21 research outputs found

    Pelvic Examinations Under Anesthesia: An Important Teaching Tool

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    La difusi贸n cient铆fica en la Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba.聽 Las publicaciones peri贸dicas en el quinquenio 2000-200

    Viejas competencias, nuevos desaf铆os en el siglo XXI: leer y escribir en la propia lengua. Una experiencia en torno a la comunicaci贸n cient铆fica

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    Fil: Casarin, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Centro de Estudios Avanzados; Argentina.Fil: Casarin, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Filosof铆a y Humanidades; Argentina.Fil: Casarin, Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentina.Fil: Irastorza, Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina.El art铆culo recoge la experiencia de m谩s de una d茅cada de trabajo en torno a la ense帽anza de la redacci贸n cient铆fica en el 谩mbito del Centro de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad de Nacional C贸rdoba, Argentina. Se parte de la hip贸tesis de que en los niveles primario y secundario del sistema educativo argentino se ha descuidado la ense帽anza de la lectura y la escritura como competencias fundamentales de la formaci贸n b谩sica. Al acceder a la Universidad los estudiantes tienen severas dificultades para la comprensi贸n y an谩lisis de textos de mediana complejidad y, m谩s aun, son incapaces de producir los textos que demanda el pasaje por la formaci贸n superior (monograf铆as, ensayos, art铆culos, etc.). El problema se agudiza cuando estos estudiantes, al finalizar su formaci贸n, deciden incorporarse como profesores o investigadores a la vida laboral en la Universidad: deben iniciar un complejo proceso de alfabetizaci贸n que incluye el conocimiento de las reglas de la lengua, las estrategias de comunicaci贸n y la familiarizaci贸n con los diversos formatos que demanda el discurso cient铆fico-acad茅mico.Fil: Casarin, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Centro de Estudios Avanzados; Argentina.Fil: Casarin, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Filosof铆a y Humanidades; Argentina.Fil: Casarin, Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentina.Fil: Irastorza, Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina.Otras Comunicaci贸n y Medio

    Grado de adecuaci贸n de las revistas de la Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba a las normas internacionales de presentaci贸n, per铆odo 2000-2007

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    The final work of degree in Library and Documentation aims to determine the degree of standardization in terms of formal presentation that are observed in scientific journals edited by the National University of Cordoba in the period 2000-2007. It shows an overview of the work and institutional efforts made in the evaluation of periodical publications at the international, regional, country level, and in Argentina, especially naming the activities of Caicyt in support of the edition of scientific journals. The situation of the magazines of the National University of C贸rdoba (UNC) from a paper presented by the Center for Advanced Studies (CEA) of the UNC in which they were evaluated according to the criteria of Latindex. The ISO presentation standards of publications for the international level, and analyze the equivalents IRAM of Argentina and UNE of Spain in the national level. University journals and Caicyt catalogs 158 paper journals published by the university are collected from which they are chosen to evaluate the ones that are still published, which are scientific and have published at least 3 issues between the years 2000 and 2007. Indexes are made with all the magazines identified, which are presented as annexes to this study. From the analysis of the UNE and IRAM standards 18 indicators are grouped into 4 parameters, and are described according to the norms. The tool is built up of 75 indexes to collect the information according to the indicators and applies to 2 fascicles of each one of the 30 magazines surveyed. The results obtained indicate that the journals of the UNC have a low degree of normalization, the less normalized aspects being the presence of indexes and cumulative summaries, the existence of a volume cover, the inclusion of the dates of receipt and acceptance of the articles, and the division of the publication into volumes with independent fascicles for each volume, among others. 5 journals exceed 50% of normalization. It is recommended that a policy be editorial by the authorities and the support or approach of the professionals of the information to the publishers of the magazines of the UNC

    El estatuto cient铆fico de las publicaciones peri贸dicas en Argentina (2006-2007). Agendas de publicaci贸n, normas y criterios para la aceptaci贸n y rechazo de los art铆culos

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    La siguiente investigaci贸n se desarroll贸 durante el periodo 2008-2009 y tuvo como finalidad central el dar cuenta del estatuto cient铆fico de las publicaciones peri贸dicas en Argentina. Para ello definimos como el corpus de trabajo las publicaciones peri贸dicas que forman parte del N煤cleo B谩sico de Revistas Cient铆ficas (NBRC) del Centro Argentino de Informaci贸n Cient铆fica y Tecnol贸gica (Caicyt); para el periodo de referencia, integraban este grupo un total de 103 revistas, pertenecientes a las siguientes disciplinas o 谩reas disciplinares: Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (62 t铆tulos); Ciencias Biol贸gicas y de la Salud (17 t铆tulos) Ciencias Agrarias, Ingenier铆a y Materiales (6 t铆tulos); Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (18 t铆tulos)

