21 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Inovasi Produk dan Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Suzuki Karimun Wagon R AGS (Studi di Dealer United Motor Centre Jalan Ahmad Yani Surabaya)

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    This study is based on the phenomenon of the gap, the gap when Suzuki issued Suzuki Karimun Wagon R AGS with various innovations invested and the lowest price but the lowest annual sales, even in every year sales decreased. The purpose of this study is to analyze and discuss the effect of product innovation and price on the purchase decision Suzuki Karimun Wagon R AGS. This study is a conclusive study. Using non probability sampling method The sampling method used is judgmental sampling with the number of 55 respondents. Technique of collecting data using questionnaire with closed statement and open question. This study uses the likert scale. The statistical analysis used is a multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 23 for windows. The results showed that the variables of Product Innovation are significant effect on the purchases decision with significant value of 0,004. Price variables significantly influence the purchase decision with significant value of 0,009

    Pengaruh Green Product dan Citra Perusahaan Pada Minuman Isotonik Hydro Coco Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen (Studi Pada Pengunjung Minimarket Wilayah Surabaya Selatan)

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    Consumers nowadays aware of their rights to get a decent, secure, and environment friendly product. Consumers actually also pay attention for many information about a product company or corporate reputation at the time. This study aims to analyze the effect of Green Product and Corporate Image toward consumer purchase intention. Sample used in this study is 110 customers of minimart visitor in South Surabaya area with age start from 19 years. This study using Likert scale. Questionnaire counting as measuring tool. Data analysis using multiple linear regression equation model with SPSS 22.0 program. The results of this study showed that green product had a positive effect on the consumer purchase intention, and corporate image had a positive effect on the consumer purchase intention


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    The purpose of this study is whether the quality of the website is www.siakadu.unesa.ac.id already in accordance with the wishes of the students themselves or not as a form of customer satisfaction, which has an impact on universities to survive. This research is conclusive research. And using nonprobability sampling techniques. The sampling method used was snowball sampling with 210 respondents. Data retrieval techniques use questionnaires with closed statements and open questions. The measurement scale in this study used a Likert scale. The statistical analysis used was the Kano method using Ms.s program. Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics version 23. The results of this study indicate that all dimensions fall into the Indifferent category, the fulfillment of this attribute must be considered because its existence is questionable, whether this attribute is really a student need or not

    Effect of Variety Seeking and Electronic Word of Mouth on Brand Switching (Study on Millennial Generation as Modern Coffee Shop Consumers in Surabaya)

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the Effect of Finding Variations and Communicationby OnlineWord of Mouthtoward Brand Switching (Study on Coffee Shop Consumers in Surabaya). This type of research is conclusive research. Research with problem solving research studies using the number of respondents as many as 200. As for obtaining data from 200 respondents, researchers added an error sampling of 5% so that the number of respondents as many as 210. Sampling techniques used in this study are non probability sampling, with judgemental sampling method and snowball sampling. The results of this study showed that the search for variations positively influenced the Switching of Consumer Brands of Modern Coffee Shops in Surabaya e-WOM has a positive effect on the Switching of Consumer Brands of Modern Coffee Shops in Surabaya

    Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser dan Electronic Word of Mouth terhadap Minat Beli dengan Brand Image sebagai Variabel Mediasi pada E-Commerce Tokopedia

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    The era of technology, business competition, and increasingly rapid business growth requires companies to have an efficient and effective marketing strategy. One of the marketing strategies that can generate buying interest is celebrity endorsers and electronic word of mouth (E-WOM). The purpose of this research is to find out how much influence the celebrity endorser and E-WOM variables have on buying interest with the brand image as a mediating variable in Tokopedia e-commerce. This research is of the type of explanatory research with research subjects, namely all consumers who know Tokopedia e-commerce. Determination of the research sample using purposive sampling method with a total of 120 respondents. The processing of this research data uses Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis as a data analysis technique, namely SmartPLS as a tool for processing data. The results of this study indicate that celebrity endorsers have a positive and significant influence on purchase intention, while E-WOM does not have a significant influence on the purchase intention of Tokopedia consumers. Furthermore, celebrity endorsers, E-WOM, and brand image have a positive and significant influence on the buying interest of Tokopedia consumers. Based on the mediation test, the results of this study found that Tokopedia's brand image was able to mediate the influence of celebrity endorsers and E-WOM on consumer buying interest


