2,768 research outputs found

    Muscular modifications in chronic spinal cord injured patients

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    In this thesis muscular modifications in chronic spinal cord injured patients have been investigated. Using a translational approach, a mini-invasive muscular biopsy technique in Spinal Cord Injured patients has been validated. Moreover, the possible role of circulating levels of myostatin as a possible candidate biomarker for muscular modifications in chronic SCI patients has been evaluated. Lastly, the molecular modifications of PGE2 pathway on muscular specimens of chronic SCI patients has been studied. All material is original and based on direct Author \u2019s experience

    Towards Efficient Full Pose Omnidirectionality with Overactuated MAVs

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    Omnidirectional MAVs are a growing field, with demonstrated advantages for aerial interaction and uninhibited observation. While systems with complete pose omnidirectionality and high hover efficiency have been developed independently, a robust system that combines the two has not been demonstrated to date. This paper presents VoliroX: a novel omnidirectional vehicle that can exert a wrench in any orientation while maintaining efficient flight configurations. The system design is presented, and a 6 DOF geometric control that is robust to singularities. Flight experiments further demonstrate and verify its capabilities.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, ISER 2018 conference submissio

    Investment and risk appraisal in Energy Storage Systems: a real options approach

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    The increasing penetration of variable renewable energy is becoming a key challenge for the management of the electrical grid. Electrical Energy Storage Systems (ESS) are one of the most suitable solutions to increase the flexibility and resilience of the electrical system. This paper presents an innovative methodology for the appraisal of the investment in ESS. The methodology is based on the Real Option Analysis and it is able to properly consider investment risks and uncertainties as well as the options available for the investor. The paper assesses the value of the option to wait for a change in the market conditions before investing and re-evaluates the profitability of the investment after each step of the development of the ESS project. In order to exemplify relevant results, this method is applied to the UK energy market and assesses the technical and economic feasibility of investing in ESS operating price arbitrage and Short Term Operating Reserves. The results show that the implementation of the Real Option Analysis increases the economic performance of ESS. Nevertheless, ESS still requires limited incentives to be economically viable

    Optical coherence tomography and optical coherence tomography angiography in uveitis : a review

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has dramatically changed the understanding and management of uveitis and other ocular conditions. Currently, OCT angiography (OCTA) combines structural information with the visualization of blood flow within the imaged area. The aim of this review is to present the basic principles of OCT and OCTA interpretation and to investigate the role of these imaging techniques in the diagnosis and management of uveitis. Common complications of intraocular inflammation such as macular oedema and inflammatory choroidal neovascularization are often diagnosed and followed with OCT/OCTA scans. However, uveitis specialists can obtain much more information from tomographic scans. This review provides a comprehensive description of typical OCT/OCTA findings characterizing different ocular structures in uveitis, proceeding from the cornea to the choroid. A careful interpretation of OCT/OCTA images can help in the differential diagnosis, the prediction of clinical outcomes, and the follow-up of patients with uveitis

    Zero Emission Geothermal Flash Power Plant

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    The successful exploitation of geothermal energy for power production relies on the availability of nearly zero emission and efficient technologies. Two zero emission flash plant layouts, with full reinjection of the geothermal fluid (non-condensable gas included), are considered. This paper focusses on the CO2issue, and therefore only the carbon dioxide is considered as non-condensable gas present in the geothermal fluid; the CO2 flow is separated, compressed, and reinjected with the geothermal fluid. Both the reservoir and the power plant are simulated. A first scheme of plant presents a conventional layout in which the CO2is separated and compressed after the condenser. The second scheme presents a plant layout that allows the separation of the CO2at higher pressure with respect to the conventional layout, thus reducing the requested power consumption. The conventional plant scheme performs always better at higher temperature and at lower concentration of CO2. The new layout results better for low temperature and higher gas content

    Analysis of Odorous VOCs using TD-GC-MS/FID/PFPD: Development and Applications to Real Samples

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    This work aims to present the applicability of a gas chromatograph equipped with three detectors for the analysis of odorous mixtures. An Agilent gas chromatograph (mod. 8890), equipped with a mass spectrometer (Agilent 5977B MSD), a Flame Ionization Detector (FID, Agilent) and a Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector (PFPD, OI Analytical mod. 5833) was adopted, obtaining simultaneous acquisition with MS, FID and PFPD detectors. The splitting of the sample into the three detectors was carried out at the end of the chromatographic column, by a capillary flow technology splitter (Agilent Splitter CFT). By using this system, it is, therefore, possible to achieve the specific detection and quantification of organic compounds by FID analysis, sulphur compounds by PFPD and the identification of the compounds by MS analysis, via comparison with mass spectra. Based on the preliminary outcomes obtained,the application of this system in the analysis of odour samples enabled the determination of specific classes, even in traces: by this, the subsequent identification of these compounds during a single chromatographic run is possible. This combination provides significant time and costs savings in the calibration and analysis of chromatographic data

    Expeditious Calibration Method for Quantification of Odorous Mixtures via GC

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    An odour sample is generally a complex matrix consisting of numerous molecules (mostly volatile organic compounds, VOCs) chemically different from each other, and which can be perceived by the human nose. In order to chemically characterize this complex gaseous matrix, gas-chromatography (GC) is commonly used. By this analytical technique, it is possible to obtain the resolution of odour gaseous mixtures in order to qualify and quantify the compounds. However, the quantification is a tricky operation based on the comparison of the sample under examination with purpose-made gas mixtures containing a compound, chosen as a standard, at known concentration. Commonly, these mixtures are obtained from cylinders of compressed gases, the use of which involves problems relating to their management, thermodynamic equilibrium feasibility, considerable economic outlay and not-negligible procurement times. This paper describes a method, proposed as a versatile and simple alternative to the use of such cylinders, for preparing gaseous calibration standards at known concentration. The method involves the continuous injection of VOC in liquid form, by means of a syringe pump, into a stream of neutral gas, such as air or nitrogen, which acts as diluent gas, controlled by a mass flow meter. Exploiting the volatility of the compounds used, it is possible to generate a continuous gas stream, exiting the system, containing the selected VOC at the desired concentration, which can be directly used as calibration standard
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