27 research outputs found

    A background free double beta decay experiment

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    We present a new detection scheme for rejecting backgrounds in neutrino less double beta decay experiments. It relies on the detection of Cherenkov light emitted by electrons in the MeV region. The momentum threshold is tuned to reach a good discrimination between background and good events. We consider many detector concepts and a range of target materials. The most promising is a high-pressure 136Xe emitter for which the required energy threshold is easily adjusted. Combination of this concept and a high pressure Time Projection Chamber could provide an optimal solution. A simple and low cost effective solution is to use the Spherical Proportional Counter that provides two delayed signals from ionization and Cherenkov light. In solid-state double beta decay emitters, because of their higher density, the considered process is out of energy range. An alternative solution could be the development of double decay emitters with lower density by using for instance the aerogel technique. It is surprising that a technology used for particle identification in high-energy physics becomes a powerful tool for rejecting backgrounds in such low-energy experiments

    Fast Timing for High-Rate Environments with Micromegas

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    The current state of the art in fast timing resolution for existing experiments is of the order of 100 ps on the time of arrival of both charged particles and electromagnetic showers. Current R&D on charged particle timing is approaching the level of 10 ps but is not primarily directed at sustained performance at high rates and under high radiation (as would be needed for HL-LHC pileup mitigation). We demonstrate a Micromegas based solution to reach this level of performance. The Micromegas acts as a photomultiplier coupled to a Cerenkov-radiator front window, which produces sufficient UV photons to convert the ~100 ps single-photoelectron jitter into a timing response of the order of 10-20 ps per incident charged particle. A prototype has been built in order to demonstrate this performance. The first laboratory tests with a pico-second laser have shown a time resolution of the order of 27 ps for ~50 primary photoelectrons, using a bulk Micromegas readout.Comment: MPGD2015 (4th Conference on Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors, Trieste, Italy, 12 - 15 October, 2015). 5 pages, 8 figure

    New neutron detector based on Micromegas technology for ADS projects

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    A new neutron detector based on Micromegas technology has been developed for the measurement of the simulated neutron spectrum in the ADS project. After the presentation of simulated neutron spectra obtained in the interaction of 140 MeV protons with the spallation target inside the TRIGA core, a full description of the new detector configuration is given. The advantage of this detector compared to conventional neutron flux detectors and the results obtained with the first prototype at the CELINA 14 MeV neutron source facility at CEA-Cadarache are presented. The future developments of operational Piccolo-Micromegas for fast neutron reactors are also described

    A large area 100 channel Picosec Micromegas detector with sub 20 ps time resolution

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    The PICOSEC Micromegas precise timing detector is based on a Cherenkov radiator coupled to a semi-transparent photocathode and a Micromegas amplification structure. The first proof of concept single-channel small area prototype was able to achieve time resolution below 25 ps. One of the crucial aspects in the development of the precise timing gaseous detectors applicable in high-energy physics experiments is a modular design that enables large area coverage. The first 19-channel multi-pad prototype with an active area of approximately 10 cm2^2 suffered from degraded timing resolution due to the non-uniformity of the preamplification gap. A new 100 cm2^2 detector module with 100 channels based on a rigid hybrid ceramic/FR4 Micromegas board for improved drift gap uniformity was developed. Initial measurements with 80 GeV/c muons showed improvements in timing response over measured pads and a time resolution below 25 ps. More recent measurements with a new thinner drift gap detector module and newly developed RF pulse amplifiers show that the resolution can be enhanced to a level of 17~ps. This work will present the development of the detector from structural simulations, design, and beam test commissioning with a focus on the timing performance of a thinner drift gap detector module in combination with new electronics using an automated timing scan method

    Towards robust PICOSEC Micromegas precise timing detectors

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    The PICOSEC Micromegas (MM) detector is a precise timing gaseous detector consisting of a Cherenkov radiator combined with a photocathode and a MM amplifying structure. A 100-channel non-resistive PICOSEC MM prototype with 10x10 cm^2 active area equipped with a Cesium Iodide (CsI) photocathode demonstrated a time resolution below 18 ps. The objective of this work is to improve the PICOSEC MM detector robustness aspects; i.e. integration of resistive MM and carbon-based photocathodes; while maintaining good time resolution. The PICOSEC MM prototypes have been tested in laboratory conditions and successfully characterised with 150 GeV/c muon beams at the CERN SPS H4 beam line. The excellent timing performance below 20 ps for an individual pad obtained with the 10x10 cm^2 area resistive PICOSEC MM of 20 MOhm/sq showed no significant time resolution degradation as a result of adding a resistive layer. A single-pad prototype equipped with a 12 nm thick Boron Carbide (B4C) photocathode presented a time resolution below 35 ps; opening up new possibilities for detectors with robust photocathodes. The results made the concept more suitable for the experiments in need of robust detectors with good time resolution

    Georges Charpak (1924-2010)

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    ObituaryInternational audiencePhysicist who transformed the measurement of high-energy particle

    Colloquium for the 85th Birthday of Georges Charpak

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    Georges Charpak and the invention and development of particle detector