150 research outputs found

    Promuovere la qualitĂ  della didattica universitaria. La Formative Educational Evaluation in uno studio pilota dell'Ateneo bolognese

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    Promoting the quality of higher education teaching entails a focus on the innovation of teaching-learning processes in the university context that are both effectively oriented on developing high skills for all students and based on institutional conditions which are facilitating the quality of the teaching processes, and on qualified teachers. Within this perspective, we can place the Formative Educational Evaluation Project for the development of higher education Quality of Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna: it starts from an analysis of input, context, process and product quality indicators of a specific course of study in order to explore deeply teachers' training needs and act effectively on them with appropriate training actions. The cyclic and recursive process started in the academic year 2016/2017; it puts the university professor as a focused and strategic element, the main actor of the renewal of higher education teaching and privileged observer of the teaching-learning contexts that take place within the Degree. The Pilot study's first results and data on students and teachers are reported in this article; they brought the researchers into an analysis of teaching needs in the field of higher education

    Il Centro CRESPI diventa interuniversitario : una realtĂ  al servizio della ricerca per la formazione degli insegnanti

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    6 ottobre 2022, il Centro di ricerca educativa sulla professionalità dell’insegnante (CRESPI) è stato trasformato in Centro Interuniversitario, con una convenzione fra tredici atenei italiani. L'articolo ripercorre la storia del centro di ricerca e le sue finalità scientifiche per lo sviluppo della professionalità docente nella scuola

    Un ponte tra ricerca e formazione L’attività del CRESPI (Centro di Ricerca Educativa sulla Professionalità dell’Insegnante)

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    Presentazione del Centro di ricerca CRESPI e delle sue prospettive metodologiche della Ricerca-Formazione sulla Rivista RicercAzion

    La scuola di tutti e di tutte. Equità e qualità del sistema e professionalità dell’insegnante: un’analisi incompleta = School of all and for all. Equity and quality of the system and teacher professionalism: an incomplete analysis.

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    L’articolo affronta, in modo critico e problematico, i temi della qualità e dell’equità del sistema scolastico italiano attraverso l’analisi di alcune variabili rilevanti di macro-, meso- e micro- livello. La breve argomentazione mette in luce la complessità dell’intreccio fra tale molteplicità di variabili e come esse costituiscano un vincolo per l'innovazione dei processi di insegnamento-apprendimento e per lo sviluppo della professionalità dell’insegnante.The article addresses, in a critical and problematic way, the issues of quality and equity in the Italian school system through the analysis of some relevant macro-, meso- and micro-level variables. The brief argument highlights the complexity of the interweaving of this multiplicity of variables and how they constitute a constraint to the innovation of the teaching-learning processes and to the development of teacher professionalism

    Il formative assessment nelle convinzioni e nelle pratiche degli insegnanti. Analisi secondarie da una indagine sui docenti di scuola media di due regioni italiane

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    All around the world, several scholars are reflecting on the role of the so-called «teacher variable» for orienting changes towards quality and equity in the education. In this field, it is stressed the importance of the relationship between teachers’ beliefs practices. Following this tradition, this paper aims to prove the existence of a relationship between democratic beliefs of the teachers and their adoption of formative assessment (FA) practices. Secondary analyses are conducted on data collected during a study, which involved a sample of more than a thousand middle school teachers. In this work we focused on data from two Italian regions: Emilia-Romagna and Piemonte. These data are re-analyzed to prove the relationship between the declaration on the adoption of FA practices and three beliefs variables, namely teachers’ beliefs on the FA, on the existence of natural gifts of students, and on the utility and dynamicity of instructional design. Personal, professional, and experiential variables are included to prove the existence of significant differences. The results suggest that the teachers who adopt FA practices more often and who present more democratic beliefs are: women, experienced teachers, those who teach literature or scientific disciplines, and those who are specialized in special needs teaching. Multivariate regression analysis, finally, confirm the relationship between the adoption of FA practices and positive beliefs towards the formative assessment and instructional design

    The Impact of Learning Strategies and Future Orientation on Academic Success: The Moderating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy among Italian Undergraduate Students

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    Promoting academic success among undergraduate students is crucial for tackling the need to foster employability competencies. Low levels of academic attainment in higher education, along with the increasing number of persons participating in tertiary education, represent crucial trends, which need to be studied in order to develop efficient retention practices. The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between relevant factors that can foster academic success: learning strategies, future orientation, and academic self-efficacy. To this purpose, a longitudinal study was performed on a sample of N = 87 undergraduate students from one of the largest Italian universities (63.4% males, 74.2% enrolled in the first year). Participants filled in an online questionnaire at two different time points, with a time lag of 12 months. Results of a moderated mediation model indicated that the relationship between learning strategies at Time 1 (T1) and Grade Point Average (GPA) at Time 2 (T2) was mediated by students\u2019 future orientation. Moreover, this association was moderated by T1 academic self-efficacy. These results suggest that learning strategies positively influence GPA through an enhanced future orientation, in particular when students report high or medium levels of self-efficacy. The current findings invite a thorough review of training interventions for improving academic achievement

