3,545 research outputs found

    Electronic Governance in the Implementation of Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) in the City of Makassar

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    Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) refers to the enforcement of traffic violations by applying electronic tickets using cameras installed at central traffic points, to supervise violations committed by the public in the form of digitizing tickets. Egovernment is an effort to reduce accident rates and traffic violations through Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) in Makassar. This study uses a literature review with a primary focus on the literature. The literature review achieves an ongoing dialogue in the literature, fills gaps, and expands upon previous studies. The results of this study address e-government as an application of information technology, a broader topic of the use and application of information and communication technology for the management of relationships and networks in society to achieve effective, efficient, sustainable, and quality governance. The application of ETLE focuses on the integration of vehicle data, which must be updated, and the confirmation process for offenders and police is carried out by digitalization. E-government is a transformative application of information technology. E-government is closely related to the realization of values that reflect good governance by prioritizing a thorough digitization process starting from the ticket process, confirmation process, and online ticket payment. This is in addition to the efforts of the police of the Republic of Indonesia to make efforts to update data on a regular basis so that the optimization of ETLE can run well. Keywords: digitalization, electronic traffic law enforcement, governanc

    A Survey of Techniques for Improving Security of GPUs

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    Graphics processing unit (GPU), although a powerful performance-booster, also has many security vulnerabilities. Due to these, the GPU can act as a safe-haven for stealthy malware and the weakest `link' in the security `chain'. In this paper, we present a survey of techniques for analyzing and improving GPU security. We classify the works on key attributes to highlight their similarities and differences. More than informing users and researchers about GPU security techniques, this survey aims to increase their awareness about GPU security vulnerabilities and potential countermeasures

    The effects of nicotine and cigarette smoking on cardiac electrophysiology.

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    Cigarette smoking is a leading cause of preventable disease and premature death worldwide. The adverse effects of cigarette smoking, including proarrhythmia, are related to the mixture of chemicals, including nicotine (which sustains tobacco addiction). However, it remains unclear which individual tobacco smoke constituents and biological pathways mediate this increased risk. The purpose of this research was to explore the chronic effects of cigarette smoking, as well as compare the acute effects of nicotine and cigarette smoking, and the possible role of β-adrenoreceptors, on human cardiac electrophysiology. Chapter 1 is a comprehensive literature review of (a) the ex vivo and in vivo effects of nicotine and non-nicotine constituents of cigarette smoking on cardiac ion channels, (b) the direct and indirect effects of the autonomic nervous system on cardiac electrophysiology, and (c) studies of acute and chronic effects of cigarette smoking in humans. Chapter 2 consists of two studies in which we used cotinine levels to investigate the differences in baseline cardiac electrocardiogram between chronic smokers and non-smokers, and to define smoking status and its burden. We also explored the relationship between urinary catecholamines, cotinine, and electrocardiographic changes. Chapter 3 features the 2 x 2 factorial experimental study designed to compare the acute effects of cigarette smoking and nicotine, with and without a β-blocker (propranolol). We found that chronic cigarette smoking was associated with a shortened PR segment at baseline, and that dopamine possibly mediates this effect. There was also (corrected) QT interval shortening with increased cotinine levels. This experimental study revealed that the non-nicotine constituents in cigarette smoking were mainly responsible for PR segment shortening, through β-adrenoreceptors. Other evidence revealed that, although nicotine in cigarette smoke is primarily responsible for sympathetic activation and (corrected) QT interval shortening, it is the non-nicotine constituents that depress the ST segment. Collectively, acute and chronic exposure studies indicate that smoking may promote cardiac arrhythmia, primarily via β-adrenoreceptors, causing acceleration of dromotropy and ischemia (non-nicotine mediated), and ventricular repolarization (nicotine-mediated). This research elucidated a major physiological mechanism driving the effect of cigarette smoking and nicotine on cardiac electrophysiology. Consequently, these findings will inform U.S. Food and Drug Administration of tobacco and nicotine-containing products’ impact on the human cardiac electrical system, and potentially help regulate alternative forms of nicotine delivery and protect public health