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    The main development of a country can be measured by the education progress. It is allbased on people’s awareness to continue their study until college level. That’s why thegovernment must continue their development in the field of education by providingadditional college indicated by the significant growth of state universities. It requires thecollege to compete by improving brand equity to the people’s mind especially forprospective students or students. The strong brand equity in the people’s mind willaccelerate decision related enrolled in college. Most state universities in Indonesia are inSurabaya with four public universities. This study aims to determine the effect of brandawareness, brand associations, and the perceived quality of decision to choose stateuniversities in Surabaya. The method used quantitative by multistage sampling in 2012students of state universities in Surabaya. The results of this study showed that brandawareness has directly effect on the decision to choose state universities in Surabaya. Butbrand association has no effect on the decision to choose. Those happen on perceivedquality which only ITS respondents do not have effect on decision to choose stateuniversity in Surabaya. This is due to the differences of strategies used by each stateuniversity on students association.Pembangunan utama sebuah Negara dapat diukur melalui perkembangan pendidikan. Haltersebut ditunjukkan oleh kesadaran masyarakat untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya hinggatingkat perguruan tinggi. Merupakan keharusan bagi pemerintah untuk melanjutkanpembangunan di sector pendidikan dengan indikasi pertumbuhan jumlah perguruan tinggiditunjukkan oleh pertumbuhan perguruan tinggi negeri yang signifikan. Kondisi inimenuntut perguruan tinggi harus bersaing dengan membangun ekuitas mereknya di benakmasyarakat khususnya bagi calon mahasiswa ataupun mahasiswa itu sendiri. Ekuitasmerek yang lebih kuat dibenak masyarakat akan mempercepat keputusan memilihperguruan tinggi. Perguruan tinggi negeri terbanyak di Indonesia adalah di Surabayasebanyak 4 perguruan tinggi negeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruhkesadaran merek, asosiasi merek, dan kesan kualitas terhadap keputusan memilihperguruan tinggi negeri di Surabaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatifdengan sampling bertahap pada mahasiswa angkatan 2012 perguruan tinggi negeri diSurabaya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran merek berpengaruh langsungterhadap keputusan memilih perguruan tinggi negeri di Surabaya. Namun asosiasi merektidak berpengaruh terhadap keputusan memilih. Pada kesan kualitas hanya responden ITSyang tidak memiliki pengaruhnya untuk memutuskan memilih perguruan tinggi negeri di Surabaya. Hal ini dikarenakan perbedaan strategi yang diterapkan di masing-masingperguruan tinggi negeri untuk mengasosiasikannya di benak mahasiswa

    What Attracts Guest to Stay? Brand Identity, Religiosity, and Reference Group towards Decision to Choose Sharia Hotel

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    Indonesia has one of largest Muslim population in the world. Therefore, currently it is not surprising that Sharia Branding is currently widely used by business entities ranging from banking to the hospitality business. This phenomenon is observed in the city of Surabaya in which Sharia hotels are mostly found such as the Namira Syariah Hotel. Nevertheless, the growth in the number of consumers who stay in Syariah hotels is not as much as conventional hotels. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to (1) to analyze the effect brand identity on the decision of consumers to stay at the Hotel Namira Syariah Surabaya, (2) to analyze the effect the consumer religiosity on consumers decision to stay at the Hotel Namira Syariah Surabaya, (3) to analyze the effect of the reference group to the decision to stay at the Hotel Namira Syariah Surabaya. This type of research uses a causal research approach. The population in this research is infinite but have ever stayed at the Hotel Namira Syariah Surabaya only but to all Muslim who at least 17 years old. The sample collection technique used is non-probability sampling with the number of samples is 210 respondents. The research instrument used a questionnaire, while data analysis used multiple linear regression analysis. From the results of the discussion and analysis of the data, it can be concluded that there is a positive influence of brand identity, religiosity and reference groups on the decision to stay at the sharia hotel

    Pengaruh Inovasi Produk dan Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Suzuki Karimun Wagon R AGS (Studi di Dealer United Motor Centre Jalan Ahmad Yani Surabaya)

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    This study is based on the phenomenon of the gap, the gap when Suzuki issued Suzuki Karimun Wagon R AGS with various innovations invested and the lowest price but the lowest annual sales, even in every year sales decreased. The purpose of this study is to analyze and discuss the effect of product innovation and price on the purchase decision Suzuki Karimun Wagon R AGS. This study is a conclusive study. Using non probability sampling method The sampling method used is judgmental sampling with the number of 55 respondents. Technique of collecting data using questionnaire with closed statement and open question. This study uses the likert scale. The statistical analysis used is a multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 23 for windows. The results showed that the variables of Product Innovation are significant effect on the purchases decision with significant value of 0,004. Price variables significantly influence the purchase decision with significant value of 0,009

    Pengaruh Iklan cetak dan Iklan Online terhadap Kesadaran Merek City Branding Sparkling Surabaya (Studi pada Masyarakat di Surabaya)

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    By referring to the concept of brand awareness pyramid, pre-research activities have been conducted on 160 respondents, to try to measure the level of brand awareness in Sparkling Surabaya. Pre-research results indicate the level of brand awareness of the city, the city of Surabaya is at the top of the mind Top of Mind, for brand awareness Branding Sparkling city of Surabaya is still in Unaware of a Brand, meaning that at this level the community is less aware of the brand presence or brand Sparkling city Surabaya. The purpose of this study is to analyze and discuss the effect of print and online advertising on brand awareness of the City Branding Sparkling Surabaya. The population used in this study is the people of Surabaya who have seen print advertisements and City Branding Sparkling online advertisements in Surabaya. The sampling technique used is nonprobability sampling with the purposive sampling method. The number of samples used was as many as 150 respondents. The results showed that there was a significant positive effect of print advertisements (X1) and online advertisements (X2) on City Branding Sparkling Surabaya (Y) brand awareness. The highest coefficient value in the multiple linear regression analysis equations is owned by online advertising variables