24 research outputs found


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    Computer and Data Networks is one of subject in Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, that is still using the learning method by face-to-face between lecturer and students. The student’s problem is difficult to understand how computers and other communication devices can communicate each other, and in fact it is lack of visual aid. This paper presents multimedia e-learning that support for studying about Communication Protocol and IPv4 modules. E-learning multimedia content created in the form of video tutorials and animation using flash. In modules are also equipped with exercises to explore student’s understanding. Analysis shows that the e-learning modules provide added value to the students to increase their knowledge and improve the number of graduation

    Research Trend Topic Area on Mobile Anchor Localization: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Localization in a dynamic environment is one of the challenges in WSN localization involving dynamic sensor nodes or anchor nodes. Mobile anchors can be an efficient solution for the number of anchors in a 3-dimensional environment requiring more local anchors. The reliability of a localization system using mobile anchors is determined by various parameters such as energy efficiency, coverage, computational complexity, and cost. Various methods have been proposed by researchers to build a reliable mobile anchor localization system. This certainly shows the many research opportunities that can be carried out in mobile anchor localization. The many opportunities in this topic will be very confusing for researchers who want to research in this field in choosing a topic area early. However, until now there is still no paper that discusses systematic mapping studies that can provide information on topic areas and trends in the field of mobile anchor localization. A systematic Mapping Study (SMS) was conducted to determine the topic area and its trends, influential authors, and produce modeling topics and trends from the resulting modeling topics. This SMS can be a solution for researchers who are interested in research in the field of mobile anchor localization in determining the research topics they are interested in for further research. This paper gives information on the mobile anchor research area, the author who has influenced mobile anchor localization research, and the topic modeling and trend that potentially promissing research in the future. The SMS includes a chronology of publications from 2017-2022, bibliometric co-occurrence, co-author analysis, topic modeling, and trends. The results show that the development of mobile anchor localization publications is still developing until 2022. There are 10 topic models with 6 of them included in the promising topic. The results of this SMS can be used as preliminary research from the literacy stage, namely Systematic Literature Review (SLR)


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    Komunikasi adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting saat ini. Komunikasi berupa voice saat ini tidak hanya berupa melalui jaringan tradisional telepon biasa yaitu melalui POTS atau jaringan circuit switch tetapi sudah dapat melalui jaringan paket yang dikenal dengan VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). Komunikasi VoIP dengan SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) paling sering berupa client dan server dimana client jika ingin melakukan koneksi VoIP maka harus mendaftar melalui server VoIP dan baru kemudian melakukan hubungan ke user VoIP lain yang terdaftar di server tersebut. Mengingat dari pengertian SIP sendiri adalah komunikasi peer-to-peer yang dimungkinkan untuk tidak menggunakan server. Maka model komunikasi secara peer to peer dilakukan dimana sekumpulan user VoIP SIP yang ingin melakukan komunikasi mengadakan komunikasi satu sama lain tanpa menggunakan server VoIP. Komunikasi VoIP antara user SIP satu dengan user yang lain dapat menggunakan P2PSIP (Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol). Dalam komunikasi peer-to-peer sangat erat dengan algoritma DHT (Distribution Hash Table) untuk pengaturan penyambungan dan pemisahan maupun routing client dalam sebuah jaringan peer-topeer.Hasil yang diperoleh yang paling baik dilihat dari parameter QoS (Quality of Service) layanan untuk delay, PDD, dan MOS adalah Peer-to-Peer SIP. Sedangkan untuk nilai throughput, jitter, dan packet loss adalah Client-Server SIP.Kata kunci : Peer to Peer, P2SIP, SIP, Distribution Hash Tabl

    Analisis Performansi Algoritma Penjadwalan Log Rule dan Frame Level Schedule Skenario Multicell Pada Layer Mac LTE

