318 research outputs found

    Architectural perspectives in the cathedral of Palermo : image-based modeling for cultural heritage understanding and enhancement

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    Palermo off ers a repertoire of both artistic and architectural solid perspective of great beauty and in large quantity. This paper addresses the problem of the 3D survey of these works and their related study through the use of image-based modelling (IBM) techniques. We propose, as case studies, the use of IBM techniques inside the Cathedral of Palermo. Indeed, the church houses a huge and rich sculptural repertoire, dating back to 16th century, which constitutes a valid field of IBM techniques application. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the e ffectiveness and potentiality of these techniques for geometric analysis of sculptured works. Indeed, usually the survey of these artworks is very diffi cult due the geometric complexity, typical of sculptured elements. In this study, we analysed cylindrical and planar geometries as well as carrying out an application of perspective return.peer-reviewe

    Use of new technique of image based aimed to perspective return

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    The diffusion of Image-based 3D modeling techniques, through image-based free, low cost and open source software, have increased drastically in the past few years, especially in Cultural Heritage domain (Architecture, Archeology, Urban planning) [2, 3]. Computer vision techniques use photographs from dataset collection to rapidly build detailed 3D models. The simultaneous applications of different algorithms (MVS), the different techniques of image matching, feature extracting and mesh optimization are inside an active field of research in computer vision. Computer vision techniques - Structure from Motion (SfM)- allow to fulfill detailed 3D models from photos dataset collections. The results are promising: the obtained models are beginning to challenge the precision of laser-based reconstructions. This research investigates the limits and potentialities of 3D models obtained by using image based techniques in Architectural Heritage field, in order to verify the applicability of the method for the perspective return of the solid perspective of the artistic repertoire in my territory. My approach to this challenging problem is to verify the reliability of the 3Dmodels by Autodesk 123D Catch (web-based package). This paper aimed to demonstrate the efficiency of 123D Catch to obtain an accurate 3D model to operate the perspective return of artistic models


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    This paper presents a pipeline that aims at illustrating the procedure to realize a 3D model of a complex building integrating the UAV and terrestrial images and modifying the 3D model in order to publish to Google Earth in an interactive modality so as to provide better available models for visualization and use. The main steps of the procedure are the optimization of the UAV flight, the integration of the different UAV and ground floor images and the optimization of the model to be published to GE. The case study has been identified in a building, The Eremo di Santa Rosalia Convent in Sicily which hash more staggered elevations and located in the hills of the hinterland and of which, the online platform only indicate the position on Google Maps (GM) and Google Earth (GE) with a photo from above and a non-urban road whose GM path is not corresponding with the GE photo. The process highlights the integration of the models and showcases a workflow for the publication of the combined 3D model to the GE platform

    Citt\ue0 balneari del Mediterraneo

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    La nascita delle citt\ue0 balneari costituisce un fenomeno urbanistico-territoriale-urbanistico di veste internazionale. il lavoro presentato riporta gli esiti di una ricerca incentrata sul tema

    Exploiting low-cost 3D imagery for the purposes of detecting and analyzing pavement distresses

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    Road pavement conditions have significant impacts on safety, travel times, costs, and environmental effects. It is the responsibility of road agencies to ensure these conditions are kept in an acceptable state. To this end, agencies are tasked with implementing pavement management systems (PMSs) which effectively allocate resources towards maintenance and rehabilitation. These systems, however, require accurate data. Currently, most agencies rely on manual distress surveys and as a result, there is significant research into quick and low-cost pavement distress identification methods. Recent proposals have included the use of structure-from-motion techniques based on datasets from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and cameras, producing accurate 3D models and associated point clouds. The challenge with these datasets is then identifying and describing distresses. This paper focuses on utilizing images of pavement distresses in the city of Palermo, Italy produced by mobile phone cameras. The work aims at assessing the accuracy of using mobile phones for these surveys and also identifying strategies to segment generated 3D imagery by considering the use of algorithms for 3D Image segmentation to detect shapes from point clouds to enable measurement of physical parameters and severity assessment. Case studies are considered for pavement distresses defined by the measurement of the area affected such as different types of cracking and depressions. The use of mobile phones and the identification of these patterns on the 3D models provide further steps towards low-cost data acquisition and analysis for a PMS

    Carlo Cassola, "Troppo tardi". Il Realismo nella luce della Resistenza

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    Recensione al romanzo "Troppo tardi" di Carlo Cassol


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    Structure from motion (SfM) represents a widespread photogrammetric method that uses the photogrammetric rules to carry out a 3D model from a photo data set collection. Some complex ancient buildings, such as Cathedrals, or Theatres, or Castles, etc. need to implement the data set (realized from street level) with the UAV one in order to have the 3D roof reconstruction. Nevertheless, the use of UAV is strong limited from the government rules. In these last years, Google Earth (GE) has been enriched with the 3D models of the earth sites. For this reason, it seemed convenient to start to test the potentiality offered by GE in order to extract from it a data set that replace the UAV function, to close the aerial building data set, using screen images of high resolution 3D models. Users can take unlimited \u201caerial photos\u201d of a scene while flying around in GE at any viewing angle and altitude. The challenge is to verify the metric reliability of the SfM model carried out with an integrated data set (the one from street level and the one from GE) aimed at replace the UAV use in urban contest. This model is called integrated GE SfM model (i-GESfM). In this paper will be present a case study: the Cathedral of Palermo