    Las revistas cient铆ficas de la Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba (2007-2012)

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    A partir del antecedente de nuestra investigaci贸n sobre las publicaciones peri贸dicas editadas en las distintas unidades de la UNC durante el per铆odo 2000-2006, nos propusimos relevar el per铆odo siguiente, 2007-2012. La citada publicaci贸n fue el primer estudio sobre la tem谩tica, que permiti贸 una aproximaci贸n cuantitativa y cualitativa a la producci贸n cient铆fica escrita y publicada bajo la forma de revistas en la Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Considerando aquel antecedente, y luego de una primera exploraci贸n, detectamos un notorio incremento en el n煤mero de publicaciones. As铆, en la investigaci贸n precedente registramos 36 revistas, de las que catalogamos y encuadramos como cient铆ficas a 30 de ellas; mientras que en el per铆odo 2007-2012 contabilizamos 52 revistas, y consideramos 34 como cient铆ficas

    Development and evaluation of different electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride) architectures for endothelial cell culture

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    Tissue engineering (TE) aims to develop structures that improve or even replace the biological functions of tissues and organs. Mechanical properties, physical-chemical characteristics, biocompatibility, and biological performance of the materials are essential factors for their applicability in TE. Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) is a thermoplastic polymer that exhibits good mechanical properties, high biocompatibility and excellent thermal properties. However, PVDF structuring, and the corresponding processing methods used for its preparation are known to significantly influence these characteristics. In this study, doctor blade, salt-leaching, and electrospinning processing methods were used to produce PVDF-based structures in the form of films, porous membranes, and fiber scaffolds, respectively. These PVDF scaffolds were subjected to a variety of characterizations and analyses, including physicochemical analysis, contact angle measurement, cytotoxicity assessment and cell proliferation. All prepared PVDF scaffolds are characterized by a mechanical response typical of ductile materials. PVDF films displayed mostly vibration modes for the a-phase, while the remaining PVDF samples were characterized by a higher content of electroactive beta-phase due the low temperature solvent evaporation during processing. No significant variations have been observed between the different PVDF membranes with respect to the melting transition. In addition, all analysed PVDF samples present a hydrophobic behavior. On the other hand, cytotoxicity assays confirm that cell viability is maintained independently of the architecture and processing method. Finally, all the PVDF samples promote human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) proliferation, being higher on the PVDF film and electrospun randomly-oriented membranes. These findings demonstrated the importance of PVDF topography on HUVEC behavior, which can be used for the design of vascular implants.This work has been partially funded by the Junta de Extremadura (Spain), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the European Social Fund, the European Regional Development Fund, and the European Next Generation Funds (Grant Numbers PD18077, TA18023, and GR21201). The authors also thanks to Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for financial support under grants SFRH/BD/140698/2018 (RP), 2020.04163. CEECIND (CR). The also authors acknowledge funding by Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERFD) through the project PID 2019-106099RB-C43/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and from the Basque Government Industry Departments under the ELKARTEK program

    Formaci贸n cient铆fica : 1. Acerca de la levitaci贸n...

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    De la arcilla a la nube: escribir ciencia : normas y estrategias

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    El prop贸sito de este libro es acercar a los lectores una serie de reflexiones sobre la escritura cient铆fica-acad茅mica y algunas recomendaciones que puedan ayudar a construir textos de este tipo, que cumplan adecuadamente con los objetivos y las finalidades que se les asignan; y, al mismo tiempo, con los requerimientos de legibilidad que se espera de cualquier texto en funci贸n eminentemente comunicativa.Fil: Casarin, Marcelo. Universidad de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Centro de Estudios Avanzados; Argentina

    Pertinencia, factibilidad y viabilidad de una publicaci贸n cient铆fica en la Escuela de Ciencias de la Informaci贸n (UNC)

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    Scientific dissemination and scientific publications serve to channel the produce and facilitate entry to the scientific field. In an academic institution, a scientific publication provides greater visibility and allows to position itself in the area of knowledge to which it belongs. Thus, it enriches by the contact with other institutions and the exchange of all types of material. This study aimed to know the conditions of relevance, feasibility and viability of a scientific publication in the School of Information Sciences (National University of C贸rdoba). To do this, we attempted to establish, first, the state of the art in scientific publications, publicize the position of the National University of Cordoba and, finally, to identify concrete the possibilities which has The Sciences School Information (ECI) for a publication of this kind