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    Mobile telecommunications technology gradually evolved to support better services such as voice, data, and video to users of telecommunications services. LTE (Long Term Evolution) is a network based on Internet Protocol (IP) standardized by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). To support it, LTE requires a mechanism that can support. One of them by applying methods of scheduling packets in each service. Scheduling is a different treatment to packets that come in accordance with the priorities of the scheduling algorithm. In this research, to analyze the performance of LTE with paramater delay,  packet loss ratio,  throughput  and fairness index uses a scheduling algorithms Frame Level Schedule (FLS) and Log Rule on LTE-Simulator with scenarios using Voip traffic, Video and Best Effort (BE). The results is scheduling algorithms FLS is better than log rule in term of throughput values, while of scheduling algorithms log rule is better than FLS in terms of delay based on the number and speed of the users. This indicates that both scheduling algorithms suitable for use in LTE networks within conditions of traffic real time services, but not for non real time services such as BE.Keywords LTE, Scheduling, QoS, Triple Play Services, Log Rule dan FLS. Abstrak — Teknologi telekomunikasi selular berkembang guna mendukung layanan triple play yaitu voice, data, dan video yang lebih baik kepada pengguna jasa telekomunikasi. LTE (Long Term Evolution) adalah suatu jaringan berbasis IP (Internet Protokol) yang distandarisasi oleh 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project). Untuk mendukung hal itu, LTE memerlukan suatu mekanisme yang dapat mendukungnya. Salah satunya dengan menerapkan metode penjadwalan paket di tiap layanan. Penjadwalan adalah perlakuan terhadap paket yang datang sesuai dengan prioritas dari masing-masing algoritma penjadwalan. Pada penelitian ini, menganalisis performansi LTE dengan parameter Delay, Packet loss, Throughput dan Fairness Index menggunakan algoritma penjadwalan FLS (Frame Level Schedule)  dan Log Rule pada LTE-Simulator dengan skenario menggunakan trafik VoIP, Video dan BE (Best Effort). Hasil yang didapatkan adalah penjadwalan algoritma FLS lebih baik dibandingkan Log Rule dalam hal throughput sedangkan penjadwalan algoritma Log Rule lebih baik dibandingkan FLS dalam hal delay berdasarkan perubahan jumlah dan kecepatan user di setiap layanan real time. Hal ini menandakan kedua algoritma ini sangat cocok digunakan untuk jaringan LTE dengan kondisi trafik layanan real time, tetapi tidak untuk layanan seperti non real time yakni BE.Kata Kunci : LTE, Scheduling, QoS, layanan triple play, Log Rule dan FLS

    Missing Internet Traffic Reconstruction using Compressive Sampling

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    Missing traffic is a commonly problem in large-scale network. Because the traffic information is needed by network engineering task for network monitoring, there are several methods that recover the missing problem. In this paper, we proposed missing internet traffic reconstruction based on compressive sampling. The main contributions of this study are as follows: (i) explore the influence of the six missing patterns on the performance of the traffic matrix reconstruction algorithm; (ii) trace the link sensitivity; and (iii) detect the time sensitivity of the network. Using Abilene data, the simulation results show that compressive sampling can perform internet traffic monitoring such as reconstruction from missing traffic, finding link sensitivity, and detecting time sensitivity.

    Multi-Class Heart Abnormalities Detection Based on ECG Graph Using Transfer Learning Method

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    The heart is one of the vital organs in the circulatory system. Regular checkups are very important to prevent heart disease. The most basic examination is blood pressure then further examination is related to the evaluation of the electrical activity of the heart using an electrocardiogram (ECG). The ECG carries important information regarding various abnormalities of heart function. Several automated classification techniques have been proposed to facilitate diagnosis. However, not all digital ECG devices provide raw data for analysis. ECG classification method based on images can be an alternative in classification. Therefore, in this study, it is proposed to classify ECG based on signal images. The proposed classification method uses transfer learning with VGG, AlexNet, and DenseNet architectures. The method used for the classification of multi-class ECG consists of normal, PVC, Atrial Fibrilation, AFL, Bigeminy, LBBB, and APB. The simulation results generate the best accuracy of 92% and F1-score of 92%. Best performance is achieved using DenseNet architecture at 60 epochs. This study is expected to be a new reference technique in the classification of ECG signals

    Analisa Performansi Algoritma Penjadwalan Proportional Fairness Dan Log Rule Dengan Skenario Multicell Pada Sistem 3GPP LTE