    Formative Assessment for mathematics teaching and learning

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    This book aims at describing pathways and achievements of the LLP Comenius Project “FAMT&L – Formative Assessment in mathematics for teaching and learning”. The main purpose of this research project was to encourage the use of formative assessment in the teaching-learning process carried out by mathematics teachers in lower secondary school. Through the voices of the several actors involved in this project, the book wants to contribute to the international debate on issues regarding teachers’ professionalism in the European school systems: specifically, on the development of the professional skills of teachers in the field of assessment practices and on the use of formative assessment in the classroom

    Videoanalysis and Math teachers’ training. First results of a pilot course on formative assessment

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    In teacher training, the use of specific technologies such as the video-recording of teaching and assessing practices (and their systematic analysis) can be an important mean to make the training of in-service and pre-service teachers effective. This article intends to show an experience of research aimed to verify the use of video-analysis on the development teachers’ professionalism. The research – carried out through a pre-experimental design – involved a group of mathematics teachers of low and high secondary schools and it allowed us to observe how much video-analysis affects the development of competences indicators such as the teachers’ perception of knowledge and skills on formative assessment, their beliefs and self-efficacy. Videoanalisi e formazione degli insegnanti di matematica. Primi risultati di un corso pilota sul formative assessmentNella formazione degli insegnanti, l’uso di specifiche tecnologie quali la videoregistrazione delle pratiche didattiche e valutative in classe (e la relativa analisi sistematica delle situazioni filmate) può costituire un mezzo importante per l’efficacia della formazione, iniziale e in servizio, dei docenti. In questo articolo vengono presentati processi e primi risultati di un’esperienza di ricerca finalizzata a controllare l’influenza della videoanalisi sul progressivo sviluppo di alcuni importanti aspetti della competenza valutativa degli insegnanti. La ricerca – realizzata attraverso un disegno pre-sperimentale – ha coinvolto un gruppo di insegnanti di matematica delle scuole secondarie e ha consentito di osservare l’incidenza della videoanalisi sull’evoluzione di indicatori di competenza dei docenti quali la loro percezione di conoscenza e abilità sul formative assessment, le loro convinzioni e il loro senso di autoefficacia

    Videoanalysis and Math teachers’ training. First results of a pilot course on formative assessment

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    In teacher training, the use of specific technologies such as the video-recording of teaching and assessing practices (and their systematic analysis) can be an important mean to make the training of in-service and pre-service teachers effective. This article intends to show an experience of research aimed to verify the use of video-analysis on the development teachers’ professionalism. The research – carried out through a pre-experimental design – involved a group of mathematics teachers of low and high secondary schools and it allowed us to observe how much video-analysis affects the development of competences indicators such as the teachers’ perception of knowledge and skills on formative assessment, their beliefs and self-efficacy.   Videoanalisi e formazione degli insegnanti di matematica. Primi risultati di un corso pilota sul formative assessment Nella formazione degli insegnanti, l’uso di specifiche tecnologie quali la videoregistrazione delle pratiche didattiche e valutative in classe (e la relativa analisi sistematica delle situazioni filmate) può costituire un mezzo importante per l’efficacia della formazione, iniziale e in servizio, dei docenti. In questo articolo vengono presentati processi e primi risultati di un’esperienza di ricerca finalizzata a controllare l’influenza della videoanalisi sul progressivo sviluppo di alcuni importanti aspetti della competenza valutativa degli insegnanti. La ricerca – realizzata attraverso un disegno pre-sperimentale – ha coinvolto un gruppo di insegnanti di matematica delle scuole secondarie e ha consentito di osservare l’incidenza della videoanalisi sull’evoluzione di indicatori di competenza dei docenti quali la loro percezione di conoscenza e abilità sul formative assessment, le loro convinzioni e il loro senso di autoefficacia

    Osservare le prassi didattiche nella scuola dell’infanzia. Il PraDISI come opportunità di formazione e sostegno della professionalità

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    Starting from a theorical-methodoligical framework on the formative function of observation of the teacher inside the classroom, the article presents the PraDISI Scale for teaching observation in kindergarden. Notably, we discuss the idea of teaching quality that is at the base of this tool and its main structuralfeatures. The PraDISI Scale, already validated between 2011 and 2013, was used during the 2013-2014 school year for the observation and formative evaluation in four different Italian kindergardens. The article describes the main results of this survey and critically discusses the potential of formative evaluation of the PraDISI Scale in relation to a quality educational curriculum in kindergarden.A partire da un inquadramento teorico-metodologico sull’utilizzo formativo dell’osservazione dell’insegnante in classe, l’articolo presenta la Scala PraDISI per l’osservazione delle prassi didattiche nella scuola dell’infanzia. In particolare vengono discusse l’idea di qualità della didattica che vi è alla base dello strumento e le sue principali caratteristiche strutturali. Il PraDISI, già validato negli anni 2011-2013, è stato utilizzato nell’anno scolastico 2013/14 per l’osservazione e la valutazione formativa in quattro contesti della scuola dell’infanzia italiana. Nell’articolo vengono descritti i principali risultati di questa rilevazione e, in seguito, vengono discusse criticamente le potenzialità di valutazione formativa dellaScala in relazione ad una progettazione didattica di qualità nella scuola dell’infanzia
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