    Dbase Software Applications for Data Processing in the Car Rental PT. Duabe

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    Basically every rental is a work unit which has functions to collect, maintain, and utilize the rental car which was then given to service users. One of the factors that influence for an establishment engaged in the rental is the number of cars that want to use. because the number of stock cars that will be rented out, will greatly assist these efforts in meeting the needs of tenants. Another factor that also influences is how or tools that strongly support the speed and processing research data, transactions and the calculation of complex data on these enterprises, given the increasingly sharp competition berkembangan rental car today. Delays in producing reports that are treated, both on the vehicle, the tenant or transaction is the most common problem encountered in the car rental business. damage or loss of a device resulted in changes to the report of a bundle, not in the days of its existence because at some point will be damaged or missing

    The Role of P2K2 Companions for Financial Management and Family Business Plans in the Family Hope Program in Makassar City

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    The future growth of the wheel of life will greatly benefit from innovative program policies, which will have a positive impact on the economy. However, it is important to acknowledge that many individuals, particularly those from impoverished households, may face economic challenges owing to a lack of community knowledge. This phenomenon is primarily caused by a decrease in financial literacy and a lack of proficiency in financial management, which therefore leads to potential future challenges. The author proposed the implementation of P2K2 Activities as a solution to the problem. This event took place as one of the supplementary responsibilities in Makassar City, namely carrying out P2K2 in the community. This activity offers fundamental information and abilities in the management of revenue and spending, as well as the development of company plans. The approach employed involves outreach and training sessions for PKH participants. The anticipated outcome of this service is that conducting this activity will yield improved financial outcomes for households impacted by the epidemic

    Field trial of a 15 Tb/s adaptive and gridless OXC supporting elastic 1000-fold all-optical bandwidth granularity

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    An adaptive gridless OXC is implemented using a 3D-MEMS optical backplane plus optical modules (sub-systems) that provide elastic spectrum and time switching functionality. The OXC adapts its architecture on demand to fulfill the switching requirements of incoming traffic. The system is implemented in a seven-node network linked by installed fiber and is shown to provide suitable architectures on demand for three scenarios with increasing traffic and switching complexity. In the most complex scenario, signals of mixed bit-rates and modulation formats are successfully switched with flexible per-channel allocation of spectrum, time and space, achieving over 1000-fold bandwidth granularity and 1.5 Tb/s throughput with good end-to-end performance

    Sistem Informasi Pendataan Bayi (Studi Kasus : Posyandu Dahlia Rw/rt 12/05 Kec. Baleendah, Kel. Baleendah, Kab. Bandung)

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    Dengan kemajuan perkembangan teknologi komputer, pelayanan masyarakat khususnya posyandu harus bisa berjalan secara efektif dan efisien. Untuk itu dibutuhkan beberapa fasilitas pendukung, dimana salah satu fasilitas pendukung tersebut adalah aplikasi yang dapat membantu dalam mengolah data. Mengingat data yang ada di posyandu dahlia adalah data yang bukan merupakan data terkomputerisasi melainkan data dalam bentuk kertas dan tabel, sehingga sering terjadi kesalahan pencatatan data bayi terutama pada saat perekapan data ke buku besar.Aplikasi ini akan mempermudah Kader di Posyandu dalam perekapan data bayi serta pengolahan data untuk pembuatan laporan bulanan dan pengontrolan terhadap bayi yang kurang sehat dapat berjalan denan lancar.Dengan adanya aplikasi pendukung berbasis komputer ini maka pengolahan data bayi di posyandu akan bejalan efektif dan efisien, serta dapat mempermudah dalam pembuatan laporan yang di kirim ke Puskesmas setiap bulannya

    Penerapan Metode Utaut Untuk Memprediksi Behavioral Intentions User Dalam Menggunakan Aplikasi Zabbix

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    Use of information technology is essential for the company, because it can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the company\u27s performance. But the application of information technology is not always successful. One of the critical success factors of the application of information technology is the attitude of the users who use the technology. UTAUT also used by some researchers to look at the intentions and behavior of users of information technology in several areas of the company. Therefore, this study was developed by adopting the model to see the intentions of the user UTAUT Zabbix Application in PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk. Four constructs of UTAUT used as determinants that influence the behavioral intentions (behavioral intentions user), namely performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions. Data in the study were tested by means of SEM (Structural Equation Model). SEM is a statistical analysis tool used to complete multilevel research model simultaneously. SEM can be used to solve equations with variables that make up a path. Data obtained through 50 questionnaires distributed to PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk and in particular the IT Infrastructure Division. The analysis showed that behavioral intentions are significantly influenced by the user, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions, while the performance expectancy and social factors influence found no significant effect