708 research outputs found

    The Elimination of All Forms of Forced or Compulsory Labor (2003)

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    A compilation of reports submitted by various countries to the ILO by the year 2002, describing labor conditions and relevant laws, specifically relating to forced or compulsory labor

    Elimination of All Forms of Forced or Compulsory Labor

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    A compilation of reports submitted by various countries to the ILO by the year 2000, describing labor conditions and relevant laws, specifically relating to forced or compulsory labor

    Mental Health in the Workplace: Situation Analyses, Finland

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    [From Introduction] Mental health problems are among the most important contributors to the global burden of disease and disability. Of the ten leading causes of disability worldwide, five are psychiatric conditions: unipolar depression, alcohol use, bipolar affective disorder (manic depression), schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The burden of mental disorders on health and productivity throughout the world has long been profoundly underestimated.2 The impact of mental health problems in the workplace has serious consequences not only for the individuals whose lives are influenced either directly or indirectly, but also for enterprise productivity. Mental health problems strongly influence employee performance, rates of illnesses, absenteeism, accidents, and staff turnover. The workplace is an appropriate environment in which to educate and raise individuals\u27 awareness about mental health problems. For example, encouragement to promote good mental health practices, provide tools for recognition and early identification of the symptoms of problems, and establish links with local mental health services for referral and treatment can be offered. The need to demystify the topic and lift the taboos about the presence of mental health problems in the workplace while educating the working population regarding early recognition and treatment will benefit employers in terms of higher productivity and reduction in direct and in-direct costs. However, it must be recognised that some mental health problems need specific clinical care and monitoring, as well as special considerations for the integration or reintegration of the individual into the workforce

    Mental Health in the Workplace: Situation Analyses, Germany

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    [From Introduction] The ILO’s primary goals regarding disability are to prepare and empower people with disabilities to pursue their employment goals and facilitate access to work and job opportunities in open labour markets, while sensitising policy makers, trade unions and employers to these issues. The ILO’s mandate on disability issues is specified in the ILO Convention 159 (1983) on vocational rehabilitation and employment. No. 159 defines a disabled person as an individual whose prospects of securing, retaining, and advancing in suitable employment are substantially reduced as a result of a duly recognised physical or mental impairment. The Convention established the principle of equal treatment and employment for workers with disabilities

    Short-Term Labour Market Outlook and Key Challenges in G20 Countries

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    [Excerpt] The latest available forecasts from the IMF and the OECD point to a weak uptick in economic activity in 2013 and 2014. This will continue to hold back short-term employment growth and hinder progress towards the medium-term objective of restoring the employment to working-age population ratio prevailing before the crisis. Persistently high and mainly cyclical unemployment in several G20 countries is heightening the risks of labour market exclusion and structural unemployment. In over half of countries, the share of longterm unemployment in total unemployment remains above its pre-crisis level. Overall slower economic growth in emerging economies in the last 12 months is weighing on the growth of rewarding and productive formal employment and on the pace of decline in working poverty and underemployment. The situation calls for strong and well-designed employment, labour and social protection policies applied in conjunction with supportive macroeconomic policy mixes to address the underlying demand and supply conditions of each economy. Only a few emerging and advanced countries, applying different policy mixes, have sustained or raised employment levels and seen a decline in unemployment and underemployment. In a majority of G20 countries labour market conditions have either improved only marginally or not improved and deteriorated, at times significantly so. This bears heavily on the underlying strength of the recovery

