33 research outputs found

    Estudio Del Alumbrado PĂşblico De La Universidad TĂ©cnica De ManabĂ­

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    Abstract— El consumo energĂ©tico es algo del cual se debe tener más en cuenta al momento de utilizar los distintos aparatos que rinden nuestro uso diario. En este caso  teniendo como centro al alumbrado pĂşblico. El problema demuestra el estudio del alumbrado de las luminarias en la Universidad TĂ©cnica de Manabi, tanto asi como factores que influyen al consume, redimiento, luminosidad, eficiencia, entre otros. Se observa como estas distintas luminarias tienen caracteristicas diferentes, se analiza las ventajas y desventajas de una respecto a la otra. Hace conocer a sus lectores sobre la viabilidad que tiene cada tipo de luminaria para ser tomada en cuenta. Index Terms— Luminarias, Impactos, incandescentes, CFL, le

    Specific Learning Difficulty: Autism, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia and Dysgraphia

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    There are specific learning difficulties such as autism, dyscalculia, dyslexia and dysgraphia, the purpose of this article is to understand how these disorders affect verbal, non-verbal, logical and written communication in the social relationships of children who suffer from it. The qualitative methodology was applied in combination with the desk review technique, obtaining clear and pertinent criteria, an analysis of concepts was proposed on each of their meanings, characteristics and typology, suggestions of learning techniques are presented regarding the way correct to reduce disorders, the opinion of different authors who have carried out studies on the subject was obtained, interpreting from the pedagogical perspective and the importance of knowing the subject to act against these learning problems

    Cholinergic modulation of neuroinflammation: Focus on α7 nicotinic receptor

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    All nervous system pathologies (e.g., neurodegenerative/demyelinating diseases and brain tumours) develop neuroinflammation, a beneficial process during pathological events, aimed at removing damaged cells, toxic agents, and/or pathogens. Unfortunately, excessive inflammation frequently occurs during nervous system disorders, becoming a detrimental event capable of enhancing neurons and myelinating glial cell impairment, rather than improving their survival and activity. Consequently, targeting the neuroinflammation could be relevant for reducing brain injury and rescuing neuronal and glial cell functions. Several studies have highlighted the role of acetylcholine and its receptors in the regulation of central and peripheral inflammation. In particular, α7 nicotinic receptor has been described as one of the main regulators of the “brain cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway”. Its expression in astrocytes and microglial cells and the ability to modulate anti-inflammatory cytokines make this receptor a new interesting therapeutic target for neuroinflammation regulation. In this review, we summarize the distribution and physiological functions of the α7 nicotinic receptor in glial cells (astrocytes and microglia) and its role in the modulation of neuroinflammation. Moreover, we explore how its altered expression and function contribute to the development of different neurological pathologies and exacerbate neuroinflammatory processes

    Evaluation Process Associated with Multiple Intelligences in High School Students of the Ecuadorian Educational System

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    Formative assessment is ideal for improving teaching and learning processes. However, little is practiced systematically and a traditional approach still persists in many educational institutions that value the product rather than the process. The objective of this study is to determine the evaluative process associated with multiple intelligences in high school students from an Educational Unit in the city of Manta. Methodologically, this research project is of a mixed type with a qualitative-quantitative approach since it obtains real data that evaluates the results. To collect the information, information from primary sources will be used and will be carried out through a survey via Google to teachers and secondary information will be taken from accredited sources of virtual libraries, indexed magazines, and other academic Google publications. The results will be processed using statistical methods that will allow their analysis and interpretation. As a result of it, a set of formative evaluation activities underlying the pedagogical practice of the teacher was obtained, assessing the general process of formative evaluation of learning included in the teaching-learning processes. The process is useful for conducting a conscious and systematic formative assessment

    Control del dolor agudo en emergencias médicas

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    El dolor agudo es motivo de consulta frecuente en emergencias médicas y de manera general es inadecuadamente evaluado y tratado, ocasionando persistencia del dolor, u oligoanalgesia. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la respuesta analgésica del dolor agudo a la administración intranasal de ketamina. Fueron evaluados 116 pacientes que acudieron con dolor agudo al Servicio de Emergencias del Hospital Básico Sudamericano entre enero 2015 a julio 2016. de manera subjetiva mediante la escala visual análoga (EVA) y de manera objetiva mediante la escala porcentual numérica (NRS), consiguiendo el control eficaz del dolor agudo de elevada y moderada intensidad, con pocos efectos deletéreos. Consecuentemente se puede concluir que el uso de ketamina intranasal en pacientes con dolor agudo es una excelente alternativa de tratamiento por su acción efectivo y por su costo

    Onda J prominente en un paciente con hipotermia y shock medular: Onda de Osborn

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    Prominent J wave in a patient with hypothermia and medullary shock: Osborn wave Onda J prominente en un paciente con hipotermia y shock medular: Onda de Osbor