18 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Compliance with COVID-19 Health Measures: A Spanish Study to Improve Adherence Campaigns

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    Since the spread of the COVID-19 virus was declared a pandemic, different measures have been taken to control it, including frequent hand-washing, the use of face masks and social distancing. Given the importance of these measures, the present study aims to assess compliance with them in a Spanish sample of 722 people aged between 18 and 65 years. It also aims to determine which factors influence the levels of compliance observed. Participants complied more with the rules in the public spaces. The younger group had lower levels of compliance than the older group. No differences were found in accordance with sex. It was shown that overall, the agents that most influenced compliance were family, testimonials and friends and fines. Some differences were observed in relation to age, and significant sex differences were found in some of these factors, with women scoring higher than men. The results are discussed in terms of their usefulness for the design of information campaigns that seek to foster a greater degree of engagement by the entire population and, ultimately, greater control of the pandemic, in addition to serving as a basis for the early prevention of the spread of new viruses in the future

    Bullying-a Lehen hezkuntzan: fenomenoaren nondik-norakoak, prebentzioa eta probentzioa

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    Bullying-a azken urteotan indar handia hartu duen fenonemoa da, eta bere ondorioak maila guztietan suntsitzaileak dira. Lehen Hezkuntzako azken ikasturteetan hasi ohi den errealitatea izanik, ezinbestekoa da ahalik eta lasterren identifikatzea eta eskuhartzerako mekanismoak abian jartzea. Hortaz, artikulu honek bi helburu nagusi dauzka: alde batetik, fenomenoa testuinguruan jartzea eta deskribatzea, motak, parte-hartzaileak eta inplikatutako pertsona guztientzat dituen ondorioak azalduz. Bestetik, bullying-egoeretan ikastetxeetatik egin daitekeen esku-hartzeari ekitea. Horrela, bigarren helburu honen parte bezala, gaur egun ezagun eta erabilienak diren prebentzio-programak aurkezten dira, eta "probentzio" terminoa azaltzen da, kontuan hartu beharreko beste ikuspegi interesgarri eta berritzaile bat. Horrez gain, tutorearen rola nabarmentzen da; izan ere, tutorearen jarrera eta inplikazioa funtsezkoak dira, bai bilakaerari dagokionez, bai egoera horiei irtenbidea emateko moduari begira.; Bullying is a phenomenon that has gained great strength in recent years and its effects are devastating at all levels. Being a reality that begins in the last years of Primary Education, it is essentialto identify it as early as possible, and implement intervention mechanisms. Therefore, this article had two main objectives: on the one hand, to contextualize and describe the phenomenon, explaining its types, participants and consequences for everyone involved. On the other hand, to address the possible intervention from schools in bullying situations. Thus, as part of this second objective, themost known and currently used prevention programs are presented and the term "provention" is explained,another interesting and innovative approach to be taken into account. In addition, the role of tutors is highlighted, since their attitude and involvement is fundamental, both in the evolution and in the resolution of these situations

    Measuring Cyber Dating Violence: Reliability and Validity of the Escala de CiberViolencia en Parejas Adolescentes (Cib-VPA) in Spanish Young Adults

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    The aim of this study was to obtain validity evidence of the Escala de Ciber-Violencia en Parejas Adolescentes (Cib-VPA) in the Spanish young adults. A total of 298 undergraduate students (222 women, 75 men and 2 people who identified themselves as 'other') completed the Cib-VPA and other related measures of offline and online dating violence. Internal consistency and construct, convergent and discriminant validity were evaluated. In line with the original validation study, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) provided evidence for an 18-item model comprising 2 subscales, with 2 factors per subscale. All had acceptable internal consistency values. Total and subscale scores correlated positively with online and offline dating violence measures, with these correlations being stronger in subscales evaluating violence in the same direction (perpetrated or victimisation). As expected, no differences were observed according to gender. This study shows validity evidences of Cib-VPA scores, which can be quickly and inexpensively administered to large samples of young adults.The Research Project was sponsored by the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, with grant number PPGA20/09 and GIU20/003

    Violencia de control en las redes sociales y en el móvil en jóvenes universitarios

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue investigar la prevalencia de la violencia de control a través de las redes sociales y el móvil en parejas jóvenes, y analizar su relación con el apego inseguro, la dependencia emocional, el sexo y la edad. Se seleccionó una muestra de conveniencia compuesta por 188 alumnos y alumnas universitarios. Las personas participantes completaron la Escala de Violencia de Pareja en las Redes Sociales en Adolescentes (e-VPA), el cuestionario Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) y el cuestionario de Dependencia Emocional en el Noviazgo de Jóvenes y Adolescentes (DEN). El 42% del total de la muestra estudiada afirmó haber sufrido violencia por parte de sus parejas al menos en alguna ocasión y el 41.5%, que habían ejercido violencia hacia su pareja en alguna ocasión. En el caso de la cibervictimización, los chicos fueron los que más alto puntuaron. En el caso de la ciberviolencia, las variables que predecían la violencia perpetrada a través de las redes sociales fueron la necesidad de exclusividad, la relación asimétrica, el afecto de la madre y el padre, el control de la madre, el sexo y la cibervictimización. Las variables predictoras de la cibervictimización, por su parte, fueron el sexo y la ciberperpetración. Se discuten las implicaciones prácticas de los resultados del presente estudio. Palabras clave: violencia de control; apego inseguro; dependencia emocional; redes sociales; teléfono móvilThe aim of this research was to investigate the prevalence of control violence through social networks and mobile phones in young couples and to analyse the relationship of this violence with insecure attachment, emotional dependence, sex and age. A convenience sample of 188 university students was selected. Participants completed the Escala de Violencia de Pareja en las Redes Sociales en Adolescentes (E-VPA), the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI), and the Emotional Dependency in the Dating of Youth and Adolescents questionnaire (DEN). 42% of the total sample stated that they had suffered violence from their partners at least once, and 41.5 % said that they had used violence towards their partners on at least one occasion. In the case of cybervictimization, boys scored highest. In the case of cyberviolence, the variables that predicted perpetrated violence through social networks were the need for exclusivity, an asymmetric relationship, affection from parents, control by mothers, gender and cybervictimization. The variables that predicted cybervictimization, on the other hand, were sex and cyberperception. The practical implications of the results of the present study are discussed

