26 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Fuzzy Berbasis Web Untuk Rekomendasi Pemilihan Universitas Swasta (Fuzzy-Based Web Application

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    Development of computer technology today has been change rapidly. Choosing the university is very important for student. One of student problem choosing university is available many universities which can make confusing the student. Aware how important choosing best university. So, must be planning a application program at education sector in particular fuzzy application for decision support choosing university based web. This fuzzy application build using fuzzy variable such as faculty,majors, accreditation, number of lectures, infrastructures, etc. Application web by using internet media be intended can accessed by all of people and help student take decision for choosing the best universit

    Penerapan Algoritma Genetika Untuk Optimasi Penjadwalan Tebangan Hutan

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    Scheduling Cuts Away Forest is one of problem met at forestry area. All important problem in finalizing this problem is to determine forest check which will be cut away with a purpose to maximizes yield wood volume in each period cuts away and remain to maintains everlasting forest concept. Method which has been developed to finalize this problem is apply linear program with simplex method. At this method every step is taken based on exact formula is assessed unsatisfying good to finalize this problem. Genetics algorithm is one of alternative of solution of scheduling problems cuts away this forest. This idea of this algorithm comes from the Evolution Theory of Charles Darwin, which is only the best route was choosen. An individual was being choosen from a parent population and then recombined to another individual that has been choosen from another parent population to create a new individu. This new individual expected to be better from the rest individu at the population. With this method, the genetic algorithm found to be able to offer a best Scheduling Cuts Away Forest Problem


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    Cats are one of the popular pets kept in Indonesia. On the other hand, there is a potential risk of disease transmission from cats to humans. This research builds an expert system for diagnosing cat diseases based on the symptoms experienced using the forward chaining method. The expert system consists of two main components: the development environment and the consultation environment. In this study, these two components of the expert system are separated into two different platforms. The development environment runs on a website platform, while the consultation environment operates on a Telegram bot platform. System development uses the Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC) development model. This model has six stages, namely, the assessment stage, the knowledge acquisition stage, the design stage, the testing stage, the documentation stage and the maintenance stage. As a result, it assists the general public in performing initial diagnoses of cat diseases


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    Cheats are a way for players to gain an unfair advantage. The rise of cheats in online games encourages game producers to increase the security of their games by implementing an anti-cheat system. However, the currently widely circulated anti-cheat system only monitors incoming and outgoing raw data. With the widespread use of image detection systems, we can fool most of today's anti-cheat systems. This can be done by capturing the image that appears on the screen and then processing it through the image detection system. From the process, it can be seen whether there are opponents that appear on the screen. If there is, the program will move the mouse to the place where the enemy is and shoot it. This program is built on the core of the YOLOv4-tiny image detection system


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    In carrying out an activity regularly and smoothly, it is necessary to make an activity schedule that can manage the time of one activity with another so that unwanted things do not happen such as the same time, the same place, and others. Making a schedule of activities is quite easy to do if there are not too many entities involved and if the entities are not tied to each other, but for larger cases, creating a schedule of activities manually will take quite a lot of time and can result in errors in the schedule or shortages. effectiveness in the resulting schedule. This is commonly experienced in making course schedules at universities because there are a lot of course data and lecturers can teach several courses at once and at different times, therefore in making course schedules can be done by applying genetic algorithms so that the time required needed in making the course schedule shorter and the results obtained can be more optimal than the results of making the course schedule manually. In this study, the optimal course schedule was obtained in the 31st generation using data on rooms, courses, study time, lecturers, and departments so that one chromosome has 154 gen, then the population length is made up to 9 individuals or chromosomes, the mutation rate is set at 0.1, and the method used in the individual selection stage is the tournament selection method where the tournament size is set at 3. The fitness value is taken so that a schedule is said to be optimal, i.e. if the fitness value is equal to 1 because then it shows that there are no errors or problems (such as time, lecturers, conflicting rooms) that occur in the schedule


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    Motorcycle users in Indonesia continue to increase every year. This has implications for the increasing need for motorcycle repair or maintenance service providers. This need is an emergency, but this is a problem because the lack of information regarding the location of the nearest workshop makes the process of finding a repair shop consuming a lot of time and energy. This study aims to develop an Online Workshop application that can present a map with the nearest repair shop location using Mapbox and the Geolocation API to make it easier for motorbike users to find a repair shop. In addition, this application allows users to be able to call a mechanic to come to the location. The Bengkel Online application is built using Firebase as a database and applies progressive web apps technology. The results of this study indicate that the online workshop application can be used to order repair services and call a mechanic to the location properly and accurately as indicated by the results of application testing which shows that all features function properly