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    Le attivit\ue0 di ricerca e di rilevamento dello stabilimento balneare di Mondello sono iniziate nel 2005 in seguito alla richiesta della Societ\ue0 Italo Belga di avere una documentazione scientifica completa e dettagliata del bene monumentale. Le indagini storiche hanno svelato non soltanto le complesse vicende legate al manufatto come edificio architettonico, ma hanno anche adempiuto al delicato e gravoso compito di raccontare e trasmettere un uso, un costume, una tradizione -quella relativa alla balneazione- tramandata per secoli, dalle origini dei primi impianti termali fino ai nostri giorni. Via via che la ricerca trovava fondamento nei documenti d\u2019archivio, storici, fotografici e iconografici, si andava delineando la vastit\ue0 di un fenomeno socio-storico-architettonico da indagare in profondit\ue0, in uno scenario ben pi\uf9 vasto di quello locale del territorio palermitano. L\u2019Inghilterra, la Francia, la Germania, l\u2019Italia, la Spagna, ma anche l\u2019America e la Russia, sono alcuni tra i paesi che hanno fatto da sfondo al fenomeno della balneazione, il cui aspetto ha trovato nei secoli connotazioni sempre diverse a seconda degli orientamenti socio culturali, del tempo e del luogo. Ci\uf2 mi ha indotto a recarmi a Rimini per conoscere Ferruccio Farina, la cui passione per l\u2019argomento ha spinto lo studioso da un lato a raccogliere negli anni migliaia di cartoline, custodite gelosamente nella sua biblioteca personale, e dall\u2019altro a condurre indagini storiche la cui originalit\ue0 e scientificit\ue0 sono di innegabile attendibilit\ue0. L\u2019amicizia e la disponibilit\ue0 mostrata dallo stimato scrittore mi hanno ulteriormente incoraggiata a proseguire gli studi intrapresi, coordinando una intensa attivit\ue0 di ricerca che ha coinvolto un gruppo di studiosi con competenze ed attitudini differenti in modo da potere condurre un\u2019indagine quanto pi\uf9 possibile estesa ed esaustiva sulllo stabilimento balneare. L\u2019avanzamento dei lavori ha reso la ricerca sempre pi\uf9 interessante al punto da appassionare non solo gli autori ma anche i docenti del Dipartimento di Rappresentazione al quale \ue8 stato concesso un finanziamento da parte dell\u2019Ateneo al fine di completare gli studi e poterne pubblicare gli esiti. Anche l\u2019Assessorato ai Beni Culturali Ambientali e Pubblica Istruzione della Regione Siciliana, valutando la validit\ue0 del lavoro, ha offerto il gratuito patrocinio

    Helicoid and Architectural application

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    Questo articolo \ue8 un risultato parziale di una ricerca riguardante la rappresentazione di superfici complesse in geometria descrittiva. La padronanza e l\u2019abilit\ue0 nell\u2019uso delle diverse tecniche di rappresentazione, consente di raggiungere risultati che altrimenti non sarebbero perseguibili. La Scuola di Disegno di Ingegneria, dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Palermo si \ue8 da sempre fatta promotrice della scienza della rappresentazione attraverso la sperimentazione di tecniche semplificative ed innovative della geometria descrittiva applicata all\u2019architettura e all\u2019ingegneria. In particolar modo, in questo lavoro, si riporta lo studio di una superficie complessa quale \ue8 l\u2019elicoide che trova larga applicazione nell\u2019architettura. L\u2019elicoide \ue8 qui trattata nella rappresentazione dell\u2019assonometria ortogonale. Il metodo proposto \ue8 basato fondamentalmente sull\u2019applicazione indispensabile ed imprescindibile dell\u2019omologia. Alcuni passi, qui dati per scontato, trovano riscontro nei riferimenti bibliografici.This paper presents the issue of a long research on the representation of the complex surface in descriptive geometry. The ability to use the different techniques of representation aims to achieve results that you didn\u2019t image before. In Palermo University, at the Engineering School, the researcher involved the study on the simplify of the so elaborated way to represent the geometry and its applications in architecture buildings and engineering implants. There is just report below the application methods to represent one of the most used surfaces in the practice of buildings. It\u2019s about the helicoid surface represented in orthogonal axonometric projecting. This method is the result of the experimental homology. I remained to the bibliography of the other works where there is explained the theory method to become to the application

    The Ellipsoid in Orthogonal Axonometric: Homology Application

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    You've long heard about ellipsoid, both from a mathematical analysis that under the geometric representative profile. However, so far no one has ever affronted the problem from the point of the application of descriptive geometry with homology. The use of homology, in fact, can make it extremely simplified and actual use of geometric tools giving the user a graphical mastery of the outcome that would otherwise be dismissed even with the use of innovative technologies of representation. Through the analysis of the proposed methodology, you can use to identify the strengths, the corresponding approvals now required between reality and projection. An ellipsoid is a closed type of quadric surface that is a higher dimensional analogue of an ellipse If all three radii are equal, the solid body is a sphere; if two radii are equal, the ellipsoid is a spheroid: if a= b =c we have a sphere; if a= b >c we have a oblate spheroid (disk-shaped); if a= b b >c we have a scalene ellipsoid ("three unequal sides"). The points (a,0,0), (0,b,0) and (0,0,c) lie on the surface and the line segments from the origin to these points are called the semi-principal axes. These correspond to the semi-major axis and semi-minor axis of the appropriate ellipses. Scalene ellipsoids are frequently called "triaxial ellipsoids", the implication being that all three axes need to be specified to define the shape. We impose constant upstream points and keys belonging to the horizontal section, is ellipsoidal and the wing generates the following transformation to time in plumes ellipsoid. I can repeat all of the assumptions made for the ball: cups, cupolas, domes, fused, areas, triangles, wedges, holes, aggregations, drums and domes above ellipsoid, lunettes, modulated compositions of elements, but also, cruises elliptical arc, etc... This is coupled to the imagination, the ellipsoid can be round, if, for example, the main section, the ellipse in projection, but it is not an ellipse circumference, in which case it is a surface and a solid rotation , the director is circular and has a generating ellipse
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