332 research outputs found

    Motivation of handwriting in grade four

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 1948. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Millennials’ Career Decision-Making Difficulties (CDMD) IN Indonesian University Students

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    Though millennial has unique characteristics as digital natives who prefer to interact with images, branded goods, to have idols and who are interested in modern technological utilization, studying their career decision-making difficulties (CDMD) is barely reported in Indonesia. To respond to such gap, the current report was designed to pattern the CDMD of both male (N = 120) and female (N = 140) undergraduate students in Indonesia. The instrument of the research was totally adopted from Gati et al's. (1996) career decision-making difficulties questionnaire. Descriptive anaylsis showed that the male (M = 4.93) have higher difficulties than the females (M = 4.85). With different levels of difficulties, the current study, therefore, corresponds to Mau's (2004), Guan et al's. (2015), and di Fabio, Palazzeschi, Levin, Levin, and Gati's (2015) reports. Keywords: career decision-making difficulties, Indonesian university students, millennia

    Visible Japanese and Invisible Filipino Narratives of the Development of Davao, 1900s to 1930s

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    Although the southern Philippine province of Davao had the largest number of Japanese inhabitants in Southeast Asia before the Second World War, the Japanese in Davao were a minority compared with the Filipino settlers there. Nonetheless, the literature has focused predominantly on the role of the Japanese in the development of Davao’s abaca (Manila hemp) industry and, by extension, the development of Davao itself during the period of American colonial rule. Thisarticle seeks to explain, given this predominant focus on the Japanese, the relative invisibility of Filipinos in the narratives of Davao’s development during the period of the 1900s to the 1930s.KEYWORDS: DAVAO • MINDANAO • FILIPINO SETTLERS • JAPANESE MIGRANTS • ABAC

    Reparative Description, Indigenous Partners, and the SNAC Edit-a-thon

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    Thank you to our edit-a-thon participants without whom we would not have had an event. We also thank our Indigenous advisory board: Marge Bruchac, Stephen Curley, Taylor Gibson, Eric Hemenway, Keahiahi Long, and Melissa Stoner. And a shout out to the SNAC editors who served as reviewers for the edit-a-thon, including Jodi Berkowitz, Betts Coup, John Dunning, Kit Messick, Becca Morgan, and Sarah Rigdon.The Social Networks and Archival Context—a.k.a. SNAC—is a free, online resource that helps users discover biographical and historical information about individuals, families, and organizations that created or are documented in primary sources and to see their connections to one another. Users can find archival materials from cultural heritage institutions around the world. In ongoing efforts to increase diverse representation of entities in SNAC and to ensure that records related to Indigenous and Native communities are described in ways that reflect and respect them, SNAC hosted an “edit-a-thon” on October 11–12, 2021. This event, held during Indigenous People’s Day, extended the work of SNAC’s 2020 edit-a-thon centering Indigenous records and consciously included a greater Indigenous presence by having an Indigenous advisory board, targeting outreach to Indigenous participants, and developing an Indigenous editorial guide. The event resulted in important cultural protocols and workflows, a new Editorial Guide for Indigenous Descriptions in SNAC, and better representation for over 50 SNAC records

    Knowledge, Technology and the Professional Learning of Localisers

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    A study of the software localisation industry examines learning in digital society by describing localisers’ knowledge practices. The shortcomings of stand- ard models of professional learning that assume shared goals, codified knowledge and workers’ co-location are considered, along with the problem of learning in distributed and technologically mediated work contexts. The paper uses Knorr Cetina’s concept of macro-epistemics to highlight the need for theoretical develop- ment in relation to two questions: i) How do ways of organising localisers' work constitute opportunities and constraints for shared knowledge practices? ii) How does technology disrupt macro-epistemic potential and personal learning trajectories

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Jintan Hitam (Nigella Sativa) Terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa Tikus Wistar (Rattus Norvegicus) Yang Terpapar Asap Rokok

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    : Continuous exposure to cigarette smoke has been reported as the number one cause of infertility in men. Cigarette smoke increases the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) thereby causing infertility in men. Nigella sativa contains antioxidant that may decrease ROS level in hope to improve infertility. This 50 days study is conducted to see the effect of Nigella sativa extract to the sperm quality of nine wistar rats that have been exposed by cigarette smoke. The rats were divided into three groups of three: the control group and the group treated with Nigella sativa administered orally at the dose of 200 mg kg body weight and 400 mg/kg body weight. Sperm quality was observed by overlooking at the concentration, motility, and morphology of each group. The mean data of each group was obtained and tested for significance using Independent Samples T-Test. This study found the comparison of both motility (p=0,006) and morphology (p=0,000) between control group and the group with the dose of 200 mg/kg body weight to be significant, as well as the comparison of motility (p=0,001) and morphology (p=0,000) between the control group and the group with the dose of 400 mg/kg body weight