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    The system backend is the part that is responsible for managing applications and databases so that they can communicate with each other properly and smoothly in order to support the system interface to work according to its function. The backend of this system is used to be able to process final study data which includes final assignments to graduation from 5 users, namely bapendik as admin, head of department, final project commission, lecturers and students according to their respective duties. The purpose of this research is to build a Backend final study management system in the engineering faculty and a more efficient process of making final study files to facilitate the academic community in managing final study data so that it will improve the quality of academic services and can produce final study data more precisely, effectively. and efficient. The development of the Backend management system for this final study uses the DevOps method where the stages discussed in this research include the planning, development, implementation and use of the Laravel framework. The result of this research is that the backend of the final study management system can make it easier for all UNSOED Engineering faculties to manage all final study data and can already be accessed on the website browser

    Klasifikasi Citra Menggunakan Kombinasi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Model Perceptron dan Algoritma One vs Rest

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    Kulit adalah salah satu organ paling penting dari tubuh kita. Seiring berjalannya waktu, kualitas kulit mulai memburuk, dan sel kulit mulai mati. Kebaikan dan kesegaran kulit secara bertahap mulai memudar. Orang yang tidak menjaga perawatan yang tepat dari kulit mereka sering mengeluh rasa gatal, ruam ataupun penyakit kulit lainnya. Deteksi dini penyakit kulit psoriasis diawali dari pengamatan terhadap citra kulit yang sakit tersebut.Ilmu pengetahuan di era ini sudah semakin kompleks, misalnya kecerdasan buatan. Kecerdasan buatan merupakan bidang ilmu komputer yang mengadopsi pengetahuan seseorang untuk diterapkan ke dalam komputer. Salah satu bidang kecerdasan buatan adalah jaringan syaraf tiruan. Jaringan syaraf tiruan dapat digunakan untuk mengenali pola citra/gambar dari suatu objek. Keuntungan yang dimiliki jaringan syaraf tiruan dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan permasalahan klasifikasi citra kulit dengan mengenali citra kulit yang mengalami gangguan kesehatan menggunakan jaringan syaraf tiruan aturan perceptron dan algoritma one vs rest


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    Prediction of pepper data is done by looking at several variables to get optimal results. From the production data of the pepper harvest, the information is not yet available to farmers. By using the fuzzy method, the author tries to create a system to estimate the results of predictions by considering the parameters of the number of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and labor. The combination of these variables can produce an intelligent system that is able to learn and adapt to environments with incomplete and precise data variations and fuzzy logic that has the ability to translate expert knowledge by using linguistically constructed rules. From the results of the experiments conducted, the results obtained were 900 kg of production data


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan teknik permainan Gitar klasik pada salah satu karya populer W. A Mozart. Penulis telah menentukan karya Sonate Mozart KV 331 (300i) Movement Alla Turca sebagai objek penelitian dalam skripsi ini. Dalam konsep gitar tunggal, penulis tertarik untuk menganalisis teknik permainan yang disajikan dalam karya Alla Turca yang di ciptakan oleh komponis Mozart. Juga akan dilakukan analisis terhadap teknik permainan pada karya tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; 1) mendeskripsikan teknik permainan gitar klasik sonata Mozart kv331 Movement Alla Turca karya W.A. Mozart; 2) mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor pendukung teknik-teknik gitar klasik dalam memainkan sonata Mozart kv331 Movement Alla Turca karya W.A. Mozart. Penelitian difokuskan pada teknik permainan gitar klasik yang terdapat dalam sonata Mozart kv331 Movement Alla Turca karya W.A. Mozart. Selain aturan-aturan dasar dalam instrumen ini, juga teknik-teknik pada karya yang menjadi objek penelitian akan dijelaskan dalam tulisan ini. Hal inilah yang menjadi dasar pemikiran penulis untuk membahasnya dalam bentuk kajian ilmiah. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah partitur sonata Mozart kv331 Movement Alla Turca karya W.A. Mozart yang telah ditrankip kedalam bentuk gitar klasik. Sedangkan objek penelitiannya adalah teknik permainan gitar klasik sonata Mozart kv 331 karya W.A. Mozart. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan tahapan analisis sebelum di lapangan dan pada saat di lapangan dengan menggunakan model interaktif yang terdiri atas data reduction (reduksi data), data display (penyajian data), dan verification (kesimpulan). Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan teknik-teknik yang terdapat pada karya sonata Mozart ini yang terbagi kedalam dua bagian; teknik tangan kanan dan tangan kiri. Teknik tangan kiri yang digunakan pada karya ini diantaranya: 1) Gracenotes, 2) slur, 3) trill, 4) barre, 5) arpeggio (strumming). Untuk teknik tangan kanan pada karya sonata Mozart ini diantaranya: 1) Varying of arpeggio, 2) apoyando, 3) tirando. Bahan kajian dalam skripsi ini dikerjakan berdasarkan literatur dan metode berdasarkan apa yang menyangkut dalam permasalahan yang penulis bahas. Kemudian hasil data tersebut menghasilkan kesimpulan yang menjadi penyelesaian masalah dalam skripsi ini