232 research outputs found

    One script for two languages. Latin & Arabic in an early allographic papyrus

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    This contribution presents a unique papyrus letter in Latin script and Latin language and in Latin script and Arabic language that is possible to date, on palaeographic grounds, from the end of the 7th to the 9th century AD. This precious witness is exam- ined under the historical, graphical, linguistic and cultural point of view and its prove- nance is discussed accordingly. An edition of the whole text is provided and a number of correspondences in Arabic are suggested

    57. Letter (P. Bas. inv. 1 B+C recto)

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    Cicerone latinogreco. Corpus dei papiri bilingui delle Catilinarie di Cicerone

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    The article contains a revised edition of the four greek word-lists to Cicero’s Catilinarians: PVindob g 30885 a+e, PRyl 61, PVindob l 127 and PSI inv. 2876. These papyrus codices were produced in the Roman pars orientis of the late Antiquity and were thought for the natives of the eastern provinces of the Roman empire who wanted to study latin language and Roman law, with the purpose to make a career in the Roman bureaucracy

    Un episodio culturale nel tardo Duecento: Simone da Genova e i papiri di Roma1

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    Starting from an episode that has the physician Simon of Genoa as protagonist and Rome as its backdrop, the article discusses the presence of Latin papyri in the mo- nasteries of the City between the 13th and the 14th century. This presence could be considered as part of the city’s intellectual landscape

    Da Giovanni il Sanguinario a Costanziano. Rileggendo il «Papiro Butini» (P.Ital. 55)

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    This article discusses a document widely known as “Butini papyrus”. Published and analyzed by important scholars of late antique and medieval written culture, the Butini papyrus is usually considered as the “Roman” model of most early medieval chancery documents. A revision, as well as a new contextualization, lead to propose a different interpretation: written in Ravenna during the years AD 540-543, the papyrus is already part of the post-Roman world; moreover, it is the closest original document we have to the epistles of the Ostrogothic kings, collected in the Variae of Cassiodorus

    (Citation in Chancellery The commune of Rome in Middle Ages)

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    O artigo discute alguns aspectos retóricos das atas públicas provenientes da comuna de Roma (o Senado) entre os séculos XII e XIV. Particularmente, analisando as citações que emergem de tais atas (Cassiodoro, Riccardo da Pofi, Pier delle Vigne), reconstrói algumas práticas escriturárias da chancelaria romana e detecta a presença de determinados manuscritos nesse ambiente

    Un unicum per la storia della cultura. Su un papiro latinoarabo della British Library (P.Lond. inv. 3124)

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    L’articolo offre una illustrazione delle circostanze della scoperta, nonché la prima presentazione, di un foglio papiraceo conservato presso la British Library di Londra, rimasto finora inedito. Esso reca un testo epistolare di natura privata, redatto in una scrittura latina riconducibile al periodo del cosiddetto « particolarismo grafico », verosimilmente al secolo VIII. Se la scrittura è una, le lingue utilizzate sono due, il latino e l’arabo : è quest’ultimo il motivo per il quale tale manoscritto costituisce una testimonianza assai preziosa e unica nel suo genere sull’interazione tra la cultura latina e quella araba nel Mediterraneo altomedievale
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