6,728 research outputs found

    Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) effects on subchorionic hematoma. Preliminary clinical results

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    OBJECTIVE: The clinic use of alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is linked to its capability to exert antioxidant effects and, more interestingly, to counteract the pathologic changes of complex networks of cytokines, chemokines and growth factors, restoring their physiological state. The aim of this randomized controlled clinical trial was to test the contribution of oral supplementation of ALA to the standard treatment with Progesterone vaginal suppositories, in healing subchorionic hematomas in patients with threatened miscarriage. Controls were administered only Progesterone suppositories. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Nineteen pregnant women in the first trimester of gestation, with threatened miscarriage and ultrasound evidence of subchorionic hematoma, were included in the trial and randomly divided in two groups: controls, treated with 400 mg Progesterone (200 mg 2 times per day), given by vaginal suppositories, and case study treated with the same Progesterone dosage, plus ALA, given orally at the dose of 600 mg (300 mg 2 times per day, DAV®, Lo.Li. Pharma srl, Italy). Sixteen patients completed the trial. Treatment was performed until complete resolution of the clinical picture. RESULTS: In both groups, the subjects improved significantly but, in general, a better and faster evolution in the major signs of threatened miscarriage was observed in the subjects treated with ALA and Progesterone. In these patients, the speed of resorption of subchorionic hematoma was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) superior compared to controls. The ALA and Progesterone group showed a faster decrease or disappearance of all symptoms than that observed in the control group, however the difference was not significant. CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary results suggest that ALA supplementation significantly contributes to speed up the process of restoration of physiological conditions in threatened miscarriage and ameliorates the medical conditions of both the mothers and the foetus, probably modulating the networks of cytokines, growth factors and other molecules

    Eligible strategies of drought response to improve drought resistance in woody crops: a mini-review

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    Drought is the main abiotic stress that negatively affects the crop yield. Due to the rapid climate change, actual plant defence mechanisms may be less effective against increased drought stress and other related or co-occurring abiotic stresses such as salt and high temperature. Thus, genetic engineering approaches may be an important tool for improving drought tolerance in crops. This mini-review focuses on the responses to drought stress of the woody crop species Olea europaea and Citrus sp., selecting in particular five main strategies adopted by plants in response to drought stress: aquaporin (AQPs) expression, antioxidant activity, ABA signalling, and trehalose and proline accumulation. Transgenic studies on both the herbaceous Arabidopsis and woody Populus plant models showed an improvement in drought resistance with increasing expression of these drought-inducible genes. Outcomes from the present study suggest the overexpression of the gene families associated with AQPs and ABA biosynthesis, mainly involved in regulating water transport and in preventing water loss, respectively, as candidate targets for improving drought resistance; antioxidants-, trehalose- and proline-related genes remain valid candidates for resistance to a wider spectrum of abiotic stressors, including drought. However, the contribution of an increased stiffness of the modulus elasticity of leaf parenchyma cell walls to the rapid recovery of leaf water potential, delaying by this way the stress onset, is not a secondary aspect of the transgenic optimization, in particular for Olea cultivars

    Geometry of unitary orbits of pinching operators

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    Let I be a symmetrically-normed ideal of the space of bounded operators acting on a Hilbert space H. Let {pi}1w(1≤w≤∞) be a family of mutually orthogonal projections on H. The pinching operator associated with the former family of projections is given by P:I→I,P(x)=∑i=1wpixpi. Let UI denote the Banach-Lie group of the unitary operators whose difference with the identity belongs to I. We study geometric properties of the orbit UI(P)={LuPLu*:u∈UI}, where Lu is the left representation of UI on the algebra B(I) of bounded operators acting on I. The results include necessary and sufficient conditions for UI(P) to be a submanifold of B(I). Special features arise in the case of the ideal K of compact operators. In general, UK(P) turns out to be a non complemented submanifold of B(K). We find a necessary and sufficient condition for UK(P) to have complemented tangent spaces in B(K). We also show that UI(P) is a covering space of another orbit of pinching operators.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Oral health of elite athletes and association with performance: a systematic review.

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    We aimed to systematically review the epidemiology of oral disease and trauma in the elite athlete population and to investigate the impact of oral health on sporting performance

