23 research outputs found

    Utilizing Quizzes on the Duolingo to Promote Students Vocabulary Mastery

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    This research aims to find out the effectiveness of Duolingo games to help students' vocabulary mastery and describe students' perceptions of learning English using the Duolingo application. One of problems found in learning English is a lack of vocabulary that can make it difficult for students to understand texts, speak, listen, and write effectively. Limited student emphasis on acquiring vocabulary in class. In addition, schools that still use conventional learning methods make students bored. This research was conducted using qualitative methods using questionnaires and interviews to determine student perceptions. This research was conducted in one of Islamic senior High School in Tasikmalaya involving 33 students from class X participants.  The results of this study indicate that students give a positive perception about the Duolingo application because most students (79%) agree more with learning English vocabulary using the Duolingo application as a medium of learning vocabulary. Apart from it, there are several advantages that can be drawn from using the Duolingo application as a medium for learning English vocabulary: 1) the Duolingo application make the students easy to understand the material; 2) the Duolingo application made the students more enthusiastic in learning English vocabulary; 3) the Duolingo application can eliminate boredom in learning; and 4) the Duolingo application encourage the students for generating new idea in learning


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    In Listening class the learner are demanded to be a critical thinker who can identify something explicitly stated in spoken text. Identifying the main idea means the students were able to engage the students’ in listening, such as they are able distinguishing the main idea from supporting details, distinguishing fact, example, and opinion. This study aims at examining the lesson plan of listening especially in identifying the main idea in spoken text, whether the lesson plan has fulfill the indicators of understanding main idea in spoken text or not. This study also attempts to analyze the students’ feedback to the lesson plan regarding to their learning improvement. Thus, this study also identifies the gap between the lesson plan and the impact toward the students’ performance in listening. The researcher uses a survey checklist focusing on the key elements of the self-evaluation of a teacher’s lesson and questionnaire for students’ appraisal. Their responses are analyzed by using a document analysis and questionnaire description. Based on data analysis, the present lesson plan meets out its objectives to certain point but not completely. The result shows that most of the statements based on the key elements of the lesson plan fall into the category of “moderate†it is suggested that the lesson plan should be revised so that it fulfills the objectives of the course completely. Considering the students’ course evaluation the lesson should be updated

    Fostering Students’ Listening Skills Through Youtube Videos Integrated with Edpuzzle Online Platform

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    The aim of this study is to determine the goodness of using YouTube videos integrated with the EdPuzzle online platform on students' listening skills and students' perceptions on the use of the EdPuzzle online platform. The researcher applies a mixed-methods design, with the type of an embedded design. Regarding the quantitative paradigm, quasi-experimental one-group pre-test and post-test was employed. The subject of the research consisted of thirteen students sitting in the eleventh grade who were taken using a random sampling technique. The instruments to collect the data were tests and questionnaires. Data were collected by giving a pre-test followed by giving one treatment to thirteen vocational students after that the students were given a post-test and a questionnaire. The post-test which has a higher score than the pre-test proves the effectiveness of YouTube videos integrated with EdPuzzle as a medium to increase students’ listening skills. It is obvious that the use of YouTube videos integrated with EdPuzzle in teaching listening has a significant and effective impact on increasing students' listening skills. The result showed that the hypothesis is accepted in that there is the significant difference found in students' listening skills prior to and after being taught through YouTube videos that are integrated with the EdPuzzle online platform. In conclusion, the result of data analysis indicated quite clearly that the use of YouTube videos integrated with the EdPuzzle online platform is effective in increasing students' listening skills

    The use of BBC English Quizzes Application to enhance EFL students’ motivation in listening (A case study at an English course in Banjar)

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    This study investigated the use of BBC English quizzes application that can help students' learning processes at which researchers pay attention to the lack of motivation of students in learning listening. This research aimed to investigate the implementation and students' perceptions of the use of BBC English quizzes application to enhance students' listening skills. This research used a case study employing questionnaires and interviews in the process of collecting data. The participants in this study were selected purposively, namely, students who studied at one of the English courses in Banjar. This research received a positive and effective response at which students feel happier and enthusiastic about learning and listening by using the BBC English quizzes application. The researcher suggests that future researchers who want to know more about the use of the quizzes application to enhance students' motivation in listening skills, should add more students for participants in formal school because they are more numerous

