1,872 research outputs found

    Cosmological Consequences of New Dark Energy Models in Einstein-Aether Gravity

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    In this paper, we reconstruct various solutions for the accelerated universe in the Einstein-Aether theory of gravity. For this purpose, we obtain the effective density and pressure for Einstein-Aether theory. We reconstruct the Einstein-Aether models by comparing its energy density with various newly proposed holographic dark energy models such as Tsallis, ReËŠ\acute{e}nyi and Sharma-Mittal. For this reconstruction, we use two forms of scale factor, power-law and exponential forms. The cosmological analysis of underlying scenario has been done by exploring different cosmological parameters. This includes equation of state parameter, squared speed of sound and evolutionary equation of state parameter via graphical representation. We obtain some favorable results for some values of model parameters.Comment: 32 pages, 18 figures, version accepted for publication in Symmetr

    Spinal Anaesthesia in Spinal Surgery

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    Do Outliers Matter in Return and Volatility Linkages? A Case of Sectoral Stock of PSX and Brent Oil

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    This paper focuses at the return and volatility link between Brent Oil and stock sectors of Pakistan Stock Exchange by taking into account the outliers. The newly proposed Laurent et al. (2016) methodology has been applied for the detection and correction of outliers. Bivariate VAR(1)-AGARCH(1,1) model has been estimated using data sampled from 01-01-2001 till 31-12-2015. Optimal weights and hedge ratios for oil-stock portfolio holdings have also been analyzed. It has been observed that the model estimates are alive to the presence of outliers. Unidirectional short-run price spillovers are found significant from oil market to the stock sectors. Whereas, no volatility spillover between Brent oil and sectors of Pakistan Stock Exchange have been found neither in the short-run and nor in the long-run. The outcomes of this study will help investors, portfolio and hedge fund managers in making sane decisions about portfolio diversification, risk management, and international assets allocation

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah Dalam Implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah (Studi Kasus di MA Darul Jannah Muara Burnai II Lempuing Jaya Kab. OKI)

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    Kepemimpinan merupakan unsur fungsional utama dalam manajemen. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui, wawancara, pengamatan, dokumentasi. Selanjutnya analisa data dilakukan dengan; (1) Analisa selama pengumpulan data yakni secara induktif dengan menggunakan analisa deskriptif, (2) Teknik keabsahan data dengan menggunakan triangulasi sumber data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa MBM di MA Darul Jannah Muara Burnai II, Lempuing Jaya sudah dapat diterapkan meskipun tidak sepenuhnya, diantaranya dalam pembelajaran yang aktif, kreatif, efektif dan menyenangkan, transparansi manajemen dan peran serta masyarakat. Mencapai tujuan tersebut karena adanya dukungan dari komite madrasah, guru, stakeholder dan masyarakat dalam empat pokok manajemen yaitu: perencanan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengorganisasian. Tugas dan tanggung jawab kepala madrasah dalam pelaksanaan MBM dengan adanya beberapa program atau kegiatan pada masing-masing komponen MBM di MA Darul Jannah Muara Burnai II, Lempuing Jaya sudah ada peningkatan walaupun masih ada yang kurang atau belum terpenuhi semuanya. Factor pendukungnya adalah di MA Darul Jannah Muara Burnai II, Lempuing Jaya  terdapat adanya kekompakan dan semangat juang yang tinggi  dari sebagian besar elemen-elemen yang ada di madrasah mulai dari SDM guru, karyawan, sarana prasarana guna lebih meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Faktor pendukung inilah yang menjadi penunjang implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah

    Problems of Married Women at Higher Education in Pakistan: Academic, Social and Cultural Context

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    The major focus of the study was to explore the social, cultural, financial and academic problems of married women at higher education, and also to sensitize, orientate relevant stakeholders to address them. It was descriptive research following qualitative approach to collect data with the semi-structured interview. Population of the study were married female students enrolled in private Universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, and 20 participants were selected through snowball sampling technique to collect the data. It is concluded that education is basic necessity for every human beings whether male or female, however, certain families in Pakistan do not allow women in general and married women in particular for higher education because of social, cultural, religious, economic and educational factors. Support for the education of married women depends upon family attitude, educational status, financial stability and husband viewpoint. Most of the conservative families think that higher education environment will bring moral deprivation, grant unrestricted freedom, and delay in marriage for their daughters. It is recommended that seminars and focused programs are required to be designed to change the perceptions of the society about female education, and universities as well as HEC increase the number of scholarships for female education. Non-formal education system may target to female who are not allowed to go out of their cities for education. It is also recommended that higher education institutions design flexible working hours for married women so that they will be able to cope with the domestic work and academic workload without stress and tension

    Extended Value-Added Intellectual Coefficient and Financial Reporting Quality: Moderating Role of Global Financial Crisis

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    Besides traditional approaches, this study aimed to construct and validate the new model of intellectual capital and financial reporting quality and created a deeper and better understanding through the use of rigorous secondary data. It adopted new formula of intellectual capital instead of traditional primary measures and explored the role of financial reporting quality in financial success of firms. Study is helpful for decision makers, especially from the manufacturing sector, to mould their practices accordingly and they will also realize the importance of high financial reporting quality. The study used Three-stage least squares regression analysis to investigate the relationship between variables. Extended Value-Added Intellectual Coefficient method is used to measure intellectual capital and discretionary revenues method is used to measure financial reporting quality. Panel data was collected from 50 firms, included in fortune global 500 companies list from 2007 to 2017. Findings disclosed that intellectual capital and process capital has a significant impact on financial performance. Human capital and relational capital negatively influence however, innovation capital and financial reporting quality positively influence financial performance. Global Financial Crisis positively moderates the effect of intellectual capital on financial performance but it doesn’t moderate the effect of financial reporting quality on financial performance. Keywords: Financial Reporting Quality, Intellectual Capital, Global Financial Crisis, Financial Performance, Three-stage least squares regression DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-10-12 Publication date:May 31st 2019