    Essentially commuting projections

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    Let H=H+⊕H- be a fixed orthogonal decomposition of a Hilbert space, with both subspaces of infinite dimension, and let E+, E- be the projections onto H+ and H-. We study the set Pcc of orthogonal projections P in H which essentially commute with E+ (or equivalently with E-), i.e.[P,E+]=PE+-E+Pis compact. By means of the projection π onto the Calkin algebra, one sees that these projections P∈Pcc fall into nine classes. Four discrete classes, which correspond to π(P) being 0, 1, π(E+) or π(E-), and five essential classes which we describe below. The discrete classes are, respectively, the finite rank projections, finite co-rank projections, the Sato Grassmannian of H+ and the Sato Grassmannian of H-. Thus the connected components of each of these classes are parametrized by the integers (via de rank, the co-rank or the Fredholm index, respectively). The essential classes are shown to be connected.We are interested in the geometric structure of Pcc, being the set of selfadjoint projections of the C*-algebra Bcc of operators in B(H) which essentially commute with E+. In particular, we study the problem of existence of minimal geodesics joining two given projections in the same component. We show that the Hopf-Rinow Theorem holds in the discrete classes, but not in the essential classes. Conditions for the existence and uniqueness of geodesics in these latter classes are found.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Risk of Salmonella transmission via cryopreserved semen in turkey flocks

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    To investigate the possibility to carry pathogen bacteria in turkey flocks via cryopreserved semen, research was carried out 1) to investigate the microbial contamination of fresh and frozen thawed turkey semen and 2) to evaluate the effect of the freezing-thawing process on the survival of 3 serovars of Salmonella spp. experimentally inoculated in turkey semen. Five pools of semen diluted 4-fold were cooled, added with 8% of dimethylacetamide as a cryoprotectant, and aliquots of 80 μL were directly plunged into liquid nitrogen to form frozen pellets. Mesophilic viable counts, total and fecal coliforms, Enterobacteriaceae, enterococci, Campylobacter spp., and Salmonella spp. were investigated on fresh and thawed samples. Further, 5 pools of diluted semen were each divided into 3 subsamples, inoculated with 7.8 ± 0.2 log cfu·mL ―1 of Salmonella Liverpool, Salmonella Montevideo, and Salmonella Braenderup, respectively, and cryopreserved before to assess the postthaw viability of Salmonella spp. strains. Fresh semen was highly contaminated by all of the saprophytic bacteria investigated and the cryopreservation process reduced the amount of mesophilic viable count and total coliforms (P < 0.05) and fecal coliforms, Enterobacteriaceae, and enterococci (P < 0.01) by about 1 log cfu·mL ―1 . Conversely, neither Campylobacter spp. nor Salmonella spp. were found as endogenous bacteria in semen. In the inoculated semen, both Salmonella Liverpool, Salmonella Montevideo, and Salmonella Braenderup colonies were recovered postthaw, showing a significant reduction of 2.03 ± 0.28, 3.08 ± 0.22, and 2.72 ± 0.23 log cfu·mL ―1 , respectively, compared with the fresh semen (P < 0.001). In conclusion, the cryopreservation process allowed us to obtain a low reduction of microbial count both in endogenous saprophytic bacteria and artificially inoculated Salmonella spp. strains; therefore, the possibility of Samonella spp. transmission to flocks through the use of infected cryopreserved semen does exist

    The role of urban boundary layer investigated with high-resolution models and ground-based observations in Rome area: a step towards understanding parameterization potentialities

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    Abstract. The urban forcing on thermodynamical conditions can greatly influence the local evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer. Heat stored in an urban environment can produce noteworthy mesoscale perturbations of the lower atmosphere. The new generation of high-resolution numerical weather prediction models (NWP) is nowadays often applied also to urban areas. An accurate representation of cities is key role because of the cities' influence on wind, temperature and water vapor content of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting model WRF (ARW) has been used to reproduce the circulation in the urban area of Rome. A sensitivity study is performed using different PBL and surface schemes. The significant role of the surface forcing in the PBL evolution has been investigated by comparing model results with observations coming from many instruments (lidar, sodar, sonic anemometer and surface stations). The impact of different urban canopy models (UCMs) on the forecast has also been investigated. One meteorological event will be presented, chosen as statistically relevant for the area of interest. The WRF-ARW model shows a tendency to overestimate the vertical transport of horizontal momentum from upper levels to low atmosphere if strong large-scale forcing occurs. This overestimation is partially corrected by a local PBL scheme coupled with an advanced UCM. Moreover, a general underestimation of vertical motions has been verified

    Discrete model analysis of the critical current density measurements in superconducting thin films by a single coil inductive method

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    The critical current density of a superconducting film can be easily determined by an inductive and contactless method. Driving a sinusoidal current in a single coil placed in front of a superconducting sample, a non zero third harmonic voltage V_3 is induced in it when the sample goes beyond the Bean critical state. The onset of V_3 marks the value of current beyond which the sample response to the magnetic induction is no more linear. To take into account, in a realistic way, the magnetic coupling between the film and the coil we have developed a discrete model of the inducing and induced currents distribution. In the framework of this model the magnetic field profile on the sample surface and the coefficient linking the current flowing in the coil and the critical current density J_C of superconducting thin films is evaluated. The numerical results are checked measuring J_C of several thin films of YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-d) of known superconducting properties, used as a control material.Comment: to be published in Journal of Applied Physic
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