    How the Educated Unemployed Youth in Ghana and Sri Lanka Use their Time

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    SUMMARY Field research in Ghana and Sri Lanka explored how the educated unemployed in the 15–24 age group use their time; this yields implications for social development policy. Most of the youth are not idle, but use much of their time helping their families, seeking work and doing casual labour. The country differences and similarities in these activities are examined. Suggested policy options include: a process of adjustment to available occupations—especially self?employment; readjustment of the reward system; and assisting as well as involving the family, on whom most educated youth depend when unemployed. RESUMEN Como emplea su tiempo la juventud educada sin empleo en Ghana y Sri Lanka La investigación sobre el terreno en Ghana y Sri Lanka exploró el empleo del tiempos entre los desempleados educados en el grupo de edad de los 15 a los 24 años; esto permitió llegar a conclusiones sobre la política de desarrollo social. La mayoría de los jóvenes no están ociosos, sino que utilizan gran parte de su tiempo ayudando a sus familias, buscando trabajo y haciendo empleos fortuitos. Se examinan las diferencias y semejanzas por países en estas actividades. Las alternativas de política que se sugieren incluyen: un proceso de adjuste a las ocupaciones disponibles, especialmente el autoempleo; el reajuste del sistema de compensación y la ayuda a la familia. RESUME Comment let jeunes chômeurs instruits du Ghana et du Sri Lanka passent leur temps Des recherches sur le terrain au Ghana et au Sri Lanka ont été réalisées pour savoir comment les jeunes chômeurs instruits de 15 à 24 ans utilisent leur temps; ces recherches fournissent des données pour une politique de développement social. La plupart de ces jeunes ne restent pas oisifs, ils passent la plus grande partie de leur temps à aider leur famille, à chercher du travail et à travailler par intermittence comme manoeuvre. L'auteur examine les différences et les similarités entre les pays pour ce qui est de ces activités. Il suggère divers politiques possibles dont: un processus d'adaptation aux occupations disponibles, surtout dans le secteur indépendant; révision du système de rémunération; aider et faire participer la famille

    Mental Health and Work: Impact, Issues and Good Practices

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    [From Introduction] There is growing evidence of the global impact of mental illness. Mental health problems are among the most important contributors to the burden of disease and disability worldwide. Five of the 10 leading causes of disability worldwide are mental health problems. They are as relevant in low-income countries as they are in rich ones, cutting across age, gender and social strata. Furthermore, all predictions indicate that the future will see a dramatic increase in mental health problems

    The ending of southern Africa's tripartite dream: the cases of South Africa, Namibia and Mozambique

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    This article examines the rise and decline of tripartite experiments in southern Africa, focusing on South Africa, Mozambique and Namibia, where tripartism emerged as part of the broader processes of democratisation and embedding democratic institutions. Why did these experiments largely fail to achieve the gains for labour that might have been anticipated? In each case, the lack of success can be ascribed to the ecosystemic dominance of neo-liberalism, returning growth fuelled by higher commodities prices, the changing structure of elites, dominant partyism, and structural weaknesses in both organised business and the labour movement

    Teaching Index Numbers to economists

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    Economic statistics are frequently reported in the form of index numbers. This article considers how the field of Index Numbers should be approached in the teaching of a general economic degree. While the topic finds a natural home in statistics modules, it is emphasised that the area can also be referred to in the teaching of other areas of economics. It is also emphasised that the differences between Index Numbers theory and the practice of compiling economic statistics such as inflation can help students gain a better understanding of applied economic statistics. Methods for assessing learning in the area are also considered and available material to support teaching is also summarised

    Challenge and co-operation: civil society activism for access to HIV treatment in Thailand.

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    Civil society has been a driving force behind efforts to increase access to treatment in Thailand. A focus on HIV medicines brought civil society and non-governmental and government actors together to fight for a single cause, creating a platform for joint action on practical issues to improve care for people with HIV/AIDS (PHA) within the public health system. The Thai Network of People with HIV/AIDS, in partnership with other actors, has provided concrete support for patients and for the health system as a whole; its efforts have contributed significantly to the availability of affordable generic medicines, early treatment for opportunistic infections, and an informed and responsible approach towards antiretroviral treatment that is critical to good adherence and treatment success. This change in perception of PHA from 'passive receiver' to 'co-provider' of health care has led to improved acceptance and support within the healthcare system. Today, most PHA in Thailand can access treatment, and efforts have shifted to supporting care for excluded populations