261 research outputs found

    Aspects of thermal behavior of Amynteo lignites, Northern Greece, determined by thermogravimetry

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    In this study, the burning profiles of seven lignite samples from Amynteo lignite mine, Northern Greece, were obtained using a thermogravimetry technique. The differentiation in the thermal behavior of the samples was investigated using DTG curves. The influence of inorganic constituents (expressed as major oxides content) was evaluated by correlate the major oxides content with burnout time and maximum weight loss rate. Samples from the intermediate lignite beds show a differentiation in their thermal behavior, related to the low sulfur and inorganic constituents content and attributable to their decreased thermal stability. There is a critical value of burnout time when correlate the sum of major oxides with burnout time. The inorganic content has a diverse relationship with burnout time beyond this critical value

    Mineralogical study of different mortar types from historical monuments of northern Greece

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    Red coloured plaster mortars and a masonry mortar sample dated from 5th c. BC to 3rd c. BC were collected from Aiani’s archaeological site, northern Greece. The mineralogical composition of the bulk mortars and the mortar surfaces were determined by μRaman spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) techniques. Calcite, quartz, feldspars, dolomite, Tioxides (anatase/rutile) and clay minerals consisted the mortar samples. Serpentine, a mineral characteristic for its local provenance was found, which is related to the ophiolithic complex and the ultramafic rocks of the surrounding area. The red colour of the mortar surfaces is attributable to hematite, the raw material being iron oxides and hydroxides either from an ochre deposit or an iron-rich clay deposit. Black inclusions identified by Raman spectroscopy may be associated with carbonaceous material of an amorphous character and iron oxides and hydroxides (hematite/goethite). The presence of micaceous and clay minerals, corroborates the origin of the raw material from local Fe-rich clays

    Σχέσεις μεταξύ του σχολικού κλίματος και της επαγγελματικής ικανοποίησης των δασκάλων

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    Στόχος της παρούσας έρευνας ήταν να διερευνήσει τις σχέσεις της επαγγελματικής ικανοποίησης των δασκάλων με το κλίμα που επικρατεί στο σχολείο τους, όπως το αντιλαμβάνονται οι ίδιοι οι δάσκαλοι. Επίσης, στους στόχους της έρευνας ήταν να διερευνήσει και τις επιδράσεις που ασκούν το φύλο και η επαγγελματική εμπειρία των δασκάλων στη διαμόρφωση της επαγγελματικής ικανοποίησής τους και του σχολικού κλίματος. Το δείγμα της έρευνας αποτέλεσαν 209 δάσκαλοι και δασκάλες. Η μέτρηση της επαγγελματικής ικανοποίησης έγινε με το Job Satisfaction Index. Η μέτρηση του σχολικού κλίματος έγινε με το Revised School Level Environment Questionnaire. Η επαγγελματική εμπειρία των δασκάλων μετρήθηκε με βάση τα έτη υπηρεσίας τους. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι η επαγγελματική ικανοποίηση των δασκάλων συσχετίζεται και με το κλίμα του σχολείου τους. Επίσης, από τα αποτελέσματα φάνηκε ότι το φύλο δεν αποτελεί σημαντικό παράγοντα διαφοροποίησης της επαγγελματικής ικανοποίησης, αλλά διαφοροποιεί σε κάποιο βαθμό ορισμένες μεταβλητές του σχολικού κλίματος. Τέλος, η επαγγελματική εμπειρία φάνηκε ότι αποτελεί σημαντικό παράγοντα διαφοροποίησης της επαγγελματικής ικανοποίησης των δασκάλων αλλά και των περισσοτέρων μεταβλητών του σχολικού κλίματος.In the field of organizational behavior job satisfaction seems to be one of the most important job-related attitudes. The perceptions of employees about the conditions prevailing in their working environment, play a central role in shaping employees' job satisfaction. The climate in the workplace is considered to be one of the characteristics of the work environment associated with the job satisfaction of employees. Indeed, it has been argued that the climate is an expression of how employees describe their working environment while job satisfaction is an expression of the way in which employees assess their working environment. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between teachers' job satisfaction and school climate. Another aim of this research was to investigate the influence of teachers’ gender and professional experience in job satisfaction and school climate. The sample consisted of 209 primary school teachers. The Job Satisfaction Index was used to assess teachers' job satisfaction. The Revised School Level Environment Questionnaire was used to assess teachers' perceptions about school climate. The professional experience of teachers was measured based on their years of service. Results showed a significant relationship between teachers' job satisfaction and the school climate. The differences between men and women are not significant in teachers' job satisfaction and most of the school climate dimensions. Finally, professional experience influences teachers' job satisfaction and most of the school climate variables. The results of this study indicate that the psychosocial characteristics of workplace are associated with job satisfaction of employees. It also appeared that a positive school climate enhances teachers’ job satisfaction while a negative school climate reduces teachers' job satisfaction. Additionally, the results of this research argue that teachers’ job satisfaction and school climate are related to their professional experience. Thus, school leaders should endeavor to create a positive climate in their school, so that teachers feel increased satisfaction from their profession. This need seems to be stronger for younger teachers

    Preservation Policies für sparten- und institutionsübergreifende Digitale Langzeitarchivierung