    Recovery of uranium, thorium and zirconium from allanite by extraction chromatography using impregnated chromosorb

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    AbstractChromosorb 102 impregnated with Cyanex 923 was used as a stationary phase in the extraction chromatographic separation of lanthanides, U(VI), Th(IV) and Zr(IV). Batch studies were carried out to investigate the uptake behaviour of these metal ions, along with few other metal ions. The effect of different parameters like equilibration time, concentration of acid, metal ions and extractant has been studied. The distribution data has been used to develop suitable eluting agents. The sorbing and desorbing capacity of the column for U(VI), Th(IV) and Zr(IV) was determined. Results indicate an insignificant change in the efficiency of the column up to 10 such cycles. The practical utility of the column has been demonstrated by the recovery of around 95% of U(VI), Th(IV) and Zr(IV) from allanite sample with a purity of around 97%±2%

    Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Pemilihan Karyawan Terbaik dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting pada Kantor Kelurahan Ulujami

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    Salah satu usaha kantor Kelurahan Ulujami untuk mewujudkan sumber daya manusia yang tangguh, berkualitas dan profesional adalah dengan melaukan pemilihan karyawan terbaik setiap tahunnya sehingga dapat meningkatkan motivasi karyawan dalam melakukan pekerjaan sehingga memiliki output hasil pekerjaan yang optimal, memupuk rasa bangga karyawan terhadap instansi tempat mereka bekerja, sekaligus membangun kepercayaan karyawan terhadap instansi. Tetapi dalam proses teknis penilaian dan pemilihan karyawan terbaik saat ini dilakukan dengan kurang sistematis dan transparan. Aspek dan kriteria yang digunakan sebagai acuan penilaian belum baku, proses penilaiannya belum transparan dan cenderung bersifat subjektif. Maka dibangunlah sistem penunjang keputusan untuk memilih karyawan terbaik dengan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), yaitu suatu metode yang digunakan untuk mencari alteratif optimal dari sejumlah alternatif dengan kriteria tertentu. Dengan sistem ini proses pemilihan karyawan terbaik memiliki proses, kriteria pemilihan, perhitungan dan penilaian yang jelas, dan proses yang transparan dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan, sehingga mempermudah dalam menunjang keputusan dalam memilih karyawan terbaik sekaligus membangun kepercayaan karyawan terhadap instansi

    Bahasa Isyarat dalam Anime Koe no Katachi Karya Yamada Naoko

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji bahasa isyarat dalam bahasa Jepang yang terdapat di dalam Anime Koe no Katachi yang disutradarai oleh Yamada Naoko. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan gerakan tangan bahasa isyarat yang terdapat dalam Anime Koe no Katachi. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori bahasa isyarat oleh Nakamura Karen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 13 percakapan dengan 62 data gambar yang kemudian dianalisis setiap gerakan bahasa isyaratnya beserta makna yang terkandung dalam gerakannya. Kata kunci: Komunikasi Non-verbal, Bahasa Isyarat, Anime, Koe no Katach

    Comparison of Tzanakis and Alvarado scoring system in diagnosis of acute appendicitis, with Histopathology as gold standard

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    Objective: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of Tzanakis and Alvarado score for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis taking histopathology as the gold standard. Materials and Methods: It was a Cross-sectional validation study The study was carried out at the emergency department of RMC allied hospital Rawalpindi. The study was completed in eighteen months from 1st May 2016 till 30th Nov 2017. After approval from the ethical committee total of 420 patients fulfilling inclusion criteria from the emergency department of District head Quarter hospital, Rawalpindi was taken. Informed consent was taken from patients or their attendants, and their demographic information like name, age, sex, and address was obtained. Alvarado score and Tzanakis score were calculated (as per operational definition) at the time of admission of the patients. After surgery, the specimen appendix was sent for histopathology in the hospital lab.  The diagnosis of the acute appendix was based on a positive histological report which was verified by a pathologist. All the data was entered by a researcher who will collect the data by himself. Results: The mean age of patients in this study was 20.15±7.13 years with 218 (51.9%) males and 202 (48.1%) females. The mean Alvardo score was recorded as 7.22±1.58 with the mean Tzanakis score being 9.64±3.13. The histopathology for diagnosing appendicitis showed positive for 367 (87.4%) patients and negative for 53 (12.6%) patients. The sensitivity of Alvarado score for diagnosing appendicitis, keeping histopathology as the gold standard was 86.92%, specificity was 92.45%, Positive Predictive Value was 98.76%, and Negative Predictive Value was 50.52% and overall diagnostic accuracy was 87.62%. The sensitivity of the Tzanakis score for diagnosing appendicitis, keeping histopathology as the gold standard was 88.83%, specificity was 88.6%, Positive Predictive Value was 98.19%, Negative Predictive Value was 53.41% and overall diagnostic accuracy was 88.81%. Conclusion: The sensitivity of the Tzanakis score was high when compared to the Alvarado score. And specificity was high in the Alvarado score when compared to the Tzanakis score. Moreover, the overall diagnostic accuracy of the Tzanakis score was high when compared to the Alvarado score. SoTzanakis score can be utilized to predict appendix and in the future, we can avoid negative appendectomies
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