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to describe students' skills in writing, especially developing a narrative essay based on the television show "Jika Aku Menjadi" Trans TV. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Engineering research is done by providing a narrative writing assignment based on the television show "If I Become" Trans TV to the students. The instruments used are fabricated narrative instructions and restrictions. Object of this study was written by students who judged from the plot, character, setting, organization of content, spelling and diction. The data source of this study is the high school students of class X 2 Budi Murni Field of the total of 42 students of class X as many as 320 people. The results of this study demonstrate that their ability to develop the wreath is still pretty. In terms of percentage, the students get very good value on a category 4 people or 9.5%, the category of either 2 or 4%, category just 18 people or 43%, less than 12 people or categories of 28.5% and the remaining 6 or 14.3% is very less. The mean score obtained by them was 55.5 and rounded to 55. Thus the ability meulis narrative essay based on the television show "If I Become" Trans TV by the students of class X SMA Budi Murni 2 Medan quite enough. Keywords: ability, write, teaching media     ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterampilan siswa dalam menulis, terutama mengembangkan esai narasi berdasarkan acara televisi. "Jika Saya Menjadi" Trans TV. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah instruksi naratif. Objek penelitian ini ditulis oleh siswa yang dinilai dari plot, karakter, pengaturan, pengorganisasian konten, ejaan dan diksi. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah siswa SMA kelas X 2 Lapangan Budi Murni dari total 42 siswa kelas X sebanyak 320 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan mereka untuk mengembangkan karangan bunga masih bagus. Dalam hal persentase, siswa mendapatkan nilai yang sangat baik pada kategori 4 orang atau 9,5%, kategori 2 atau 4%, kategori hanya 18 orang atau 43%, kurang dari 12 orang atau kategori 28,5% dan sisanya 6 atau 14,3% sangat kurang. Nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh oleh siswa adalah 55,5 dan dibulatkan menjadi 55. Dengan demikian kemampuan menulis esai narasi berdasarkan acara televisi "Jika Aku Menjadi" Trans TV oleh siswa kelas X SMA Budi Murni 2 Medan masuk dalam kategori cukup. Kata kunci: kemampuan, menulis, media pengajara

    Increased child-evoked activation in the precuneus during facial affect recognition in mothers

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    Successful parenting requires constant inferring of affective states. Especially vital is the correct identification of facial affect. Previous studies have shown that infant faces are processed preferentially compared to adult faces both on the behavioural and the neural level. This study specifically investigates the child-evoked neural responses to affective faces and their modulation by motherhood and attention to affect. To do so, we used a paradigm to measure neural responses during both explicit and implicit facial affect recognition (FAR) in mothers and non-mothers using child and adult faces. Increased activation to child compared to adult faces was found for mothers and non-mothers in face processing areas (bilateral fusiform gyri) and areas associated with social understanding (bilateral insulae and medial superior frontal gyrus) when pooling implicit and explicit affect recognition. Furthermore, this child-evoked activation was modulated by motherhood with an increase in mothers compared to non-mothers in the left precuneus. Additionally, explicitly recognising the affect increased child-evoked activation in the medial superior frontal gyrus in both mothers and non-mothers. These results suggest preferential treatment of affective child over adult faces, modulated by motherhood and attention to affect.Peer Reviewe

    Targeting the spliceosome for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma therapy:a role for c-MYC and wild-type p53 in determining the degree of tumour selectivity

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    This study was supported by DEBRA International and funded by DEBRA Austria (Saville-Proby 1). I.M.L and M.K.S were supported by an ERC Advanced Investigator Award (250170, Principal Investigator I.M.L.). C.M.P. and I.M.L. were supported by a Cancer Research UK Programme Grant (A13044)

    High and intermediate-resolution spectroscopy of Be stars : An atlas of HÎł, He I 4471 and Mg II 4481 lines

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    The definition of Be stars (Jaschek et al. 1981) as non-supergiant B stars which at least once have shown some emission in the Balmer lines implies a vast phenomenology whose characteristics, the evolution of their understanding and the questions which still remain open have been widely reviewed in the last five IAU colloquia and symposia on these stars (Slettebak 1976; Jaschek & Groth 1982; Slettebak & Snow 1987; Balona et al. 1994; Smith et al. 2000). The outstanding physical problems related to them can roughly be summarized into two groups of global questions: a) what is the nature of the central stars and when does the Be phenomenon occur during their evolutionary span?; b) what is the structure of their circumstellar envelopes (CE) and how are they produced?Facultad de Ciencias AstronĂłmicas y GeofĂ­sicas (FCAG
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