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    Teknologi Long Term Evolution (LTE) dikembangkan dengan tujuan untuk mengurangi biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh pengguna maupun operator jasa telekomunikasi, memperluas daerah jangkauan, menambah kapasitas sistem, dan mengurangi delay. Dengan spesifikasi yang tinggi, LTE diharapkan mampu memberikan kemudahan pelanggan dalam mengakses layanan Voice over IP, Streaming, dan Video Conference. LTE diharapkan mampu memberikan layanan dengan besar throughput yang tinggi dan delay yang rendah. Padahal tidak semua user membutuhkan throughput yang sama besar namun yang dibutuhkan adalah kesesuaian pengendalian delay dan fairness index untuk setiap user dengan tetap memperhatikan batasan throughput. Untuk mendapatkan kinerja dan hasil yang maksimal tersebut pada LTE diperlukan sistem algoritma penjadwalan yang baik. Pada penelitian ini, dianalisis performansi LTE dengan parameter Delay, Packet loss, Throughput, dan Fairness Index menggunakan algoritma penjadwalan Proportional Fairness dan Log Rule pada LTE-Simulator dengan skenario menggunakan trafik VoIP, Video dan Best Effort. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penjadwalan algoritma Proportional Fairness lebih baik dalam menangani layanan VoIP, sedangkan algoritma Log Rule lebih baik dalam menangani layanan Video. Hal ini menandakan kedua algoritma ini sangat cocok digunakan untuk jaringan LTE dengan kondisi trafik layanan real-time, tetapi tidak untuk layanan non real-time seperti layanan Best EffortTeknologi Long Term Evolution (LTE) dikembangkan dengan tujuan untuk mengurangi biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh pengguna maupun operator jasa telekomunikasi, memperluas daerah jangkauan, menambah kapasitas sistem, dan mengurangi delay. Dengan spesifikasi yang tinggi, LTE diharapkan mampu memberikan kemudahan pelanggan dalam mengakses layanan Voice over IP, Streaming, dan Video Conference. LTE diharapkan mampu memberikan layanan dengan besar throughput yang tinggi dan delay yang rendah. Padahal tidak semua user membutuhkan throughput yang sama besar namun yang dibutuhkan adalah kesesuaian pengendalian delay dan fairness index untuk setiap user dengan tetap memperhatikan batasan throughput. Untuk mendapatkan kinerja dan hasil yang maksimal tersebut pada LTE diperlukan sistem algoritma penjadwalan yang baik. Pada penelitian ini, dianalisis performansi LTE dengan parameter Delay, Packet loss, Throughput, dan Fairness Index menggunakan algoritma penjadwalan Proportional Fairness dan Log Rule pada LTE-Simulator dengan skenario menggunakan trafik VoIP, Video dan Best Effort. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penjadwalan algoritma Proportional Fairness lebih baik dalam menangani layanan VoIP, sedangkan algoritma Log Rule lebih baik dalam menangani layanan Video. Hal ini menandakan kedua algoritma ini sangat cocok digunakan untuk jaringan LTE dengan kondisi trafik layanan real-time, tetapi tidak untuk layanan non real-time seperti layanan Best Effor

    Low-Rank Representation for Internet Traffic Reconstruction Using Compressive Sampling

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    We study compressive sampling for internet traffic reconstruction. Compressive Sampling (CS) requires that the traffic satisfies the low-rank feature. Low-rank states that traffic matrix can be represented in the right domain which the entire necessary information is concentrated in a low number of coefficients. In this paper, we compared three low-rank representation, which are Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), and Singular Value Decomposition Mean (SVDM). This low-rank representation is applied to four CS reconstruction algorithms, namely: Sparsity Regularized Singular Value Decomposition (SRSVD), Singular Value Decomposition L1 (SVDL1), Iteratively Reweighted Least Square (IRLS), Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP), and Interpolation. The SVD outperforms the others low-rank representation techniques when used together with SRSVD, SVDL1, IRLS, and Interpolation. The SVDM gives the best NMAE when applied to the OMP. The computational times is linear with the number of the rank matrix. For all reconstruction algorithms, SVDM takes the least computational times

    Pengenalan Teknologi Pertanian Artifical Lighting Berbasis IoT Pada Civitas Akademik SMK Yasti Cisaat Sukabumi

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    Technological developments in the Internet of Things (IoT) are growing rapidly, especially in agriculture. The lack of understanding of the development of IoT is the basis for the service team to conduct training for students and teachers. The service is carried out by the socialization method to students regarding IoT for agriculture. In practice, community service utilizes hydroponics that has been built in the SMK Yasti Cisaat Sukabumi area. After evaluating the implementation of community service, it can be seen that students have succeeded in understanding IoT based on artificial lighting and successfully implementing IoT tools in the school's hydroponic home. At the end of the activity, feedback is given as an effort to evaluate this community service activity. There are 5 statements in the questionnaire with an average result of 94.8%. These results show that the community service partners are very satisfied with the IoT training and hydroponic implementation