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    Die Vielfalt und schiere Menge von Digitalia im Bereich des digitalen Kulturerbes stellt Gedächtnisorganisationen vor Aufgaben, die zunehmend kooperativ bewältigt werden müssen. Kooperationen gelten im Bereich der Digitalen Langzeitarchivierung als probates Mittel zur Schonung von Personal- und Sachressourcen. Während die technische Machbarkeit der verteilten Bitstream Preservation bewiesen und auch andere Teilaspekte der kooperativen Langzeitarchivierung praxistauglich geworden sind, zeigen sich kooperative Aspekte in Managementinstrumenten wie Preservation Policies unscharf oder unterrepräsentiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit identifiziert in Top-Down- und Bottom-Up-Ansätzen kooperative Policy-Aspekte und formuliert sie als ergänzende Empfehlungen zu bestehenden Best-Practice-Materialien des deutschen Kompetenznetzwerkes nestor. Basierend auf den Vorarbeiten der Forschungsinititativen InterPARES,PLANETSund SCAPE werden Möglichkeiten der Formalisierung von Preservation Policies aufgezeigt. Dazu zählt die Übertragung strategischer Ziele in die Strategy Markup Language (StratML) sowie eine Formalisierung von Policy-Elementen für den Einsatz in skalierbaren Preservation Environments.The diversity and extent of digital data requires memory institutions to collaborate in the field of digital preservation. While joint ventures are deemed cost savers for all parties involved, the community observes first hand experience in distributed bitstream preservation and other cloud based-services in the digital preservation domain. However, cooperative aspects appear to be under-represented in preservation policies and related Strategic documents. This work identifies cooperative policy elements using both top-down and bottom-up-approaches. It suggests supplementary recommendations to policy development in general and supporting materials published by the German competence network nestor. Based on earlier research by InterPARES, PLANETS and SCAPE the paper also examines higher degrees of formalisation for preservation policy elements. In two hands-on approaches, the paper will transform strategic objectives from a real-life preservation policy into in the Strategy Markup Language (StratML) and introduce possible ways of policy formalization applicable in scalable preservation environments

    Ein Konzept für die digitale Langzeitarchivierung des "BIX 2004 - 2011"

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    Die Website der „BIX 2004-2011“ ist im Sinne der digitalen Langzeitarchivierung ein komplexes digitales Objekt mit verschiedenen Dateiformaten und Dokumententypen. Für die dauerhafte Verfügbarkeit der Inhalte werden Konzepte der digitalen Langzeitarchivierung vorgestellt und unter Wahrung des früheren Nutzungskontextes technisch angewandt. Abschließend werden basierend auf den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen praktische Empfehlungen für die langfristige Erhaltung der alten BIX-Website formuliert.In terms of long-term preservation, any website can be considered as a complex digital object with different file formats and document types. This also applies to the now defunct website of the “BIX 2004-2011“, a statistical tool monitoring the German library landscape. The project introduces both retention concepts as well as practical approaches to the preservation of legacy data contained in the discontinued website. The work concludes with recommendations regarding data preparation for the current BIX website

    Preservation Policies für sparten- und institutionsübergreifende Digitale Langzeitarchivierung

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    Die Vielfalt und schiere Menge von Digitalia im Bereich des digitalen Kulturerbes stellt Gedächtnisorganisationen vor Aufgaben, die zunehmend kooperativ bewältigt werden müssen. Kooperationen gelten im Bereich der Digitalen Langzeitarchivierung als probates Mittel zur Schonung von Personal- und Sachressourcen. Während die technische Machbarkeit der verteilten Bitstream Preservation bewiesen und auch andere Teilaspekte der kooperativen Langzeitarchivierung praxistauglich geworden sind, zeigen sich kooperative Aspekte in Managementinstrumenten wie Preservation Policies unscharf oder unterrepräsentiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit identifiziert in Top-Down und Bottom-Up-Ansätzen kooperative Policy-Aspekte und formuliert sie als ergänzende Empfehlungen zu bestehenden Best-Practice-Materialien des deutschen Kompetenznetzwerkes nestor. Basierend auf den Vorarbeiten der Forschungsinitiativen InterPARES, PLANETS und SCAPE werden Möglichkeiten der Formalisierung von Preservation Policies aufgezeigt. Dazu zählt die Übertragung strategischer Ziele in die Strategy Markup Language (StratML) sowie eine Formalisierung von Policy-Elementen für den Einsatz in skalierbaren Preservation Environments.The diversity and extent of digital data requires memory institutions to collaborate in the field of digital preservation. While joint ventures are deemed cost savers for all parties involved, the community observes first hand experience in distributed bitstream preservation and other cloud based-services in the digital preservation domain. However, cooperative aspects appear to be under-represented in preservation policies and related strategic documents. This work identifies cooperative policy elements using both top-down and bottom-up-approaches. It suggests supplementary recommendations to policy development in general and supporting materials published by the German competence network nestor. Based on earlier research by InterPARES, PLANETS and SCAPE the paper also examines higher degrees of formalisation for preservation policy elements. In two hands-on approaches, the paper will transform strategic objectives from a real-life preservation policy into in the Strategy Markup Language (StratML) and introduce possible ways of policy formalisation applicable in scalable preservation environments