkurat University, Banjarbaru City, which amounted to 3 schools. Collecting data in this study in the form of interviews, questionnaires, documentation, semester programs and annual programs from the State Junior High School Curriculum Section, principals and teachers of Physical Education, Sports and Health class VII. In this study the data obtained that the schedule of physical education, sports and health subjects in junior high school in class VII is 1 meeting per week, and in the time allocation of physical education, sports and health in 3 junior high schools in Banjarbaru City that partner with LambungMangkurat University for grade VII, which is 2 schools applying 3 hours of weekly lessons and 1 hour of duration of 45 minutes, while there is 1 school with an allocation of 3 hours of weekly lessons and 1 hour of duration of 40 minutes


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi kebugaran jasmani aktivitas fisik peserta didik di SMPN 1 Banua lawas. Metode yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriftif yang di lakukan dengan tes dan kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 82 orang peserta didik yang berusia 13-15 tahun SMPN 1 Banua Lawas. Dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kebugaran jasmani peserta didik di SMPN 1 Banua lawas tahun ajaran 2021/2022. terdapat 58 peserta didik (71%) dalam klasifikasi “kurang”, 24 peserta didik (29%) dalam klasifikasi “sedang”, 0 peserta didik (0%) dalam klasifikasi “kurang sekali”, 0 peserta didik (0%) dalam klasifikasi “baik”, 0 peserta didik (0%) dalam klasifikasi “baik sekali”. Kemudian dari analisis data di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kesegaran jasmani peserta didik SMPN 1 Banua lawas tahun ajaran 2021/2022 secara keseluruhan dalam klasifikasi “kurang”