    EFL Students’ Perception of Using Grammarly in Undergraduate Paper Writing

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    This research discusses about EFL Students’ Perception of Using Grammarly in Undergraduate Paper Writing. The objective of this study was aimed to elaborate the challenges faced by students’ in writing a research paper by using Grammarly and investigated the students’ perception of using Grammarly in undergraduate paper writing. This study used descriptive qualitative method, involved 23 students’ of English Education who used Grammarly in writing a paper. Brief rating scales questionnaires were used to gather the data. The results showed that students’ responded positively to the use of Grammarly in undergraduate paper writing. Most of the students agreed that using Grammarly makes the process of writing more clearly, easy, and fascinating. Grammarly can help students’ in correcting the grammatical errors and plagiarism in their writing. However, writing a paper should be with the correct and good grammar so that the reader can easily to found out the meaning and also more understandable the paper. The researcher suggested for the next research to focus on the teacher perception of using Grammarly to assist the students’ in writing a research paper

    Teachers’ Challenges in Optimizing Students’ Speaking Skills by Using Flipped Classroom

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    The majority of people are concentrating on using technology for many things, including communication. Technology significantly affects learning outcomes in educational environments. It depends on the teacher's technological know-how and competence. With technology, it might be simpler to decide whether a teacher should join the class in person or virtually. Delivering lectures with a creative and engaging design is a wonderful way to get students excited. The flipped classroom is a new paradigm in learning that has been utilized by teachers. In this approach, the teacher can present the lectures online and then discuss them offline during the following meeting. Since the pandemic had nearly coming to an end and teachers should be able to switch between online classes and offline classes, flipped classrooms have grown in popularity. This research is a narrative study that aims to identify the teachers' challenges in optimizing students' speaking skills by using flipped classroom. Speaking has a crucial part in determining a student's success in language learning. In order to confirm the beneficial effects of flipped classroom in speaking classes, the present research aims to elaborate teachers' perceptions in improving students' speaking skills through flipped classroom. The participants in this study were 4 English teachers from two senior high schools in East Priangan, West Java. The research employed a qualitative approach to gather data, by using a diary and an interview. The diary includes a few questions on their experiences with the flipped classroom implementation process, and the interview covers the challenges, strategies, and perspectives faced by doing so in order to improve students' speaking abilities. The results of this study proved that employing flipped classrooms made teachers feel more supported and students' speaking abilities increased. Additionally, flipped classrooms have a beneficial effect on learning activity because they may foster active learning


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    Pada masa pandemik, pendidikan menitik beratkan kepada pemanfaatan teknologi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa secara terpadu. Teknologi sebagai instrumen untuk mengarahkan peserta didik menjadi manusia mandiri yang terdidik yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, dan kreatif. Teknologi yang di gunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah Mobile Assisted Language Learning dan memperkenalkan model pembelajaran baru yaitu Google Classroom Model. Pemberlakuan model pembelajaran baru ini menuntut guru untuk senantiasa kreatif dalam menerapkan teknik pengajaran. Salah satunya yaitu dengan rekaman video dengan screen castify. Berdasarkan analisis situasi dan fakta di lapangan, maka dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dapat diidentifikasi permasalahan sebagai berikut: guru-guru Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Ciamis belum memiliki pemahaman dalam mengimplementasikan model tersebut dalam era New Normal. Dengan demikian perumusan masalah yang bisa dirumuskan dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah: apakah pelatihan ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman guru-guru sekolah dasar dimasa pandemic COVID 19

    Translating Comic Strips as a Strategy to Enrich Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

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    This study aims to figure out the effectiveness in enriching students’ vocabulary mastery by implementing comic translation teaching technique. The method of the research is mixed method design with the type of true-experimental pre-test post-test control group design for the quantitative data and close-ended questionnaire for the qualitative data. The population of this study were the students of eight grade in one of the junior high schools in Tasikmalaya. the sample 30 students as the experimental group and 30 students as the control group. The two research instruments used were test and questionnaire. The vocabulary test in the form of finding the difficult word and making it a sentence was used to get the data of students’ level of vocabulary mastery, while questionnaire was used to know students’ perception toward the technique. Based on the data analysis, it is found that comic translation could improve students’ vocabulary mastery. This technique met the criteria of success since average of students’ score got 80 and students showed positive perception toward this technique.The preliminary study indicated that students’ problem in learning vocabulary was the limited vocabulary knowledge, thus, they performed low in language tasks. Comics were used as media in teaching vocabulary since it is an authentic material that contains rich vocabulary exposure for the students. It is suggested for the teacher to implement comic translation as an extensive vocabulary exposure activity during lesson