    Validación preliminar del Método para la Evaluación de la Mentalización en el Contexto Interpersonal (MEMCI)

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una validación preliminar de un instrumento diseñado para evaluar mentalización en adultos (Método para la Evaluación de la Mentalización en el Contexto Interpersonal, MEMCI). Una muestra de 97 estudiantes (72% mujeres) y una muestra de 10 pacientes (50% mujeres) participaron en el estudio. Los participantes completaron el MEMCI junto con medidas de empatía, teoría de la mente y apego. El análisis factorial sugirió una estructura de dos dimensiones (mentalización de pensamientos/mentalización de sentimientos y de otros estados mentales subyacentes a la conducta) que explicaban el 75,26% de la varianza. La consistencia interna fue alta y el acuerdo entre jueces adecuado. En cuanto a la validez, la puntuación total del instrumento correlacionó alto con las puntuaciones en función reflexiva. También correlacionó significativamente con empatía, apego y teoría de la mente. Asimismo, diferenció pacientes con trastorno límite de personalidad de la población normal

    Cyber Dating Violence Prevention Programs in Universal Populations: A Systematic Review

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    Although the technological revolution of recent decades has produced undeniable advances, it has also generated problems derived from new forms of human communication, especially among the younger population. This is the case with cyber dating violence, a problem that affects between 12% and 56% of young couples, making the need for preventive intervention patently evident. This study attempts to fill a gap in the literature in this field, carrying out a systematic review of universal cyber dating violence prevention programs, analyzing their characteristics and the evidence provided of their effectiveness. Following the PRISMA method, only 3 programs met the inclusion criteria: the DARSI program, the Dat-e Adolescence program and the Brief Incremental Theory of Personality (ITP) adolescent dating violence prevention program. All were reported to be effective, based on different indicators. Given the small body of work published to date and the limitations of the aforementioned programs, future research should aim to design and validate a greater number of programs that serve as tools for addressing this problem in a timely manner, in order to avoid not only the serious consequences it has for victims, but also its escalation towards adulthood

    Relationship between Parental Socialization, Emotional Symptoms, and Academic Performance during Adolescence: The Influence of Parents' and Teenagers' Gender

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    Scientific interest in students' emotional and psychosocial experiences has been increasing in the last years due to their influence on students' learning processes and academic performance. The present manuscript tries to go further in the study of the relationship between perceived parenting socialization and academic performance by analyzing not only their direct effects, but also by testing their indirect influence through other variables such as students' psychological and school maladjustment, especially focusing on gender differences (both of students and parents). The sample comprised 823 students (416 males and 407 females) from the Basque Country (Spain), with ages ranging between 12 and 16 years (M = 13.7, SD = 1.2). Students completed a sociodemographic data form, the PARQ-Control questionnaire, and the BASC-S3 test. Teachers answered an ad hoc question on each student's academic performance. The data showed that, both for males and females, the same structure of parent-teenager relationship predicted teenagers' academic performance, via psychological and school maladjustment. However, the intensity of the relationship between parental acceptance and teenagers' results in all the other factors differed depending on teenagers' gender. Fathers' influence was greater in males, and mothers' influence was higher in females. This study is considered a starting point for a theoretical model predicting academic performance and psychological and school maladjustment among teenagers

    Features and educational dimension in heritage education apps. Analysis from the OEPE method

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    Producción CientíficaLos dispositivos móviles se han convertido en un elemento destacado de la sociedad actual. Los agentes culturales y educativos los están incorporando a sus actividades y va en aumento la oferta de apps para espacios patrimoniales. El objetivo de este artículo es conocer el estado de la cuestión en el ámbito de las apps de educación patrimonial realizadas en España. Siguiendo el método OEPE, primeramente se ha hecho una identificación e inventariado de las apps hasta el 2016 para, posteriormente, hacer un análisis descriptivo centrándonos en su dimensión educativa. Los resultados extraídos indican cierta predisposición por parte de instancias públicas de hacer llegar este tipo de producto al usuario. La oferta existente brinda nuevas posibilidades a partir de las apps, sin embargo, no ha superado la visión tradicional de la interpretación del patrimonio, en la que el usuario mantiene una actitud pasiva sin posibilidades de crear o colaborar.Mobile devices have become an important element of today's society. Cultural and educational agents are incorporating them into their offer and the offer of Apps for heritage spaces is increasing. The aim of this paper is to know the state of the issue in the field of the Heritage Education Apps made in Spain. Following the SHEO method, we have first made an identification and inventory of the Apps as far as 2016 to make, afterwards, a descriptive analysis focusing on its educational dimension. The results obtained indicate a certain willingness from public and politic authorities to close this type of product to the user. The existing offer proposes new possibilities to the use of Apps; however, it has not exceeded the traditional view of heritage interpretation, in which the user maintains a passive attitude with no possibility of creating or collaborating.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Proyectos EDU2015-65716-C2-1-R, EDU2015-65716-C2-2-R y EDU2016-78163-R)